laukern · 20 hours
People asking me to kill reader off like mf why do you wanna die 😭😭😭
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laukern · 1 day
Sukuna , you don't know what you do to me 😔😔
Sukuna x Reader where you have gained weight and Kuna cheers you up (in his own way)
Warnings: Just a bit suggestive at the end
You were standing in front of the mirror, eyes glued to your reflection. Your boyfriend, Sukuna, was staying over for the night and you were about to surprise him with his favorite red, lacy lingerie set.
But something was wrong.
You stared at the fat sticking out from your stomach, your thighs and your arms. Especially your stomach, that was rounder and jutting out. You raised one of your arms and noticed they were flabby.
The lingerie set that made you feel so sexy and was always your number one weapon to seduce your grumpy boyfriend, for the first time, was tight and you couldn't help but think it looked so unappealing on you.
Your mind was racing. You can't leave the room and surprise him like this. Maybe you could wear something else. Maybe surprise him in one of his shirts that were too big for you since he was a very very large man. But would you really be able to deal with him seeing your body when he takes it off--
"The hell are you doing, woman?"
You jumped and turned to see Sukuna leaning against the door frame. A scowl etched on his face. His arm crossed against his broad chest as he raked his deep red eyes across your body.
You couldn't help but cover yourself with your arms. "The hell are you doing, Kuna? I was supposed to surprise you!"
"Surprise me? You were gone long enough for me to think you were fucking dead or something."
You huffed and your eyes gleamed with stubbornness. "So I was taking my sweet time. Big deal." You hugged yourself tighter. "And besides... This is too tight on me. I'm gonna wear something else. I.. might have to put this set away for a while." You said, trying to keep it cool and pretend like you weren't so upset and feeling self conscious under your boyfriend's gaze.
But Sukuna stayed quiet. His narrowed eyes boring into you. He was a very perceptive man and he knows when you're upset even when you try to hide it.
With his hands shoved in his pocket, he walked closer to you until he was a few inches away. The way his tall, muscular and oh so sexy body towered over you. The way he looked down at you with a stern gaze made you shiver.
"Hand." He ordered.
You blinked in confusion at his request. He simply clicked his tongue in irritation.
The next thing you knew, his large hand shot out to grab your wrist. He pulled you closer.
And placed your hand straight to his crotch where his dick was hard and pulsing.
Your eyes widened and your face turned a scarlet hue. You quickly averted your gaze from him but his other hand shot out to roughly grab your chin and turn your face back to him.
"Look at me." He growled, his eyes reflecting a mixture of irritation, anger and lust. "If you think something as insignificant as the fat on your body is going to make me not want to fuck you, you are completely mistaken. And you want to wear something else? Like hell you're going to do that. You will keep wearing this until I get bore of it." His voice was low and threatening.
"K-Kuna..." You whispered, eyes glistening with tears and your heart warm.
"Don't you dare fucking cry, brat. Get on the bed already. I ought to punish you for even thinking these stupid thoughts."
You didn't even get to say anything as he picked you up and threw you on your bed. Needlessly to say, you couldn't walk at all the next day.
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laukern · 1 day
Sukuna got me
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summary :: the firsts in your relationship with Sukuna!
warning :: smut, fluff, Sukuna being a little forceful at times
note :: needs work.
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first time holding hands.
How does one flirt with a powerful curse?
More precisely, how does a powerful curse flirt with you?
Sukuna had ordered you into his chambers one particular evening. You were faced with him lounging, cheek resting on his fist and legs casually sprawled out.
“Sit beside me.” He ordered. You obeyed, lifting your head from your deep bow and sitting yourself far, but technically beside him. “Closer, woman. I will not eat you.” He grunted, sarcasm roughing his words.
To say you and Sukuna had been ‘going steady’ would be an odd way to describe the relationship you two accumulated. It’d perfectly describe a normal couple who were just starting out dating but questions on the legitimacy of your relationship would stab your mind constantly. However one reined above all else;
Was Sukuna actually perusing you romantically?
Were his requests to have you sit by him because he liked you, or because you were some kind of court jester? Were his questionable compliments a sign of lust of genuine interest? Could Sukuna even feel love?
You inched closer, however it was not enough as Sukuna grunted an unimpressed curse. “Closer.” He warned.
This time you came considerably close. Sukuna seemed satisfied with your proximity, because he didn’t utter another word. You just gazed at him, wondering what on earth was going through his mind.
Stoically, he just seemed to sit in a comfortable silence, whilst you fidgeted and watched him intensely. He seemed calm enough, his bare chest rising and falling lightly whilst his hands were relaxed.
Your eyes got stuck on his hand closest to you, reading every curve in the skin and the light accent of blue veins. You wondered if he’d ever been delicate with those hands, or if they’d only grabbed and pulled at things his entire life.
His hand lifted and stretched out to you. You blinked. He waited for you to place something in it and you blinked again.
“Your hand, idiot.” He stated, gesturing for you to give it to him.
You did, placing your palm into his and feeling his calloused finger interlock your own. He held you firmly, but softly.
“Ask next time, don’t ogle me.”
