lataviacave · 5 years
Fieldwork 15
I interviewed my roommate & she is a christian & she was baptized when she was 10 but certain christian practices she doesn’t take part in but her family does. She goes to church but she doesn’t go faithfully like most christians do but she still believes in her faith.
I also called my friend & interviewed her & she said a 7 day adventist & her family follows the 28 fundamental beliefs, and the teachings of the Holy Scripture. Saturday’s are her sabbath & her & her family believes in the Heavenly Sancturary & they don’t believe that hell is infinite torture. They believe that God is merciful & it is not in his nature to torture his people. She has rules she has to follow so she has to dress modest & neat, growing up she couldn’t have her ears pierced, and she eats healthy.
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lataviacave · 5 years
Fieldwork 14
On a day to day basis I interact with my mother, sister, grandma, dance team, professors, and my friend group.
When interacting with my mother she holds the most power but I still respect her because she’s my parent and provider. She shows dominance because I can talk to her like she’s my friend, but when needed she knows how to switch gears and be a parent.
My sister is like my mother and best friend and she holds some power because I see her as a mother figure but yet she knows how to play the sister role and mother role when necessary. 
My grandma is my roll dog but she also holds a lot of power. We are really close and she’s there whenever I need her but there are boundaries. We are open, and respectful to one another but when its time she puts me in my place.
Power is shared equally between my friend and I because nobody is better than anybody and we all take turns when it comes to being there for each other emotionally, financially, physically, mentally, and for transportation. We support each other but at the same time we give each other our alone time or personal space.
My professors hold power because they give me my grade and my assignments. Yet as a student I hold power as well because it’s my job to go to class, pay attention, and give in my assignments. 
I am apart of an organization called Tropical Xpressionz and we are a family. The captains and team manager hold most power but for the rest of the team they never let our opinions or thoughts go unheard or unnoticed. There is a higher power called Caribbean Student Association and they are held at a higher expectation than the rest of us but power is still shared equally.
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lataviacave · 5 years
Fieldwork 13
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My name is Vanessa Rose and I am from Georgetown Guyana but I migrated to the United States when I was 25 years old with my 1st child at the time when she was 5 years old. My mother migrated to America with her siblings to get her life started and get her citizenship, then later came back for me and my daughter so she can support us through the immigration process being that she was already a citizen, and she had already had a house for us to stay. The journey for me was exciting and I was nervous because I had never been in a plane before so it was new to me. I had many pushes and pulls that brought me to the US such as wanting a job, better opportunities not only for me but for my daughter, to expand my horizons and be more independent because in Guyana my life was set for me I lived good so I didn’t have to work back home. In America I wanted to have a job and actually work for my money. Some barriers and bridges I faced were after the first 3 months of being here I didn’t adjust to the American way of life, I was very homesick, I didn’t know anybody here so I had to adjust to the new environment, and it was very cold and in Guyana it’s summer all year round.
Gender roles are very different here in the US than in Guyana because in the US women can be the head of the household, but in Guyana men are always the head of the household while the women are housewives staying home. America has changed me in a positive way because I am more independent and responsible, I don’t take life for granted and I see life through a different lens.
(I interviewed my mom)
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lataviacave · 5 years
Fieldwork 12
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Reese’s peanut butter cups include ingredients such as milk chocolate, sugar , butter, milk fat, lactose, nonfat milk, soy lecithin, emulsifier, peanuts, coco butter, dextrose, vegetable oil, and coco beans. The coco beans are created in Cameroon, Nigeria, Ghana, and the Ivory Coast which are considered tropical regions.
The working conditions of the people who produce the coco are very dangerous because they are exposed to pesticides without any protection, and they are working in harsh conditions especially the kids. It is said that millions of kids work in factories in dangerous conditions in the Ivory Coast just to be able to sell the peanut buttercups. In the market industry there are small traders and wholesalers, small traders buy the coco beans from the farmers, buyers sell the coco to wholesalers who resells them to people that export goods. In some cases coco beans are sold to the exporters from the farmers, and the prices are determined by the market who sets the prices bases on the supply and the demand for that supply.
Nestle, The Hershey Company, Mars Incorporation, and Mondelez are all “Big Chocolate” companies who market toward children, hence the cute fun packaging on most of the products. These products are obscured because the store owner makes about 40% of sales but yet children are being overworked, and they are working in bad conditions for these sales to be made.
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lataviacave · 5 years
Fieldwork 11
Pierre Bourdieu was a sociologist who studied the French educational system to understand the relationship among class, culture, and power. Throughout much of the world, education is considered the key to upward social mobility within stratified societies. Bourdieu’s research showed that social reproduction in the schools would rather reproduce the social relations that already exist by passing class position from generation to generation in a family, then provide opportunities for social class mobility.
