laurikaaa · 3 months
Could you make an Enmu story? <3
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This is one of my first works and English is not my first language but I still tried I hope you enjoy :)
Warnings:stalking, murder mention, breaking into a house (for this part) read at your own risk!
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Demons and humans are like oil and water, they simply don’t mix.
Demons feast on humans, they are considered heartless creatures that will eat anything and absolutely anything when they are hungry. Parents, siblings, spouses , everyone they can get to.
There was never really a time where a demon had any interest in a human partners. The only one with a human as their wife was muzan kibutsuji himself ,and even then there was no real love.
The human woman and child were nothing more than a simple disguise to not get caught by the slayers as quick.
That was the only time when a demon married a human up until now.
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you lived alone ,often wishing you had some company therefore you got yourself a puppy.
The puppy was an adorable chow chow by the name of Rosie, you loved Rosie like she was your child but still couldn’t help but crave the company and touch of something…more human.
Yes you did have some friends but they weren’t very good to you,always leaving you out and ignoring you, but atleast you still had your precious Rosie, and some pretty cool hobbies.
You were a very creative individual enjoying arts and crafts, one of your favourites was photography.
Absolutely loving photography meant you had your own camera, which took a while to save up for but now that you have it you’re the happiest, whenever you couldn’t sleep or were just bored your go to hobby was to go outside to capture the beauty of the world, and that’s what you were going to do right now.
You were currently walking around with Rosie and the camera in hand taking pictures of things like flowers, plants, insects or really anything that had caught your attention or you thought was worth capturing with your camera.
As you were taking your hundredth picture of some flowers all of a sudden Rosie starts looking around before running somewhere while barking.
“Hey! Rosie, come back where are you going?!”
You called out to your beloved puppy to come back but with no avail, she kept on running with her short paws.
Obviously you start chasing after your beloved companion like anyone would, and just as Rosie stops you see how scared she looks, she seems to be looking at a house. Their lights were on, strange…At this time at night?
But well you simply assumed they had the same issue as you and just weren’t able to sleep and looked at Rosie.
“Come on baby let’s go back home now…and don’t run away like that again…”
You lean down to pet the dog before starting to walk back into the direction of your house with Rosie walking at your side still clearly distraught and your precious camera in hand. But there was something you did not quite realise.
The people in that house just so happened to be a demons meal that night. And that demon was outside in the bushes and he seen you, he looked at you and watched your every move and something about you made him want to see more of you.
So while you are walking back with your furry friend you don’t realise there is a little someone following you, well of corse Rosie notices and keeps on barking but you just dismiss it as her wanting to go back to check that house.
Once you arrive back at your comfortable home ,you take fix Rosie’s blanket she usually rests on before petting her and saying goodnight. Then you lay comfortably in your futon and close your tired eyes.
While yours are closed you don’t realise there is a pair watching you and your precious dog.
The sliding door of your house gets slightly open, which obviously you don’t hear as you are asleep and a pair of blue eyes peeks in with Kanji inside saying ‘lower one’ .
“Hm?…it’s them~”
The figure behind the door says just as Rosie starts barking, notifying you of the intruder.
You wake up and look at her and notice she is asleep and look around to see no one there. And of corse you’re extremely tired after being awakened from your sleep so you lay back down and close your eyes once again, falling asleep quickly.
The figure re-enters and goes inside this time. He then sits in front of your futon and watches you sleep.
He tucks your hair behind your ear before a faint smile appears on his face showing off his sharp fangs he was using to tear apart those humans in the house…and yet he didn’t want to do that to you, not yet at least.
He just continues staring before speaking In soft voice
“You’re an interesting human~”
“You’re not waking up?…that’s strange..well you must be having a really good dream then~ you humans are so silly…”
He leans closer to your face and looks at your peaceful expression
“You look so cute and peaceful I want to ruin it..”