“I-I wasn’t,” actually, you were. “Okay, I will.”
first kiss.
Sukuna hadn’t offered any reason why he had taken you on a walk through the woods during a warm afternoon. He had ordered you to follow, and you complied.
He wasn’t by any means an altruist, so you had rightfully assumed there was some ultimate reason he had requested you to be by his side.
In truth, he simply desired your presence.
Without entirely realising, your awareness had become intense, as did your steps. Your feet balled into the ground you walked on, preparing to move quickly. You had basically become pavloved into associating Sukuna with an impending battle.
And with his lack of description, you landed on the conclusion that he’d brought you out to fight a cursed spirit for his enjoyment, or perhaps fight you himself.
You glowered at the surrounding area, reading the trees for any suspicious activity.
“Stand down, brat. A tense expression doesn’t suit your face.” Sukuna folded his arms over his chest, an unimpressed expression moulding his face.
“Sorry, I’m just a little confused. Why did you bring me out here?” You asked, letting his command relax you.
“Must I have an explanation for all my desires?” He growled.
“Of course not, but, you usually do.”
“Don’t persist.” He stated, shutting you down. “And walk beside me.”
The sentiment of Sukuna merely wishing for you to be close to him panged your heart, blossoming a tickling feeling in your chest. He was quite soft, when he wanted to be.
The space between you dissipated, now that you were beside him you could clearly see his face better. He looked frustrated and tense. You exhaled calmly.
“Thank you for taking me out.”
He grunted a response.
Feeling a rush of confidence, you pressed a kind kiss onto his cheek. God knew he was too stubborn to make a first move, if you wanted it to be done you had to do it yourself.
There had been a moment of hesitant silence, then mere milliseconds passed between your sweet peck and Sukuna hungrily tasting your lips like a man starved of flavour.
You had attempted to part from him, only for his lips to follow yours like a magnet. His hands grabbed your back and head, trapping you against him as he pressed into your lips with a fluid intensity.
You grunted in shock at the sudden escalation and he devoured that sound from you, entering your mouth like it was an unexplored territory with untold treasures.
You attempted to return his passion despite being thunderstruck by the switch in intention, allowing yourself to go soft in his arms and bring your hands up to rake through his hair. His dark eyes watched yours flutter shut and your brows crease upwards, such a kind expression that he’d hold in his mind until the two of you kissed again.
He could feel your thudding heart and sense your soul burning hot for him.
You felt his lips turn up into a nasty grin and you were hit with a pang of embarrassment from holding him with such care compared to the contrast in which he grabbed at you.
Your lungs began to burn and you pushed against his shoulders, freeing yourself for a quick gasp of air. Sukuna was far from done, his mouth latching to your jaw and neck, making out with the soft skin on your nape.
“Sukuna,” You breathed, panting.
He kissed you again, leaving your bottom lip raw with a harsh but quick nip.
Then he truly pulled away, leaving your body cold in the afternoon wind. Your mind clouded after having been utterly taken by the strongest curse alive. He had moved forward, continuing down the path of your stroll.
“I told you to walk beside me, brat.” He stated, though his words were decorated with a prideful grin and hungry lick of his lips.
“R-Right, sorry.”
first time having sex.
Sukuna’s thick fingers curled tightly against the spongy spot deep inside your chasm, it forced an aching orgasm from you that ripped up and down your spine before setting in your legs, turning them to shaken jelly.
You knew what was coming next and it made your heart squeeze anxiously.
His slick covered hand slowly departed from your cunt, leaving your insides with a buzzing numbness. The prideful grin on his face only made you sink further into the bed, feeling as though you were about to be devoured by him. Or rather, split in two.
Your eyes scimed his cock, your thighs twitching at the sight, telling you to run.
He was massive.
You’d had few experiences with dick and they’d never reached this kind of size before. His size terrified you, as did he. The king of curses was about to bed you. How could you not be scared?
He pressed his cock against your clit, covering himself in your slick. This time your body reacted with a tensed shiver.
“Your soul is trembling. As are you.” You couldn’t pick if his tone held disappointment or solace. “Do you fear the consequences of your flirtation?” He asked, towering over your flushed body.
You couldn’t utter a word. Was he dirty talking? Or was this a true question? All of this was so new and unpredictable it made you dizzy. “Sukuna.” You huffed, utterly meek.
His face scrunched, an unreadable shift. “Stop fretting, woman, you’ll close up.” His tone displayed reassurance now, you were sure. He exhaled, leaning into you and closing the space between your bodies. The previously shameful view he had of you fading as his chest connected with yours. ���Don’t act small, you are strong.” He stated.
Warmth reached your cheeks and infected your lips with a smile. His attentiveness was sweet, perhaps even a little cute.
“I wouldn’t care to bed a weakling.” He stated, talking into your neck.
You kissed his check, gently running your nails across his back. His hips twitched at the kind touch and he bit your shoulder, reserving his jaw to keep the mark light. “Keep going, it’s okay.” You tentatively mumbled.
“I’ll take care of you this night,” He grumbled, sliding his hips back and forth. “But don’t expect me to be as kind next time.”
