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latesthomeappliancesindia · 6 years ago
What is the difference between a split ac and a window ac?
Air conditioners have become imperative in every household thanks to the rising temperatures and receding rainfall. It is impossible to think of spending the summer season without an effective air conditioner. Different people buy different air conditioners depending on their utility and needs. So, if you’re willing to buy an air conditioner, your first challenge would be deciding which AC to buy between a Split AC and a Window AC. To help you come to a conclusion, here’s a list of differences between the two:
1) The product structure:    
A Split AC has two major components- a condenser and an evaporator while a Window AC is a combined structure where both the components lie in the same unit.  
The Split AC has one component placed internally and the other, externally. The indoor unit is installed inside the room which takes in all the warm air and throws out all the cold air as an output. The outdoor unit or the compressor has only one function, throwing the warm air out. They can easily cool down large areas within minutes.  
The Window AC comprises of the compressor, condenser, evaporator and the cooling coils, all in one unit. They are an ideal choice for small rooms and a limited area.  
2) Energy efficiency:  
The Window AC draws a lot of energy in comparison to the Split AC, as they need more time to cool down a room. The IFB air conditioners are available in different capacities for your various needs, whether its a room or a hallway, these air conditioners can easily cool them down within minutes.    
3) Cost effectiveness:
Window ACs are comparatively cheaper than the Split ACs as they have the classic window structure and limited features, while Split ACs have more features and come equipped with larger cooling capacities.  Split ACs can effectively cool down that big hall of your house in minutes while a Window AC would take at least an hour to do the same.  
4) Space and Installation:
A Split AC takes way less space as compared to a bulky Window AC. The Split AC can be easily installed in any area without any hassle while a Window AC would necessarily need a window for installation.  
5) The noise factor:
A Window AC is known to make more noise than a Split AC. A Split AC is basically noiseless and ensures that you get a good night’s sleep, which is why it is considered the best ac in India.  
If you’re still wondering which AC to buy, here’s a list of the best air conditioners in the market that you must check out before making a final decision.  
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latesthomeappliancesindia · 6 years ago
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IFB Front Load Washing Machines are packed with features that give you a perfect wash every time. From Aqua Energie, a filter treatment for hard water to Cradle Wash, a feature to wash those designer clothes with the same care as that of a hand wash, IFB’s Front Load Washing Machines take care of all your laundry needs. Moreover, IFB is the only brand to give 4 years 100% Super Warranty and 10 years parts support.
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latesthomeappliancesindia · 6 years ago
Tips to maintain washing machine like an expert
Congratulations on purchasing your new IFB washing machine! Purchasing a fully automatic washing machine can be tedious but at IFB we have made it easy and convenient with our front and top loading machines for our customers. Gone are the days where you had to hand-wash your daily clothes, which were not only time consuming but also tiring and wasting a lot of water. However, you should also be able to maintain your washing machine to ensure you get the maximum utility out of it!  
Here are some of the easy ways to maintaining your washing machine:
Check The Hoses To ensure smooth flow of water, you should keep an eye on the hoses of the machine. Most washing machines have three hoses of which two are inlets for hot and cold water and one is an outlet. Ensure the inlets are properly connected to the taps with no cracks or leaks. This will prevent wastage of water as well. In addition, do not forget to check the condition of the outlet or drain hose from time to time as lint and other fabrics may get built up and clog the drainage during expulsion of water at the time of a wash. Choose the best fully automatic washing machine in India from IFB’s range of top and front loaders.
The Right Detergent Everyone expects their wash to be 100% clean and good as the first time when a washing machine was bought. The choice of choosing the right detergent will further ensure your wash is perfect with clothes coming out as good as new. Some follow the user manual and prefer to use machine-specific detergents while the others use regular detergents. The point to remember is that the detergent you use must not be too harsh or heavily alkaline in nature for this may cause damage not just to your clothes but also certain parts of the machine. IFB has a range of liquid detergents specifically made for our machines.  
Cleaning The Filter Choosing the best fully automatic washing machine also requires you ensure the machine can work smoothly for you. Often many consumers forget to clean the filter which comes attached in various machines, including in the ones from IFB. This filter extracts the lint and other dirt particles from the washing process. So it’s imperative you have clean this filter once in a while. Once the filter is full, it is not able to collect the debris which will continue to remain in the water, get stuck on your clothes and build up in the machine as well. This can reduce the life your machine and negatively affect its performance.
