poems from mind
14 posts
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latenightwalking · 1 year ago
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A suicide letter if I'd ever write one
if I were to kill myself
it would be a quiet affair
I'd want to distance myself, first, from those
who might feel burdened
that the thought of them wasn't enough
to stay my hand
estrange myself even.
I'd isolate myself completely
stop responding to messages
not that I get any
so that, eventually
my invisibility becomes justified
people don't think about people
who haven't been in their lives
for so long
I've considered a bridge
that'd be a fun way to go out
a brief moment of tranquility
before splattering myself on the concrete
I guess it doesn't matter
what happens after the fact
I'd be dead
but I wouldn't want my family to know
at least, not within any period of time that they'd react with more than
I've considered drowning.
finding a beautiful night to kill myself
slowly wading into the waves
I fear, though,
when the salty water hits the back of my throat
that self preservation would kick in
and I'd want to live
I don't think I have enough conviction to drown myself.
just like, when strangulating one's own neck
you just pass out
and then wake up
with a bruise
and questions
lots of questions
and unwanted attention
and people wanting you to go to the hospital
and take medicine
and see people
who ask more questions
like how are you feeling now?
and how are you feeling tomorrow?
and why do you think that is?
and did you know it's not a good idea to kill yourself?
ideally I'd die in my sleep
but I already know
I'm not lucky enough for that
I've asked
I have wished for an earthquake to swallow me whole
or a tornado to toss me around like a ragdoll
any natural disaster would do
life's much simpler
when you only have to focus on trying to survive
and not how to make your life better
that's so much effort
and I don't have that much ambition, 
imagine if I got run over
by a car randomly pulling halfway into the sidewalk
he was killed by a freak accident
or shot
by a man who just wanted to kill someone
he was killed by a deranged psycho
if I searched how to tie a noose
and asked the cashier where thick rope was
and examined the ceiling for the strongest point
maybe I'd be afraid I was going to hang myself
a bullet is simpler
barrel under the jaw pointing up
but I don't have a gun
or bullets
I have medication
and access to various things not to be ingested
but I don't want to go out in pain
or delirium
ruing my final moments
one version of myself
I'm fairly certain
will overdose on cocaine
accidentally on purpose
alas, I'm too attached to this life I don't even care about
this body which I don't even love
for now
I'll just joke about wanting to turn off myself
under my breath
I tend to do that
quite often
when I'm stressed
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latenightwalking · 1 year ago
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that time i did kill myself 
at a stranger’s house
the house party murmurs wanton lust
jean waistbands shuffle, accommodating thick thighs,
crossed; slender backs arch, sunset lips purse, full eyes give
a sultry gaze around the room
that i try to ignore
a drink gets spilled and that’s the funniest thing ever
fingers caress the bare, toned chest that needed to be disrobed
quickly; obviously
“I am so, so, s-sorry”
“Let me make this up to you. In the bedroom. I’m talking about sex. I’ll apologise by how well I’ll let you fuck me.”
fly on the wall in the corner
the booming music
blurs into idle chit chat about ex-partners
into gossip about over dramatic flat-mates
into “did you hear about that slut [redacted]”
“wait! look! here, there’s even security cam footage!”
“what a loose cunt”
candle wax creases melt further
work; life; this; the stress of it all;
my shadow friend pays a visit
but i’d already checked out
of the castle in my mind
left the keys there that morning, 
couldn’t stand another minute,
a gentle hand offers the quivering lamb respite, leads it
to the slaughter
and the grunge of the illicit room takes me aback, at first,
heads turn, 
kind of,
quickly re-captivated by white dust
by the smoke covered walls spluttering the haze
of one sequence of inhalation,
spread over the many years
that dysphoria takes from a person
i can relate to that
“this your first time?”
“don’t take too much”
“you don’t know how you’d react”
“best to go slow, eh, real slow”
“takes a few minutes to hit, yeah?”
“i’ll cut half”
“there’s always more”
“[person]’s got connections”
“he’s in deep”
“real fucking deep”
“almost feel bad for ‘em”
i’m not paying attention
the tally reminds me of math class
if i had to describe it:
like floating in clouds
except you’re the cloud
so floating in yourself
the birds watch
perched on the solid cloud
that holds no one else
and they speak their squawky language
and although it’s just high-pitched guttural noises
you can understand them
they tell you not to go higher
“fuck you bird.”
“i’ll go higher if i want to”
i had already committed to taking another line
as many lines as my conciousness could handle, in fact,
before this opportunity had even presented itself
the fabric of air is torn slightly
exposing loose, yarn, stiches that i pull on
curiosity did kill the cat, after all
the other atmosphere seems no different
though the cacophony of distortions rifling my eardrums
unnerves me.
i remain in complete, illogical suspension
as euphoria and dysphoria play their dance
i want to rip open this small mousehole
and pull myself through
but there’s nothing to grab
the air brushes my hands aside
like love letters received from one
too naïve to know about love
silence, the only option left
and shouting, wailing,
panic at an unforeseen crisis
concern, regret,
i feel the hot coal remnants of slaps to the cheek
warm, liquid, pooling from several unrestrained kicks to the rib
of my unconscious body
“why’d you have to go and do that for”
“this’ll ruin me!”
