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How to Emotionally Process A Divorce
My post about things no one tells you about divorce is one of the most popular posts on my blog consistently. It has been for years now, so today I wanted to write another article just for those who are going through it.
Are you just starting your divorce process? Are you recently divorced? Either way, I bet you find yourself feeling all the feelings.
If you are the one who initiated it, you’re likely questioning your decision and if it was the right thing to do. Especially if you have a kiddo or multiple kiddos.
If you aren’t the one who initiated it, you’re probably wondering what you did wrong. Or you don’t understand what is happening or WHY it is happening to you.
Either way, you’re thinking “it wasn’t supposed to be this way.” I know because I’ve been there. In fact, I’ve been there twice. I got divorced twice before I turned 28.
What if I told you it is possible to come out of this thing totally okay? What if I told you that you can even come out of it thriving? Would you believe me?
I turned both my divorces into learning experiences and you can too. Divorce is looked at as being a very negative experience. It can be that way if that is what you choose.
But I’ll offer you something different today. I want to offer that you can also choose to see it as an opportunity for growth. That is what I did.
“But how can I do that when I am so hurt/worried/questioning?” I will show you where to start today.
Step #1: Dealing With Feelings
It is totally normal to feel everything at first. Whether you choose divorce or not, you will have a lot of feelings. You’ll probably have sadness and confusion and worry. All of that is normal – you aren’t a robot!
You can feel those feelings, but the trick is not letting them consume you. How do you do that? You gain control of your brain and your thoughts.
Step #2: Gaining Control Of Your Mind
Getting control of your mind takes a lot of hard work, but it is possible. It is important to be intentional about all your thoughts during this time.
Being intentional means you are controlling your thoughts and feelings versus letting them control you (unintentional).
Most people do not do this – most people let their thoughts and feelings control them and they don’t realize that they are the ones in control of their brain!
Get out some paper or open up a Google doc, and let’s do a quick journaling project.
#1. Ask yourself “What are the facts of this situation?”
Facts are something that cannot be denied and that are able to be proven. The fact is that you are getting a divorce. (It doesn’t matter who wanted it.)
2. Ask yourself “What are my thoughts on getting divorced?”
Be sure you are clear that these are thoughts on the actual divorce. Not thoughts about your soon-to-be ex. Not thoughts about your children. What are your real thoughts about getting divorced?
Some example thoughts:
I never expected to get a divorce.
I don’t want this divorce.
I want this divorce.
3. Ask yourself “What are my feelings on getting a divorce?” Feelings are not thoughts so don’t get them confused. Feelings are actual feelings: fear, worry, sadness, etc. Choose only 1-2 feelings for this journaling project.
4. Write down the MAIN action you are taking from the above feelings? Ex. Are you lashing out at people? Are you too sad to do anything? Are you feeling stuck and doing nothing? Write it out in one sentence.
5. Write down the result you are going to get from doing that action. Ex. Hurting other peoples’ or your kids’ feelings. Falling behind at work or at home. Thought looping and getting nowhere.
Here are some examples for you to consider:
Unintentional Example:
Fact: I am getting divorced.
Thought: I don’t want this divorce.
Feeling: Devastated, Hurt
Action: I don’t get out of bed. I blame others for my feelings.
Result: I fall behind at work and at home. I stay hurt and depressed.
Intentional Example:
Fact: I am getting divorced.
Thought: This is a fresh start for me.
Feeling: Hopeful
Action: I look forward to new experiences & learning new things about myself.
Result: I create a new, better life for myself (and family, if applicable).
Now, the most important part! Ask yourself what you want to get out of this.
If you are choosing to get divorced, it’s likely you’ve already thought of this.
It is possible that, right now, you want to choose to feel bad, regardless of if you chose divorce or not. That is an option for you and it is okay to do (for a period of time).
But how would it feel if you decided that this was actually good for you? How would it feel if you decided to learn from this? How would it feel to not let this rule your life and let it consume you?
I want to offer that you can choose to move past the hurt. After you’ve mourned the loss of your marriage, you can choose something different for yourself.
I know, because I did it.
I chose to be happier. I chose to spend time with close friends and family. I chose to be alone and totally okay with it. I chose to read new books and watch new tv shows.
I tried new hobbies. I had new experiences. I traveled alone. And you know what? It was totally amazing.
Nothing is off the table for you. You can think and do whatever you want. You are brave and you are resilient. You will come out of this better than you were yesterday.
It is work, but it is rewarding work. You will be better for it.
Ready to feel better? Want to continue this work? Download my free workbook and get started today!
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How to Keep Your Dog Safe & Calm During Fireworks
Fireworks are fun for humans, but not-so-much for our furry besties sometimes! We are lucky that Sassy doesn’t really care about them, but many dogs get really scared.
Here is how you can keep your dog safe & calm during 4th of July celebrations!
#1. Keep them indoors.
The best thing you can do is keep your pup inside during the holiday if they are scared. This will reduce their stress and it also gives you peace of mind that they are safe. It reduces the likelihood that they will run off if they get scared of the loud bangs.
#2. Use a thunder shirt.
Thundershirts and jackets are great for anxiety and can help during fireworks sometimes too. Be sure your dog is already used to the shirt or they may associate the shirt with fireworks.
#3. Turn on the tv, soothing music or a fan.
Background noise in your home can help drown out those loud bursts of noise your pup is so sensitive to!
#4. Exercise your pup early in the day.
Wear your pup out with a run or walk during the day or play with them extra so they get sleepy and worn out. If they are tired and you are drowning out the noise, they may just sleep right through all those fireworks!
#5. Close curtains and blinds.
If you find the fireworks are very close, you can try closing your curtains and blinds. By not seeing the fireworks, your dog won’t be overstimulated. Since dogs are sensitive to sights and sounds, they can seem a little less scary not seeing what is creating all that racket.
#6. Distract your dog.
Play with them indoors or use a mentally stimulating toy to get them focused on something other than what is going on outside your house. There are all sorts of levels of difficulty and size options on these types of toys.