Leave The Door Open One of the biggest mistakes people make after a full load of wash is to keep the washing machine door shut. Leaving the door open for 15 to 30 minutes removes the moisture and prevents mould and bacteria build up in your machine. Keeping the door open will ensure proper drying of the tub and protecting delicate parts from getting damaged due to moisture.  
Keeping in mind some of these points will go a long in ensuring the maximum usage of your washing machine. Doing so, will ensure not only a clean wash but also reduces power and water consumption and at the end, saves more money in your pocket!
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latesthomeappliancesindia · 6 years ago
Reasons to buy a dish washer
The perennial debate between hand washing dishes or using a dishwasher is still on. While many in India believe hand washing does a better job, various researches indicates that using a dishwasher is probably the best approach in terms of health, environment and usage of water. To top it all, dishwasher saves time.  
Here are some reasons why you should opt for a dishwasher:
1. Save your time and energy:
In a rush to hit the bed, or just reach office on time but wait, there’s a huge pile of dishes to be done! By leaving the tedious and time consuming task of washing dishes to the dishwasher, make yourself hassle free. All you need to do is to load and unload the dishes in a dishwasher which ultimately saves a lot of your time and effort. By doing so, you can do much other productive work and use your time efficiently.
2. Germ free:
In order to clean dishes properly, the water needs to be above 60°. When washing dishes by hand, water typically reaches 28°C, which is just not hot enough. The water inside a dishwasher is heated up to 75-80°C, so not only will your dishes be completely clean, it’ll be germ free. All thanks to pasteurization. 
3. Kind to your hands:
Your dishwasher will not only save energy and water but your hands too by not having to deal with harsh chemicals and scrubbing stubborn plates. Traditional scrubbing of dishes would leave your hands rough but using a dishwasher, everything becomes a breeze.
4. Environment-Friendly:
Many people who hand wash dishes do so because they believe it’s more beneficial to the environment. While old appliances consumed a lot of electricity and water, the newer versions have become more efficient. Dishwashers use limited water and are much more environment friendly than you think.  
5. Hygienic:
Old sponges are hotbeds of bad bacteria, which are responsible for causing food poisoning. A dishwasher kills all of these germs with the help of its hot water usage. This is achieved by rinsing dishes at a higher temperature of up to 70°C for approximately 12 minutes. This helps to keep your kitchenware much more clean and sanitized, which is important for young children or family members who have frequent allergies.
IFB dishwashers help you save your time by decreasing the hassle of doing the dishes. IFB has specifically designed a wide range of efficient dishwashers and cleaning supplies to help take care of your daily chores.
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latesthomeappliancesindia · 6 years ago
Mistakes to avoid while using an air conditioner
When you ignore your air conditioner maintenance, your energy bills begin to rise with a corresponding decrease in the cooling.  
Most of us do not bother checking our air conditioners. The pre-installed thermostats of the AC systems help in the process of turning it on and off, so, the cooling process is normally on autopilot. However, there are some really common mistakes that you often make which can have terribly affect your air conditioners efficiency and performance levels.  
If you have a poorly maintained air conditioner, it can become contaminated with microorganisms that may be harmful. These microorganisms, if inhaled, can lead to asthma problems and allergies.
Here, are some common air conditioner mistakes to look out for:
Ignoring Your Air Filter:
The AC air filter is responsible for removing dust, allergens and contaminants from the air that passes through the system. These filters are like light weighted card board which are specifically designed to be regularly replaced around every six months. As that filter gets filled with dirt, it becomes tough for the air to pass through and the AC unit can’t really cool anymore. This not only raises the volume of dust in your households, but it greatly decreases the airflow and the efficiency for your AC unit. So, always make sure that you get a new filter once a year. 
2. Using the AC When No One Is Home:
In the middle of the weekday, when every member of the family is at work or school, you can switch off your AC unit significantly to save on money. The same can be done at the middle of the night, when people are asleep. Don’t set the AC to lower the temperature when no one is around.
3. Turning the Temperature Down Too Low:
This is a common mistake and an old mistake that people are guilty of. People frequently turn their thermostats down to very low temperatures hoping that this would make the AC cool more quickly, but it doesn’t. The AC works just as hard to lower the temperature one degree as it does to lower it by 10 degrees. So, it’s only a matter of time. Therefore, program your thermostat to exactly where you want it, not any lower.
