latellychat · 4 years
Still having to work from home, redundancy looking likely, no signs of having a holiday in France this year (sorry Monsieur X) and losing the confidence and energy to go out of the house apart from the supermarket, cinema and a daily walk.  My head is full of ‘what ifs’ and ‘maybes’ I have totally lost the ability to make a decision.
So how was or is your lockdown? For me one big headache along with back ache and knee ache from all these fitness workouts I have tried.  Splitting it up in months – April was a new experience, a bit of a novelty with all the virtual pub quizzes, I didn’t have much work to do even thou I was working from home and it was nice to have a break from some parts of the rat race, the commute mostly.
May was mainly sorting out cancelled or postponed holidays and concerts, dealing with too much hair and starting to realize this situation isn’t going to end soon.  June was stressful, work got busy and everything got to me. In the first week I had reached my limit and had a quiet meltdown in Sainsburys, I just couldn’t stop crying. There was no light at the end of this tunnel and at least in the previous two months there were some bank holidays to break up my time.  It was the worst lockdown month so far.
July should have been a few days break in London for the Euro 2020 semi final and a long weekend in New York to see Bon Jovi in concert (my ultimate bucket list trip).  The first postponed and the second cancelled.  Now I have an open Virgin Atlantic flight ticket to nowhere until September 2022. At least this month I finally had a haircut. And August?  It ain’t over yet!
Even thou shops and social venues were starting to open up, until I can go back to work in the office or find a new non WFH job I will feel I’m still in lockdown.  I did attempt clothes shopping but I had an eerie feeling walking around the city centre and its shopping centres, a ghost town vibe.  Also, what was the point I didn’t need any new clothes as I’m not going anywhere.  A hot Friday night sitting in a beer garden having a few drinks last week was a very refreshing taste of ‘normal’.
There are a few positives to this situation, I have saved money, got (and getting) fitter and I hope social distancing at the cinema is forever.  No talking, no loud eating and no kicking of my chair from behind, only true movie fans who actually want to watch and listen to the film are currently going to the movies. No chatty teenagers who have no interest in the film they have paid to see and no ignorant parents who cannot control their feral noisy children.  It is a movie lover’s Disneyland.
We can only look forward; tomorrow is another day Stay safe x
Lockdown TV
Firstly, RIP Criminal Minds, Modern Family and Hawaii 5-0
Killing Eve (BBC): Terrible, I won’t be bothering with series 4. If there is one.
The Good Place (Netflix): Started off in the good place for series 1 and 2, headed to the bad place for series 3 and I stuck it out to the end of series 4 and it ended in a nice place.
The Other Mother and Philharmonia (Walter Presents):  Magnifique and any other positive French words I don’t know.
Inhuman Resources (Netflix): If it wasn’t for Eric Cantona, I might have got bored in the middle but enough twists to keep me interested.
White Lines (Netflix): It picked up towards the end.  I want to be back in Ibiza!
Steel Magnolias and Virgin River (Netflix): American small towns, easy going storylines of friendship and love. A welcome change from my zombies and serial killers.
Lincoln Rhyme, The Hunt for Bone Collector (Sky Witness): A good typical American crime drama it ended well, shame it got cancelled.
Chicago PD (Sky Witness): Bad cops…with hearts. Voith is like the Robin Hood of the Windy City. I watched all 7 boxsets in a month.
Parks and Recreation (Sky Comedy): A few laugh out louds, Ron seems to have the best lines. I have the last series to go.
And so much Place in the Sun (Channel 4 and HGTV) I could become an Estate Agent… near the Mediterranean Sea obviously.
Lockdown Week 8…9…19? I don’t know anymore. Time to look forward Still having to work from home, redundancy looking likely, no signs of having a holiday in France this year (sorry Monsieur X) and losing the confidence and energy to go out of the house apart from the supermarket, cinema and a daily walk. 
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latellychat · 4 years
Feeling sorry for myself this week after Boris’s Johnson’s speech on Sunday, that not much is going to change and no dates for when offices can open and that cinemas and hairdressers might be able to open in July.
However, nature as calmed my nerves over the past two months, I have noticed in the clear blue skies (sometimes grey), there are very few white lines left by aeroplanes and my daily walk at lunchtime is so quiet, I can only hear the birds. The park and stream I walk past every day are clean and free from litter, but I have started to see a few used face masks blowing around the roads. Lunchtime walks in the park are much more interesting and destressing than walking around the city centre and its shops.