#7. Keep them close.
Stay near your pup and give them extra pets and cuddles if they want to be near you. Being close to you is likely soothing and if your dog is afraid, you should really stay home with them. The last thing you want is your furbaby to be home scared and alone. If keeping them calm means you staying home, well, that’s what you signed up for when you got a pup!
#8. Be sure microchip and ID tags are up-to-date.
In case of an emergency, be sure to have a recent photo of your dog and that their ID’s are all up to date.
We hope this helps you have a safer and happier 4th! An upset pup is not fun for anyone!
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6 Questions Husky Owners Always Ask
We are a member of a lot of husky groups and we also get a lot of questions since we have a Husky. If we’ve learned anything, we’ve learned that people will always ask you about your Husky when you are out and about!
Husky owners always tend to have the same questions about their Huskies too. We see these questions constantly online, so we decided to do a post about it today.
Here are the top 6 questions Husky owners always have about their Huskies!
#1. How long can I leave my Husky at home?
Huskies are very pack-oriented pups which means they love to be with their families. This means they don’t really do that well when they are left alone for extensive periods of time.
If you are going to be gone more than 8 hours per day, a Husky is probably not for you. They have a lot of energy and love attention. If you aren’t home, you won’t be there to give them the attention they need.
This can manifest in doing things out of boredom or they can even develop separation anxiety. It’s best if you can be around your Husky and give them plenty of walkies and pets!
#2. Is my Husky big/small/thin/heavy enough?
Husky owners always worry about the size of their Husky. They want their Husky to be an appropriate size.
The truth is that the breed standard of Huskies is that males are 40-60 pounds and females are 35-50 pounds. Many people believe Huskies should be larger than they actually end up being. We had the same thought when it came to Sassy. Everyone always calls her small and while she is on the smaller end of the weight scale (at 38lbs.), she is perfectly healthy and at a breed standard weight.
If your Husky weighs more, it just means their mom or dad was probably a bit bigger. Not all Huskies will meet breed standard! As long as your pup is happy and eats normally, and checks out well with your vet, he or she is fine.
#3. Can you have other animals with Huskies?
The answer to this question varies. The short answer is yes. You can have other dogs and animals with Huskies.
It is best if you raise your dog with these animals, or that they’ve been around other animals if they are a rescue pup. Huskies like to play a lot and they like to play rough, so your other animal should learn this or come to expect it at least.
Sassy would be terrible around cats because she’s never been around them enough. But she is great with other dogs because she was socialized around them as a puppy.
Basically, it depends on how you raise your Husky, but it’s up to you.
#4. What is the best food for my Husky.
Honestly, the best food for your Husky is one that they do well on. Huskies are notorious for having sensitive stomachs. So if they are doing well and really liking the food you have them on, that is the best food for them.
We feed Sassy Whole Earth Foods and she does really well on it. Her coat is really shiny, but we went through about 3 other foods before we found one she did well on.
You know your Husky the best. As long as they are thriving, they are just fine.
Read also: What to Feed Your Husky
#5. Are huskies difficult to own?
No, but there is a learning curve to owning Huskies which is why many people say they shouldn’t necessarily be peoples’ first dogs.
You have to have a lot of understanding and patience with a Husky. You have to train them and know that they are Huskies. They will not behave 100% of the time ever.
They are super smart and can be trained to be very polite members of your household.
#6. They sleep in funny positions.
We always see people ask if it’s normal for their Husky to sleep in these crazy positions, and yes it’s totally normal!!
Huskies are super funny sleepers. They like to sleep on their backs on the floor. And they often get in very twisty positions, lol.
Sassy loves cool places that are close to us which means she’s often on the floor directly underneath us, lol.
So there you have it! The most popular questions about owning a Husky answered.
What questions do you always get or have about your Husky??
Read also: Is a Husky Right for You?
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8 Ways To Know If A Husky Right For You
Huskies are beautiful dogs, but many times people do not realize how much attention they actually require. They are not like some other dog breeds that can just hang out at your home and be content. Huskies require a lot of care and attention and if you can’t provide that, a Husky might not be for you.
Today, we are going to dive a little deeper into what life REALLY looks like with a Husky. Read on to see if you think this breed could be a fit for your family and make an educated decision!
Huskies thrive in a stable, happy household.
If you are living in an unstable, unreliable environment, a Husky is not for you. They require consistency and they thrive on routines. They are incredibly smart and intuitive, and they pick up on emotions very quickly.
Huskies require a LOT of attention & activity.
Imagine how much attention you think a Husky would require and times that by 10. For real. We read about Huskies being high maintenance and it is pretty true. They require a lot of love, physical care, and activity. They are definitely not for someone who doesn’t have a lot of time, isn’t home much, or doesn’t have much energy.
Sibes are often better for people who have already owned dogs.
Huskies are very free-spirited and resolute. If you have never owned a dog, you may find Huskies stubborn or difficult to train and deal with on a daily basis. This is not to say you can’t have a Sibe as your first dog, but you should be aware of what you’re getting into.
Huskies do well in households that adapt to them.
Huskies were bred to be sled dogs and so a lot of their behaviors that you’ll have to work with or train through can be found to be difficult or bad. You’ll have to learn how to train a Husky and it’ll be different from training any other dog.
You may have to turn your AC down a degree or two so your Husky is more comfortable in your home. You may have to consider hiring a dog walker so your Husky can get exercise while you are at work.
You have to remember that you are bringing a Husky into your life, not the other way around, so it’s up to you to accommodate him or her as best you can.
Huskies do great in family environments.
This doesn’t mean single people can’t have Huskies – hundreds of thousands do – but Huskies are pack animals through and through. They thrive on being a member of a pack and so they do really well in families.
As you should with any other dog, be sure everyone in your family agrees on getting a Husky. It can be difficult if a child is afraid or not enthusiastic about a Husky.