4. Never Cleaning Fins and Coils:
Air conditioning evaporator coils and fins allow the heat to pass from the refrigerant in the system and out into the air, just as the condenser coils help it absorb the heat from inside the house. This process of heat travel is quite important, but it tends to become slathered by layers of dust and dirt. If you never check your coils, they will end up costing you more money, when replaced and decrease your unit’s efficiency as well.  
Always clean your air conditioner at the beginning of the summer season. Remember to check it from time to time, especially after rain storms or high winds to make sure your coils and fins are clean.
IFB air conditioner systems are energy-efficient that homeowners can invest in, to cut down on cooling costs. IFB split conditioners can quickly cool down a huge room and can keep you comfortable through all kinds of weather – hot, cold or rainy. Excellently engineered for efficiency and designed for convenience, every home deserves an IFB Fast Cool Air Conditioner.
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latesthomeappliancesindia · 6 years ago
How much dishwasher soap is too much? Everything you need to know
Latest automatic dishwashers save tremendous amount of time and effort, not only do they minimize breakage through the reduced handling of dishes, but they also help to keep the kitchen neat and clutter-free.  
The benefits of an automatic dishwasher and the specially formulated detergents can only be achieved if they are used correctly. It is, therefore, important for you to understand how the dishwasher works, the purpose of its features and how to load and operate it properly.  
The latest dishwashers are made to use far less water than the older models therefore, they need a lot less soap than you use. Detergents have become increasingly concentrated. So, a little bit of detergent goes a long way. Too much soap causes a problem for the dishwashers and can cause dishes and glasses to look filmy. Keep in mind that loading the dishwasher right will also get your dishes cleaner. But because you are probably using these appliances incorrectly, your dishes may not be coming out as clean as they could be, and you might also be damaging the machines.
It is understandable that you rarely, if ever, read the manuals when you buy a new detergent or even glance through the instructions on the box of detergent or bottle of dishwashing liquid. But, when you look at your dishwasher’s manual, you will find that the optimum amount of detergent that must be put in the dishwasher is two cups about 1/3 full, and that’s all you must use. Any more than that could cause problems.
It’s not necessary to fill the entire detergent cup and important to note that the size of the cup varies if there are more dishes than normal or if they are heavily soiled. So, you can only know the apt size of dishwasher detergent you require for your use by experimenting a few times and your perfect detergent dose will be the one that washes the entire load effectively. The optimum amount of detergent also depends on the water hardness of your home.
The takeaway for today is: experiment for yourself and don’t blindly accept the size of the soap dispenser in your dishwasher or the recommended dose on your detergent bottle.  
Start with a tiny amount, and scale upwards if dishes seem greasy still. If you follow this tip diligently, it will be safer to assume that you’ll cut your detergent usage by half — and your costs too.  
IFB dishwashers come really handy in the kitchen to help decrease your hassle and save your time. IFB has manufactured a wide range of very efficient dishwasher machines and cleaning supplies like the rinse aid and dish detergent. Explore the entire range of IFB cleaning supplies to ensure a clean load of dishes every single time.
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latesthomeappliancesindia · 6 years ago
How To Make Your Cookware Look Like New Again
A plate full of butter chicken, a fresh batch of brownies, shahi paneer with butter masala or just a bowl full of Alfredo pasta, all of these mouthwatering dishes are so flavorsome but are only too good to be true because when you are done eating, they will cause an absolute mess in your cookware.
After need an extra hands-on time to get them clean. Here, you will find some really handy cleaning hacks that will make your cookware look like new again!
        I.            Use vinegar and baking soda:
When in doubt about how to make your cookware shiny, use vinegar and baking soda as rule of thumb. They are not only extremely effective but they also help a great deal in removing burnt marks, oil and other grease that the food leaves.
      II.            Use sugar cubes:
Just like vinegar and baking soda, you can use sugar cubes to clean the mess on your cookware. The hard edges of the sugar break down the tough stickiness of food from your cookware. When you start scrubbing the cookware with sugar, just remember to remove any extra liquid.
    III.            Opt for aluminum foils:
Yes, you heard that right. It is cheap and works well with all types of cookware. The hard edge of metal helps you to remove all the stickiness of the food without consuming much time and energy.