Closer to home aka my garden, last weekend we had three visitors. Don’t call the police they weren’t human, it was a magpie who spends most of his time walking around our garden (I have called him ‘Corona’), a fox as big as a medium sized dog and a smaller younger one who seems to spend his nights here.
Crap photos from a far, but just to prove I’m not seeing things
Crap photos from a far, but just to prove I’m not seeing things
Crap photos from a far, but just to prove I’m not seeing things
Then there are my fur babies Boris and Flo driving me mad, following me around when I’m trying to work. They think I am at home solely to serve them so I have resorted ‘Dreamies’ overdoses. They are so cute…when a sleep.
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Day Box Set: The English Game (recommended by my new boss), a short six-episode series about how football began. I don’t do period dramas but this was interesting. Even thou the rules of the game have changed, football big wigs and players arguing over money hasn’t.
Night Box Set: Innocent on ITV, I think I saw it before but couldn’t remember who the killer was.
Lockdown 7: Nature Strikes Back Feeling sorry for myself this week after Boris’s Johnson’s speech on Sunday, that not much is going to change and no dates for when offices can open and that cinemas and hairdressers might be able to open in July.
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latellychat · 4 years
Lockdown week 6: Virtual Pub Quizzes
Lockdown week 6: Virtual Pub Quizzes
Question one: How was April 2020? A. Bad, B. Worse or C. a shower of $%&$ !!!
So then April…what the hell was that all about? A full month of lockdown and looks like no light at the end of the tunnel in May.
Question two: Why aren’t Hair Stylists classed as key workers? Rescheduled my appointment for the second time (hopefully for the end of May) since my last cut on 1st February. For a girl who…
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latellychat · 4 years
Lockdown Week 5: The learning week….my head hurts
Lockdown Week 5: The learning week….my head hurts
Don’t waste your extra free time social media keeps telling me. So many adverts about courses, exercise programmes and unwanted advice on how to think and react during this crisis.
Maybe they have a point and for me I was already using Duolingo to learn French (c’est difficile) and after a 30-day free trial I signed up to Davina McCall’s ‘Own Your Goals’ fitness programme ( https://ownyourgoalsda…
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latellychat · 4 years
Lockdown Week 4: Healthy eating…starts next week.
The last thing on my decluttering challenge – food! I seriously cannot clean my room anymore without developing some levels of OCD. It’s all clean its actually spotless, now everything I own I do not want to throw away. Monica Gellar would be so proud of me.
So… this week as being all about sorting out food and healthy eating as I’m the one going to the supermarket now, I’m taking charge of what…
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latellychat · 4 years
Wheels Up to Criminal Minds…End of an Era
Wheels Up!
Au revoir Garcia, JJ, Prentiss, Reid, and Rossi the last originals standing along with Alvez and Simmons and all the past members of the BAU. I can’t believe its finally over after fifteen seasons, I haven’t felt this depressed since the end of Friends.  Thank you to the universe for the constant repeats and boxsets.
No spoilers, all I will say is they finished off the show very well with maybe…
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latellychat · 4 years
Wheels up!
Wheels up to Criminal Minds…End of an era
Au revoir Garcia, JJ, Prentiss, Reid, and Rossi the last originals standing along with Alvez and Simmons and all the past members of the BAU. I can’t believe its finally over after fifteen seasons, I haven’t felt this depressed since the end of Friends. Thank you to the universe for the constant repeats and boxsets.
No spoilers, all I will say is they…
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latellychat · 4 years
Well that was an unusual bank holiday weekend. Sunny, warm and can’t go out.
Week 3 felt harder than the previous two, trying to focus on my work when there is talk of furlough. Big Boris was still in hospital and even intensive care for most of the week and little Boris (the cat) had a sore tail so the worry of paying emergency vet bills were on my mind too. Now I’m happy both of them are now in better health (without a trip to the vets).
Day Box Set: Good Girls series 1 on Netflix. Surely Beth and Rio are going to get together and Mary is going to get her comeuppance. Under the current financial climate maybe robbing a supermarket should be put on my things to do in lockdown list. However as there are queues to get in all of them, I need to think of other get rich quick ideas.
Night Box Set: Law and Order SUV, we are on series 14 now and it never gets stale. Munch’s sarcasm and Tutuola bad attitude goes with Benson’s empathy.
This week I carried on with Davina McCall’s fitness programme, lunchtime walks and another a week of 0 spend days.
part of my walking route
part of my walking route
I also started decluttering (‘operation house when it raining/bad weather’ project), I organized my bedroom and now my bedroom/gym/office is now spotless.
