the autumn took the rest, but they won't take me
1K posts
I'm Sarah, and I have a lot of feelings about fictional characters.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
lastleaf · 8 months ago
Cursed thought of the day:
Referring to Ficlets and one-shots as Ficalettas
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lastleaf · 11 months ago
yep, it's Silvercistern. Here's the rest of her stories:
The Ashes of District Twelve - orphan_account
The List
Ragged Edges
The Good Wife
Legal Matrimony
The Grandmentor
The Many and Varied Adventures of Young Fletcher Mellark
Flux and Dustjackets
Combs and a Fob Chain
A Tree Grows in Philadelphia
PiP submissions:
Patient 823 - orphan_account
The Museum of Cultural Preservation and Antiquity - orphan_account
A Tragedy in Twelve Parts - orphan_account
Second Place - orphan_account
Coward - orphan_account
Talk to Her - orphan_account
Two Cakes - orphan_account
The Colors - orphan_account
Real - orphan_account
District 12 - orphan_account
Golden Apples - orphan_account
Someone to Watch Over Me - orphan_account
Question for the veteran fangirlies out there
Hi friends, i know I've been absent for a while and this is kinda a random post to pop back on, but I recently got a short burst of spare time for one of my favourite hobbies: reading fanfics by the wonderfully creative people within this community.
the question i pose: I landed on a fic called "happy endings" by an orphan account, a gifted work to amelia_day (@awhiskeyriver do you remember this person?!). I was wondering if anyone knows who wrote this fic and could let me know or link some of their other works here as i'm just obsessed with their writing style and was fully ready to dive down a rabbithole of their works before remembering that it was an orphan account 😭. it seems they were quite active in the fandom (y'all I went full stalker mode) until around 2021? from my own findings, I think it might have been silvercistern, but I can't be sure, and either way, I can't find any of their other works. does anyone know if they're still up? or if it even is silvercistern?
in short, help, please 🫠.
also if anyone else wants to also be stuck on a story for the next few days about masseuse!katniss and (lets be real) douchebag!peeta (he does a whole redemption arch) here's the link to the story happy endings.
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lastleaf · 1 year ago
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Anyway - An In-Panem, never reaped, This Would Have Happened Anyway fic
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lastleaf · 1 year ago
Based on the premise of The Flatshare by Beth O’Leary, where two strangers share a one bedroom apartment without ever meeting.
The bed is cold when her cheek hits the pillow. Across the room she can see the faint glow of sunlight around the edge of the blackout curtains her roommate generously installed.
Nothing like going to bed at 7 in the morning.
She pulls the blanket over her head in an attempt to cocoon the warmth. There’s an unspoken agreement that the heat will remain off, even in the late weeks of fall. Her roommate must be as broke as she is. Or as stubborn. 
It’s weird having a roommate she’s never actually met. In fact, she wouldn’t even know his name, had it not been for the occasional Amazon package left outside their door. 
Peeta Mellark. 
The guy she’s subletting the apartment from, Haymitch Abernathy is extremely cagey on details. Another reason her family thinks she’s insane for agreeing to the arrangement. From 6AM to 5PM, the one bedroom apartment is entirely hers. From 6PM to 5AM it becomes Peeta Mellark’s. No exceptions. No take backs. If it’s your night off, better make other plans.  
Which in her case, means tending bar a few nights a week when she’s not at the hospital, because when it comes to working the night shift, career options are limited. 
She presses her face into the pillow to help warm her nose. It smells like the bakery down the street. Sweet and savory, like cinnamon and dill. She wonders if Peeta Mellark stops there every day too, and whether the guy behind the counter has his order memorized like hers. Warm milk with a dash of cinnamon and the largest cheese danish from the case.  
She rolls over. Smelling his pillow is weird, especially now that she’s drooling. She settles onto the other pillow. Her pillow, let’s call it, but the strong odor of perfume gives her pause. Katniss does not wear perfume. 
