some girl
127 posts
Random ramblings and rants
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lauranyx · 2 months ago
Gentle reminder to myself
You are loved
You deserve nice things
Youre doing alright
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lauranyx · 2 months ago
New year new rant lol
So! My lolo asked me (as a favor mind you) to transfer his laundry from the washer to the dryer after its done right? I said yes, of course as a hood granddaughter does. We were meant to leave for the grocery soon after. So i went back to my room to chill and wait for it. Then my tita asked me to check something for work so i worked on that first cuz priorities right? Some time passes (more than what the washer needed to finish) so my lolo goes to my room to ask if i transferred his laundry. I said not yet since i was still working but ig cuz i didnt give my full attention to him and went back to working without explaining he just left my room. Then i hear the door to the laundry room slam. So i go to check cuz concern is a thing. He’s then angrily putting his laundry from washer to dryer. I said I’ll do it but then he just angrily continues while kinda mumbling something. Afterwards he leaves (again angrily and almost slammed the door but i was holding it already so it didnt anymore) and went to cool off ig while waiting for the car to come out.
Bruh is so strict about his schedules i cant even
Like yes respect time and shit but damn mehn its just laundry
A couple extra minutes wet wont change much
And yes i understand that we were leaving soon but also its just to the grocery?? Its not that important to leave “on time” when his initial time of 1015 still had his laundry being washed in the machine
Ugh smh
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lauranyx · 4 months ago
Lmao so my parents and tito kinda freaked out cuz of my ai generated letter that didn’t use female pronouns when referring to myself
Ofc me being the accepting shit that i am didnt see it as a grammatical error anymore when i proofread the letter
But for the elder generation, they’re still particular about these things which is fair but like idk it felt like an overreaction to the possible idea that i would refer to myself as they/them 🤷‍♀️
My mom especially was so concerned if i thought of myself as non binary
A little side context i was awoken from a 4hr nap by their call so in my defense, wasn’t really thinking of it much when i said i didn’t see the problem with the pronouns ‘their’ being used to refer to myself. I was just.. there’s a pronoun what more do you want i cant think of shit rn
So just to make things clear I’m a she/her gal but i don’t particularly mind they/them unless it’s not clear that I’m the one being referred to when using those pronouns 🤷‍♀️ mehn words are meh. He/him is definitely a no
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lauranyx · 4 months ago
I finally found out the term PMDD (premenstrual dysphoric disorder) and it made me so emotional (like running tears emotional) cuz i hardcore relate to it once i read the symptons
Ty bestfren for giving me a label to my monthly Bad Thoughts ™️ premens
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lauranyx · 4 months ago
I was
Having r e v e l a t i o n s today~
So its my monthly “i wanna die” phase cuz periods (ugh)
I wanted to take note of the shit that i was spewing out my mouth but my brain be rotting and forgetting everything so here i am hoping to kick start the memory card up in there🫤
Something about wanting to die but suicide be looked down upon,, feeling used and abused and just letting myself be in that situation because its being done by family,, shtuff like that idk
I cried a bit and hoped ranting to the void would help (it both did and didnt so whatevs)
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lauranyx · 5 months ago
Another thing that happened yday before i realized i was pmsing
So my tita asked if i wanted anything from the states so I asked for either a oversized hoodie or a scented candle
She got me an open knit sweater
Kinda annoying considering its not even the same type of clothing i asked for 🤦‍♀️
I just- what was the point of asking what i wanted if youre gonna diss on my hope and expectations like this
Id rather u just not get me anything honestly
Im still grateful but shit mehn it feels like my thoughts/ideas werent even a consideration; like what i wanted was irrelevant
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lauranyx · 5 months ago
Ayt now i know why i was so emotional yday
Just got my period today 🫤
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lauranyx · 5 months ago
God im such a fucken masochist
Im reading such a depressing fic while in a bad mental state and its just exacerbating the negative vibes i have going on
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lauranyx · 5 months ago
Wtf im so hurt
So my dad went to that states for vacay and he asked me what i wanted
Im simple so i said i just wanted oreos (and later on i also said a rain jacket cuz practicality in a tropical country that rains so often)
And like i know he said he got some for me when he came back but i couldnt find it
So i asked our fam gc about it and my mom goes
Oh dont think he got u any cuz one box is with us and another to my brother but like wtf im just excluded from this one thing you all know that i like???? Hello??