I cleaned out:
My wardrobe: already got rid of clothes via eBay and charity shop in February.
Cleaned out my purse of unused items: receipts from Christmas.
Discard old books and DVDs: no books to throw out and a box of DVDs ready for Music Magpie.
Under the bed: I didn’t know I had so many scarfs and wires which I don’t know what they belong too.
Remove old apps: games I don’t play and language apps that don’t work.
Clear space off computer: too many old CVs and music I don’t listen to.
Delete old emails: old job applications and past concerts tickets confirmations (remember them).
Shred old paperwork: nearly filled our recycling bin.
Clean out old shoes: Chucked out one pair of trainers out of ten.
Organize photos: There were so many blurred concert photos or specks in the distance of singers I could not recognize. I googled if photos can be recycled and it came up as how to put photos on your phone into the recycle bin, not actual photos on paper. I feel so old! FYI photo paper cannot not be recycled.
Organize calendar: an easy one as everything is cancelled.
Toiletries: I have a lot of sample body lotions to use.
Donate old toys: Hell No! have you seen Toy Story!
Week 4 will be a food related and healthy eating clear out. I’m doing the exercise but I could be eating more of the right foods.
Stay safe x
Lockdown Week 3: Easter Decluttering Well that was an unusual bank holiday weekend. Sunny, warm and can’t go out. Week 3 felt harder than the previous two, trying to focus on my work when there is talk of furlough.
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latellychat · 4 years
Lockdown Week 2: Apocalyptic movies sans toilet roll
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I love all those apocalyptic TV shows and movies, mainly zombie ones like the Walking Dead, World War Z and Zombieland. Other memorable ones I can remember are Revolution, Leftovers and Z nation. But I don’t recall any of them containing mountains of toilet paper or a storyline about loo roll shortages.
I saw the film Contagion at the cinema when it came out in 2011, full of A listers including…
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latellychat · 4 years
After being the only member of my team without a work laptop, it was rather lonely in the office last Monday. I was hoping Boris Johnson would lock down the country and two hours after his evening my big boss based in the US said I could work from home.
Day one consisted of calls to IT to set up my personal laptop and day two was me trying to get into some kind of routine. So far it is a twenty minute Davina McCall workout first thing, then work without any background noise (my desk is the ironing board so more leg exercises), a 10 minute walk around the block, 20 minutes learning French on Duolingo app, lunch and then in the afternoon work with a boxset on in the background. I’m thinking around watching two boxsets a week (afternoon and evening).
My new office view
My new office view
Week one’s afternoon series was Virgin River on Netflix, easy going 10 episodes with no car chases or murders just will they won’t they storylines, secrets and a nosy neighbour. What I would do to move to a remote small town or a countryside village right now. With a bar run by a hot guy but preferably single in my dream world. The evening programme has been Bulletproof series 2 on Sky. Very good and Pike and Bishop are a funny double act. Its filmed in Thamesmead in London near the 02 Arena. I long to go back there for a concert or a sporting event…you don’t miss it until its gone.
Films last weekend were two Luke Goss (from Bros) films, Extracurricular on Sky Cinema (teen murder) and Hollow Point on Netflix (bad cops). Both not great! Other films Strange but True, an excellent thriller with twists which I didn’t work it out and ‘comedy’ Drunk Parents with Alex Baldwin and Salma Hayek which was not funny at all and I usually enjoy stupid humour (both on Sky Cinema).
Apart from work (as of Tuesday 31st March I still have a job in the travel industry) and TV, I feel I need to make the most of his lockdown. To do things I have been meaning to do for years.
Firstly, Operation Garage it was already on my 2020 to do list, however it was also on my 2015, 16, 17, 18 and 19 to do lists too. The tip is closed and hopefully the scrap metal man is staying indoors, so I need to arrange the rubbish into certain recycling piles.
One of my quarantine project
Keeping fit is the top of my list I joined OYG Davina (own your goals) fitness programme on a 30-day free trial. Depending on my financial situation the end of April I might subscribe.
Another free 30 days programme I have joined is LinkedIn Premier. Before all this COVID-19 business I was looking around for other job opportunities and there are loads of courses on here which I think will be helpful. After failing the Excel test, that will be the first course I need to complete.
Who knows what the next week will bring or even tomorrow? But let’s make it a positive and productive one.