The article above demonstrates that the social reproduction theory states that human labor is at the heart of creating or reproducing society as a whole.  “Capitalism, however, acknowledges productive labor for the market as the sole form of legitimate “work,” while the tremendous amount of familial as well as communitarian work that goes on to sustain and reproduce the worker, or more specifically her labor power, is naturalized into nonexistence.” The social reproduction theory shows that labor dispensed to produce people is part of  capitalism.
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lataviacave · 5 years
Fieldwork 10
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This is my family tree & it starts off with me & i have four sisters. Letitia who i live with & is my mother’s child, & Tianna, Nitriva, and Natija who are my fathers kids. Both my parents along with my grandparents on both sides were born in Guyana. My mother & father were never married, they do not live together, but they keep in contact. My father originally had two sisters but one died, and he has four brothers. His mother passed away a few years ago but his father is still alive. My mother has one brother & both of her parents are still living.
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lataviacave · 5 years
Fieldwork, Ch. 8, Gender
Reminder: Your fieldwork assignment, which is due tonight, is to find 5 examples of hidden messages that we receive in culture everyday that reinforce the dominant gender ideologies. Illustrate these hidden messages through GIFs, memes, video clips, art, or photographs (of signs, textbook excerpts, situations you have encountered this week etc). Please write at least one sentence to explain the image, video, or audio that captures the hidden message. *Reread the section in the chapter on Emily Martin’s research on the sperm and the egg in textbooks to remind yourself of what this assignment is all about!
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lataviacave · 5 years
Fieldwork 7/8
1. Masculinity 
The song “ If I Were A Boy” by Beyonce shows masculinity because it mentions things that males do, that they normally get away with. “ Drink beer with the guys and chase after girls, I’d kick it with who I wanted and I’d never get confronted for it cause they’d stick up for me.” This shows masculinity because the actions Beyonce just described are affiliated with men and what they deem to be normal. She goes on to say “ If I were a boy I would turn off my phone tell everyone it's broken so they'd think that I was sleepin' alone I'd put myself first and make the rules as I go, cause I'd know that she'd be faithful waitin' for me to come home” Beyonce refers to the double standard that exists between men and women, and she thinks about what it would be like if she did all the things he did to her daily.
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2. Femininity 
This shows femininity because there was a point in time where men where superior to women and society felt as if a women couldn't do a mans job. The picture depicts a women flexing her arms to show she is strong and the title says “ Women in Business” demonstrating femininity.
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3. Femininity 
The movie Mulan shows femininity because Mulan fills in for her father to fight in the Emperor's army by pretending to be a man, outshines her male counterparts and then saves China. Mulan leaves to join Li Shang in the army in her father’s stead, and she is trying to prove she can do a man’s duty.
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4. Masculinity
This shows masculinity because males like to be depicted as strong and built and some may feel as if they are less masculine if they are not seen as that. In the picture you see a very built man lifting weights embracing his masculinity. 
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5. Femininity
This shows femininity because the right to carry a child is a women right, and is apart of womanhood. The picture shows a pregnant woman wondering if she will be having a girl or a boy, this process is a big part of femininity and womanhood.
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lataviacave · 5 years
Fieldwork Assignment 7
Post 5 examples overall of how things associated with maleness are coded to be masculine or how things associated with femaleness are coded to be feminine.
Feel free to use commercials, movie clips, TV show clips, music videos, etc.
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lataviacave · 5 years
Fieldwork #6
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This is an example of a genotype because a genotype is the inherited genetic  factors that provide the framework for an organism’s physical form. These factors can be passed down from the organism hence the punnet square, displaying the different genotypes for brown and blue eyes from each parent.
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This is an example of a phenotype which is The way genes are expressed in an organism’s physical form as a result of genotype interaction with environmental factors. These factors are what is visible to the naked eye hence the picture, you can see whether somebody has freckles or not.
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Miscegenation is a demeaning historical term for interracial marriage which the picture demonstrates by showing a white women and a man of color who are supposedly together.
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White supremacy is the belief that nonwhites were biologically different, intellectually inferior, and not fully human in a spiritual sense. The picture demonstrates this because you see three white men holding signs that say white lives matter at what looks like a rally. This is ironic because normally you see signs that say black lives matter since it’s our lives that are always in jeopardy.
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What you see here is an example of Jim Crow Laws which are laws implemented after the U.S. Civil War to legally enforce segregation, particularly in the South, after the end of slavery. This show’s Jim Crow Laws because the colored are separated from the white for something as simple as a water fountain and swimming pool.
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The One - Drop Rule otherwise known as hypodescent is the  assignment of children of racially “mixed” unions to the subordinate group. The race of children of mixed marriages is assigned to the lower category of the two parents.