“Next time?”
“You’re mine now, little one. Don’t think our relationship ends here.”
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laukern · 1 day
Domestic tamed sukuna so 😫😫😫
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It’s too hot to sleep, let alone cuddle. The king of curses hardly cares, you’ll stay with him no matter the temperature.
pairing :: Sukuna x Wife!Reader
warning :: fluff, the usual possessiveness of Sukuna fics, a little saucy.
note :: short but sweet, I hope.
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Wide awake, you gazed up at the roof, chest rising and falling dryly.
Hot, it was so fucking hot.
Stands of hair framed your damp face annoyingly. You hadn’t the room to move and push your hair away as you were currently bound by Sukuna’s thick arms in a hug.
Your hands had gone tacky with sweat and your pyjama pants (a poorly picked garment) stuck to your thighs. It hadn’t helped that Sukuna’s head lay between your neck and shoulder, panting hot breath into your skin each time he sighed.
For a fair amount of time you debated the best way to escape his death-grip without waking him to avoid a cranky outburst.
With a sharp inhale, you slipped away, managing to swing your legs off the futon in preparation to stand. Sukuna grabbed your wrist.
“Where are you going?” He growled, sleepy voice rattling his words. He was already pulling you back into the futon.
“Outside, it’s too hot.” You relented weakly, putting up no fight as he dragged you into him. “Please, Sukuna, I’m too hot.”
“Don’t whine.”
Backed against his chest, Sukuna’s hand grabbed at your shirt, the other pressed into your hip to keep you from running. One handed, he pulled the article of clothing up and off of you.
Despite his command, you let out a tired moan. “Please Sukuna, it’s too hot for that as well.”
“Brat.” He grumbled, slipping his hands to your pants next. His hand fell under, copping a quick feel of your thigh before pulling at your pants and tossing them aside. Lazily, you accepted his pernicious behaviour.
His stripping had left you completely bare, considering your lack of undergarments when sleeping.
He retracted under the sheets, pulling you with him, arm tightly locked around your middle. Your back stuck to his chest, Sukuna nosed your hair, breathing you in.
“Better.” He asked, or rather stated.
You sighed as a response, placing your hand over his. He traced his thumb across your abdomen, lining your underboob. Shakily, you exhaled, unknowing of where his touching was leading.
“Relax, brat.” He bit at the tension in your shoulder. “Sleep.” Then kissed over the light bite mark.
“Love you.” You exhaled, eyes shutting.
He grunted a response and you felt the vibrations in your back. Still hot, but no longer burning up, you fell into sleep.
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laukern · 3 days
Sypnosis: satoru, your fiance, ditched you on your date and you get mad. That's it.
You never minded the bromantic shit they did honestly. But privileges are not always limitless, even if he were the strongest it didn't give him the right to ditch your date that you planned WEEKS ahead for his 'bff'.
You've been sitting patiently in the new catcafe that opened up just recently, looking at the clock every now and then, fixing your sundress which you specifically picked to match his oceanic eyes. He was late.
You had hopes.. so you waited
2 hours went by. Hah. Must be traffic.
4hours. Okay maybe he's getting yelled at by yaga again... stupid satoru.
6hours and you were done, the sun had already went down and the employees were looking at you weird. On god you heard somebody pity you through whispers
"Aww looks like she got ditched"
Just when you were gathering your things to fucking leave, you heard a ping. As pathetic as it was you wished it was satoru and as mean as it was you wished for him to either be dead or seriously injured to have had ditched your date.
Toru : *sent 6 pics*
Toru : look ml , sugu took me to this super cool carnival thing. The deserts were SO GOOD, coming home btw <3
So.. he forgot.
At moments like this you swore you would've stayed calm but this date was marked on the fucking calender for God's sake, it wasn't some last minute hang out.. it was a fully planned date that you were looking up to since satoru and you had not been able to see eachother because of your busy schedules.
You walked inside your shared apartment, sighing to just... let this disappointment pass and talk to your beloved about it but as soon as you entered the living room your anger went through the roof.
Satoru and suguru, in a very suggestive fucking pose(jk they were about to kill eachother). With what seemed like YOUR makeup spread all across their stupid faces.
Now normally you'll beat their asses and make them clean the whole room but this time you just stared at them, barely being able to handle your overwhelmed nerves.
They looked at you with fright evident on their faces. Shit.. they were done for.
They waited for you to get mad but nothing happened i mean their limbs were still attached so they looked up at your.. trembling figure? Wait what.
You've had enough. Unable to control your anger but also unable to get mad at them, you did the next best possible way to let it out.. you cried.
Panicking satoru stood up and quickly ran to you.
"Baby, w-why are you crying?? I'm sorry, was that kit your favourite? I can buy you a new one, baby please don't cry oh I know-"
"shut up."
He looked confused and you were loving the look of helplessness on his face. Is that how you looked when you were waiting for him in that cafe?
"Are you guys-" suguru tried to calm the tense air surrounding everyone.
"I said shut.up." You gritted your teeth, hands fisted.
"Babe we're so-"
"don't you get it? I said SHUT UP" You yelled, You didn't mean to but you did.