My son was afraid of Sassy at first, even as a puppy. Through some reading and controlled encounters, we were able to get him past it. He and Sassy have a great relationship today and he looks forward to seeing her when he is at our house.
Huskies are not guard dogs.
If you are looking for a guard dog, get a German Shepard. Huskies are not guard dogs. They are super outgoing and friendly! They often love strangers and they rarely bark.
Siberians can be expensive.
You will have a purchase or adoption fee to start out, but there are many other costs involved with owning a Husky. Siberians have certain nutritional requirements and can require a higher-priced food. Boarding fees, vet fees, and training classes all should be considered along with crates, grooming equipment, and regular medication.
Huskies shed. A lot.
A Husky might not be for you if you want your house to be spotless at all times. Huskies require frequent grooming by their owners. You have to brush them regularly and sometimes twice a day if they are blowing their coats. Even if you do brush them, they still shed everywhere. Say goodbye to wearing black and say hello to your vacuum!
Even though they require a lot of brushing and combing, Huskies are a very clean breed and rarely require baths. They do not have the typical ‘dog smell’ most dogs have which can make for a less stinky home.
I hope this post has helped you become more knowledgeable about owning a Siberian Husky. If you have ANY doubts about getting a Husky, it is better to not get one than to return it or have it end up in a shelter or even worse, homeless. Huskies can live up to 15 years so they are a true commitment, just like any other dog… except they are more independent.
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6 Ways to Make the First Night With Your New Puppy Easier
The first night at home can be scary for both puppies and their owners. The puppies are in an unfamiliar place and the owners are nervous about being in charge of such a precious little pup! I remember it very well. You just want to make sure your pup is as comfortable as possible.
Let’s focus on how you can make the first night (and few week easier on yourself and your puppy)!
Get Active
Before turning in for the night, be sure to take your puppy for a walk and to get some play time in so your puppy can settle down a bit easier.
Take Time Off
In order to get off on the right paw, we recommend taking the first day or two to be at home with your pup. This will help you both get settled in and will give you time to being bonding with your puppy.
Your puppy will be scared her first few days in your home and that is normal. It is helpful if she realizes you aren’t going anywhere and you are going to be there for her.
Arrange Your Pickup On A Friday
Try to arrange your pickup on Friday so you use the weekend to have even more time to help your puppy settle in.
Keep Your Home Quiet
Let your puppy settle in and get used to his/her new surroundings before inviting people over or starting a home improvement project. As I said, he or she will likely be kind of timid and scared still. Your pup is just getting to know you and you don’t want him/her startled by a gaggle of guests the first day.
Show Your Pup Her Crate (aka “Safe Spot”)
Establish boundaries by immediately introducing your puppy to her safe spot (her crate). Let your puppy explore it and eat in it. Put some treats in the crate so he or she enters it on their own. Sometimes it can help if you add a blanket over the top, but be careful that your puppy doesn’t somehow chew pieces off of it.
Be Prepared Mentally
Prepare your mind and your body physically. Realize that you likely won’t sleep and that the sleepless nights are only temporary.
Put yourself in your puppy’s shoes and think of how you would feel if you’d just been removed from a home you’d known since birth. You’d be unsure and curious too.
Be patient with your puppy and give him or her lots of love. Focus on your pup and learn about her. With time, you’ll be best friends and have your routine down pat!
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5 Ways to Keep Your Husky Cool in the Summer
We live in the Midwest and we can have some pretty toasty days during the spring and summer. We often have temperatures in the 90-100F levels. It can be challenging keeping our Husky both exercised and cool.
All dogs can suffer from extreme heat but Huskies in particular are at risk due to their heavy and oftentimes dark-colored coats. They are at an even higher risk of heat stress due to the fact that they are so high-energy and that dogs don’t sweat.
Today I’m digging into our go-to tactics and showing you how to keep a Husky cool in the summer!
1. Always keep water available.
Whether you are inside or outside with your Husky you always want to have cool water on-hand to keep them hydrated and help cool them down.
Add ice cubes to the water so it’s extra cold or give your Husky ice cubes directly. Sassy absolutely LOVES ice cubes inside or outside.
2. Let them rest in the shade.
After some play time, find a shady spot to let your Husky rest. Bonus points if there is less grass because dirt is actually cooler!
3. Get a kiddie pool.
Huskies actually love water, as long as they can get in on their own terms! Get your Husky a kiddie pool and fill it with water for him or her to splash around in during the heat of the summer.
Be sure to always dump the wading pool out after using it to keep it safe from excessive bacteria and bugs. And if you have a puppy, be sure to supervise him or her as they can easily drown, even in shallow water.
4. Purchase a self-cooling dog mat.
A self-cooling gel dog mat can be great for keeping your Husky cool. It is pressure activated and can “recharge” itself within 15-20 minutes so it can help re-cool your dog down frequently. It is portable so you can take it when you travel or anywhere you and your Husky go together!
5. Purchase a patio misting system.
Surprisingly affordable, the MistyMate Outdoor Misting Kit can keep your Husky cool on the hottest days. It assembles easily and Huskies love the cooling effect the fine mist has on them.
There ya have it! My go-to ways to ensure that your Husky stays happy and cool in the summer! I hope it helps you enjoy more of the summer with your heavy-coated bestie!
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10 Ways to Have Fun With Your Pup While Social Distancing
Humans aren’t the only ones getting bored with social distancing, their puppers are too! To be honest, I’m so tired of hearing the term social distancing, but it’s our new normal so might as well embrace it, right?! We have had to get pretty creative around our house trying new things and doing different things while we continue to shelter-in-place here in IL. Sassy enjoys having us home, but she gets bored too if she doesn’t do things. Dogs love interaction and love to have fun with you, so I thought I’d compile a list of the things we’ve been doing lately!
Go on extra walkies!!
Sassy has gotten more walkies during our time sheltering-in-place than ever! She has been loving it. It gets out a lot of that Husky energy and sets us up to have a relaxing evening!
Develop a route to take you pup and go on extra walkies while social distancing.
Play in the backyard.