     IV.            Use chainmail scrubbers:
These not only help you in removing the food stuck to your cookware, it also helps you to remove the iron rusts. It clears off the rust without even adding any salt or sugar scrub.
       V.            Iron wool to the rescue:
There’s another cleaning instrument that you can use to get rid of iron rusts on cookware which is iron wool. It strips down all the rust from surface really fast.
    VI.            The Ketchup formula:
We know you will be very skeptical about this one, but the ketchup really helps! The acid in the ketchup works wellon the stains of the cookware and makes them look as good as new. Believe us, this one is a winner!
   VII.            Use potato, coarse salt and oil:
This technique is really simple; all you have to do is cut the potato in half. Sprinkle coarse salt over the cookware and place the cut side of the potato upsidedown on the pan and start scrubbing. Apply a little pressure. Once done, pour a small amount ofoil and use a clean tissue to remove all of it. Keep the pan over the heat for half an hour to wipe off the excess oil after that and voila! Your cookware looks as good as new now!
Just in case you are looking for more efficient ways to clean your cookware and make them as good asnew again, check out our IFB kitchen cleaning essentials,with a complete range of cleaning supplies here. Now, you can make your cookware look like new again in the most hassle freeway possible, by using the latest range of IFB dishwashers.
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latesthomeappliancesindia · 6 years ago
How To Do Washing Chores Smoothly On A Lazy Day
It is obvious that doing laundry seems to be a tedious affair and is often the least favorite chore to do! The laundry takes way too long to sort, wash, fold and then, iron.It can be a daunting task to figure out the fastest and the easiest ways of doing laundry but with these clever tips, you can definitely speed up your laundry chores real quick.
 1)    Plan ahead before every laundry wash:
Planning the laundry ahead will save you from all the emergencies like when you are late for your important meeting and your favorite shirt is dirty! Planning it ahead and doing it when you are relaxing in front of the TV is far better than trying to take on the laundry while in a rush!If you’re forgetful, put it into your calendar so that you don’t forget it at all.  
2)    Get rid of  all the stains: It’s a tedious job just to get rid of the tough stains on clothes that just won’t go away! IFB has an amazing solution for you that will save both your time and energy. IFB’s Fabo stain remover gets rid of most stains, all you have to do is spray, let it soak for a bit and then wash it off.
3) Clean your appliances: You might find it weird to clean your washing machinebut even the machine needs a proper cleaning from time to time. Cleaning your machine can make everything work smoothly, which saves you both, time and efforts. You must clean out the entire gunk and the dirt, so that your machine works efficiently and you don’t end up spending hours waiting your clothes to be washed.IFB manufactures IFB Descalthat removes limescale deposits which accumulates in most electrical water appliances and ruin their performance. All you have to do is pour it into the machine drum and run it for an entire cycle.
4) Use baskets to presort laundry: It gets worse when the laundry is not sorted and is left to finish for no definite amount of time. There has to be a definite system of sorting these clothes before they are put in the washing machine for a quick wash. Presorting all your dirty laundry saves you a lot of time and effort as you don’t have to go around finding dirty clothes all around the house.        
 5)  Shake out the wet clothes before putting them in the dryer:
This step helps with wrinkles and speeds up the drying time.When everything is matted together, squished up in a ball, it isn’t going to dry fast. Also, if that leg of a pant is stuck up inside the jeans, it won’t dry well and when it does it will become a wrinkly mess.Takeout time to shake them out, turn them right-side out, and button, zip, or snap things closed. The IFB clothes dryers have been specially designed to help speed up your clothes drying process.  
6)    Throw all the socks in a pile:
This trick is an absolute life saver! Socks have a way of getting stuck inside other clothes. Just keep all of them in a pile and save them for last so you don’t have to go sock hunting when you can’t find that stray one later. IFB has a wide range of efficient washing machines to keep all your laundry nightmares at bay.Thesewashing machines have a smart design and are absolutely energy efficient. They save detergents and have special wash programs for school uniforms and even pet hair removal. The IFB washing machines come with all these features and more to help you relax while they take good care of your laundry.Check out the entire range of IFB washing machines here.
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latesthomeappliancesindia · 6 years ago
Five Step Guide to Ease Your Laundry Hassle
Some of us find doing laundry soothing as the smell of freshly washed sheets is pure heaven while others among us despise it as it’s a job that never ends. No matter how tedious you find it, doing it well is extremely important. Our clothes have dirt, grime, sweat and oil hidden in them, which, if not washed properly can give rise to complications.