"Woah woah okay y/n , calm down. Talk to us." suguru tried to comfort you.
But you were never in the mood for peace.
"Talk?? HAH about what?? The fact that MY fiance ditched me ,forgot about our date and went to fucking make out with the guy he sees almost everyday while I have to literally make an appointment to see him TWICE a week." You yelled whatever your brain could comprehend.
Okay maybe you were exaggerating it a bit but they deserved it anyways because that's how you felt.
Your ears rang , eyes glossy and you were trembling so fucking bad. Turning away you stomped to your bed room and shut the door with a long bang.
In the living room, satoru looked just as shocked as suguru disappointed.
A/n : I wrote this In a hurry cause the idea was slipping sorry 😬😬 also please be totally honest in the comments if you have to, I just want feedback. English is not my first language and this is my first fic so forgive and complain 🫶
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laukern · 4 days
Again 😫😫😫
◝ ‿    You had been hired like the others—one of many women brought into Sukuna’s domain with the sole purpose of sitting on his lap while he reigned from his throne. It was a simple job: to run your hands softly over his skin, murmur praise, and worship the King of Curses with sweet words and gentle touches, making him feel like the god he believed himself to be.
It was supposed to be just that. You were there to flatter him, nothing more. Your touch was practiced, your words rehearsed. But today, as you sat between his large thighs, your hands tracing the sharp angles of his jaw, something slipped out—something that wasn’t meant to.
“I love you,” you whispered.
Your breath caught as you realized what you had said, horror and embarrassment flooding your senses. It was a mistake, an accident. You weren’t supposed to say that. Your heart raced, and you braced yourself for his anger, for the cruel laughter that was sure to follow.
But instead, Sukuna let out a deep, rumbling purr, his entire body vibrating with satisfaction. His lower eyes narrowed as a dangerous smile spread across his lips, and he leaned forward, his large hand gripping your chin, forcing you to meet his gaze.
“Say it again,” he ordered, his voice a low, velvety command that left no room for hesitation.
You froze, caught between your fear and the intensity of his demand. “I… I love you, Sukuna,” you managed, your voice barely above a whisper.
His growl deepened, reverberating through the air, and his smile widened. The approval in his gaze was unmistakable, and to your surprise, his body seemed to relax, his muscles loosening as if your words had a calming effect on him. The air around you felt heavier, charged with something unspoken, and his eyes gleamed with dark satisfaction.
“Again,” he murmured, the command sharper this time, more insistent.
Your heart pounded in your chest, but you complied, your voice growing steadier. “I love you.”
Another rumble of pleasure escaped Sukuna, his growls and purrs filling the space around you, echoing through his vast domain. It was as if he couldn’t get enough of hearing it, as if those three words were more valuable to him than any amount of praise he’d received before. And that’s when you realized: none of the others had ever touched him like this. None of them had been allowed to.
You were the only one.
Out of all the women brought to sit on his lap, to worship him with words and praise, you were the only one who had the privilege of touching him—of making him purr, of bringing him this kind of pleasure. Something about you stirred something deep inside him, something he hadn’t expected.
He had never been loved before.
And now, with those words slipping past your lips, something within him awoke—a hunger, a need to hear it again and again. It was more than just your touch or your gentle words. It was the way you said it, the way your voice caressed those three simple words, filling a void inside him that no one else had ever reached.
“Again.” He growled, pulling you closer, his large hands tightening their grip as if you might disappear if he let go. His purrs grew louder, reverberating through his chest and into you, his pleasure palpable with every repetition.
You obeyed, whispering it once more. And with each “I love you,” he held you tighter, his growls of satisfaction echoing through the hall. He wasn’t going to let you go. Not now. Not ever.
You had become the only one he needed—the only one who could fill the emptiness he didn’t even know he had.  𓈒 ꒱ა
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laukern · 4 days
Sukuna, just take me
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Sukuna is so utterly smitten with you.
With your very being, in fact. Everything about you he finds beautiful— beyond physical beauty, he finds your very existence beautiful. How you’re so different, so kind and weak, and yet loving of a monstrous creature like him.
He adores your laughs. Sometimes he hears it while you chatter about with a servant, sometimes he says something that makes you laugh— and he cannot resist the small smile from breaking onto his face.
He greatly admires your guts to touch him. Kiss him. Admit how much you love him again and again, never letting him doubt your love. He loves the little touches and how your small frame provides him with an incredible amount of warmth. He dislikes how much he craves it.
Sukuna is smitten. The servants know when they see you seated on his lap without a fear, making the silliest of designs on his tattooed arms with a smile. And they remain baffled as he lets you, his chin resting on your head as he watches your actions. This was the same man who sliced heads off upon a single inconvenience.
Sukuna is smitten, no doubt. But he thinks you’re insane for being equally as smitten with him. But you kiss him and remind him, “You’re the last one who should speak of sanity.”
He sighs, not bothering to argue with you. You’re somehow always right.
And again, with a scowl on his pretty face, he realises— he’s so in love.