She leaps out of the bed like the sheets are on fire. Someone else has been sleeping in her bed. Well probably not sleeping… The thought makes her queasy. She strips the sheets from the bed and crams them, comforter and all, into the tiny stacked washing machine in the hall closet. Then she takes another shower, even though her hair is still wet from the last one. Ugh, there goes the water bill. 
The laundry won’t be done for another hour, so she curls up on the couch and falls asleep to the rattle of the spin cycle. When she wakes to the mid afternoon sun, she changes the load and heads to the store. She passes the bakery down the street and debates another pastry, but they’re already closed.
Today is not her day. 
At Target, she grabs the cheapest, limpest pillow along with a scratchy pillowcase off the clearance rack. She’s not operating a bed and breakfast for her roommate’s booty call. She still can’t believe he has the nerve to do it in their bed. 
She has half a mind to return the favor, but it’s not exactly easy to find a partner at three in the afternoon. Instead she drinks some of his milk straight from the carton. 
That’ll show him.
There’s a pad of post it notes next to the fridge, and she hastily scrawls: For Guests, before slapping the pillow on the bare mattress, because she certainly isn’t going to make the bed for him. 
After work, she has a little time to kill before the apartment is hers again. She reaches the bakery just as the man behind the counter is twisting the lock to open the door. 5AM on the dot. 
“Morning,” he says. 
“Something like that,” she replies. 
The display case is still empty, so he disappears into the kitchen for a moment before returning with a steaming bag. 
“Still warm from the oven,” he says. 
The smell is divine, and the sound she makes in response is improper at best. 
His eyebrow quirks. “Good?”
She glares at him. “I think you know.”
He flashes her a smile that fills her with an unexpected warmth, then turns to start her drink before she can fully process it. Are they flirting?
Her eyes dip shamelessly down his body. He’s cute. And the way he smiled at her before… she’s pretty sure if she asked him what time he got off work, this place would be closed within five minutes. 
She could make her roommate’s pillow smell like cinnamon and dill real good. 
He turns to hand her her drink and her posture straightens. She hands him a few crumpled bills before she can make a fool of herself and ducks out the door. 
Back at the apartment, there’s a dozen post it notes spread across the kitchen table. 
I am so sorry. 
I lost track of time. 
I always wash the sheets after, I swear. 
She casts a sideways glance towards the bedroom and scowls. How often is he having sex? Maybe he has a girlfriend. A really understanding girlfriend who doesn’t mind him sharing a bed with another woman. And for some reason won’t offer up her own bed. 
There’s a bakery bag on the table with another post it.
Please accept this as a peace offering. 
She sets her own bakery bag on the table beside it. Jokes on him, because she can’t be bribed with treats. Especially when she already has a danish waiting for her. 
She checks the contents anyway. It’s some kind of roll, probably off the lunch menu. There’s another note:
Pop in the toaster oven for 3 minutes. 
She rolls her eyes. This won’t work. She pops the rolls on a tray and starts the toaster. When she licks the grease off her fingers, the salt and garlic flavor is heaven. 
She continues reading the notes. 
I’ve got an idea. 
For keeping things organized. 
What’s your favorite color?
She’s not answering that. 
The toaster dings and she retrieves the rolls. She rips one open, and the gooey cheesy filling stretches like something out of a magazine. 
She takes a bite, and it’s even better than the cheese danish. She practically inhales them all.
She picks up the sharpie off the table and writes: GREEN
The nextmorning, she’s catching up on charts and is late leaving the hospital. It’s close to 7 when she swings by the bakery, and the man behind the counter isn’t there. 
In fact, it occurs to her that the man behind the counter doesn’t typically work the register, because the woman smiling expectantly at her now, Delly, is wearing a name tag. 
Katniss’s eyes flit toward the kitchen door. 
“Can I help you?” Delly prods. 
“Right, yeah, could I get an order of cheese buns?”
Delly’s smile turns apologetic. “I’m sorry. We only serve those after 10:30.”
