"Qué Maravilla"
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21 - a space for my obsession w Miguel O'Hara (& fictional men, mainly played by the loml Oscar Isaac)
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latenightcravingz · 2 months ago
☆ warnings: mdni, this is literally just a cock analysis for sylus, zayne, and caleb
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S8GSBTV - #b0685a
As we all know, Sylus is tall, with a broad, muscular frame and an imposing set of shoulders. He’s strong—insanely strong. The man boxes, for god’s sake. I would hate to take a liver shot from him; he might accidentally send me straight to the afterlife. He’s in phenomenal shape, with stamina to match—because, of course, it’s a requirement for his sport.
And his cock? Well, it follows suit. A solid eight inches (20.32 cm), and yes, he’s a shower. I mean, have you seen that perfect print in his pants??? He doesn’t even know where to put all that. It’s big—long, thick, girthy. No wonder he has a size kink. And let’s be real, so do you. The stretch is delicious, always leaving you working to take him all the way.
The head? A deep, rich brown (go look at the hex code <3). His pubic hair? Trimmed, but left a little longer—just how he likes it. And side note? He loves when you do the same. Says he wants to "explore the jungle." Oh, and let’s not forget: it’s straight and a slightly darker gray than his hair. Perfection.
And the veins—the veins. His cock is thick with them, pulsing, prominent. The most sensitive part? That sweet little slit. Run your tongue along it, and he will hiss, grip your hair, and growl something like, “Don’t do that unless you want me to come in your mouth, kitten.”
And, of course, you’ll keep doing it anyway. Hehehe.
As we all know, Zayne is tall, with a lean yet well-built frame and broad shoulders. He’s strong—moderately muscular—but more refined in his strength. Being a doctor, he has a natural responsibility to stay in shape and take excellent care of himself.
And his cock? It follows suit. A solid seven point three inches (18.542 cm), and he’s a grower. The print in his pants might be deceiving at first, but don’t be fooled—it’s big. Not just long, but with an ideal girth. The best part? It leans slightly to the left, and when he’s inside you, he knows how to move his hips just right, angling to hit that perfect, sensitive spot.
The head? A beautiful brownish pink. His pubic hair? Trimmed low—because he understands the importance of keeping some. He’ll never go completely bare, and honestly? He prefers when you don’t either. And yes, it’s perfectly straight.
Unlike some, his cock isn’t overly veined—but what it lacks in texture, it more than makes up for in sensitivity. The head? Insanely responsive. Pull back his foreskin, drag your tongue along his frenulum, and just like that, he might lose control—maybe even come all over your face.
C7GGPTV - #DF9796
As we all know, Caleb is tall, with a lean yet powerfully built frame. He’s easily the most muscular of the bunch—his body honed to perfection. Being a fighter pilot demands peak physical fitness, not just for endurance but for absolute control in the cockpit.
And his cock? It follows suit. A solid seven inches (17.78 cm), and he’s a grower. The print in his pants might not always give it away, but trust—it’s big. Long, with just a bit more girth than average, making every inch of it something to savor.
The head? A gorgeous pink. His pubic hair? Trimmed low for convenience, though he’ll go completely bare if that’s what you prefer. Naturally, though, he keeps it neat, with a slight, loose curl to it.
And let’s talk about that vein. A single, prominent one that runs up the length of his pretty shaft—one he loves when you trace with your tongue. Oh, and let’s be clear—he’s uncut. Don’t care, won’t argue on that point <33
btw this is what the codes mean (excuse my behavior because now that I actually typed it out i realize how crazy i look rn):
S8GSBTV: sylus-8inch-girthy-shower-brown-trimed-veiny
Z7LSLCGBPLT: zayne-7inch-left slant-long cock-grower-brownish pink-light trim
C7GGPTV: caleb-7inch-grithy-grower-pink-trimed-veiny
2K notes · View notes
latenightcravingz · 2 months ago
Gym Rat Miguel Part 17
content warning: lots of fluff, lots of PDA, suggestive so MINORS BEWARE (I was feeling a certain way while writing this, my b), freakguel is BACK and ON THE PROWL, food mentions but they're small
word count: 5.5k (thank you Cookie! 🍪🩵 :3)
Special shout outs to Cookie and Mig server for holding me down! It's been a long break with this story, and you guys have been the bestest of friends! 🫶🏾
Here’s a moodboard for this chapter!
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GymRat!Miguel who was cramped tight against your bed and the cold wall. It wasn’t ideal, but the feeling of your head against his chest put him at ease.
He doesn’t remember the last time he slept this peacefully.
No parents barging into his room, no alarms, no snoring roommates.
Just his baby and his dreams wrapped in a duvet with the heat off and pajamas on the floor.
He was so deep in bliss, he heard your voice through his slumber in the clouds of his thoughts.
The way you said his name was like a kiss of the softest blanket. It made him feel warm, fuzzy. No one ever said his name like that before.
Like music, like his grandmother’s abuelita. He could bathe in your voice.
His dreams were really generous today, which wasn’t a first, but usually, they ended with something off.
“Miguel, wake up!”
A squeeze to his chest has him jolting, knocking his head against the wall with a loud groan.
“Hush!” you cover his mouth and his head. He blinks, trying to adjust.
You look back and wait, heartbeat thumping against his chest.
The door to your dorm sounds off with a banging so loud it makes him jump again.
“I think it’s my RA,” you whisper frantically. “You gotta hide!”
“Hide where?” Miguel looks around your room in a panic.
“I don’t know! Maybe the bathroom or something. Just hurry!”
You slide off of him and start gathering clothes from the floor, feet light and frantic. His eyes pan back to the window near your nightstand and he knows he’s going to knock something over trying to jump out of there.
Miguel stumbles to the floor and grabs his lounge pants, hopping on one foot as he pulls a leg through the hole.
The knocking comes again only a minute or so later followed by a “one second!” from you.
There’s no way he can fit under Jess’s shorter bed and he really didn’t want to mess up her side of the room. Your RA might also check the bathroom for some reason.
You get closer to the door and he panics, making long strides to follow you.
His back hits a corner and he faces your dorm in hopes that he’ll morph into the wall.
As you place your hand on the doorknob, your other hand pulling a robe tight over a tank, you give Miguel an odd look.
‘Why are you standing there?’, you mouth.
Miguel only shrugs and squeezes tighter behind the hinges of the door, a stupid look on his face.
‘I panicked’, he mouths back, heartbeat in his throat and eyebrows raised.