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laukern · 5 days
⚘ 𝘢𝘴 𝘴𝘸𝘦𝘦𝘵 𝘢𝘴 𝘢 𝘮𝘦𝘭𝘶𝘴𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘴 𝘴𝘮𝘪𝘭𝘦.
The Iudex of Fontaine is a busy man. However could he possibly keep track of you in the hustle and bustle of everyday life? Fortunately for him, the Melusines have his back.
yandere! neuvillette x gn! reader.
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Soft orange cracks of the setting sun lurked in the office of the Iudex, the endless stacks of papers causing him much stress as his mind wandered to literally anything other than the work he ought to be doing. His hands shook with worry as he glanced over at the large glass of water beside him, the clear liquid seemingly staring back at him, daring the man to finally make a move.
Despite his status, despite his power, Neuvillette was but a man when it came to you.
Never in his life had he allowed himself to grow so attached to another person. For all those centuries he spent walking on this Earth, Neuvillette kept a calm demeanor and polite face to the world. He was renowned for his kindness and gentle heart despite the viciousness his duties required of him. He stood high as the personification of justice itself, a proud symbol of everything which needed to be held up high and respected. He was indeed very much respected. Even loved in some special way by the people of Fontaine.
He never realized just how much his soul ached for the presence of another human being by his side, someone who was willing to allow him to just... be himself. Someone who would allow him to drop the mask for a few blissful moments, a person who would tell him that it was okay for him to make a mistake.
Neuvillette never acted on these desires.
That was precisely why he felt so starstruck at the downright violation of his heart.
How could you do this to him? How dare you do this to him? Neuvillette lost count how many times he tried to shoo you off but it was to no avail. It was as if you were glued to him by the hip and he adored every moment of it.
His weeping heart was not ready for the intensity of his emotions.
Sometimes when no one was around, he would shed tears at the thought of you. What were you doing? How was your day? Why did you care so much about him? Were you even aware of the emotional turmoil you caused him? Honestly, he could not even be mad at you.
He loved you too much to ever be angry with you.
Dark grey clouds would hover high above all of Fontaine, the tears of the crying dragon cascading down the world. Neuvillette would sit in his office, alone and scared, with no one to comfort him.
That was his first initial thought at least.
Some people say that there is a rainbow behind every corner and as time passed, the Iudex learned that lesson too. Tiny footsteps would tail behind him like looming shadows, always there but out of reach. Whenever he would turn around there would be no one there and if there ever was he would have to lower his gaze down towards the ground, only to be met with the face of a smiling Melusine. He would have a chat with the sweet creature which always managed to lift his spirits, even for a little bit. The conversations were usually brief but as time went on the tiny Melusines became more... nosey, shall we say.
They would ask the Iudex personal questions which they could have not known about such as who was that person who kept visiting him in his office. What was his affiliation with them. The blush on his pale cheeks always gave him away which always caused the Melusines to giggle but they would say nothing more, always dropping the topic as fast as they brought it up.
Melusines did not understand human nature and its complicated feelings. Neither did Neuvillette, which they knew. That was no reason for them not to try to learn.
One day though, Liath delivered a set of organized documents straight to Neuvillette's desk. He first found this to be odd but the Melusine said nothing, only giving him a mysterious little smile as she waited for the Iudex to see the contents of the things she had brought.
With a delicate touch, Neuvillette took the files in his gloved hands and opened them carefully. His eyes widened in shock as he read everything with utmost care.
Absolutely everything inside was about you.
Your height, weight, age, birth certificate, some little things that were written down by hand such as your hobbies, names of friends and family, places you frequented.
Neuvillette quickly shut the folder, his heart pumping hard and fast as he looked back at Liath.
"This was a joint operation by all of us. We just wished to ease your suffering, Monsieur Neuvillette."
He could feel his throat drying up with each passing moment, any semblance of a potential word which he wanted to say all dying on his tongue.
This was wrong, illegal even.
He still could not help but to feel touched.
He did not reprimand the Melusines for their actions. He was ashamed for relying on such tactics. For the time being though, this could be a surefire way to help him ease his anxieties.
Perhaps he could even woo you a little in the process as well...
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🖤 TAGS: @genshinarchives, @mod-kisa-blog, @juuuuuj101010, @kalopses-sonderes, @b10h4z4rd, @xiaopleasecomehome, @mayulli, @saturnalya, @alatusprinz, @ficsreblogs, @lakxcpsta, @mewmeowmika, @ranposgirlboss, @goldenglow149
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laukern · 5 days
Oh my god 😫😫😫🛐🛐🛐
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There's something so oddly sweet about the "childhood friends to lovers" pipeline in fiction, but with Aemond Targaryen it takes such a deliciousy dark turn that my mind couldn't help but to linger on it.
Aemond can still recall every single harsh word his family has even thrown his way, how he can still feel the way his eyes would get wet but he had to hold it all in, because he could not afford to let himself to show even an ounce of weakness, not even to himself. Countless hours were wasted with him staring off into the distance somewhere, admiring the noble beasts which were flying high above in the sky, far away from the reach of anything and anyone.
Those were the times he was most envious of not having a dragon of his own. The green little beast known as jealousy would take over, causing him to want to step off the deep end.