If you have a big back yard like we do, there’s never been a better time to take advantage of it! Play ball, frisbee, and a game of chase, and your pup will be in heaven!
Give your pup a spa day.
While the groomers are closed, it’s a great idea to give your pup some extra pampering! Bathing your pup, brushing her out, and giving her a nail trim are all ways of doing an at-home doggy spa afternoon.
Do a fun doggy craft.
I love a good craft so while we were stuck inside I took advantage of some craft supplies I had been keeping for years and already had on hand to do some crafting with Sassy! Isn’t this adorable?! (Here’s how we did it!)
Arrange a virtual or social distancing play date with a friend.
Have a pup friend in the neighborhood? Arrange for them to come over and play in your yard with your dog! Our dog parks are closed here, but dog parks are a great option for this also!
Order your pup a few new toys.
Just like kiddos, dogs get bored with their toys. They love new toys and the smell of new toys! Order your pup a few new toys on Amazon or to pick-up curbside so they can have something new to play with. (See Sassy’s recommendations here!)
Bake your pup some treats.
Sassy loves homemade treats and I bet your pup would too! It doesn’t take hardly any time at all to whip up some cookies or pupcakes for your dog. We have a great dog cookie recipe here!
Make your dog a bandana.
Learning how to sew a dog bandana is super easy! If I can do it anyone can. Use material you have on-hand or order some from curbside pickup from your local craft store!
Assemble a photo album or scrapbook of your dog.
Get all your photos printed at your local CVS or Walgreens and then assemble a photo album or scrapbook of your pup. You will love going back through all the photos over and over again even after quarantine!
Create a post-quarantine/social distancing bucket list of fun dog ideas.
Coming up with a list of things you want to do with your pup when things start to go back to normal can be fun and give you hope. Plus, you’ll be super prepared when you can finally go out and do things!
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How to Create a Routine During Quarantine
I love a catchy topic title, so ya know I had to with this one!
Today, I thought I’d just get back to basics and share what our current routine looks like during our shelter-in-place. You may or may not know, but we live in southern Illinois and are currently not able to really go anywhere still. It’s been odd and interesting, to say the least.
I started working from home a few weeks ago and within the first few days, I realized #1 how important a routine was and #2 that I would have to go back to work at some point so I should probably not stray too far from my normal routine. That being said, for the first week, I did take advantage of sleeping in since normally I have a 45 minute commute. Sue me.
Both pets and humans thrive on routine though so here’s what I did to get Sassy and myself in a good groove at home (hubby is still commuting to his job because he cannot do his work remotely).
#1. Write down everything you want to accomplish for the day.
If you are like me, thinking of everything you have to do at home AND while working from home can be a bit overwhelming. The feeling of overwhelm doesn’t serve you, so you have to get rid of it. The only way to do that is to write down literally everything you need to do right now. Get a google doc going or get out a sheet of paper and get it all out of your brain.
#2. Put the items in slots on your calendar.
Using Google Calendar has literally changed my life. Putting everything I need to do in slots on my calendar has changed the way I do everything. It takes the decision of what to do away from your brain so you are dialed in and not floating from thing to thing. It is EPIC.
There are things I’ve started doing at certain times daily (like walking Sassy!) and I’m quickly creating new habits that I probably never would have if I was working from home before.
You have to start doing this (if you aren’t already).
#3. Do what your calendar says.
This is probably the hardest part of learning to use your new task-filled calendar. I want to skip ahead sometimes or, worse, avoid the task all together because it’s annoying (I’m looking at you laundry)! Don’t break promises to yourself – stay on task and when you check these items off your to-do list it feels SO good.
#4. Keep yourself motivated!
You’ll be tempted to feel bad about something if it took you too long or if you avoided doing it. Do yourself a favor and just don’t do that! Simply move the item to a new slot and don’t think anything negative about it. It really IS as simple as that too.
#5. Take breaks.
No one expects you to be a machine, especially right now. Be sure to pencil in a little time for yourself. It’s important to me to still take my lunch hour. When I do, I try to work on something fun like my blog or play a game on my phone (heavily into Pet Rescue Saga currently, lol).
#6. Give yourself grace.
This is something that is always hard for me, no matter what season of life I’m in. But giving yourself grace and wiggle room is totally OK. We are in uncharted waters – none of us have ever been through anything like this before really. At least not to the scale that this has come to. Hang in there and give your pup extra hugs and pets! We are all going to be OK, friend.
I hope this helps you get started creating a schedule that works for you and your family. I guarantee it will make you feel better & more productive!!
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How to Care for a Puppy When You Work Full Time
Getting a puppy when you work 9-5 can be stressful. Not only are you adding a furry new family member but you are also both getting used to each other. You’re also learning how to parent a puppy if you haven’t done that before and learning your puppy’s habits and cues. Having a puppy when you work a 9-5 is possible though with a little help and a lot of caffeine.
Creating a schedule.
This is priority #1 with a pup! Creating a schedule will make both you and your puppy’s lives a lot easier. If you have a partner, you can split puppy duties and take turns getting up throughout the night also.
When we got Sassy, my husband was on 2nd shift. Admittedly, that actually worked in our favor. He was able to be home with her during the day and I got up with her at night. It was hard at first to get up with her, but it got easier. However, he switched shifts a few months in so we had to make some schedule adjustments early on!
At the time, we didn’t have a fenced-in yard so I had to take her out to potty on a leash. (I highly recommend a fenced yard after your puppy has started to get down the routine of potty training! It is a game-changer.)
Dealing with overnights.
The hardest part of having a puppy for me was getting up throughout the night for puppy potty breaks. When Sassy was a puppy, we crate trained her so she stayed in her crate at night.
The key to making nights easier was wearing her down plenty right before bedtime. This meant extra playtime inside or outside and a walk before bed. This helped make her tired so she wasn’t so hyper.
The good news is the long nights WILL end one day though and your pup will eventually sleep through the night.
Grab yourself a Starbucks or energy drink to help power through!