Opening the door with a smile, you greet your RA.
“Hey, hey, hey Kaylee. What is up? How are you on this lovely Friday morning?”
“Not as good as you, apparently,” her eyebrows raise. Miguel sees you pull your robe even tighter and he hopes, for once, he didn’t leave any marks on your neck. “There was some banging going on in here last night. What was that about?”
“Oh, you know me! Sometimes the creativity takes over and I lose myself.”
“And losing yourself involves shouting, moaning, and more than one voice yelling? Right, right,” she counts off the actions on her fingers and your hands scrunch along the door tighter.
“Kaylee, I’m so sorry-“
“It’s fine. The dorms are open for two more nights and a day so I’ll let you slide this one time. My Christmas gift to you. Just don’t let it happen again.”
Your shoulders drop, “Thank you, it won’t.”
“And tell your boy toy that he’s not that good at hiding.”
Miguel looks at the giant crack between the door and the frame and sighs.
He slips out and stands behind you, sheepish, “Hi, I’m her boyfriend. Not her…boy toy.”
“Boyfriend, boy toy, boy in the girl’s hall after curfew making obscene noises past quiet hours. Should I go on?”
“No! No, thank you,” you start to close the door and block Miguel from view. “Again, I sincerely apologize. It won’t happen again.”
“Oh, I’m sure-“
“We’ll get out of your hair Kaylee! Good morning and goodbye.”
The door closes with Kaylee still teasing you through it.
GymRat!Miguel who is not allowed to shower with you because he’s “too distracting” and you want to hurry and pack for the winter break.
He stands outside of the bathroom like a puppy. You could hear him tapping and whining like little paws at the bottom of a door. All you could do was sigh.
“C’mon! I’ll wash you and you’ll wash me!”
“And it’ll be another hour before I get out. No.”
“It’ll already be another hour with or without me.”
“Which is why you’re out there and I’m in here.”
GymRat!Miguel who makes himself useful by cleaning up your side of the room.
He tidies your desk and switches out your sheets. He also double checks the screw on your bed just for safe measures.
GymRat!Miguel who is laid out on the floor, scrolling on his phone by the time you get out.
You walk to his feet, shuddering as the cool air hits you. Miguel perks up and shifts to wrap his arms around your legs. His eyes run from your head to your toes, sparkling at the sight of you in your underwear.
“You smell good,” his mumbles into your stomach, face pressing into your skin. He grabs the sides and squeezes softly.
“I-I would hope so,” your voice is as jumpy as your body with Miguel’s touches making your heart flutter. “I used a body wash and a scrub. Rubbed it in real good. Exfoliated.”
“Is that why you’re so soft?”
His hands move down your thighs then up to cup your bottom. His thumbs run circles just under the cut of your briefs without a care in the world.
“That’s part of it.”
“What’s the other part?”
“I shaved, and then, exfoliated.”
“Uh huh.”
His lips slide to the left and right of your belly button, nibbling and kissing the fat. His fingers kneading into your skin now.
“Are you having fun?” your skin is getting warmer because of him.
“I’m inspecting.”
You laugh, his breath tickling you, “For what?”
“For any missing spots.”
He wraps his hands over the band of your underwear, knuckles grazing you as he starts to pull them down.
He pushes up your stomach and groans, bare skin staring back.
“Here, too?” his nose goes under your belly and he breathes in. His legs shift, thighs tightening around your calves. “What if you get cold?”
“S-shut up. That’s so silly.”
“It’s not.”
“It is and get your hands out of my panties.”
“But, I didn’t finish.”
“Finish sniffing me?”
“No, I gotta,” he dodges your touch and yanks your underwear further. “Gotta see finish looking.”
“Looking for what?”
“Looking at where you shaved, baby.”
You clench your thighs tight and giggle as Miguel tries to pry them apart. You can hear the thread of your underwear’s band breaking.
“What part of ‘you’re not supposed to be in here’ do you not understand?”
He huffs, “And what part of telling your boyfriend that you shaved do you not understand?”
“I never said anything about shaving down there.”
He stops, eyes glowing.
“So, you didn’t shave?”
“Depends, are you happy or sad about that?”
Miguel looks up, cheek resting against your middle.
“I’m happy with anything that involves you.”
“That’s cute, and I appreciate that greatly,” your hands run through his hair, “but that doesn’t answer my question.”
“You want to know what would really make me happy?”
Sighing at his giddy expression, you give in, “What?”
“If you surprise me and sit on my face.”
“Unhand me.”
“Baby, please!”
GymRat!Miguel who settles with rubbing cocoa butter into your skin.
It’s a slow process simply because he starts to admire every inch of you.
He kisses the inside of your wrists as he slides the butter up your arms.
He runs his nose over your neck and the back of your ears as he rubs into the hills and valleys of your torso.
He massages your feet, thumbs pressing into the middle, making you melt into the bed.
“This feels great,” you sigh.
Miguel works at a particular spot, watching you twist and moan into the sheets.
He was using every moment he had to catch up on these sounds, on this sight.
“Need me to do your back?”
“No,” your tone was soft and your eyes were sultry. “As much as I want you to, you have to get ready to go home. I’m sure your family is waiting.”
“Don’t remind me.” It was like you popped the bubble you two were in with a needle. “‘M not really looking forward to it.”
“Did something happen?”
Miguel reaches to grab your perfume and spray the inside of your ankles. Two spritzes for clarity, a third just because he liked the smell on you.
“No,” he didn’t want to tell you the things that his mother said. He couldn’t. “Everything’s all good.”
“You sure?”
He leans down to you and slots his lips against yours, humming when you bring your hands to his face.
“‘M sure.”
He’ll handle it.
GymRat!Miguel who doesn't want you to leave when your car is packed, so the two of you end up in his dorm room instead.
He quite likes the image of you cuddled up on his bed, sifting through his notes while he packs.
“I’ve never seen so many numbers and letters jumbled on one page before.”
He peeks over to see you’re in his coding notebook.
“This one,” he points to the first line, “is for color changes. And this one is for moving a character up at down the page. I just have to shift a few things within the brackets and the character can move horizontally or diagonally.”
You bite your lip and drag an open binder closer, “And this one?”
“This is my robotics notes. I’ve got stuff about a buggy part here. I need to figure out the mechanics then apply it to the program. But the thing is, the end effector is busted and we were waiting on the department to get us another. So, instead, I started working on an assembly robot-“
“Ok, stop.”
“Too much?” He tended to get carried away when talking about his favorite subjects.