Just as he felt the skin of his knuckles threatening to rip due to his tight grip, a warm pair of hands would make their way to him and hold onto him gently, as if he actually mattered somehow in the grand scheme of things.
Most of the time he would just stand there and let you embrace him, his heart doing cartwheels in his chest as his luscious blonde was carried by the wind. Although, if he had a particularly rough day, he would sometimes simply melt into your embrace. Cheek against cheek, Aemond could feel the worry radiating off you in spades.
It was dreadful how absolutely euphoric that made him feel.
You were his only real playmate growing up, causing him to become dreadfully possessive over you. It got so bad that Aemond outright forbade Aegon and Haelena of all people from even looking at you, let alone actually seeking you out. None of the other children in court were safe either as rumors spread fast that they ought to steer clear far away from you, lest they wished to suffer Aemond's thorny wrath.
The little paradise Aemond had cultivated for himself was not meant to last. One the same night he finally claimed his dragon, you had vanished along with your family.
He still remembers how excited he was to share the news with you, how he wished to tell you that once he was skilled enough he wished you to be the first person who would fly with him on his dragon.
No one else had the right to that privilege, absolutely no one.
But, things didn't go to plan. And truly, when do they ever?
Aemond had lost a lot that night and gained just as much. He had claimed a dragon, Vhagar, one of the largest and strongest dragons there were. In just one evening he became a one man army, there was nothing that could hold him back.
He can still feel just how tight the chair was he sat on as the maesters stitched his damaged eye, how hot the cracking fire next to him was, just how loud everyone was being... It was all irrelevant. The moment he could, he was going to seek you out and tell you everything, share each and every detail he could about his dragon...
... Until his mother told him the news.
Your family relocated due to some personal reasons and as Alicent went on and on about that, little Aemond felt his world shatter in a heartbeat.
He would rather take ten thousand cuts and stabs to his eye than ever face the pain he felt once he learned of your departure.
"It's for your own good too..." he can recall his mother saying, her voice sounding a little defeated.
"You shouldn't tie yourself to one person like you already have... I worry about you, Aemond."
That dark and stormy night, Aemond had made two vows to himself, vows he was going to sign with his own blood if he had to. The first was that no matter where in the world you were, no matter how far your family may try to take you, there would be no distance he would not tread, no man, woman or child he wouldn't slay just to hear the sound of your voice, to feel your soft skin, to be with you.
And the other was that he would make due on his promise of giving you a ride on Vhagar. He was in your debt for even trying to claim the mighty beast, it was only fair.
Aemond Targaryen took those two vows and kept them under lock and key, hidden deeply in his dark, which grew darker and darker. At the rate he was going, he would turn into a more terrifying beast than the actual dragon he had. Although, even dragons had their hearts.
You just happened to be Aemond's.
And he was going to come to you one day, soaked in the blood of his enemies, his arms open wide as he makes his way to embrace you once more.
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laukern · 15 days
Autocorrect Fails .ᐟ
𝜗𝜚: satoru, suguru, nanami, choso, ino, toji
note: their phone autocorrects and you drag them for it! accidentally made reader so autocorrect in choso’s so enjoy that mishap lol
warnings: menstruation, cursing, sexual, suggestive, crack, f!reader
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laukern · 15 days
Sugu and Kuna 😫😫🫶
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╰┈➤ context ; in which you cheat !
includes ; gojo, geto, nanami, toji, sukuna, choso
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ ❀ fluff, crack
minors dni !!
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚
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3K notes · View notes
laukern · 19 days
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sukuna doesn’t admit it, but whenever you refer to him as your ‘hubby’, he gets super soft. you’re not married (yet), but you call him that anyway. it has a nice ring to it.
“thank you, hubby,” you hum, subconsciously using that nickname again. it rolls off your tongue without a second thought and you obliviously continue what you’re doing. sukuna, however, is still thinking about your sweet and affectionate voice calling him husband.
he’s stuck replaying that moment a thousand times in his head. you may not instantly notice the change in his eyes— how his gaze softens just a tiny bit. the king of curses has to bite back the urge to ask you to say it again. over and over.
“yeah, yeah, whatever,” is what sukuna grumbles afterwards to hide his real feelings. he doesn’t comment on the fact that you call him your husband. he doesn’t want you to stop referring to him as so, thus why he allows it to continue. not that he would outwardly admit that he enjoys it, no.
sukuna never thought that it would affect him this much. he never wanted to marry someone, never saw the need to and only thought of it as a chore. an unnecessary burden. however he reconsiders his decision every time he experiences such simple yet domestic moments with you.
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laukern · 19 days
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synopsis; how sukuna says "i love you".... ࣪𓏲ּ ᥫ᭡ ₊ ⊹
pairing ~ ryomen!sukuna x reader
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"Say it."