Katniss deflates. She supposes she could set an alarm. “Are there any leftover from yesterday?” She asks hopefully.
“The staff usually divides up leftovers at closing.”
Katniss looks at the kitchen door again. The baker would definitely save her some cheese buns. But seeing as she doesn’t know his name, there’s no way of asking for him without sounding like she wants to speak with a manager.
So she orders her usual instead, and leaves with one last sidelong glance toward the kitchen door. 
Back at the apartment, there’s a post it waiting for her on the bedroom door.
The pillowcases have changed. Hers is now green and she suspects the other one is his favorite color, orange. 
She finds a fresh post it note. 
You continue picking up my cheese bun order, and we’ll call it even. 
She tacks a $5 bill beneath the note and goes to bed. 
When she gets home from work the next day, a bakery bag is waiting for her, but her money is still there. 
On the house. 
It bothers her that he won’t take her money, so she restocks his tea. 
Better, she agrees. 
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lastleaf · 1 year ago
Summary: Every summer District 12 observes a local holiday, Midsummer, and this year Katniss Everdeen is excited to go
Keep reading
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lastleaf · 1 year ago
Here's everything I could find:
happy endings by orphan_account
Peeta Mellark is going to lose his job if he doesn't get his anxiety under control.
Enter Katniss Everdeen, the world's worst masseuse.
The Ashes of District Twelve - orphan_account
The List
Ragged Edges
The Good Wife
Legal Matrimony
The Grandmentor
The Many and Varied Adventures of Young Fletcher Mellark
Flux and Dustjackets
Combs and a Fob Chain
A Tree Grows in Philadelphia
PiP submissions:
Patient 823 - orphan_account
The Museum of Cultural Preservation and Antiquity - orphan_account
A Tragedy in Twelve Parts - orphan_account
Second Place - orphan_account
Coward - orphan_account
Talk to Her - orphan_account
Two Cakes - orphan_account
The Colors - orphan_account
Real - orphan_account
District 12 - orphan_account
Golden Apples - orphan_account
Someone to Watch Over Me - orphan_account
Something I always wondered about Peeta and his later years after the Games and the Revolution. As Peeta grew into an old man.
How was his heart or his overall health?
Like between the force field execution in Catching Fire, and all the torturing the Capitol did to him. Plus the hijacking venom can't have helped his brain, heart, or nervous system.
Could it be possible as Peeta ages that he will have heart or other serious heart problems?
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lastleaf · 1 year ago
thg fic recs
These are the gifts written for me in the various fic exchanges I've participated in. All four of them are so different from each other, and all so good.
Deterioration of a Smile - FortuneFaded2012 @fortunefaded2012
Katniss Everdeen has been on death row for ten years, but she is convinced she has only been there for months. Convicted of a triple homicide she must contend with her mental deterioration, glass wall visitations with her fiancé Peeta Mellark, and her impending execution.
Rating: M
Words: 13,101
A wedding in the district - AlwaysEverlark @alwayseverlark
Request: Non-reaped!Everlark. Katniss and Peeta interact as guests at a traditional district 12 wedding.
Another take on “it would have happened anyway”
Katniss is invited to her first Merchant wedding.
Rating: M
Words: 5,785
you make me feel - Word_Addict
Peeta and Katniss meet, not at the Reaping, but at a dance months later. Will they still find a spark, even without the Games to ignite it?
Rating: G
Words: 1,115
The Revival Tour - atleastmymomlikesme @atleastmymomlikesme
The last surviving member of the Covey returns to his nomadic roots only to find himself in the least musical place in Panem- District 13.