So here i am having a break down and needing to release my frustration. I am legit in tears, bawling
Like cannot see my keyboard properly cuz of blurry my eyesight is but autocorrect is a thing so whatever
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lauranyx · 6 months ago
So i was searching about pms right? Both pre- and post- cuz i mainly notice the post for myself
And like
Both symptoms could last up to 2 wks??!
So, potentially, there are women out there suffering basically everyday until their period actually starts and get another dose of suffering for the duration of their mens… bruh this is just sad
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lauranyx · 6 months ago
Ughh so many times ppl ask me things but dont believe me when i answer
Wtf was the point of asking if u won’t trust my answers
Wasting my breath 😒
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lauranyx · 7 months ago
Im so lonely but i also feel like id be a bother to my friends if i reach out. I dont like feeling like a burden. I could ask but im not the type to so silent suffering it is
And making new friends are such a hassle and terrifying
Why couldnt i have made a connection in schl 😔 i would like my own person who i can share anything and everything with. My go to comfort and joy 😟 (kinda pressuring for whoever thatll be but im needy so meh)
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lauranyx · 7 months ago
Ooooh i just got ticked off
Had a long day
Was denied removal of my stitches because the first hospital— the closer one to where i live— dont allow that if i didnt get my stitches from them then the hospital i did get the stitches from couldn’t accommodate me cuz the staff that are allowed to do it are on holiday (fuck philippine independence)
Then i had to pick up my titas phone from her schl cuz she left it there the other day and since i went to the area cuz of the hospital, she asked me to pick it up for her. Problem here was that i had to wait like a half hour cuz the staff in schl were out
While waiting i went to a nearby mall and bought some..
(I stopped midway writing this and now its been over a month so i wont remember everything as clearly anymore but ill try to continue where i left off)
So i bought some cleaning supplies for the car. Specifically a rag? But like it was supposed to be leather? Or at least thats what the driver wanted. I’ll get back to this later. After buying the goods i was finally able to get my titas phone.
When i got back home, i gave the driver the rag and motherfucker tells me its wrong. Im so irritated by this point (internally only) cuz its such a waste of money. He ended up buying another rag which i had to reimburse and thats what irritates me. Like fucken just use the shit given to you or pat for it yourself ughhhh but im fucken pushover so i just paid for it. But its just so aggravating to deal with
So there. Thats all i can remember from this day.
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lauranyx · 9 months ago
Life update
A little late but there arent any date stamps anyways so whatevs
Anywho! So last wk i got a minor operation on my left side
What we all thought was just fat or lymphoma was apparently a cyst (benign tho so we guds) the only reason y i even got the operation was cuz it grew from the last time i took note of it (hs and uni) so yuh
Frustrated a bit by the minimal movement
Im finally allowed to have the stitches removed but bcuz I’m busy today I’ll have to delay it to tom
Ugh i hope this doesn’t take too long to heal completely; i miss being able to move and stretch freely
Funny tho how everyone around me forgets i was cut open just a wk ago so they’re mildly surprised when i have to turn down physical activities smh 🤦‍♀️😂😂
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lauranyx · 10 months ago
So i got sick
Started 2 nights ago
I felt my throat kinda hurting then getting a cough
Me being me, ofc i didnt say anything so when my dad asked me if i wanted to run w him the next morning I grudgingly said sure. This might have made my condition worse
I dont actually know🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
Anyway, i just wanted to rant that ok yea im not really saying how i feel in terms of this illness but like its so disheartening to hear everybody dismiss my condition just cuz i dont have a fever. Like bruh if i have a fever that means my body is fighting for my fucken life already
Right now my body is fucken winning. Doesnt mean i dont feel like shit
But again im not disclosing how i feel so partly my fault but geez what kinda family does that smh 😒
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lauranyx · 10 months ago
So pissed
So i was having some me time in my room and i left my door unlocked cuz i thought this family practices what they preach and knocks on doors AND waits for a response before opening doors but apparently not so this mf just barges into my room while im tryna feel good. Its a damn good thing i still have most of my clothes
But seriously wtf
Where are the manners?? Its Y O U R generation thats so picky about that and teaching that shit but u dont even practice it?! Ugh
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lauranyx · 10 months ago
Yo?? I really need help w my phone addiction?
Such a struggle to be a productive, responsible member of society when the black mirror is calling 😮‍💨 🤦‍♀️
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