“No, I’m just really turned on right now.”
Miguel’s eyebrows raise. He peers up to you and your eyes shifted quickly back to a book.
“Robot parts turn you on?”
“Well, if you say it like that, it sounds insane.”
“If that little piece of red rubber and plastic really helps you, then I guess I can work with it.”
“Oh my god, Miguel,” your hands cover your face. “That’s not it.”
“Then what is it? Tell me.”
Your voice becomes muffled as he leans closer and you shake your head.
“Why not? I wanna know.”
You spread your fingers and look at him under you. He looks cozy, his shower leaving fluffy and flushed. He’s blinking up at you expectantly, pretty smile planted on his lips. Your heart is pounding.
“It’s when you…”
He held your arm and pulled it down. If he touched your wrist, he would feel your heartbeat.
“When I what?” he slid your hand on his neck, thumb rubbing just under the sleeve of your turtleneck.
“I like it when you say smart things. When you go off into your own little world about science and math and technology. It’s hot.”
You expect him to look at you crazy, and to be fair, he does look a little lost at first. His eyebrows twitch and he blinks once or twice. Then, you can the wheels in his head turning and the smile he carried before turns into a smirk.
“Don’t make that face. I should have never told you.”
“No, baby. I’m just shocked. That’s just not something I thought people could be into. Definitely not something that got me praise in middle school. Or high school.”
“Well, I like it. You’re passionate and passion is an amazing thing to have. It shows you care. You’re also super intelligent. A lot of girls missed out. I’m glad that I’m first.”
“You’re not just saying that? It’s not just my body? My height?”
A snicker leaves your body before you can even think to answer.
“Is that what you think about, Miggy?”
“A lot of girls didn’t really notice me until I hit the gym. So I wondered if that was what made you notice me.”
Silence filled the room and Miguel watched your face sour.
“I’ll be honest, if you hadn’t made the first move, we would never be sitting this close together.”
“What? Why?”
“Because! You’re this,” your shoulders drop and you purse your lips, thinking about your words, “this muscular, tall guy. I thought you were a jock before you first spoke to me. A gym bro.”
“I am a gym bro.”
“True, but I meant the personality stereotype, not a guy that frequents the gym. What I’m saying is, I didn’t entertain the thought of making a move on you because I didn’t think you would ever like me. However, you were kind and consistent. That’s what drew me closer to you. The body and the height are plusses, though.”
“You stood up for me a bunch. You made efforts to see me. And even after your mistakes, which are two for two by the way-”
“Hey,” Miguel pouts, shaking his head as if it would make his fumbles disappear.
“-you have reassured me more and more. You listen to me, you remember the smallest things, you make me laugh. I just really adore you.”
He grins, kissing the palm of your hand before getting back up, “Good. Because you’re never getting rid of me now.”
“Wouldn’t want to.”
GymRat!Miguel who is definitely stalling when he has you read off his list of things to bring home for the fifth time.
“Got it.”
“Put them in my gym bag.”
“I think you’re ready then!”
“Could you go over it one more time?”
“Miguel, if nothing has grown legs and walked, it’s still packed up.”
He sighs, staring at his three bags by the door: a backpack, a gym bag, and a laundry bag. It really was time to go home.
Walking to you sitting on the edge of his bed, he drapes his body over yours.
“I’m going to miss you,” he mumbles into your shoulder.
“Me too,” your hand reaches under his jacket to rub his back. The rhythm of your nails matches his dramatic huffs, up and down the slope of his spine. “Wish we could have done some cute stuff. Like make gingerbread houses or-“
“Ice skate! Ski!”
“If that would make you happy, yeah.”
He makes an irritated sound and wraps around you tighter. He had to do something.
“What if we go book a hotel somewhere? Let’s have a little getaway from home before going home.”
“I have to help my parents prep to host holiday parties. And with what money, Miguel?”
He stands up straight and gives you a deadpan look, “You can’t be asking me that. You know I’ve got it covered.”
“I’m not letting you blow an absurd amount of money on something last minute.”
“I would do it for you. I would do it to be with you.”
“And that’s sweet,” you rubbed a thumb over his cheek, “but we don’t need to spend that much money to have fun.”
“You’re right, baby. Last night was lots of fun.”
“And just like that, you’re done.”
He laughs as you push him away from you, hands quick to pick you up from the bed. Your plea to let you go dissolved into giggles as he kissed all over your face.
“That was a cute moment and you ruined it!”
“Nooo, I’m sorry, I’m sorry. But I don’t take it back.”
Rolling your eyes, you barely fight his love attack. The two of you sound like you’re frolicking around in a meadow and not like he’s swinging you around in his dorm room.
A ringtone goes off, interrupting you both. You reach in your pocket and smile.
“Hey, Mom!”
GymRat!Miguel who listened to you talk with your mom while he kept your feet off of the ground.
Your fingers danced from his hair to his lips to his shoulders as you hummed after your mom’s words.
“I thought she was supposed to make a charcuterie board?” you ask her as you pull the corner of Miguel’s mouth up and down with your thumb.
He hears her say something about someone not knowing how to even spell charcuterie and starts to laugh. You cover his mouth with a grin and chastise your mom.
“Don’t say that, Mama. I’m sure it’ll turn out fine!”
Miguel kisses your fingers one by one while your mom rattles off in your ear.
She goes from topic to topic, from who was irking her at work to how your finals went to what presents she was waiting on. You kept up with a light tone and a soft gaze on his features.
By the time Miguel tuned his ears back into the conversation, he was sitting in a bean bag chair with your nails scratching at his nape.
“I’ll be home today. Well, tonight.”
Your mother’s voice buzzed through the speakers and your eyes darted Miguel’s face to his neck.
“Nothing! I’m just,” a pause joins in on the pattern you tap across his chest. Your lips curl out and your voice gets smaller, “hanging out with Miguel. We’re catching up.”
Like the impact of glass shattering, the bite in your mother’s voice had you reeling back.
She was talking, no, yelling so fast, he almost didn’t catch anything.
I thought you broke up with him?
Didn’t he cheat on you? Why are you in his face?
Do I need to come up there and shake some sense into you? Huh?
Answer me!
“Mom, please! Just calm down- no, I’m not telling you to shut up, just listen to me!”
Miguel was mortified.
You got up from his embrace and paced the floor with an arm hugging your middle. The fussing on the other end of the line was nonstop.
“No, I’m not putting him on the phone right now.”
His heart rammed as he shot up, “I-I can talk to her!”