“snap out of it!”
when a rocket knows
that it’s going to tilt back toward
the braced, unflinching earth
and end itself in a fiery, horrific explosion
of metallic guts and oil blood
it has no choice but to concede its fate
much to the chagrin of the lock-jawed personnel
who’ll later try to deny any responsibility
that “that guy didn’t matter anyway”
and that their mistake wasn’t the one
that caused this hellish one
i wonder
if my parents knew
playing fast and loose with baby
shutting the door to its incessant wailing
as the shadow form, stuck to the pale wall
un-sticks itself and creeps closer
i wonder
if they realised
this one seemingly inaction
would set my entire path
or at least, block off the happy ones
and lead to passiveness; quietness - they just want me to shut up. no problems. got it.
in-defensiveness - a doormat has no right to refuse being stepped on
denial of responsibility - the guilty shall bear witness to the hand
self- inadequacies, fear of rejection
the horizon seems endless, lost in the desert
and so too my woes
i don’t blame them
they were tired
after my sister
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latenightwalking · 4 years ago
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Elephants live in zoos,
Branches extend toward husks;
I look over violent engages,
You’re obviously upset,
But understand that,
Idle lives love trouble;
You’re nearly over the
turbulent overture
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latenightwalking · 4 years ago
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Worse than strangers
I'll write one about you
But it's not going to be
A reminiscing love ballad
That you might be expecting
Not even close
Because I suffer from recency bias
And all things recent
Have been all things disparaging
Between us
A rope bridge's string
Untwines itself
Without care and consideration
And I let it
Nonchalantly at first
And then, lethargically
Too much effort for this fucking rope bridge
If I'm remembering clearly
I still don't know why
why the camp and why the message
and it bothers me
and it bothers me that it bothers me
Sometimes when others paint you
as an evil villain, I revel
But I don't believe it
Not really
I just wish
I saw enough light left
To step again in
to the darkness
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latenightwalking · 4 years ago
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Lady and a blanket
A lady
at the bus stop
arms coddling a bare duvet inner
are you alright?
are you alright?
I didn’t respond
are you-
For a few times
Because I didn’t realize she was addressing me
Because I should be the one asking her that question
Because I was too busy wondering
What sort of energy do I put off?
How sad do people think I seem?
When I’m lost in my headspace
Not wanting to be there, or here,
I’m okay, thank you
I didn’t want to trouble her
So I just watched her
leave my periphery
presumably, to return to the street
presumably to sleep
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latenightwalking · 4 years ago
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Definitely not accidental renaissance
The cupboard creaks The kettle croaks The light shines dimly On the quiet darkness Bubbles float to the surface of the pot And explode violently As bubbles do A spew of hot oxygen Splatters the cold air I turn the dial to the right, as if to say Be quiet, pot, It's midnight And you shouldn't be making such a ruckus
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latenightwalking · 4 years ago
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New Girl
Get a new girl mate
He said
No that's-
It's not-
I don't even-
There was no way
All my mind would fit
In one fleeting second
So I just called out to him
Thank you
And, to myself,
I don’t want this
I just want,
To stare longingly
At the rough waves
And be embraced
By my Goddess wind
And to be alone
And to not be alone
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latenightwalking · 4 years ago
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Invisible Faces II They follow me
Two eyes and a mouth
Three dots
Or, two dots and a line
The line of an object
They follow me
As I walk
Careful not to step on
Their invisible faces
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latenightwalking · 4 years ago
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Invisible Faces  Tales from the concrete
Upon the concrete
They lie
Staring upwards
And sideways
And backwards
And any which way
To catch your attention
For once you have noticed them
They are jubilant
At having trapped your gaze
In their sly smile
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latenightwalking · 4 years ago
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Monsters Among Us
My demon inside
Has black angel wings
Pressed against corner walls
An energy
Like black sludge
I don’t like being perceived by it
I’m a child
And it has sharp claws
It looks at the ground
with a certain longingness
To dip its toes into the concrete floor
And be swallowed by it
My darkness
I’m sorry
That I made you sit there
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latenightwalking · 4 years ago
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Aborted Graffiti
You talk
Your mouth flaps up and down
In plosive and sibilance
A season of emotion
In the facial creasing you carry
You bequeath me this sentence, yes
But I’ll construct from that
What I want to hear
Thank you very much
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latenightwalking · 4 years ago
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A graveyard for ants
Here lies ant
He was a proud worker
The proudest
Once, he tried lifting an entire sugar cube
Aloft, on top of
His mandibled head
A born provider
He was
One of 1000
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latenightwalking · 4 years ago
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I just thought this was cool
The more they caw
The more voices blend
into one white noise
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latenightwalking · 4 years ago
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Stain on the earth
Ripped up
Torn apart
You bleed out
Of your concrete pores
From open, salted wounds
And from
The slow, dawning realisation
That no one will ever occupy you
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