He grunts, not turning to look at you as he continues to try and untie the golden jewelry in his hands - a necklace that was tangled to the point where your fingers struggled to get the charms and clasp free in order to wear it
"Idiot servants. I'll have them killed for tangling this - don't they understand it's worth more than all of their pathetic lives combined?" He seethes, his fingers struggling to free the thin chain as you put on a show of dramatically falling onto the bed with a sigh
"So you don't then." You whine, secretly smiling to yourself as Sukuna lets out a growl of annoyance
"You know I do." He bites back, tone sharp and final as he forces his mind to focus on the pendent in front of him and not your silly antics-
"Then why won't you say it?" You question, turning to lay on your stomach as you watch his brows furrow in adorable annoyance that had you biting the inside of your cheek
"Me saying it does not change the fact that I do." He says, lips pulled back in a snarl as the chain falls from his finger tips once again. He was the King of Curses, for heavens sake. So why is he struggling to untangle his womans necklace for her?
Your hands find his back - and he visibly stiffens when your feeble attempt to tickle him is fruitless - you laugh before pressing a single kiss to his cheek that has him rolling his eyes in annoyance
"I love you." you coo, smushing his cheeks together as he scowls and swats you away
"As do I. Now move and let me - "
"You what?" you ask, feigning innocent as you send him a smile that has him gritting his teeth together
"Woman, I will kill you."
His empty threats did nothing - and you merely let out a whine as you drop your head onto his shoulder
"My one and only love wants to kill me. Dare I say - he hates me?" You cry out, and he's finaly had enough - he tosses your necklace onto the bed before a single arm wraps around you and drops you onto his lap
"I love you. Your existence has brought me an odd sense of contentment - as unbelievable as it is. Is that what you wanted to hear?" He grits out, red eyes glaring at you as you blink in surprise from his response
"Hmm. Yes! That will do." You say, sliding effortlessly off of his lap before skipping out the door - he can feel your giddiness from his words radiating off of you like sun rays - and he shakes his head with a scoff
"Lovesick fool."
Even after he mutters the words, he grabs the necklace he was untangling for you once again, giving your small piece of jewerely his undivided attention as he works to untangle it. After an agonizing 10 minutes - it is done, and now he's the one practically skipping to find you and show off what a good job he did untangling your necklace - no doubt you'd give him a kiss and praise him a bit, right?
Well, that's what his lovesick heart hoped for.
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laukern · 22 days
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laukern · 23 days
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“the fuck are you doing, woman? you keep wakin’ me up,” sukuna woke up to your tossing and turning in bed. you’d been rolling around for the past hour now, not finding much comfort in the small breeze coming from the window. it was so god damn hot you felt like you were on fire.
the irritation in your boyfriends voice was clear, you almost felt bad for keeping him up, even if it wasn’t intentional. “‘m in pain ryo. i told you i started my period yesterday, my cramps are jus’ now showing up.”
your body was sprawled across the edge of the bed, a shaking mess. you couldn’t stop moving or the pain in your lower stomach would get even worse. you learned that over the many years of being cursed by this cycle all woman had to go through.
“tch,” he took one look at your shaking body through the darkness. the demon would never admit it, but he actually felt bad. he knew about women and how they usually endure this torture every month, but yours has never been this bad— from what he’s seen at least.
“y’think you’d feel better if i..” sukuna trailed off while staring at the pitch black ceiling. “cuddled you? i think that’s what they call it,” his hand played with the hem of your shirt. even though it was dark, he could still feel the gaze of your addicting eyes.
“you don’t have to ryo! i know that’s not your type of-”sukuna cut you off so quick, almost as if he already knew what you were going to say, and he didn’t want to hear it.
within a blink of an eye he gripped at your waist and pulled you closer to him, hands wrapped around you so tight that there was no room for escape. “shut up brat, n’ just let me do this for you.”
you gasped at the quick change in position, still shocked by how fast he moved. sukuna’s body heat was enough to put you at ease and before you knew it, the shaking had finally stopped.
it was probably because of the rather large hand rubbing at the skin of your lower stomach, or the soft hint of cologne engulfing your senses. you didn’t know what it was, but sukuna fixed your problem in an instant. the cramps were still there of course but they weren’t as painful anymore.
maybe now he could finally get some damn sleep.
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©rissouu 2024 :D
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laukern · 23 days
unspoken affection
Sukuna x reader
Synopsis: In a rare moment of vulnerability, Sukuna allows you to explore the markings on his body
Genre/Warnings: Romance, Hurt/Comfort, Soft moments. Implied sexual tension, mentions of Sukuna's intimidating nature, light teasing.
Note: I want to color his tats
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The moonlight barely filters through the room, casting long shadows across Sukuna's muscular form. He lays still, eyes closed, a faint smirk on his lips as your fingers glide over the dark, jagged markings on his skin, tracing each one with an intimacy you've grown familiar with. His breaths are slow and deliberate, though you know he’s awake. He always is. Despite the quiet arrogance that lingers in his aura, the way he pretends to sleep is his subtle way of allowing these tender moments between you to happen.
Your fingers drift along the length of his back, over his broad shoulders, and down the well-defined muscles of his hips, testing your limits and feeling the heat of his body beneath your touch. The marks that cover him pulse with faint energy, a reminder of his formidable power. But here, in this room, under your hand, he is just Sukuna—your Sukuna, though he would never admit it.