Pausing and pushing your phone to your chest, you give him a stern “No!” before going back to your mom.
“Mom, we talked about everything and we’re fine now, I promise.”
You look at him and your mother’s voice muffles through the room again. He looks like he could cry and you’re trying to silently placate him.
“I’ll tell you everything when I get home, ok? You don’t have to worry.” Your eyes get big before you turn completely around and walk to the bathroom, chanting no over and over. There’s no telling what your mom thinks of him now.
He picks at his hands as he waits, the pit of his stomach in knots.
When you come out, you don’t even give him the chance to speculate before you spring on, “Want to go to Ikea and roleplay a couple moving into their new place?”
“I would love that but what about your mom?”
“Would you rather stew on what she thinks or would you rather hold my hand and compare mudroom seating?”
It was going to eat at him either way, but you were practically begging him to move on.
“I think we should talk about it, but,” he holds his hand out, “let’s discuss the pros and cons of wainscoting on the way.”
GymRat!Miguel who is already enjoying the linoleum floors and smell of hardwood before the second set of automatic doors even have time to close.
A fair amount of families were already walking by with carts, and pairs and groups alike were already pointing to different displays.
You stood at his side, arms wrapped around his bicep, knit cardigan nearly touching the floor. Every piece you had on was fuzzy and warm against his side. The two of you were a vision of college comfort with your flared pants and his matching joggers.
“Should I grab a bag, dear?” Miguel asks watching a little boy drag a yellow bag to his mother.
Smiling into his sleeve, you shake your head, “Maybe we should just look around to start? Check things out first.”
His eyes sparkle at you as you both turn to the right, heading towards the maze of furniture pieces. He clears his throat and you snort.
His chest puffs up, smile derpy and big. He was so easy to please sometimes.
GymRat!Miguel who bent under the borders of a dimmed display as you ran to sit on a black, aspen loveseat.
“What do you think, Miguel?” your sweater hung off one shoulder as your hands graced the top of the couch. The arch in your back swerved right down to your leg poised over the other. “Do I look like a 90s pop diva waiting to hear producers fall over themselves to play me another track?”
Your head falls back, covered neck opened to the glow of the lava lamp on the studio desk next to you. He could see a peak of what he left behind last night.
He sits in the armless desk chair, smirking as you spare him some attention.
“Listening to all of these amateurs when you know your voice sounds better over me, whispering my name, wearing my chain.”
Your leg twitches and he sees your eyes flit through several different emotions. With the way you hop off of the seat, lust was one of them.
“Ok, MC Miggy Mig, let’s go to the next thing!”
He grabs your arm and pulls you back, a squeal high in your throat in the process, “Why’re you running, hm?”
“Because this is an open, public, area and you’re playing this role a little too well.”
“I think I’ll need to seriously consider this setup,” he runs his right hand over the digital mixer while his left hand sits firmly behind your thigh.
“You don’t even make music. Nor do you record anything.”
“Us together sounds like music to me.”
Bringing him to a furniture store with his pent-up feelings was probably worse than having one more round in his room.
You stew on this as you turn to go to the next display room, attempting to more find interest in the leather sconce lighting than the thought of you and your boyfriend in a booth after pressing play.
GymRat!Miguel who genuinely did take notes over what you liked and didn’t like.
You were an artist, so there were a lot of funky pieces here and there. Like an odd-shaped vase or a cabinet with more aesthetics than storage. A light fixture with more parts that it probably needed and mirrors with dramatics around the sides.
He loved it though. It was all so different from what he would ever choose, but the way you described things had him envisioning how you would be designing a space for the two of you.
It had him thinking of the future.
GymRat!Miguel who took on the kitchen displays like a Broadway actor. The hallways opened up more and his hand swung with yours as he stepped into the first room.
It was bright, a window bringing in fake sun. Dark salmon walls huddled up with light wood cabinets and milky white counters.
“Honey?” his voice was dripping with it, tone smooth and silk as he opened a retro fridge. “Did you remember to make your famous ambrosia?”
Grabbing a bowl with fake fruit from the fridge, you jump right into character, “Why darling, of course, I did! It’s your big day, I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
“And that pretty dog to match?”
He takes you bowl and places it on the counter, eyes serious as he grabs your face in his hands, “That pretty dog and so much more. I’m gonna buy the whole town.”
You burst out into laughter before you can even think of a response, his facade dropping watching you giggle.
“This is a serious affair and you’re laughing.”
GymRat!Miguel whose act switched up in a smaller, compact kitchen. The wood was almost black, and a pull-out drying rack was next to the stark white counter.
“Baby, you’re late.”
Your eyebrow goes up, “Says who?”
He looks back, chuckling in disbelief, “Says the man that puts his life on the line for you.”
“And I didn’t ask you to. Yet, here you are. In my kitchen.”
Chuckling darkly, Miguel grabs one of the bottles and takes a swig. His throat bobs like there’s actually something in the bottle.
“That’s cute, real cute.”
You bit your lip as he leaned over you. He had a scowl on his lips and a dark shadow over his eyes that you rarely saw.
“You think I’m just going to let you walk out there unprotected? I’ve got eyes everywhere.” His thumb pulls your lip out and he bends your head up. “No one hurts you and I won’t hurt them. You’re mine, baby girl, and I protect what’s mine.”
An old married couple passed by, arguing over which cabinet was better. You feel like you’ve run a marathon.
“That was hot,” you whisper.
Miguel breaks, sliding his arms under yours.
“I was thinking you were a little too into that.”
“You should call me baby girl more often. It has a kick to it.”
He twists his nose cutely, your derpy, buff baby of a boyfriend coming back, “I like it when I call you mine’s better.”
“Your girl?”
“My girl.”
GymRat!Miguel who acts out nothing in the bedroom section of the showroom.
“This is nice,” he hooked his foot under that of the bed frame. “Sturdy.”
“It looks like a dorm bed,” you comment.
He places his hands on his hips and thinks.
“You’re right. Bad idea.”
Dragging him to another bed, you ask him how he feels about it. It’s huge, king-sized. There’s a quilt spread over it the bottom of it, with red pillows next to white ones on the top.
You bend over it, feet kicking in the air as you make “snow” angels with your hands.
Miguel pushes your legs down and drags you to the edge. He grunts as he barricades your body, knees next to your hips. He presses a hand to the small of your back, getting in close behind your bottom.
He moves slowly, hips grinding up against you.
“Miguel!” you partially turn, staring at him incredulously. “Are you crazy?”