The figure said with a hint of sadism in his voice and a slight giggle after ,before getting up and leaving
“You’re an interesting human…I will be back ~”
He stands up and walks out leaving your door wide open, because he couldn’t care less about being respectful. He was a demon he didn’t care for some mere humans wishes and what they think is acceptable or not.
This is part 1 of the fanfic requested you can expect more soon!♡´・ᴗ・`♡
I really apologise for any mistakes, English is not my first language
I hope you have a good day/ night!(^‿^✿)
Word count:900
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20 notes · View notes
laurikaaa · 3 months
| YANDERE GOJO / “you’re the only one who makes me feel like I am not just a tool |
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This is my first time writing and English is not my first language so I apologise if it’s bad or there is any mistakes (٥⁀▽⁀ )
| Warnings: gojo is very manipulative in this , there is mentions of blood , corpses, mould, murder, slight choking, reader hits their head and gojo acts quite stern and as mentioned before very manipulative so read at your own risk! |
Yandere gojo x GN! Reader
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Yandere satoru would usually be quite lenient with you. He would be usually very patient with no matter what you did, but there is always an exception to the rule.
He wouldn’t get annoyed at things like you refusing to eat, he would always be patient about that. Same if you decided not to accept his hugs and affection, he would just whine about it. And if his precious darling decided to be a brat that day and be snarky he actually found it quite cute how much they were trying to annoy him.
But there was one thing he just could not let his precious do, there was one him that made him seethe with rage. That one thing being his gorgeous little pet trying to run from him…well maybe another thing that made him upset was you looking in anyone’s direction other than his when he occasionally took you outside when you’re good for him. But his perfect darling trying to get away from him and would always make him blinded with rage.
And today you, his gorgeous pet decided it would be a good idea to try to run.
When he was away getting you your favourite sweet treats in hopes of making his darling happy you decided it would be a smart idea to try and get away, which sadly didn’t work out for you.
Right in this moment you were hiding in a forest close to him house, you were hiding behind a tree currently as if that would ever save you.
“My darling. If you don’t come out on the count of three.”
But you stayed still, you didn’t come out. You somehow believed he didn’t notice you and hiding was safer.
Then all you can hear is the sound of gojo approaching where you are hiding before feeling a big hand grip your wrist and him looking at you with those blue eyes of his.
he did not say a word in the entire time he was dragging you back to his luxurious home ,which scared you. It terrified you actually, you felt so uncomfortable considering how silly and clingy he is around you.
“Toru I-I…“
You said trying to get out of the uncomfortable silence, you even used his nickname he would usually jump in joy in if he heard.
But then you were met with a cold and stern look from his icy azure eyes.
“Toru I-I…stop stuttering, you really and I mean really annoyed me today, and your stuttering makes me want to rip your throat out. Stop acting as if you didn’t screw up angel.”
Satoru said mocking you and your stutters, you never see him like this no matter how much food you knock out of his hands,How much times you try and get on his nerves, and it was scaring you badly.
Just as you two were approaching his front door he opens it aggressively and pushes you inside harshly and you hit your pretty head off the handrail.
Normally you getting hurt would nearly cause the poor man a heart attack but in the current moment he was so upset he couldn’t care less whether his darling was injured or not. All that mattered right now if that they went against his wishes and tried to abandon him, after everything he done for you he was so disappointed in his little pet.
Feeling your head hit off the handrail made you tear up as it hurt quite badly considering how strongly he pushed you, but those little tears were nothing compared to those once he shows you how displeased he is with your actions and defying him, going against his wishes and orders.
Satoru locks the door securely before grabbing your wrist again and pulling you up to stand up before dragging you up the stairs to his your bedroom.
Once you reach the room he locks it with one of the many keys he has on him, he needs every key for every door and window so his perfect darling doesn’t try to escape just like you foolishly tried just now.
Then satoru proceeds to pin you to the wall while his gorgeous blue eyes stare right through your soul, you never seen him like this, it makes you so uncomfortable you can’t help but start crying.
“No angel. Don’t cry now. Not after disobeying me like this.”