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lataviacave · 5 years
Brazil Concept Map - sociology discussion
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lataviacave · 5 years
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lataviacave · 5 years
Fieldwork 4
Song : My Power - Tierra Whack, Beyonce, Moonchild Sanelly, Nija, Busiswa, Dj Lag, Yemi Alade
Gender : “ Never seen so much rage from a queen rage from a queen, Queen so strong thought she was a machine. Girl of ya dreams, Sinclaire Regine turned to the max, Can’t forget maxine, Refer to me as a goddess!”
Power: “Black people win they say we being demonic, angel in disguise I hate when I have to disguise it why you gotta despise it? Rich in the mind that's why I'm making deposits carry all the power it’s time to realize it! They’ll never take my power my power, my power. They’ll never take my power my power, my power. They feel a way oh wow, they feel a way oh wow.
Dialect: “ Vumani bo! (siyavuma) Selingenile iKumkani Ningangabazi amandla am, Ngizogobisa abanenkani thulani bo! (Seng’hleli) Selivukile iDimoni lami Nibabuzile abaziyo ngami there will be niks when I’m done.
This song reflects gender because of the reference Tierra Whack makes to women being strong queens and the reference she makes to the show Living Single where Synclaire and Regine attract the attention of Obie and Dexter,  and Tierra relates to how men admire them for their beauty, and charm. Although Maxine is strong-willed Tierra admires for her audacity and independent spirit. The song shows power because Tierra lets it be known how powerful black people are and since she is a black women she will never get her power taken away. Dialect is shown when Busiswa begins to say a chant used by healers in South Africa. She then says “Ningangabazi amandla am, Ngizogobisa abanenkani” meaning I will make those who are stubborn submit to me”. Busiswa feels that her power makes those who deny her, submit to her. She later goes onto say “Selivukile iDimoni lami Nibabuzile abaziyo ngami there will be niks when I’m done.” At this point her alter ego is being shown, and she feels that nobody that tries to go against her will win. She is always the last person standing.
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lataviacave · 5 years
Fieldwork 4 - mapping a block
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What location did you choose? What drew you to it? Describe what you found.
The location I chose was my room in Blount Towers, what drew me to this location was this where i’m most comfortable and relaxed , and this is where i spend most of my time during the week. As soon as I walk through the door i found 2 of my roommates on the right side of the room , and my other roommate and I on the left side. We all have most of the same belongings such as bed sets , laptops , refrigerators, microwaves, hygiene , and hair care appliances, and snacks.
What did you notice in your observations that you’ve never noticed before?
I didn’t really notice much that i never noticed before but one thing was that roommate number 3 is barely here since she lives close.
What is absent that you might have expected to find?
My printer cord to set up my printer, so i can print from my room.
Visit the same block or space at a different time of day or different day of the week. How do your observations vary?
During the day , we all have different schedules so there are times when i’ll have the room to myself, mainly during the day or early in the morning. At night there is much more activity in here since majority of the time we are all in here together and sometimes they bring company, so there’s music playing sometimes or even laughter.
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lataviacave · 5 years
Fieldwork Assignment #3 Mapping a Block
Mapping a Block
Select an interesting location for your mapping project. You may choose to map a block defined as an area bounded on four sides by streets or the 4 corners of an intersection. Alternatively, you may choose to map an outdoor public space, such as a park or campus quadrangle, or an indoor space, such as a shopping mall or your college’s student center. Focus on what is inside the space and spend an hour sitting and observing, taking careful field notes of your observations (infrastructure, people, sounds, smells, etc).
 Answer the following questions:
 What location did you choose? What drew you to it? Describe what you found.
 What did you notice in your observations that you’ve never noticed before?
 What is absent that you might have expected to find?
 Visit the same block or space at a different time of day or different day of the     week. How do your observations vary?
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lataviacave · 5 years
Fieldwork 2
After completing this assignment I realized that my wants outweigh my needs, and I also realized that some things fall into both the category of a need and a want but it turns into a want because of the item I tend to go for is always the most expensive item. I realize that it is important to budget and live within your means even if you can afford most of the items it’s nothing wrong with saving money and going for something cheaper. Being a college student also showed me that you have to prioritize your needs over your wants since being in college, living on campus, and trying to keep up with your desires will leave you with less money than you expected. Majority of the items I listed can be found for way cheaper and I could’ve saved myself and my family a lot of money. This fieldwork assignment showed me how important it is to keep track of your spending and to be more conscious of what you are buying.
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lataviacave · 5 years
Fieldwork Assignment #2: Consumer Culture
The Culture of Consumerism
Students will take inventory of all their belongings including electronics, school supplies, clothes, shoes, accessories, grooming items, cosmetics, mode of transportation, household furnishings, appliances, and so on.
1. Use the link below to view an example of how to complete this assignment using a chart. You may download the document and edit it with your information.
2. Attach your completed chart and write a paragraph reflecting on what you learned about yourself after completing this assignment.
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