Asking for help or hiring help!
Asking a friend, family or neighbor to check in on your puppy while you are at work is a great option. Your puppy can only hold her bladder for an hour for each month of her age. 4 months = 4 hours. You’ll want to make sure you have someone check on your pup 3-4 times while you are gone if you are not coming home on a lunch hour.
Another option is to hire a dog walker or dog sitter through Rover does background checks on everyone who cares for dogs through their website. I’ve heard nothing but great things!
Use your lunch hour.
If you can, pop in on your lunch hour to play with your puppy and let her out. I did this daily for months with Sassy. It was a nice break in her day and mine. (Now that I commute there is just no way this would be possible, so we would have to figure out something else. I understand if it doesn’t work for commuters!)
Enroll your puppy in daycare.
If you’ve been around here a minute, you know we LOVE doggie daycare!
Some daycares have an age requirement in order to start your pup there, but others have puppy rooms. Call your local daycare and consider enrolling your puppy in daycare to give your family or friends (or even yourself!) a break.
These are just a few of the things we did when we brought our puppy home. Got some more ideas? Drop them in the comments below for our new puppy parent friends!
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How To Do An Adorable Paw Art DIY With Your Dog
I kept seeing adorable DIY paw art crafts on Pinterest and since we are currently quarantined, I finally decided to take the plunge and try it! I’m not going to lie, it was NOT easy with a Husky. We did have a slight mistake on Sassy’s art, but I was able to fix it pretty easily. I was pretty happy with the result and thought it turned out pretty cute. Read below for how we did it and what to do if you have a mishap with your paw art!
What You’ll Need:
4×4 canvas
Water-based paint
Foam paint brush (for paw)
All-purpose paint brushes (for flower stem & grass)
Fine point Sharpies
Doggie wipes (I like these the best because they are in a container that easily closes so they last longer)
Paper plate for paint
Newspaper (or a towel, cloth, etc. you don’t mind paint getting on)
What You’ll Need:
Gather your supplies and find an assistant. I had my son Cam help me because I knew Sassy would have no chill and I’d need a bit of assistance.
We took our supplies & Sassy outside. I put Sassy on a leash because if I wouldn’t have she would’ve just had the zoomies all over the yard because… well… Huskies! lol!
Pour the paint onto your small paper plate. I put Sassy’s paw directly in the paint but you could just put the paint on your dog’s paw with a brush. (Sassy doesn’t like her paws touched so she did not want me to brush the paint on her paw.) It is very important you used water-based paint for this part of the craft because that is what is safe for dogs!
Press your dog’s paw firmly on the canvas. If you can get two paw prints, that is ideal! I was able to get one paw print and a really messed up paw print.
If you should get a messed up paw print, you can use a paper towel, water and a Mr. Clean magic eraser to get the paint off of your canvas. It comes right off! I had to erase Sassy’s second print because it didn’t even look like a paw, it just looked like a blob.
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I decided to go ahead and paint the stem and leaves of the flower, as well as the grass, with green paint I had on hand.
I felt like there was an awkward amount of room on my canvas that was empty, so I decided to take a purple Sharpie and write one of my favorite dog quotes on the canvas by hand.
I used a black sharpie to write Sassy’s name and the year we made our art.
After we did this, I had to give Sassy a bath because somehow she got pink paint on her tail, face, paw, and leg. lol! It all came right out with her doggy shampoo.
If you make this craft, we’d love to see it! Tag us on Instagram @laurabedokis or @sassylittlehusky!
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The Best Peanut Butter Cookie Recipe For Your Dog
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Baking cookies safe for your dog is so quick and easy! It is really great because you know exactly what ingredients are in the treats and who has made them (YOU)! I don’t bake for Sassy routinely (yet), but I do it occasionally. Especially for her birthday or a holiday. Here is her absolute favorite peanut butter dog cookie recipe! She absolutely devours these cookies!
What You’ll Need:
Bone Cookie Cutter (I got this set of 3 for under $7!)
Paw Cookie Cutter
2 1/4 Cups of Flour
1/2 Cup of Peanut Butter
2 Eggs
#1. Gather your ingredients and preheat your oven to 350F.
#2. Mix together your flour, peanut butter, and eggs in a large bowl until slightly combined.
#3. Add small amounts of water (1 Tbsp.) until the mixture is wet enough to roll out as dough. (Be careful not to get the dough too wet.)
#4. Roll out your dough and use cookie cutters to cut out the dough. (Use a bit of flour if your dough is too sticky.)
#5. Place your treats onto your baking sheet & bake for 12-15 minutes.
#6. Let your cookies cool on a baking rack and then serve one to your furbaby!
Peanut Butter Dog Cookies
Our favorite quick, easy, & delicious dog cookie recipe.
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 15 minutes
Total Time 20 minutes
Servings 14 cookies
Author Laura & Sassy
2 cups flour
1/2 cup peanut butter
2 eggs
5 tbsp water
Gather your ingredients and preheat your oven to 350F.
Mix together your flour, peanut butter, and eggs in a large bowl until slightly combined.
Add small amounts of water (1 Tbsp.) until the mixture is wet enough to roll out as dough.
Roll out your dough and use cookie cutters to cut out the dough.
Place your treats onto your baking sheet & bake for 12-15 minutes.
Let your cookies cool on a baking rack.
Serveto your furbaby!
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How To Work From Home With Your Dog
Over a month ago now, I got sent to work from home because of the Coronavirus. Sassy and I both have been loving it. Real talk, it will be SO hard to go back because it suits me so well. However, sometimes she does make it kind of hard to stay focused. Here are 5 tips on how to work from home successfully with your dog!
Start your morning right.
Pets thrive on routine just as much as humans do, so creating a new routine for your pup is essential! Whether you decide to take a walk or just relax with your pup and do some journaling, your furry bestie is learning all about what to expect from you in the coming days. So set yourself up for success.
Take frequent breaks.
