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latesilver · 7 years ago
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   you have nothing left to give and yet you would give away your HEART and SOUL to someone in need.  
                                (  ind & pri oc. adored by babynamesdotcom  )
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latesilver · 7 years ago
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                  Don’t MATTER what I said. Reavers don’t leave NO SURVIVORS.
Reavers ain’t men. Reavers ain’t men. Reavers ain’t men. Reavers ain’t men. Reavers ain’t men. Reavers ain’t men. Reavers ain’t men. Reavers ain’t men. Reavers ain’t men. Reavers ain’t men. Reavers ain’t men. Reavers ain’t men. Reavers ain’t men. Reavers ain’t men. Reavers ain’t men.
ind sel pri simon tam & jayne cobb ghosted by katie and dottie ( boo )
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latesilver · 8 years ago
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                                                ❝  Sex. Muscle. Humor. Thuggery. Jayne. ❞
↳  JAYNE COBB. mutually exclusive. somewhat shiny. penned by dottie. graphic credit goes to @atomiism  ❤
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latesilver · 8 years ago
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                           I AM A PROFESSIONAL NERD.
independent && selective C.huck B.artowski. ( loved by dottie. )
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latesilver · 8 years ago
                     A smile had formed on his face, pale lips were firmly tugged upward as he watched the newbie getting a taste of what his new life was supposed to be. Onyx eyes were so focused, at the ever so slow movements, he didn’t even realize when the man was gone. And instead of searching for the man again, his own thoughts began to wander, swirling around his mind in a fashion that might make other people d i z z y. Peter, for all he was worth, wasn’t crazy. No no, everybody else was just so  S L O W  that it pained him to watch, to talk and to move at their pace. Sister Jude said he was insane, but he wasn’t!  No no, everybody else was just so slow. So slow and he was so much faster. ( In reality, however, Peter regularly moved SLOWER than normal people. )
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                     The voice then dragged him back to reality and dark eyes stared up at           his OWN almost black ones? Silver curls fell to the side as Peter tilted his head, carefully observing the newbie. For the first time, he fully saw the man’s face, the eyebrows that were so much darker than his own, but everything else looked as if it was ripped out of Peter’s face. But it was different, subtle lay the mistakes hidden in the details like the dark circles under the other man’s eyes. At least, Peter hoped there were differences because at the moment he only saw the similarities and they scared him. How many crazy people looked alike? ( No no, everybody else was just so SLOW. Peter wasn’t crazy. ) Squirming in his seat, he tried to bring some distance between himself and the man, before he finally spoke up.
“ I’m Peter? “ His words came out as if they had just fallen out of his mouth, FAST but mixed with uncertainty. The man hadn’t asked for more information but in fact, Peter was incredibly curious as to who this slower version of himself was. He just had no idea in what order he should put his questions out. “ Why is your hair so dark? ”                                                    ( His own had been silver for as long as he could remember. )
            After he managed to shove the woman invading his personal space away, Kit’s uncertainty continued to build with every step as he walked further into the common room, disturbed by the sight of people surrounding him on all sides. The strains of crackling music were fed out by the turntable playing, the wintry sunlight cutting in through the barred windows casting a cold haze over everything. They were other patients sitting down, gathered at small tables together, a woman dancing with her beady stare trained on his. The high pitched, harmonized voices of French women singing provided an eerily upbeat backdrop. Kit uttered in a quiet fit of frustration to himself,  ❛ I can’t take it ❜ 
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            If it weren’t for the male sitting on the couch by himself next to the music, Kit would have tried to stop it from playing. Instead, he only went so far until his attention was snatched up entirely and he was blinking brown eyes at another patient. Kit’s footfalls ceased, his neck slowly turning as the weight of his gaze settled on another male with a head full of gray hair. It wasn’t the gray hair that stunned him but the face that went with it. Confusion began to form. It crowded his thoughts, until one emerged and took firm root. No matter what anyone told him, no matter what anyone said, he had to hold onto the truth. The truth was all Kit had, his claim to his sanity a testament to the strength of his will. They could strap him down to a bed, inject his veins with a wave of drugs, smack him around until he bruised, but his innocence in the face of everything he suffered couldn’t be beat. Nor would he let it be. He refused.
            Except seeing another guy in here with a face similar to his was enough to give anyone whiplash. Kit wasn’t insane, he wasn’t, but he couldn’t shake the sight as he sank down into the sofa cushions across from him and stared. Something in the poison they gave him through those thin, silver needles causing him to hallucinate, or was there really a man cooped up in Briarcliff all this time that looked almost exactly like Kit — but he never knew about until now?