“It’s too low. Not good for my back,” he responds.
A group of girls eye you both from the closet section of the showroom floor. One is giggling, one is mortified, and the other looks like an heirloom tomato. Miguel remains oblivious.
“We need something higher.”
“And I need to get you out of the bed section.”
Miguel looked at the remaining sets, “But I still have more to test?”
His voice lacks the giddy flow from earlier, so you know there’s no stopping him.
“Fine, just don’t pin me to the display beds.”
Pouting, he nodded and continued on.
GymRat!Miguel who thinks seeing you coo over everything in the kids’ furniture section might be the icing on the cake.
“How adorable is that? And it’s so soft!”
It was the fifth plushie you picked up in under the span of two minutes.
“Want me to buy it for you?”
“No,” you place it back in the metal bin, but he knew you didn’t want to. “I don’t need it.”
“I’m already buying something for your mom for the Christmas party. You can go ahead.”
If you had special effects, he’s sure exclamation points and starts would appear around you the way you perk up.
“Can I get the panda and the shark?”
“Whatever you want, bébe. You can have it.”
You walk out of the section with three plushies in a bag and happier than ever.
GymRat!Miguel who sits in the restaurant and feeds you bites of his plate while takes bites of yours.
“Like it?” you ask, holding a hand over your mouth as you chew.
“It’s ok. A little bland. I think I’ll like the cake better.”
The two of you made idle chatter over Swedish meatballs and salmon filets. When it’s time to drink, the two of you cross arms and down lingonberries.
It’s a sweet end to the outing.
GymRat!Miguel who is downing ice cream when you pop a question.
“How do you feel about coming over for the holidays?”
Miguel’s windpipe lodges closed and his fist is knocking up against his chest. You freak out and jump up to pat his back.
“Lift your hands, oh my god!”
He waves your arms away, wanting to laugh at you pushing your sleeves up.
“I’m good, I’m good! Just give me a second.”
You sat back down, expression concerned, “Ok, so maybe coming over is a bad idea?”
“Absolutely not! It’s a great idea. I would love to come.” He relaxed his shoulders, wiping his mouth. “If your family will have me.”
“I was just thinking.”
“Uh huh?”
“It’s been over a year since we’ve been together.”
“Correct. A year and three months since I asked you out, but who’s counting?”
“You know, you never explicitly asked me to be your girlfriend, right? So, these could all be imaginary numbers to me right now, but moving on.”
“No, moving back, what? I did ask you to be my girlfriend. We call each other boyfriend and girlfriend. We are together as boyfriend and girlfriend.”
“We are together but you never asked, we just naturally transitioned into that. That’s not my point, though. I was just teasing.”
Miguel bit his lip, stirring the thought for later, “You were thinking?”
“Right! It’s been this long and you’ve only met my mom,” who wasn’t too fond of him at the moment, “whereas I’ve met your close family. So, how about using this upcoming break to meet some more members of my family?”
He nodded his head, but a loud, blank noise took over his ears.
Meeting your family was a big deal, right? It meant that he was solidified and proven to be worthy of being with you. Of course, you met a small part of his family, but if he had it his way, it would have been more casual and less of an attack on all fronts. Spending that much time with your family meant so much…too much.
“Miguel? Did you hear me?” your hand reaches across the table and caresses his.
“All I said was that I’ll have to check with my own parents first, so don’t panic.”
It was too late not to panic.
“Right, not panicking. I’m just thinking about how many things I should prepare.” His Range Rover was about to rival Santa’s sleigh. All he needed to do was add those antlers and red nose that Gabriel bought him one year.
“You don’t have to do much, baby, it’s just my parents. And a few cousins, my grandma, grandpa, aunts and uncles, my dog. It’ll be chill.”
If it’s one thing his parents taught him, it was always to do too much. His heart was already in his throat about appealing to your mother once more. Who knows what your family already thinks about him?
“Once they see that charm that I fell in love with, they’ll love you too, ok?” you moved your hand to his cheek, which he melted in like a baby.
“Ok. I trust you.”
Miguel kisses your palm and you smile warmly back at him.
“And speaking of trust, my mom didn’t say anything worse than the spiel she gave me back on your birthday.”
“Top ten worst birthdays, I think.”
You nod, “I wholeheartedly agree, but, she thought the worst earlier today.”
“Like I was pregnant.”
His windpipe gives out again and this time you’re quicker to whack his back. The images of you in the kids’ furniture section do not help his sanity at all.
GymRat!Miguel who leans on the open window of your car.
“I’ll call you before I get on the highway, okay?”
You nod, leaning against the door while you stare at him.
“And don’t speed. Watch out for crazy drivers.”
“I will, Mig.”
He stays a little while longer, setting every one of your features to memory. You pucker your lips, silently begging for him to kiss you. He obliges, whispering love against your lips.
“Be safe,” he mumbles, taking your top lip between his.
“You too.”
Leaning back, he puts his hands in his pockets as he watches you leave.
He hopes to see you for the holidays.
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dividers by: strangergraphics + adornedwithlight 🩵
a/n: I actually started writing this chapter two days before Christmas, but my writer's block hit me incredibly hard. I can say that I'm happy with the result now! And I'm happy to get back to the swing of things! In the next chapter, Miguel will be meeting Reader's family! Very excited about that. Hopefully, I can get the story caught back up with the current month soon! 🩵
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The taglist is full, so if you would like to be informed of future updates, check my blog occasionally (💀) or subscribe to the story on AO3!
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latenightcravingz · 2 months ago
This moment from episode 135 when Kieran turns away as Lauren approaches him gets to me. It’s the reaction of someone who’s been alone for far too long, who’s learned to survive without relying on anyone else. Kieran’s life has been shaped by solitude and survival. He’s always taken care of himself because no one else would. For most of his life, he hasn’t been seen and treated as a person, but as a weapon, a tool to be used and discarded.
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So when Lauren shows that she cares and wants to help, it’s no surprise he withdraws. Genuine intimacy terrifies him because he's never known it. And yet, Kieran craves connection. He's touch starved, longing for care and love, even if he believes he doesn’t deserve it.
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I love Lauren’s “I’ll help you". It’s not just her offering to patch him up physically; I'd like to think it’s a promise of something bigger. It’s her way of saying, “You don’t have to carry this alone anymore. I’m here to help you fight this battle. I'll stand by you.” 🥺
Episode 135 is an important one for Lauki, and this moment in particular speaks volumes.