Stay Safe x
Lockdown: Week 1, Telly – yes, Travel – no, Cats – yes After being the only member of my team without a work laptop, it was rather lonely in the office last Monday.
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latellychat · 5 years
Once upon a time there were five Boston boys telling me I was their ‘favourite girl’ via these things called cassettes.
Donnie Wahlberg and his rat tails haircut was my favourite New Kid.  I never saw them in concert until their comeback tour in 2009 (my Mom told me I was to young to go to the ones in the early nineties).  Now instead of watching Donnie’s dance moves, I’m watching him kick ass on Blue Bloods.
walhburgers ceiling
walhburgers ceiling
Then there is little brother Mark, I love the majority of his films especially Patriots Day, Daddy’s Home and Three Kings.  Instant Family and Transformers not so much.  Back in the summer of 2000 I meet Mark (along with George Clooney) at the Perfect Storm Premiere in Birmingham.  Nice Guy.
Perfect Storm 2000
Perfect Storm 2000
This weekend was all about brother Paul.  A trip down lo London for a burger in their restaurant after drooling at the mouth watching their reality show ‘Wahlburgers’.  Seeing how fast restaurants open and close down in this country I wanted to cross it off my bucket list ASAP.  Situated in Covent Garden we didn’t have to wait long for a table for four (we were seated downstairs).
Between the four of us we shared two starters loaded tater tots (similar to potato croquettes) and halloumi fries.  Tasted lovely!  Being a Donnie fan I should have had his favourite burger the ‘BBQ Bacon Burger’, however as I don’t like jalapenos or avocado spread I had the standard ‘Our Burger’ which is Paul’s choice.  Mark’s choice is the ‘Thanksgiving Turkey Burger’ which sounds like a Christmas dinner in a bun…not the right time of year.  The ‘Our Burger’ was very good, I think the Wahl sauce added a little extra.
No room for dessert or a sickly-looking alcoholic milkshake (freak shakes), actually no room in our stomachs for the rest of the day.  Totally full!  For one ‘Our’, two ‘Doube Deckers’ (spelling mistake on the menu we were told), one ‘Moving Mountains’ (veggie), loaded tater tots, halloumi fries and six drinks came to around £120. No bad for London prices…
…plus, a ‘Mom’s favourite’ T-shirt (£22) and a pint glass (£6).  If its still open next year (fingers crossed) we will be back.
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  #Wahlburgers, London: The Right Stuff Once upon a time there were five Boston boys telling me I was their 'favourite girl' via these things called cassettes.
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latellychat · 5 years
Frugal February – 0 Spend Days
Frugal February – 0 Spend Days
2019 was a blast with all the concerts and holidays now I need to rein in my spending. I’m not getting any younger and I seriously don’t want to work ALL my life. I want the dream home, the five-star holidays and 0 debt.
I don’t have the work ethic or the interest in IT to make millions but so this year I do have the positive mind to manifest a lot of cash. OK I don’t mean Harry and Meghan levels…
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latellychat · 5 years
Just like Birmingham, Stevenage is not the prettiest of towns but it was well located for Monsieur X’s short visit last month. The Holiday Inn Express was only a few minutes’ walk away from the train station, which gave us the option of going to central London but we decided this break would be more fresh air than city smog.
On the evening we had the choice of the Wetherspoons pub ‘The Standard Bearer’ which was 30 seconds away from the hotel and the Leisure Park (five minutes’ walk away next to the train station) which consisted of restaurant chains Nando’s, TGI Friday, Prezzo, KFC, McDonalds, Wagamama and Ask Italian. Along with a bowling alley and cinema, we had a drink in the busy bowling alley before killing some zombies in the arcade.
The hotel itself was pretty standard and clean with helpful staff (when the shower broke and our constant requests for glasses of ice for our wine). The buffet breakfast was good and it wasn’t very busy so enough to go around and no big queues. Quality and quantity.
Why Stevenage? It’s not on our bucket lists, but it was only thirty-minute drive away from Luton Airport. Monsieur X flew in from Marseille (80€ return with EasyJet) and only stayed three nights so we didn’t want to go far. Instead we sampled the countryside and a few towns. I wanted to show him rural England and also, I needed a break from the city and to breathe in some fresher air.
Dunstable Downs
Perfect place to clear out the cobwebs and in my case the city smog. We were lucky it was a clear day. I’m not a country walker expert so we followed the map and arrows (only got lost once). Part of the ‘purple’ route was just a road of mud and my trainers were covered but hey it’s only dirt. It’s very easy to describe – green! The photos explain the Downs better that me. We were lucky it was a sunny day in January, I told Monsieur X this is what England would look like in the summer just a tiny bit warmer. Walking through the countryside with my friend felt good, all I just needed was a dog for full effect.