Rating: T
Words: 2,297
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lastleaf · 1 year ago
Teen and Up Rated Fics Masterlist (13)
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7 / Part 8 / Part 9 / Part 10 / Part 11 / Part 12 /
Created: January 28th, 2024
Last Checked:—-
All's Fair-wineredroseblossoms (ao3) Summary: “I dream of you,” he said, his voice husky and desperate. Somehow, the space between them had shrunk to nearly nothing. He was so close he could smell her scent: honeysuckle and soap. It was intoxicating, maddening. His lips grazed the shell of her ear as he murmured. “I dream of you, and such dreams as I would never speak of to a soul, save … save for the woman who inhabits them.”
but the rain is always gonna come (if you’re standing with me)-starryprose (ao3) Summary: Katniss, Peeta, and the rain. Based off the prompt “One character is caught in the rain someplace & they are contemplating what to do when their partner comes running out of nowhere with an umbrella & they go home together.”
Christmas Wish-burkygirl (ao3) Summary: Katniss has only one chance to be able to give Prim the Christmas she deserves, a talent contest sponsored by the local radio station. Still grieving over the recent death of his father, Peeta is spending a quiet day in the bakery when a bittersweet Christmas song drifts over the radio, stirring up a longing for his lost love. This songfic is a one-shot from the Flying Solo universe, inspired by Michael Buble’s cover of All I Want for Christmas is You.
Come Morning Light-crazyundeadfairy ( Summary: A very AU take on Peeta's rescue in Mockingjay.
Happy Birthday Peeta (Perfect)-endlessnightlock (ao3) Summary: Jrosely requested a surprise party for Peeta. Katniss and Peeta have been best friends since they were little, and on Peeta's birthday things change between the two.
If We Met Up at Midnight-Mollywog (ao3) Summary: Had the messenger arrived a day earlier, he would have been greeted by a yellow flag above our door, and had to turn back, summons undelivered. The odds, however, are not in my favor.
Impressive-burkygirl (ao3) Summary: A prequel to The One, in response to the prompt: “Well that’s the single most impressive thing I’ve ever seen someone do.”
Longest Night-LastLeaf (ao3) Summary: I know it's him without even having to turn around, though I'm still shocked he's here. Peeta Mellark isn't exactly the type to slum it in the Seam. But here he is, bundled up in a long, dark wool coat with large buttons down the front, a fine maroon scarf snugly knotted at his throat. I don't see Peeta outside the bakery very often, but every once in awhile I might run into him at the public market in Town. When that happens, he'll give me a lopsided grin and a friendly “Hey, stranger,” but, even though we've gotten to know each other a little bit in the past year or so, we rarely talk about anything personal. On the night of the Winter Solstice, Katniss finds a way to help Peeta Mellark.
On the First day of Christmas…-oakfarmer (ao3) Summary: District 7's tradition of 'Christmas' has spread to the post war District 12. Peeta tries to help Katniss embrace these new strange customs. Hoping a few of them may bring his true love some cheer during the winter season.
Side Project-Ronja (ao3) Summary: A collection of scenes written for "the Project", but removed for various reasons - usually pacing and for sheer length. Not necessarily compliant anymore with the rest of the story.
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lastleaf · 1 year ago
So in my fics, I went against the grain and named him Ander, a variation of Andrew, Peter's older brother in the bible. And ghtlovesthg does something similar in On the Threshold.
But I still make the middle one Rye. He's a character in his own right at this point.
Nick (short for Pumpernickel), the forgotten Mellark brother 😔
This is so funny to me
just for fun… what is everyone’s favorite name for the eldest Mellark brother?
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lastleaf · 1 year ago
Just for fun, I made a list of all my stories from the last few @thgseasonofhope fic exchanges. All three of them are so different from each other and at least one of them would never have existed without my giftee's prompts (which is good, because it definitely brought me out of my comfort zone).
and that has made all the difference 
Eighteen-year-old Cinna interns for longtime stylist Tigris during that year's Hunger Games.
Rated: T
Words: 2159
Katniss develops some unusual cravings in the early stages of her pregnancy. Post-Mockingjay
Rated: M
Words: 1,467
Something Sweet
Pre-canon. Reminiscing about happier times in her past, Lucy Gray would like to create some sweet memories for the younger members of the Covey.
Rated: T
Words: 1,290
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lastleaf · 1 year ago
@mollywog Here are some more author interviews if you're interested!