Here, we will break down some common laundry errors that all of us are guilty of doing; by answering some frequently asked questions:
1)       Frequency of washing your bath towels:
Did you know you can use your bath towels for 4 days or more if you hang them after every use and allow them to dry well? Washing your towels very often will lead to their wear and tear.
2)       Your pillows and pillow cases need washing:
Your pillowcases can be easily washed every week but your pillows have to be deep cleaned every six months. It is absolutely necessary to clean off the oil, sweat and makeup from your pillowcases as it can severely affect your face and hair.
3)       Easy ways to wash those bed sheets:
This is the most commonly asked question! Our bed sheets consist of oil, dust and germs which can cause some serious health issues. You must clean your bed sheetsevery second week. This might seem a bit tedious but who doesn’t love a minty fresh bed sheet on a well-made bed! Just a quick tip, wash your sheets in hot water for the best results.
4)       Remember to clean your mattress pad:
Cleaning bed sheets every week or two seems like a tiresome work already and now you have to clean your mattress pads as well? Your mattress pad accumulates serious grime and bacteria which can eventually affect your health. Your mattress pads should be washed at least once in two months.Make sure to look at the instructions label while cleaning your mattress pad or you will end up destroying your mattress.
5)       Don’t forget your bath mats:
You have no idea how filthy your bath mats become in just a few days! They need to be washed consistently, every 2 weeks. Wash your bathroom rugs in acold setting, then, hang your mats outside to dry or tumble dry on the lowest setting. These will keep them fresh and clean for long.
IFB has solution for all your everyday laundry trouble. IFB manufacturesa wide range of IFB essentialsthat will aid your day to day laundry problems.
IFB’s Fluff liquid detergent can be easily used in eitherthe front load or the top load washing machines, as this low-foam laundry detergent has been specially developed to deliver a superior wash performance in washing machines without affecting your pillows or pillow cases.
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latesthomeappliancesindia · 6 years ago
8 Laundry Room Organization Tips
 Stuck with a tiny laundry room and wondering how to maximize the storage space? Or are you inundated with your weekly laundry chores and now don’t feel like doing anything!
We understand that you are super busy in your fast-paced life and it’s hard to manage a laundry room that requires more organization than the rest of the house.
Just because you have a tiny laundry room, it doesn’t mean that you can’t keep it clean! Well, all you need is a little creativity to keep your small laundry room organized.
Here are some useful tips that will keep at bay your laundry room organization burden for good:
1)      Use the walls  for storing laundry supplies:
The hanging wire storage racks come really handy for day to day use. These racks are readily available in the market at nominal price. They can be used for storing laundry detergents, washing soaps, fabric softeners among others. Some of these racks come with hooks that can be used to hang small items of clothing. IFB laundry essentials are convenient and easy to use.
2)      Use little storage shelves to save space:
If racks are an issue for you, little storage shelves can come to your rescue! All your cleaning supplies can be easily stored in the shelves, saving most of the space in your room.
3)      Get a folding station:
No matter how tiny your room is, a folding station is extremely necessary. You can set up a retractable small counter that can be easily folded shut, when not in use.
4)      Use the doors:
The back of your doors should be your go-to option for storage. Plenty of storage racks can be accommodated behind the doors, where all your cleaning supplies can be stored with ease. You can even use over-the-door hanging racks to hang your clothes.
5)      Opt for better cabinet management:
If you own a cabinet, you must make the most of it! Use baskets and shelves to double up the storage space.
 6)      Use an ironing centre:
Similar to the folding station, purchase a foldable ironing table. It is practical, simple to use and easy to store. After the use, you can just fold it up and put it in a corner.
7)      Use plywood counter space:
There are a huge variety of light weighted plywood countertops which are available in the market at a nominal price. These can be easily installed over the washing machine or the clothes dryer, which will give you a lot of counter space.
8)      Opt for space saving washing machines:
There are many washing machines that are available in market which fit in small laundry room comfortably and stylishly.
There are several IFB washing machines which are small, stylish and do an amazing job of cleaning your clothes. Along with this, it helps you save up on space! Available in all forms including the Top loader washing machines and the Front loader washing machines, IFB designs a wide range of products keeping your preferences in mind.
Know more about IFB products online.
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