His lips quirk slightly when he feels you hesitate, your fingertips hovering near the lowest of the marks, the ones that dip beneath the edge of the sheets. He doesn’t need to open his eyes to feel the heat rising in your cheeks, knowing all too well how easily he can fluster you with nothing but a smug, well-timed comment.
"Still plenty more marks below my hips, if you're interested," his voice, rich and deep, rumbles through the silence, laced with that insufferable arrogance. You swallow, heat rushing to your face, but you press on, unwilling to let him win so easily this time.
Instead of biting back, you lean in closer, your lips brushing the markings along his chest, moving with a deliberate slowness that draws a low, approving hum from him. He shifts, rolling onto his back, four arms spreading lazily across the bed as if inviting you to explore further. His crimson eyes finally open, four of them watching you intently, the gleam of amusement and something deeper lurking behind them.
"You’re quite the bold one tonight," he mutters, the corners of his mouth curving upward as you press a soft kiss to the center of his forehead, right between the small crown of black markings.
But this time, you don’t let his teasing get to you. Instead, you allow your lips to move lower, down the planes of his shoulders and along the corded muscles of his arms, planting gentle kisses onto the skin he pretends is invulnerable. You know better. You've seen it in the way he never pulls away, how he subtly leans into your touch, like he's soaking up the affection he refuses to ask for.
A low chuckle escapes him, but his taunts have softened, replaced by the steady, rhythmic hum of his breathing, as if the sensation of your lips against his skin is enough to quiet even the King of Curses.
You smile against his skin, feeling a strange sense of accomplishment wash over you. For all his bluster and arrogance, beneath the weight of his ancient power and the cruel smirk that never seems to fade, there’s a man who lets you in. One who lies still beneath your touch, his monstrous form revealing small, fleeting moments of vulnerability that are yours alone to witness.
“Are you just going to sit there, or do you plan to finish?” His voice cuts through the silence again, though it lacks its usual bite.
You chuckle softly, pressing a kiss to the dark, jagged mark on his collarbone. “I didn’t know you were so impatient, Sukuna.”
He growls, but there’s no real anger behind it. "You're pushing your luck, woman."
His four hands find their way to your waist, tugging you closer until you're practically draped over him, face pressed to his chest. It's a rare gesture from him, one he covers with arrogance, but you've come to learn the truth behind his seemingly petulant acts. He may not admit it outright, but this—your warmth, your closeness—is what he craves more than anything.
"You could stay like this all day," you tease, your voice muffled against his chest, your fingers tracing patterns along the marks that wind over his skin.
A low hum vibrates through his body, and he shifts, one of his arms snaking up to cradle the back of your head. "If you're so eager to remain in bed, I won't stop you."
You snicker, but it dies down into a soft sigh as you nestle further into him. His warmth surrounds you, the strange comfort of his presence pulling you deeper into the cocoon you've created. He may not say it, but you know—this, too, is how he shows he cares. Even if he would never dare utter the words.
As your hand rests over one of his, you press a soft kiss to his cheek, surprising him into a rare moment of silence. His gaze locks on yours, and for a heartbeat, neither of you speaks.
Sukuna’s eyes flicker with something unspoken, a fleeting glimpse of the man beneath the curse, and though his smirk quickly returns, the warmth in his eyes remains.
"Careful," he murmurs, his voice low and dangerous, "I might get used to this."
You smile, shifting just enough to press your forehead against his. "Maybe that’s the point.”
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I want to show this man what this throat can do
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laukern · 23 days
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“you tempt me.”
sukuna says as you walk into the chamber, in nothing but a thin nightgown that clings to all the right places and leaves little to the imagination.
“...i didn't do anything?” you say, confused as you dry your hair with a towel and make your way over to the mattress where he is laying on his side of the bed.
“everything you do is tempting.” he says pointedly.
“i'm not sure whether this is an insult or a compliment.” you respond, smiling at him.
he stares at you for a few moments, and although he would never admit it — he admires the way you look, the curve of your lips, your flushed cheeks, your eyes and the way they sparkle, the way your damp hair frames your face — everything about you was just so tempting. that's the only way he could describe it.
and god, not to mention your body — your curves and contours and the thin nightgowns you usually wear that highlight your body so irresistibly.
“ryo,” you coo softly as you notice his lingering gaze, “what’s on your mind?”
“why must you infuriate me?” he asks, and you quirk an eyebrow, letting out a surprised laugh, “i literally didn't do anything.”
he scoffs — even the way you laugh was tempting him, and it wasn't in a bad way.
maybe that's what infuriates him.
it's sickening, the hold you have on him.
“ryo,” you coo again, and he scoffs again, “call me that one more time.” he warns and you laugh once more.
“c'mere.” you hum, climbing on his lap and instinctively his hands come at your hips, gripping and kneading the soft flesh gently.
your fingers tangle in his hair and you pull him closer, pecking his lips for a moment and sukuna tries to convince himself that there is no growing heat on his face.
you pull away after a moment, resting your forehead against his as his gaze bores into you and he ignores the increasing speed of his heart.
he scoffs, “temptation.”
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taglist : @samaraxmorgan
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