  St Albans
The town centre gets busy on a Saturday afternoon, it took us ages to find a parking spot and even longer to find somewhere to eat. We ended up at Bellaccino’s Italian Restaurant, 17 French Row. The macaroni cheese was gorgeous and a good price (£9) and Monsieur X’s calzone was massive! After we walked around the Cathedral grounds at sunset which gave off a nice effect and he was impressed with the Cathedral interior too. There was a service on at the time and hearing the amazing choir added a little something to our walkaround.
Welwyn Garden City
A quiet Sunday morning, blue skies again (very cold thou), a stroll around the ?? fountain, coffee at Costa and then a treasure hunt around the residential roads (beautiful big houses) in search for a blue plague. Apparently, R L Reiss (social reformer and pioneer) is related to me, so I told Monsieur X my family own the area… yeah, he didn’t believe me either.
  So, then he left on a jet plane again, don’t know when he will be back again. Time to start saving for hopefully our next adventure.
From Saint Tropez to Stevenage Just like Birmingham, Stevenage is not the prettiest of towns but it was well located for Monsieur X’s short visit last month.
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latellychat · 5 years
Happy New Year…Decade…Life and Direction
Happy New Year…Decade…Life and Direction
Yes, I know I’m late to the New Year party and resolution making but I have hit the ground running so far. Finished an online course for the new career path I want to take, started to clean and declutter my stuff (fingers crossed for some high eBay bids) and even dusted off the Wii. Then to top it off Monsieur X is coming to visit this weekend. Note to self – google – ‘things to do near Luton…
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latellychat · 5 years
I could get used to two foreign holidays a month routine and this one was a whole new experience for me. I had never been on a cruise before and I hadn’t been further east than Italy.
We went on Tui’s Marella Cruises on their Discovery ship. It was like a Holiday Village on water. Different bars, restaurants and entertainment to cover most people’s choices, great food choices and excellent staff who were always helpful (even with fixing a walking stick). However, if any of you are Bacardi drinkers, a quick tip always go to the bar to order your drink. No matter how many waiting staff we asked they always poured the wrong spirit.
  Koper, Slovenia
We started off from Corfu and had a day at sea before reaching Koper. There was the Ironman competition at the time we stepped off, so it was difficult to cross the roads. We didn’t plan anything so we had a wonder around narrow streets seeing the Piazzo Tito square and the Praetorian Palace then finding the Da Ponte Fountain (a much smaller copy of the Rialto Bridge) by accident. Before spending a few hours at the Kroštola bar sampling the local beer.
Venice, Italy
Been there already as per this link – http://tellytravelsandcats.com/2016/11/13/venice-so-many-movies-so-many-bridges/
But the sunrise and sunsets this time round were incredible.
  Spilt, Croatia
Beautiful, the promenade reminded me of Nice. Once off the ship it was a fight past the taxi drivers trying to sell their unauthorised Games of Thrones tours. We only wanted to go the show’s museum, to buy some presents from the gift shop. We had a wonder around streets and squares passing ‘FroggyLand’ on the way (didn’t go in) and walked through what’s left of the ancient Roman Palace of Diocletain. Very busy so took our photos and went for a beer on the promenade. Are you spotting my pattern? Ending our walks with beers.
  Dubrovnik, Croatia
The Croatians are really milking their Game of Thrones connection (maybe I should do the same with Birmingham and Peaky Blinders), so if you’re a fan of the ‘Thrones’ there is loads to do.
We booked an excursion with Tui on the ship for a 1 ½ hour panoramic tour with Adriatic Sunsets on one of their ‘cabriolets’ a custom made mini bus where the roof and side windows slide back fully. The tour’s guide was an audio one with headphones and there were 3 stops for photos on the journey.
First was by the Dubrovnik Bridge then the next two were on a hill and steps showing excellent views of the old town. The tour ended at the bus stop at the entrance of the old town (with the option of staying on and being taken back to the ship).
We stayed and wondered around the very busy and very hot old town. The paths were very narrow and there were many other tourists, many walking tours and it seemed every other shop sold Game of Thrones souvenirs. A taxi back to the port was around 15€.