It’s important to take breaks from your work. It is very easy to work into the evening. Avoid that by taking frequent breaks. Sit outside while your pup is outside, play with them away from your workspace, or take them for a walk around the block. Anything to break your day up just a bit and get you and your pup active.
Here is a photo of Sass while we took a break to sit outside and get a bit of sun!
Use your lunch break for walks.
If you take a lunch hour, use it to walk your pup. It will get your dog active and moving and will simultaneously wear him/her down so you can get some work done after lunch. You can set yourself up for a very productive and quiet afternoon with ‘walkies,’ as we call it here.
Give your dog a kong.
Need to distract your dog while you’re on a conference call? Put some peanut butter, treats or Kong cheese in a Kong for your pup! They will be distracted while you get your meeting done. Then be sure to take them outside for a break.
Have you been working at home with your dog?
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A Quick Hello!
Hello friends! What a strange world we live in right now. I had a lot of posts on deck to be posted but now it just seems like I shouldn’t be sharing them. I know a lot of us have a lot more time on our hands right now, but it just feels wrong to me. So I’ll be shifting content just a bit around here. I’m posting this in hopes that you are all doing well!!
A personal update: we are in shelter-in-place mode here in Illinois. Non-essential businesses are closed, but both my husband and I are working for ‘essential’ companies (which seems like a pretty loose term right now). My personal opinion of what is essential is very different from the vast list the government has, I suppose. I am very thankful to be working right now though!!
I think the hardest part of all of this is the uncertainty and the unknown. I feel like at any time it’s really going to get bad around us and that we are just waiting for it to happen. You probably feel the same way.
We had planned on taking our kiddos on our first family vacation this year to the beach at Gulf Shores. We aren’t really sure that’s going to happen now with COVID-19 hanging around. It’s seeming like travel is a distant dream! We shall see…
All our travel plans are on hold and, so, much of my travel content will be on hold as well. We hope travel will be possible this year, but of course advise everyone to just continue to shelter in place if you can and go as few places as possible!! It’s super important to save travel for when it’s safe again.
I will be sharing content I find to be appropriate and relative for the era we are in right now. As always, let me know if there is something you’d like to see in this space!!
xoxo, L
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How to Get Share-Worthy Photos of Your Dog
Want to brush up on your photography skills while you are staying at home? There’s never been a better time to learn to take better photos of your pup! I have years and years of experience in both pet and people photography. From taking photos of my cats & dogs growing up to taking photos of my sweet Sassy girl now to taking photos of families for profit! I’m sharing all my best tips on pet photography today!
Get down on their level.
Photos from above are fine, but check out the difference in angle on these shots. The one where I got down on Sassy’s level is definitely better than the other one from above.
Focus on your dog’s eyes.
If you are using a smartphone (I have an iPhone 8), be sure to tap your pets eyes so that they are the focus. Using portrait mode on iPhone is a great option also! Many of the photos I’ve taken on there look like I’ve taken them with my DSLR camera.
If you are using a camera, focus on your pup’s eyes before you hit the capture button.
Engage your pup with treats and squeakers.
Need your pup to look at you? Use a squeaker toy or one of their favorite toys or treats that they recognize to get your dog’s attention. Sassy is super camera shy. She can tell when I’m taking photos. I have to do this all the time so she will actually look at my phone. She does better with my camera because I use it less and she’s more interested in what that gadget is.
Get excess energy out.
Take your pooch in the backyard and get those zoomies out. Running out energy equals getting a calmer pup which makes for better photos. Also, panting naturally looks like smiling so it makes it look as though you are capturing a big smile from him or her.
Limit distractions.
Turn off distracting tv, close blinds if you are indoors, and make sure you are the only person around for your dog to look at. Distractions = a recipe for photos where your pup isn’t looking at you.
Use a great background.
Limit distraction in the photo by using a solid colored background or a neutral background. A fence or wall behind your pup, your pup posing on your neutral colored couch, and backgrounds that are primarily green (grass, etc.) are all great ways to get a background that isn’t too busy and takes away from your cute dog.
Use natural lighting.
Natural lighting is best for pet photos. It brings out their eyes and coats perfectly. Observe the lighting in your house and around your house during different times of day to find the right time to take photos. Direct sunlight is never your friend. And you can always depend on the “golden hour” to provide just the right lighting.
Take advantage of burst modes.
Use your burst mode on your phone or camera and hold down the capture button. You will likely get your perfect shot in a burst and it usually isn’t the first or last photo.
Be patient.
Above all, have patience with your pet. They take cues from you. If you are getting frustrated, they will get worked up. Once your pet has practiced taking photos with you, you’ll learn about their behavior so you can take better photos as well. You’ll learn what works and what doesn’t work, which, over time, will give you great shots!
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What to Feed a Siberian Husky
One of the most popular questions I get about our Husky, Sassy, is what we feed her. This is my Ultimate Guide to Feeding Your Siberian Husky!!
Nutrition Basics
Huskies need slightly more protein than the average dog. They do well with high protein, moderately high fat, low carb, and low grain foods.
There is a big debate about grain-free foods for Huskies and other dogs in general right now. I believe it is important to do what you feel is best for your dog and do research regarding the facts of grain-free foods. We feed Sassy grain-free food due to some digestion issues and I do not believe there is enough research or evidence for me personally to change her food yet. I know dogs have trouble digesting grains and Sassy was having a lot of problems before we switched to grain-free. I may change my mind later, but this is my current choice.
Another reason we chose Sassy’s current food is that it has a high amount of fiber which not only helps her digestive and anal gland issues.
Puppy Needs
Puppies have their own set of dietary requirements and it’s important to feed your Husky a puppy food so they get all the important vitamins and nutrients they need. It is recommended to feed husky puppies three times throughout the day.
As your pup gets older, he or she will likely start eating only about two times a day and that is just fine!
How to Switch Your Husky from Puppy to Adult Food
I fed Sassy as a puppy three times a day, ½ cup for each feeding.
Once she became an adult, we switched her to twice per day, 1 cup meals.