            ❛ Hey, ❜ he addressed him, softly but firmly. ❛ What’s your name? ❜
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latesilver · 8 years ago
                   Muscles burnt from the over-usage as he sped through the night. The longer he ran, the more did that dreaded feeling settle in his stomach. He might have gotten LOST. And as the clouds settled, rain poured over him and it got harder and harder to see, he decided to stop. Dark eyes scanned his surroundings, saw the unfamiliar area and noticed the turned off lights everywhere but at one place. A groan escaped his mouth as he began to move again, legs aching but the slow pace still made him uncomfortable.
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                  At first, he thought nobody was around, the light wasn’t meant to be on and attracting people, but then he noticed strong legs peep out from under a car. Another noise left his throat and another and another until the legs finally reacted and a man crawled up. Peter’s smile almost matched the one the man carried on his face, but embarrassmentwas edged into his. “ Do you have like a MAP of the place, bro? “ The words came out easily, this wasn’t the first time he had missed a turn and ended in the wrong state, but no one ever needed to know that. Instead, he looked outside again, saw the darkness of the night and heard the rain steadily come down. It was then that he noticed his own drenched  clothes and his EMPTY stomach. A new smile formed on his lips and the curve of his eyebrows fell, this time, his expression was a lot more apologetic. “ Actually         man, do you know a place where I can crash or something? “
             The sky was sluggish and gray, and other than the odd customer needing their gas pumped every couple of hours Kit was at the garage by himself all day. The pitter patter of rain started falling down on the roof in the late afternoon before turning to a slick and steady downpour, the sound accompanied by the smooth, crooning lyrics to There Goes My Baby by The Drifters. Even with no one for company he kept himself busy, jamming to music while he worked. Kit was working on an automobile repair when he pulled out from underneath the car he was working on, dabs of oil tinting his brown hair and the white tee underneath his unbuttoned, navi uniform shirt — only to realize he wasn’t alone. His initial look of surprise was replaced by the heft of a smile as he reached over and gave his hands a strong wipe with a soiled rag. Out in the country everybody knew everybody, so it was pretty much on sight one could tell when another wasn’t from around here. About the only time Kit was able to meet a new face was at his job while travelers came through town.
            ❛ What can I do for you today… ❜ Kit proceeded to climb to his feet, evening their gazes cordially; he took a brief moment to glance behind the newcomer in order to check for a car. He didn’t see one in his line of view, but that didn’t mean there wasn’t one. ❛ Sir? ❜
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latesilver · 8 years ago
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Quick heads up guys: because a friend rebooted their blog i will be deleting and reposting our threads. So no my revamping of Peter hasn’t started yet, but we’re getting there!
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latesilver · 8 years ago
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This blog is gonna get revamped soon, I'll fix a new theme up, drop most of my threads and get the icons finally. So stay tuned and in the meantime, you can find me over here.
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latesilver · 8 years ago
verpissdiiich hat auf deinen Eintrag geantwortet:Aaand this Halloween, I’m serving head.
See when I asked for head, that wasn’t what I meant!
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latesilver · 8 years ago
eatsdust hat auf deinen Eintrag geantwortet:Aaand this Halloween, I’m serving head.
was the joke that bad?
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latesilver · 8 years ago
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Aaand this Halloween, I’m serving head.
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latesilver · 8 years ago
@latesilver gets a random thing
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              ❛ do you think if you went fast enough, you could run across water and not sink? ❜
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          “ Yepp, pretty sure I could do that. I mean it would be kinda awesome, right?! ”
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latesilver · 8 years ago
Update: My PC is back where he belongs and he is fixed!! But he is kinda a virgin again. So my data is still there, like all the icons and stuff, but everything else like the programs (even fucking Chrome and Skype) is gone. So before I get back I gotta find all the things again and clog the bitch up, but rest assured it won't take long till I’m back again! In the meantime find me on Iwan or Puby!
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latesilver · 8 years ago
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sweet dreams are made of goggles, silver jacket and a sunshine smile.
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latesilver · 8 years ago
So my PC situation ain’t better, it kinda got worse cuz apparently i need more new parts for it than expected and everything will take longer and I’m sad. Buuut I still got my laptop and the icons i saved online, so you can find me over on Puby or Iwan aaaaand I guess I’m having something new in the making to distract myself from the horror that is this tiny laptop screen.
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latesilver · 8 years ago
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Quicksilver Day
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latesilver · 8 years ago
Okay guys, so we have like a situation rn. As I said I was gone during the weekend, but one day before we left my PC died on me. For a while, I had to fear I might lose all my shit, including my new icons and icons that were still in the making. (rn it looks like i might be able to keep my stuff, but i don’t now yet.) But, I’m a smart cookie, I actually uploaded some of my icons online a while ago, so I can still use them no matter what happens (which is why I was on Pubert and not here cuz Puby has 400 icons online). I didn’t upload Peter’s new icons and rn I’m sitting in front of my teeny tiny laptop with 130% zoom so I can read what happens on my dashboard. So stuff will be happening slowly, very slowly until I get my PC back. Bear with me, please, I will try to get other stuff done while my baby gets fixed.
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