  Kotor, Montenegro
Two words -Cat Disneyland! Don’t move here if you have a dog or visit if you’re allergic to cats. Just like Dubrovnik’s old town the maze of streets are surrounded by its medieval walls….and did I mention the cats? Most of the gift shops had cat related items. I could have spent a fortune.
There are a lot of strays roaming the streets or fast asleep in the plants, then there is the cat museum (few cats roaming around there), which is two rooms of cat postcards and posters. The entry fee is 1€ and I spent around 8€ for a pen, notebook and fridge magnet. I think we were only in there less than 10 minutes.
We did attempt the walk up to hill to take some photos and reach a church we could see from the ship, it was 8€ each to walk up a very steep and stony path. It was hard to walk up the hill on the path and it was dangerous walking back down as the stones were loose making the walk down slippery. I don’t think we even got half way before we gave up and came back down.
I would definitely cruise again, visiting different countries in one week, everything you need on the ship (the junior suite with balcony was perfect), and the beautiful sunrises and sunsets going into and leaving these ports each day.
An Adriatic Cruise I could get used to two foreign holidays a month routine and this one was a whole new experience for me.
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latellychat · 5 years
The first of my two September holidays this year and it was another part of le Sud I haven’t been before. Another French places to add to my heart and list of places I want to live when I win the lottery.
Nice is nice or its nice in Nice?
I arrived at Nice airport late one Thursday evening from Luton, so we stayed in the Ibis Budget hotel across the main road from the airport. 70€ for bed and breakfast and discounted car parking. The hotel was in between two tram stops so easy access to the city centre. There was a triathlon on at the time so parts of the Promenade des Anglais was closed off but I was still able to see that popular beach view. Lunch at Lou Pilha Leva, Rue du Collet, was a local delicacy called Socca, it like a crepe or maybe a pizza. Whatever it is, it tasted good especially with a few bieres.
  La Croix Valmer (Selection Camping)
A last-minute booking for a gite at Selection Camping (60€ a night) was a bargain. Clean gite and area, beautiful countryside and a tiny sea view. Friendly staff and great food at the restaurant also reasonable priced drinks. It was close to the beach either 5 minutes’ drive or 15 minutes’ walk. Monsieur X’s local bar was Le Godet in the centre (just another 5 minutes’ drive from the campsite), a friendly bunch of his local friends. Having a tea there on a sunny Sunday morning people watching around the market was just like my day dreams and visualisations.
  St. Tropez
I had to go to cross it off my bucket list. I just needed to say I have been. A few hours walking around the harbour, picking out the massive yacht I plan to buy when I win the lottery ten times over and staring at the posers over doing it dressed head to toe in designer logos. Apart from the show offs and the super yachts dwarfing the other boats, St. Tropez is a pretty little harbour and town. It looks like any other southern French costal town. The only negative point about St Tropez is I didn’t see any one famous.
  Port Grimud
Back in March on my other French visit I thought Martigues was France’s Little Venice. I was wrong Port Grimaud is known as ‘Venice of Provence’ and it also has a feeling of being in the Caribbean walking through the holiday resort next to the centre with its palm trees and beach huts. Port Grimaud seemed to be a day tripper spot it was very busy even on a Sunday. The tourists and me all fighting to get that Instagram worthy photo from one of the many bridges.
Beautiful beach and very quiet after the school holidays and I’m sure the beachfront town is nice as well, but the night we went it was windy and wet.
  La Londe les Maures
On our route back to Miramas (I was flying home from Marseille) we stopped off at La Londe les Maures. Monsieur X’s 2020 plan is to set up his photo business from here next summer. The harbour was just as quiet as Cavalaire-sur-Mer in the second week of September. Maybe these places would not be so stunning if I went in busy July and August.
Bonne Chance Monsieur X.
Back to Miramas for a quick run around McArthurGlen Designer Outlet Village as it was closing in an hour…next time I’ll bring a massive suitcase for all the stuff I want to buy. Another reason why I need to win the lottery.
A bientôt France.
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The French Riviera – C’est Belle The first of my two September holidays this year and it was another part of le Sud I haven’t been before.
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latellychat · 5 years
Winter Blues? Time for some Comedy Meditation
Winter Blues? Time for some Comedy Meditation
World’s gone mad and that’s just British democracy! So, I can’t watch or read the news any more. The Summer is over and work is stressing me out, all the meditation, yoga and deep breathing was not helping. I have two choices, either laugh or cry? I chose the first option.
30 minutes of comedy, then another 30 and another, Damn it! We all know that boxsets are too addictive, but the comedies help…
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