Always do a gradual food change with your dog as they can have serious digestive issues if you try to change their food so suddenly.
To change Sassy’s food I went ahead for the first week and implemented her new eating schedule of only feeding her twice per day. This means I went ahead and changed the amounts (Three – ½ cups VS. Two – 1 cup meals.)
Week 1: I did ¼ cup of the new food to ¾ of the old food.
Week 2: I did ½ cup of the new food with ½ cup of the old food.
Week 3: ¾ cup of the new food with ½ cup of the old food.
Week 4: You’re ready to feed the new food with minimal digestive issues.
When and How Much to Feed Your Husky
Sassy, as an adult Husky, eats anywhere from 2-3 cups of food per day. I will serve her one cup in the morning and one cup in the evening along with some wet food and her pumpkin supplement. If that isn’t enough, I’ll add a half-cup to her food bowl after she (literally) tells me she’s still hungry.
Huskies love routine and they will quickly learn when their dinner time is. They will likely let you know if you are behind on feeding them, as well, with their Husky talk!
Huskies were bred to go long distances and eat little. As a breed, they learned how to sustain a certain amount of energy when there just wasn’t a lot of food available to them. A Husky’s metabolism is extremely high and small food intake can keep them going for miles… literally!
It might seem like your Husky isn’t eating enough, but it really could just be that they are full already.
It can often take a bit of trial and error to find a food that your Husky loves. Be patient and know this is okay. Buy smaller bags of food until you find one that works. (You can always donate the unused food your Husky didn’t like to a doggy shelter, just be sure to do so in a timely fashion so it doesn’t go bad or stale.)
Important things to know:
All Huskies are different. The most important thing to remember is that your Husky will not be like mine or anyone else’s. They are all similar, of course, but just because one Husky really loves dry chicken-flavored kibble doesn’t mean the next one will. That’d be like saying all humans love asparagus when we all probably know a lot of people who don’t!
Siberian Huskies can be very picky eaters. They are also incredibly smart which can make for an interesting feeding experience.
Once they get used to certain foods that they love, they fully expect you to continue providing those. Keep this in mind when you begin a feeding routine and know that you may really have to commit yourself to it.
Huskies will eat until they are full, so don’t be afraid if your pup doesn’t eat his or her whole bowl. Do pay attention to how much your dog is eating and adjust portions accordingly.
The only time to really worry about your dog not eating is if he or she is not eating at all, or has had a recent, drastic change in eating habits. If this happens with your Husky, we always recommend talking to your vet about it.
However, Huskies sometimes get bored with their food and will not eat because of that reason. You may try mixing up your Husky’s food with a supplement, cooked veggies, cooked meats, or broth and see if she’ll eat it then. I have used chicken broth, beef broth, tuna, and salmon all in Sassy’s food to mix it up for her.
If we try to give Sassy a different flavor of wet food, most of the time she will not eat it. And she lets us know that we messed up.
When I switched Sassy off her puppy food as she became an adult (around one year), I switched her from puppy kibble to adult dog kibble. She started to have anal gland issues a few months after I switched her food. There is not a lot out there about treating anal gland issues with food versus having them emptied constantly or having surgery on your dog.
I wrote an article about anal gland issues for when your dog has a stinky booty.
What Can Huskies NOT Eat?
There are certain foods that dogs just cannot eat. If you are ever unsure about something the best idea is do some research or to ask your vet’s office.
Here is a list of what Huskies absolutely cannot eat:
Citrus fruits
Yeast dough
Raw eggs
Raw or undercooked meats
Fat trimmings or bones
Macadamia nuts
Dairy in large amounts. (Small amounts are okay – Sass loves to share a string cheese with me!)
Can Huskies eat vegetables?
Yes, most of them! In fact, Sassy absolutely LOVES carrots, asparagus and brussel sprouts.
Should I use supplements?
If your vet recommends certain supplements you should definitely consider it. We use a pumpkin supplement for Sassy because it aids in digestion and anal gland problems she had. Once we switched her food and added the pumpkin supplement, we no longer had to worry about her tummy or pay to have her anal glands emptied constantly (which is not healthy).
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How To Travel When You Have Anxiety
Traveling with anxiety isn’t always easy. Anxiety manifests itself differently for everyone which makes it especially tricky to manage. It manifests for me in shortness of breath and an upset stomach which can make for a very unpredictable travel experience! There are some things I do to always stay a step ahead of my anxiety when we go on trips and here they are.
#1. Have an anxiety plan.
Having a plan for dealing with what might happen should your anxiety rear its ugly head on a trip is very helpful. It creates a sense of comfort when you know exactly what you’ll do if you get anxious feelings while traveling. After all, anxiety is simply feelings of fear.
Before we set out for San Francisco, I had not boarded a plane in several years. I was very concerned about how I’d feel on the plane. Much of my anxiety is based in the fear of getting sick, so I packed extra OTC medication for motion sickness and heartburn knowing that it would be there if I needed it and had an issue.
I also packed an essential oil roller with an oil blend in it so I could use that topically. I respond well to essential oils, but I know not everyone does. It is all about figuring out the source of your anxiety and working on your mindset for that specific fear.
I still got anxious on the flight to California, but I sipped water, practiced deep breathing techniques, and used my essential oils and guess what? I survived the flight! (I actually had zero issues on my flights to and from Paris, but I did have minimal medication then. I don’t like being a zombie or completely wiped by medicine.)
#2. Have a travel plan.
There is a lot of peace of mind that comes from knowing where you are going and what you’ll be doing. Although we are not rigid with our plans, we definitely, at the very least, know what day we are going to see a landmark or do an excursion. We also always have a list of restaurants we want to try with us so that if we get hungry while we are out, we know which place we want to try!
#3. Do thought work. (Remind yourself that you are okay and nothing has actually gone wrong. )
If you should find yourself randomly anxious, as I have MANY times while traveling, it often helps to simply remind yourself that nothing has gone wrong and you are safe and okay. I have talked about this technique previously, but I want to expand on it a bit.