Author Interviews
The following are several Everlark fanfic author interviews conducted from various sources over the last few years.  You can also find the links on our sidebar.  It is our hope that reading (or revisiting) these interviews will provide some entertainment, insight, or inspiration whether you’re a writer or strictly a reader:
Medea Smyke
Wollaston & pompeiigraffiti
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lastleaf · 1 year ago
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Summary: Post Mockingjay. Peeta reminisces about the many different times he baked cookies thoughout his life.
My 2023 Seasons of Hope Gift Exchange fic for @katnissdoesnotfollowback .
Banner by @mega-aulover
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lastleaf · 1 year ago
The Revival Tour 
by atleastmymomlikesme
 A few people pause to extend their hands to him, worried by the sight of an old man not keeping up. He waves them all off. He will not allow anyone to endanger themselves on his account. Especially not when he’s about to do something so monumentally stupid.
He turns around and starts jogging back the way he came.
The last surviving member of the Covey returns to his nomadic roots only to find himself in the least musical place in Panem- District 13.
This was my gift in the thgseasonofhope2023 exchange. It's SO good.
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lastleaf · 1 year ago
...And we're live***
***We have one offering that just won't reveal. I may need to have the author resubmit in a bit, so you will likely see this as a weird anomaly on the Collection list. If you do, I apologize.
We had five pinch hitters this time, which is a record. I can't thank the following people enough for coming through and creating for us! If not for their ability to plot quickly and cleanly and follow through, we might not have had a collection at all!
Thank you and may you be showered with fresh bread in the coming days!
Fkatwirls (I'm sorry I don't know their Tumblr name?)
On behalf of @shesasurvivor and myself, Happy, Happy New Year!
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lastleaf · 1 year ago
The Revival Tour 
by atleastmymomlikesme
 A few people pause to extend their hands to him, worried by the sight of an old man not keeping up. He waves them all off. He will not allow anyone to endanger themselves on his account. Especially not when he’s about to do something so monumentally stupid.
He turns around and starts jogging back the way he came.
The last surviving member of the Covey returns to his nomadic roots only to find himself in the least musical place in Panem- District 13.
This was my gift in the thgseasonofhope2023 exchange. It's SO good.
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lastleaf · 1 year ago
I know it’s him without even having to turn around, though I’m still shocked he’s here. Peeta Mellark isn’t exactly the type to slum it in the Seam. But here he is, bundled up in a long, dark wool coat with large buttons down the front, a fine maroon scarf snugly knotted at his throat. I don’t see Peeta outside the bakery very often, but every once in awhile I might run into him at the public market in Town. When that happens, he’ll give me a lopsided grin and a friendly “Hey, stranger,” but, even though we’ve gotten to know each other a little bit in the past year or so, we rarely talk about anything personal.
On the night of the Winter Solstice, Katniss finds a way to help Peeta Mellark.
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lastleaf · 2 years ago
not with the eyes but with the mind
read it on the AO3 at
by Thecoastofspacr
“So. Haymitch and my Mom.”
“You know, I kinda always pictured Haymitch and Effie would end up together.” Said Peeta.
Katniss turned to him, confused. “Why? He barely said a nice thing to that woman the first two years she knew him.”
“It’s a good story. You know everyone’s a sucker for star crossed lovers.” Said Peeta. Katniss gave him a scowl.
Words: 643, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Hunger Games Series - All Media Types
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Katniss Everdeen, Peeta Mellark, Haymitch Abernathy (mentioned), Effie Trinket (mentioned), Mrs. Everdeen (Hunger Games) (mentioned), Greasy Sae (Hunger Games) (mentioned)
Relationships: Katniss Everdeen/Peeta Mellark, Haymitch Abernathy/Effie Trinket, Haymitch Abernathy/Mrs. Everdeen
Additional Tags: Drabble, growing together, Hunger Games Renaissance, post Mockingjay au
read it on the AO3 at
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