lateefnohana-blog · 7 years
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Teruntuk kau sosok tangguhku Papa Maaf bila di usia yg semakin tua ini masih bkerja keras karna mengkhawatirkan segala hal dalam keluarga ini. Maaf bila kerutan d wajahmu krna selalu memikirkan kebahagiaan kami. Maaf bila saja ada sakit yg kau derita karna dirimu sndiri yg menjadi tiang keluarga ini. Maaf bila ada sakit hatimu karna putri-putrimu yang merepotkan ini. Aku sangat menyayangi papa,walau aku jarang mengucapkannya. maaf bila aku teramat byk salah padamu. Semoga papa senantiasa diberikan nikmat umur,kesehatan,dan rejeki oleh ALLAH SWT.Aamiin... Terima kasih krna telah menjadi sosok tangguh untuk mama dan putri-putri mu. (di Dumoga, Sulawesi Utara, Indonesia)
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lateefnohana-blog · 7 years
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Hbd ayiboo kecil😚🎂🎉🎁 Barakallahu fii umrik,shat slalu,cpet gede,smoga tmbh pintar,ttap jd anak yg lucu dn mmbanggakan org tuaa yaaa lilaa koriting😍😍
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lateefnohana-blog · 7 years
Berapa banyak dari kita yang memaafkan hanya karena takut kehilangan? Memperpanjang luka demi bahagia yang sesekali ada.
(via mbeeer)
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lateefnohana-blog · 7 years
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Don't forget tomorrow yaaah guys😊 Starting at 8 am to finish🙌👌
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lateefnohana-blog · 7 years
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Good wishes for everything🙏 #hellomay #bigwishes #goodmonth
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lateefnohana-blog · 7 years
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lateefnohana-blog · 8 years
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Kita main bareng,bukan jaim bareng😂😝😎
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lateefnohana-blog · 8 years
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lateefnohana-blog · 8 years
Maybe we shouldn’t talk. Maybe we should remove each other from each other’s life completely. Maybe. Maybe you’ll never be with me. Maybe you’ll never realize how good I’d be to you. Maybe you’ll push me away forever. Maybe you’ll use me another 3 times giving me more false hope. Maybe you’ll call me next week in the middle of be night confessing your love to me. Maybe you’ll look at me and see how perfect I am for you. Maybe you’ll realize how much I put up with for you and what I’d do for you. Maybe you’ll decide to let me love you. Maybe you’ll say fuck it and be with me. Maybe you’ll let me in. Maybe. Maybe. Maybe. Maybe I won’t be here when that happens.
(via beentough-butstillcheering-youon)
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lateefnohana-blog · 8 years
Because one day you’re planning your future and everything is perfect. And then the next you’re lying in bed surrounded by tissues and torn up pictures because they don’t love you anymore. Just like that, as if the last two years meant nothing. Except, it meant everything to you and now you don’t know what to do. You’re alone and sad and afraid. Everything you knew has changed. But that’s life. So you be sad and alone and afraid. And then you move on. You take one step and then another. Until eventually you’re better. It won’t happen over night. It might not happen for months. But it will happen, I promise.
Just one step. (via ifthenightcouldtalk)
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lateefnohana-blog · 8 years
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lateefnohana-blog · 8 years
“As i lay in my bed i cant seem to stop the tears rolling down my face, Im crying like the mess i am for a number of reasons but they’re all to do with you, I miss you so much it pains me, I miss your smell, I miss the sound of your voice, I miss the way your hand perfectly fits into mine, I miss the way you made me feel safe, I miss the way you just stared at me in the morning and hugged me so tight as if i was going to run away, I miss the way you held me when i needed it the most, I miss the way you would stare at me as if i was the most beautiful being alive, I miss the way you’d play with my hair, I miss the way i use to give you infinite little kisses, I miss the way i use to make you laugh and smile, I miss the way i use to pass out next to you, I miss the fact you’d go to sleep just because i was tired, I miss waking up to you, I miss having you, I miss being yours, I miss being your baby, I miss being your everything. But mostly i miss my self, I miss the person i am when i’m with you, Because when i have you i am my self more then ever. You have no idea what you mean to me.” - FV
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lateefnohana-blog · 8 years
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lateefnohana-blog · 8 years
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lateefnohana-blog · 8 years
Every one wants me to be okay but I am not okay. I will never be okay. Not like this, not without you. So, stop telling me to be okay. Stop telling me to move on. It doesn’t work like that. You don’t just move on from the love of your life. You don’t forget their arms around you at night or the sloppy look of their eyes in the morning. The memories of the birthdays and holidays and anniversaries don’t just fade away. They still live in your mind, still replay day after day, hour after hour. You don’t just find someone new because once you’ve had a love like that nothing else compares. It’s them or no one.
And that will never be okay. (via ifthenightcouldtalk)
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lateefnohana-blog · 8 years
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lateefnohana-blog · 8 years
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