I don’t do well in overcrowded areas. Knowing this, I do my best to avoid them when possible. I have had to board trains that are incredibly crowded because I simply have no choice and I already know that my anxiety will be triggered.
When my anxiety is triggered because I’m in the middle of a bunch of people, I start to ask myself why this situation is bothering me and I really think it through. You can do the same by asking these questions:
Why am I really anxious right now? (i.e. I’m in a crowded train)
What specifically is bothering me right now? (i.e. I might get sick from being so close to people, something bad might happen, etc.)
What can I do about this? (Normally the answer is nothing but if you were in a crowded room you could go outside and get air.)
What is the worst thing that can happen right now? (most likely nothing)
Can I actually do something about it? (Again, most likely you cannot on a train.)
After asking myself these questions, I have a sense of accepting my situation versus freaking out about it. The anxious feelings are still there, but when I realize I’m not in immediate control and that is OK, I feel better.
#4. Feel the feelings and move on.
Have you ever noticed if you are busy, your anxiety is not as bad? Maybe it’s the opposite for you, but I find if I get some fresh air, take a walk, or simply do something, I can recover from an anxious feeling much quicker.
Don’t wallow. Don’t think negative things like you’ve ruined your whole trip. Just think, man that was a rough few minutes and move on!
It really is easy as that. We create SO much noise and drama in our minds.
#5. Make your trip about you & setting limits.
Again, it’s all about doing the work on yourself and establishing what your specific travel fears are and working around those. There are certain levels to your fears and what you will allow yourself to feel.
Example: I don’t like heights. I went up into Willis Tower and out on the glass (it was freaky), but I will never go skydiving.
If you are afraid of water, you may be okay with being out on the water for 30 minutes, but not a whole hour. Plan around that. Or maybe, for you, it may look like avoiding all water activities. There is no right and wrong way to travel. You are always in control and you have to remind yourself of that.
#6. Find alternatives if you need to.
There are always alternatives, you just have to find them. We decided we wanted to take a train to the airport because it was cheaper. I didn’t plan for the train to be crowded (there was some sort of ComicCon-type event happening near the airport that day) and when it was, I felt like something had gone wrong.
I technically could have chosen not to board the train. I could have gotten an Uber instead, but I didn’t because the train was already there and I knew my brain was telling me it was bad when it actually wasn’t.
Nothing had actually gone wrong, and nothing bad happened on that train.
If something bad did happen? There was no way for me to ever predict that so it was not a useful thought to me and I immediately stopped thinking about it.
When you are faced with something you are fearful of, always remember that you really are actually in control. You can choose to do whatever it is you want to do.
#7. Realize that you actually ARE in control.
The best part about taking trips is that you can do whatever you want to when you travel! You can get there how you want to and do whatever activities you want to do. It’s all really your choice. You are actually always in control of yourself even when it may feel like you are not. (Your brain is lying to you about not being in control.)
Think you can’t sit on a plane for 10 hours? That’s what I thought too, but I put in the work on my mindset and I did it. I couldn’t believe it. I always loved the idea of traveling, but the flights always held me back. Now, I have zero concerns about my capability to board incredibly long flights because I’ve already done it.
Your brain is telling you that you can’t do something when you are (in all normal scenarios) very capable of doing it. It’s simply a thought and you have to remember that.
The good news? You can create new, positive thoughts!! Instead of doing a negative thought loop. Is it a quick fix? No, it takes a lot of hard work. It takes journaling and re-training your mind to think the right, good thoughts. But you can do it! I know you can.
Want to work through your travel fears?
Download this worksheet for free and start doing the work on your mindset about travel today!!
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How To Do An Adorable Paw Art DIY With Your Dog
I kept seeing adorable DIY paw art crafts on Pinterest and since we are currently quarantined, I finally decided to take the plunge and try it! I’m not going to lie, it was NOT easy with a Husky. We did have a slight mistake on Sassy’s art, but I was able to fix it pretty easily. I was pretty happy with the result and thought it turned out pretty cute. Read below for how we did it and what to do if you have a mishap with your paw art!
What You’ll Need:
4×4 canvas
Water-based paint
Foam paint brush (for paw)
All-purpose paint brushes (for flower stem & grass)
Fine point Sharpies
Doggie wipes (I like these the best because they are in a container that easily closes so they last longer)
Paper plate for paint
Newspaper (or a towel, cloth, etc. you don’t mind paint getting on)
What You’ll Need:
Gather your supplies and find an assistant. I had my son Cam help me because I knew Sassy would have no chill and I’d need a bit of assistance.
We took our supplies & Sassy outside. I put Sassy on a leash because if I wouldn’t have she would’ve just had the zoomies all over the yard because… well… Huskies! lol!
Pour the paint onto your small paper plate. I put Sassy’s paw directly in the paint but you could just put the paint on your dog’s paw with a brush. (Sassy doesn’t like her paws touched so she did not want me to brush the paint on her paw.) It is very important you used water-based paint for this part of the craft because that is what is safe for dogs!
Press your dog’s paw firmly on the canvas. If you can get two paw prints, that is ideal! I was able to get one paw print and a really messed up paw print.
If you should get a messed up paw print, you can use a paper towel, water and a Mr. Clean magic eraser to get the paint off of your canvas. It comes right off! I had to erase Sassy’s second print because it didn’t even look like a paw, it just looked like a blob.
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I decided to go ahead and paint the stem and leaves of the flower, as well as the grass, with green paint I had on hand.
I felt like there was an awkward amount of room on my canvas that was empty, so I decided to take a purple Sharpie and write one of my favorite dog quotes on the canvas by hand.
I used a black sharpie to write Sassy’s name and the year we made our art.
After we did this, I had to give Sassy a bath because somehow she got pink paint on her tail, face, paw, and leg. lol! It all came right out with her doggy shampoo.
If you make this craft, we’d love to see it! Tag us on Instagram @laurabedokis or @sassylittlehusky!
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