Your tears continue to run down your cheeks while you look at his with that pathetic look in your eyes, usually when you cry he always says how it breaks his heart. But not right now, not when his darling so shameless broke his rules.
You said trying to choke out an apology to your pretty kidnapper boyfriend but due to your tears and the fear of how cold he is is making it difficult for your pretty lips to utter your pathetic excuse for an apology. Because after all ,if you were actually sorry just like you were last time you wouldn’t have done it this time.
“T-toru…I-i-i….i am so sorry…I didn’t mean-“
“Save it pretty, you’re being punished regardless of your meaningless words.”
You could feel the nasty feeling in your tummy get worse and you paled a little scared of what his punishment for you might be, that was right before he wrapped his hand around your neck
“T-toru …p-please, don’t be like this…I-i am-“
But you didn’t get to finish your sentence as you felt your consciousness slipping away.
Next thing you knew you woke up in a dark place, his basement…it reeked in there. No. Even that wasn’t enough to describe the sickening smell of corpses and mould. Not even mentioning how mentally disturbed you would be after this, those corpses were of every single boy that dared look your way or that you were previously acquaintances with and you sat there shaking and staring at the rotting away corpses while maggots ate away away at their bodies.
The worst part was that there was a dim lightbulb lighting the room which made you see all the corpses and bugs on the ground including the blood and filth, but unfortunately for you the switch for the light is on the other side of the basement door and satoru locked the door just as always.
For the rest of the day you were curled up your face in your knees while crying.
While satoru was sitting on your shared bed staring at a wall thinking everything that happened over. He is feeling lonely without his precious pet beside him throwing another hissy fit over not wanting to go to bed or cuddle with him.
He then remembers how you hit your precious head against the handrail, and how your pretty body fell against him after he choked you a little, just enough to make you unconscious. Thinking about it makes him feel an ache in his heart on how could he ever treat his perfect darling that way and how blinded he was by his rage…it made the poor man hate himself he wanted to die for making his darling suffer.
Then he decided to get up and end his pets punishment early and apologise to them for hurting them. He went down to the basement door and took his keys out.
As you sat there crying still in the same position you could hear the lock click and there revealed himself your pretty ‘boyfriend’.
You look up at the blue eyed male with a pathetic and adorable look in your eyes, with your pink cheeks being tear stained.
The sight was a cute but also pained satoru to see you crying like this
He said as he walked down the stairs looking at your vulnerable and disturbed expression before picking you up in a bridal carry.
“Are you tired my angel?..”
You simply nod looking into his eyes, feeling both happy and relieved he will be taking you out of this awful place.
Satoru carries his pretty lover to their shared bedroom before closing the door behind them with one hand, then you can feel your body get placed on the soft silky bedsheets. Still very shaken up after your inhumane punishment.
Just then he leans down and looks into your eyes
“Are you sleepy my gorgeous?..”
You once again nod, this is the time you would usually throw a fit after being asked that and forced to lay in the bed. But this time, you simply didn’t dare…you would much rather be enveloped in the soft covers you share with him every night so he can hold you right just so you don’t ever leave him, than he locked up with the corpses.
Seeing how sweet and obedient you are being he gently helps you out of your clothes ,while you stay still, too traumatised sweet in the current moment to try to fight back. He then gives you some underwear that he bought you and his shirt before getting under the covers with you and laying on his side to face you.
You can feel his long arms wrap around you while he puts his face close to yours.
“Angel…you know I love you so so much right?…”
His soft whisper is met with your silence
“You would never find anyone who loves you more than I do, I think we both know you’re nothing without me precious…I-i really don’t want to hurt you gorgeous but you know I am afraid next time you leave I might not be in control of my actions.”
“You forgive me for being so harsh don’t you?…I would hate if you were upset with me still…”
“My dear angel”
“You’re the only one that makes me feel like I am more than just a tool.”
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Sorry for any mistakes I wrote this quite quickly and didn’t check over it much
I hope you enjoyed and have a good day/night (≧◡≦) ♡
Word count: 1686
213 notes · View notes