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latenightcravingz · 2 months ago
to the oscars who had a cruel amount of screen time, i love you
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latenightcravingz · 2 months ago
writing is so fun
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latenightcravingz · 2 months ago
all 7 and a half people still in the moon knight fandom let me hEAR YOU MAKE SOME NOISE!!!!!
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latenightcravingz · 3 months ago
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I’ll take one of each
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latenightcravingz · 3 months ago
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latenightcravingz · 3 months ago
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latenightcravingz · 3 months ago
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will i disappoint you
if i cross the line?
it was mainly inspired by act2 ending and by the end of this project i have also put a foreshadowing from act3, so it currently includes all 3 acts in it featuring core jayvik moments for me 💕
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latenightcravingz · 3 months ago
Y’know, maybe it should never have been shocking that as the son of an amputee, Jayce has no trouble seeing the beauty in imperfections and how they make us who we are.
Jayce didn’t encounter his first disability with Viktor, or in his own household when his leg was broken, but with his mother when she lost her fingers to the cold on the day the mage (Viktor) saved them both. Her disability wasn’t a weakness to Jayce, it was a product of profound strength battling the elements to save her and her son’s life.
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latenightcravingz · 3 months ago
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she can't come to the phone right now
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━ .ᐟ✧ PAIRING: xavier x female reader (afab)
━ ✧.˖ GENRE: smut, porn with very little plot
━ .ᐟ✧ WORD COUNT: 3.1k (who is she practicing short smuts)
━ ✧.˖ WARNINGS: mdni, explicit sexual content, dom!xavier, dark!xavier, ooc!xavier (unless you consider dark xavier canon), jealous!xav, vaginal sex, prone bone, slight voyeurism, light choking, breeding kink, jealousy, sex while on the phone, hair pulling, squirting, unprotected sex
━ .ᐟ✧ LINKS: ao3 | twitter art (the twitter art is super nsfw so i highly rec checking it out bc i can't put it here LOL)
━ ✧.˖ A/N: HELLO bet you didn’t expect me back so soon! I am back with a SHORT smut this time, based on this amazing ovulating inducing fanart @/honiraccoon on twit/x made (with their permission of course). I’ve attached the photo below :’) go support them and their art!
this is very dom and ‘dark’ (if you’ve seen the glitches) xavier. the smut itself is not that dark!! if you’re not a fan of this version of xavier you will not enjoy this.
also header is from @/osk_purinnumee twitter :)
✦ . ˖ ✧ .ᐟ ˖ nsfw | minors dni | 18+ only | minors dni | nsfw ✦ . ˖ ✧ .ᐟ ˖
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Honestly, you had absolutely no idea how you ended up in this position. After not seeing Xavier for several days, having been sent on different missions this week, he and you finally had a coinciding day off. And so you’d spent the most perfect day together, complete with morning cuddles after sleeping in, a homemade breakfast, and a fruitful day at the arcade.
You couldn't stop thinking about the signature Xavier smile you’d gotten to see all day, soft and pure, just like Xavier himself. But this was not the gentle and adoring Xavier you’d seen all day, the Xavier you’d come to know and love. 
You found yourself naked, with your stomach pressed firmly into Xavier’s plush mattress and your feet planted on the ground at the feet of the bed, back arched so deeply it might snap. He was pressed so deeply and harshly on top of you, his feet planted right behind yours. He’d pulled so many orgasms out of you already and showed no signs of relenting, his pelvis smacking your ass repeatedly as he forced himself in and out of you.
"X-Xavier, I c-can’t come anymore, please,” your voice was hoarse from screaming, unable to keep up with Xavier’s insatiable vigor. You had no idea what had gotten into him today. It’d been a relatively stress-free day, but he seemed to be using your bodies to relieve some kind of intense emotion built up inside of him.
"Yes you can, I know you can,” he cooed, his mouth right into your ear as his body crushed you against the bed, "You’re a good girl aren’t you?”
His hands gently grabbed a fist full of your hair, urging you up so your cheeks pressed against each other. You cried out at the sensation, "Y-yes, I'm a good girl.”
The wet sounds of his cock ramming in and out of your abused cunt filled the room. Xavier’s grip was tight on your scalp and on your waist, and you were sure you’d have bruises in the shape of his fingers the next day.
"You’re my good girl, right?” He groaned out as he removed the hand from your waist to lift you by hooking his arm around your stomach, so that your ass arched higher into the air. At this angle his thick length entered you so deeply that it felt like he might burst through your cervix. Your eyes squeezed shut as your tongue slipped out, panting against the brute force of his thrusts. Though his tone was dominating and demanding, you couldn’t help but notice a sliver of insecurity lacing his words. 
He tugged at your hair, and you yelped at the slight pain bleeding into the pleasure Xavier was giving you. He repeated, this time more demanding and threatening, "Whose good girl are you?”
Your eyes snapped open as his thrusts pushed through every corner of your poor pussy, ravaging every single inch of you. You forced your brain to focus on his words, his rare domineering attitude driving you absolutely insane, "Yours Xavier! M’your good girl.”
You felt him harden even further at your words. His voice against your ear is deceptively gentle, "Really? Then why was my good girl so preoccupied with her phone today?” His words are so domineering and possessive, you find yourself clenching at the thought of his adorable jealousy.
So that's how you found yourself in this position. 
"H-hah, m’sorry Xav. Jeremiah kept – ah – texting me today to—”
Xavier cuts you off, his thrusts stuttering briefly, "Jeremiah? He was the one you were – hah – texting all fucking day?”
"Y-yes but he was just sending me, ahhh, stupid ph-photos of different animals with kn-knives,” you sputter out, nails digging into the fitted sheet of his mattress. You almost wanted to laugh at how comical it all sounded but the feeling of him inside of you rendered you a speechless mess of sweat, cum, and ecstasy. 
"Is that so?” And with that, Xavier fucks you with an unprecedented pace. He thrusts so hard your ass ripples against his pelvis and your thighs struggle to stay upright as he presses further into your aching body. You can feel yourself slowly succumbing to the exhaustion of four orgasms, a fifth in the distant horizon.
"You are mine,” he all but growls into your neck, his fingers digging into the delicate skin of your throat. You're jolted back to consciousness at the feeling of his hand closing into your airway, deliciously cutting off your breath. Xavier’s rarely this aggressive and brutal. Sure he’d love to take the lead as often as he surrendered it to you, but this was a whole different Xavier. And you were positively obsessed.
"I’m the only one who gets to see you like this,” he demands against the shell of your ear, using his canines to graze your earlobes. You shiver at his words, cunt clamping down onto him. He moans in response to your grip, but only driving deeper and harder. 
His hard abdomen continued to mold perfectly into your arched back, bending your body into mind numbing proportions. He releases your waist, causing you to slump back into the bed. Instead wraps his arm around both your breasts, squeezing to the point of seeing black spots in your vision. 
The force of his thrusts causes your body to rock onto the bed under his large and imposing stature. Every single push made your clit brush against the soft bed sheets, stimulating you beyond belief. You were sure Xavier’s sheets were absolutely filthy from the spend of your multiple orgasms, smearing all over them as he pushed your body to its limits. 
As you continue to moan uncontrollably for him, Xavier refuses to stop whispering filthy praises into your ear, driving you closer and closer. 
"You’re so beautiful like this, your body was made just for me, right?” 
You nod feverishly, his words going straight to your cunt. It wasn’t often you got to witness this side of Xavier and you were living for it. 
"M’all yours Xav, no one else’s ever,” you choke out, the force of his cock deep in your throat.
His head dips down, pressing wet kisses into your shoulder blades before biting down and sucking brutally hard, and then licking at them soothingly. Xavier smiles, admiring the hickies forming on your trembling soft skin, marking you as his. 
"If only Jeremiah could see you like this. Maybe he would realize you’re mine, huh?” 
You wanted to retort, reassure him that he had absolutely nothing to be concerned about, but your brain could only focus on his massive cock claiming every part of your throbbing cunt. He’d rendered you absolutely fucked out, a vessel of ecstasy and a means to pleasure himself. Your brain fought to form words, to no avail. Only the most primal parts of you remained, capable of moaning and screaming for him and nothing more. 
You try to speak again, but before you can get anything out the sound of your phone on the bed beside your slick bodies rang out. The screen lit up and through your fucked out haze and tears in your eyes, you could vaguely make out Jeremiah’s contact photo lighting up the screen.
"Speak of the devil,” Xavier grits out. Despite the annoyance in his voice you can also make out the faintest hint of mischief. 
"Pick it up love,” he whispers almost tauntingly, thrusts still unrelenting, "We can’t ignore our poor Jeremiah can we?” 
While you can tell his words are laced with jealousy and faint bitterness, you know Xavier cares about Jeremiah and trusts him fully. It really felt like he was just, for once,  giving into his primal urges, and enjoying the hell out of it too.
You shook your head no, doing your best to push your phone away.
"No?” Xavier asks, amused, "But I thought it was urgent that you respond to him immediately.” 
You want to roll your eyes at his childishness, but before you can do anything, Xavier snatches the phone from beside you, slowing his rhythm to a languid roll of his pelvis against your flushed ass.
"X-Xavier—“ but he cuts you off with a pointed thrust that knocks the wind out of you, his thick length absolutely rearranging your guts. You whine at the blinding pleasure, almost forgetting the fact that Xavier was picking up your cell phone, while he was inside of you. 
"Hello?” Xavier answers cooly, as if he wasn’t knee deep into your cunt. He holds the phone to his ear, laying down into the arch of your back. His cheek is pressed against yours, his hot breath blowing into your burning skin while he speaks, as he continues to ravage you. 
Your eyes widen as you realize he didn’t just decline the call, and that he was actually on the phone. But Xavier reads you like the back of his hand, covering your mouth with his palm before you can protest. He grips your face gently, but not allowing a single word to come out beyond the muffled sounds of your sensual moans. 
"Oh, hey Jeremiah. Y/n forgot her phone and is currently occupied by me right now,” Xavier speaks calmly, but the increased passion in his thrusts send your eyes reeling into the back of his skull. His words hold a suspicious double meaning, and you pray Jeremiah doesn’t catch on. Similarly, you desperately hope that the loud wet sounds of his pelvis pounding into you can’t be heard on the phone, cause they ring so loudly in your ear.
Every time you try to speak, Xavier’s grip on your face gets tighter and his pace gets rougher, harder. It’s like he’s trying to force the lewd moans out of your mouth, like he wanted Jeremiah to hear everything he was doing to you, to hear the sound of his skin slapping into yours. Strangely enough, the risk of it all intensifies the pleasure ten-fold. You tighten around Xavier as you continue to leak everywhere.
Xavier swears inexplicably under his breath, though you’re sure Jeremiah can still hear it, "Squeezing me so fucking tight.” Your eyes squeeze shut at the excitement and embarrassment of Xavier’s inability to contain his own pleasure. Or perhaps, he didn’t contain it on purpose.
As if to punish you, Xavier gives you a deliberate and pointed thrust, letting his cock angle upwards into your g spot while his body pushes you down so your clit drags against the bed, forcing the most vulgar sob out of your lips, bordering between a strangled cry and a mewling whimper. Simultaneously, his hold on your chin loosens and he slips his index and middle finger into your waiting mouth. His actions cause your previously muffled moans to ring out completely unrestricted.
Your eyes widen as you realize there is absolutely no way Jeremiah didn’t hear that. It seems like you’re correct because Xavier’s soft voice pierces through the thick sexual tension in the air.
"No. That’s the sound of a kitten,” you can hear the grin in his voice as he continues to roll his hips into you, his fingers toying with your tongue. You vaguely hear Jeremiah’s muffled voice through the phone, doing your best to keep your sounds at bay. And failing miserably. 
"Okay, bye.” Xavier tosses your phone back on the bed, kneeling back into your body and into your neck.
"Do you think he bought that?” Xavier’s grinning again, and you are certain he’s teasing you. 
"Xavier!” You cry, the mortification settling in with the pleasure, both feelings fighting to dominate your consciousness. 
"I told you, you’re mine. Jeremiah needs to know that,” he grumbles breathlessly into your ear, nibbling on your earlobe. 
"M’yours Xav, everyone knows that,” you cry out. Xavier moans out in satisfaction, and you feel his cock twitching inside of your gummy walls. His pace grows erratic as his length swells inside of you, and you can tell he’s so close to coming undone. 
His husky groans by your ear fuel the fire of your own orgasm, stoking the burning embers until they threaten to burst into a full blown wildfire.
"Sh-shit you’re close huh love? Getting so damn tight around me,” Xavier grunts, biting into your neck. Suddenly he picks your phone back up and you can distinctly see the flash shining down on the bed below your bodies.
"X-Xavier?” You moan, completely blissed out, unable to turn your head to see what he’s doing. He lifts his body off of yours and grips your waist with one hand, pushing you down harder on his erection.
"Don’t worry baby, just taking some videos for our dear friend,” he mutters and you hear the distinct beep of your phone starting a recording. You try to protest but Xavier’s pace becomes unrelenting and you’re only able to moan out his name once more.
"You gonna come for me, my love?” His voice is far away, clouded with intense lust. His grip on your waist tightens as he watches the ripples of your flesh against his viscous pounding. Your back arches at his words, cunt tightening in anticipation of your climax.
"M’so close Xav, gonna cum s-soon,” you wail, letting your body tighten around him, wanting him to cum with you. 
His hand leaves your waist and presses against the bulge on your tummy, "Can you feel that love? I’m right here. Should I put a baby in here? Think it’ll fit?”
You squeal at his words, the pure filth dripping off of them like gasoline to the wildfire that is your impending orgasm, raging through every inch of your body. Your pussy squeezes around him again.
"Ffuuck, I think that’s a yes, huh baby? Want me to cum inside you?” He’s panting desperately as he fills you repeatedly, "Fuck – you would look so beautiful with my baby –  hah –  inside of you.”
In your fucked out state, you nod excitedly, wanting nothing more than to be filled to the brim with his essence, everywhere. You could worry about the repercussions after.
"Then everyone will know you’re mine huh? Right baby?” You nod again, your voice nothing more than a strangled moan. 
"Say it for the camera love, let him know,” he encourages, his voice deep and throaty. He doesn’t say who, but you know exactly who Xavier is referencing.
Though you don’t want to indulge his jealousy, you find yourself unable to deny the man who was guts deep in your womb. And so you cry out, "M’all yours Xav, please. Need you t’cum inside. I’m a g-good girl, I deserve your cum, please.”
Your phone shakes in Xavier’s hands as your words set him off, "Fuck, don’t worry baby, s’all for you. Gonna give it all to you ’kay? You ready love?”
You tighten in response, signaling that you’re about to fall into the chasm of your orgasm. 
"X-Xavier m’cumming,” you wail, gripping onto the sheets for dear life, your ass grinding deeper into him, back arching into the bed. Your body trembles as the climax overtakes you. Your vision spots as the sensitivity of multiple orgasms wrecks your body. The pressure in your guts is so intense, threatening to explode, and you feel yourself release all over Xavier’s groin. The sensation was so new and foreign it had your brain reeling, trying to grasp onto this new ecstasy your body was falling into. 
"H-holy shit did you just squirt on me?” Xavier groans out, still recording the sight of your ass against him. And he thanked god he was recording at all, able to capture the sight of you squirting all over him. 
"I-I think so Xav, m’sorry,” you cry, still quivering around his brutal thrusts. The soaked friction of the wet skin between you two splashes and your cheek burns in embarrassment. You’d never squirt before, and you were mortified. 
"No,” he grits breathlessly, almost threateningly, "Don’t be sorry. Fuck, need to see you do that for me again.” You hear the click of the recording shutting off, and your phone bounces back onto the mattress. Xavier grabs your waist with both hands and thrusts sloppily, cock spasming in your tight walls. 
He groans through every last thrust, and you cling onto consciousness, riding the last waves of your orgasm. Xavier falls back in place on top of you, wanting to be as physically close to you as possible when he finished. His abdomen pressed into the arch of your back and his chin dug into the crook of your neck. With one final savage stroke, he spills everything he has into you.
Xavier shivers through his orgasm, rope after rope of milky white essence dripping into you. You can feel every pump of his warmth inside you. He thrusts languidly a few more times for good measure, wanting it to reach as physically deep as possible. He’d be damned if he let a single drop go to waste.
Your legs give out and you rest yourself entirely on the bed while Xavier rests on top of you, supporting most of his weight with his arms propped on the bed, still caging you in. He presses a gentle kiss to your shoulder, then your neck, and then your cheek.
"You’re going to make such a good mommy one day,” Xavier murmurs into your ear, rubbing slow and soothing circles into your ribcage. 
Your heart squeezes at his words, and simultaneously your cunt around his softening cock. Xavier hisses at the overstimulation, "Fuck you’re going to squeeze every last drop out of me love. You like the idea of being a mommy huh?”
You nod sleepily, losing your grip on consciousness, "Mm, slipping out Xavier.”
Xavier pulls out of you with a groan, and you whimper at the feel of the release dripping down your thighs. He picks you up gently so your legs no longer hang off the bed and then flops down beside you, tucking you into his chest.
You sigh contently against his softly heaving heart. You feel Xavier moving around, while still keeping his arm wrapped around you. You force your eyes open so you can see what he’s up to, and find him unlocking your phone, the light illuminating his face in the darkening room. 
"Xav? What are you doing?” You mumble sleepily, nestling back into his warm body. 
"Just sending some videos,” Xavier whispers, stroking your hair with his free hand. 
Your eyes fly open and you sit up to face him, "Xavier! Absolutely not!” He grins mischievously at you, "Relax love, I just sent them to myself.” The reassuring smile he gives you reminds you your soft, adoring, and gentle Xavier is back. But you can’t help but anticipate the next time you’ll see that side of Xavier again.
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Bonus: some of the pics that Jeremiah was texting mc:
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© aeyumicore 2024.
.ᐟ✧ THIS IS MY ONLY ACCOUNT. I WILL ONLY POST ON THIS ACCOUNT AND AO3. i am not @/aeyumicores or @/aeyumiicore or any variations of my blog name.
✧.˖ i do not permit translations or reposts of my work on tumblr, ao3, or others. please do not reuse my blogpost headers, dividers, or layouts. these are original designs of my own.
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latenightcravingz · 3 months ago
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Heart of the hex
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latenightcravingz · 3 months ago
Imagine you're opening AO3 and search for a fic. Imagine you're finding one that fits all your criterias. Imagine it has the perfect length. Imagine getting lost in the story and feeling almost high when it's over. Imagine looking up the author and they have written. so. many. more. fics. exactly. like. that. Imagine.
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latenightcravingz · 3 months ago
"i hope unfathomable sadness happens to you" is cliche. "i hope you have a homoerotically-charged whirlwind summer romance and then towards the end of the summer your crush vanishes without a trace it turns out to be the ghost of your dead grandparent" is real. it happend to anna from when marnie was there.
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latenightcravingz · 3 months ago
I'm back.. 🥺
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latenightcravingz · 1 year ago
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Did this without any references, just pure imagination and memory so it looks wonky..
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