Just an experiment. Reblog if you actually give a fuck about male victims of domestic violence and rape.
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 The Doctor's eyes filled with an acute sense of pain, his hearts sinking. He sat on the bed, his hand intertwined as he knew he had to face up to this. But he couldn't bear to meet her eyes, couldn't see the shame and anger he was sure was there.
"I'm so sorry Rosaline.." His voice cracked with emotion. "The Daleks..I knew they were going to win, there at the end- we'd be lost and they would live on." He took a deep breath, trying to explain the terrible situation he had been in. "I knew that they'd destroy everything, that they'd make the universe a living hell if they walked away from this battle."
His body started to shake with silent tears. "I had to do it, I didn't have a choice.." He whispered, shaking his head slightly. "Not a day goes by that I don't miss our friends, our family.." He hated to cry, but he couldn't stop it. "I just couldn't- I didn't- I.." he buried his face in his hands, trying to regain his composure, but the guilt and regret coupled with the fear that he'd lose Rosaline again was too overwhelming for the Time Lord. "You married a coward Rosaline, a coward who thought he could change everything," he whispered, his voice bitter and full of hatred against himself.
The Doctor and Rosaline || Lovers Reunion
The Doctor came up from behind and wrapped his arms around her, pressing a kiss into her neck. “Shh..” He whispered, rocking them slightly as she cried. A small grin came to his face. “This is one of the most important rooms, at least in my eyes- it’s here to stay love.”
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"Oh, you really are daft, aren't you?" He smirked. "A brilliant mind, transportation, and this body? The question is, dear Amelia, why wouldn't I be in this body?"
The Doctor knew it was coming- he could feel it, creeping up inside him.
Mr. Clever.
He knew he hadn’t gotten rid of the Cyber Planner, knew he’d have to face it...
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He gave a dark chuckle, his teeth nipping a bit at the base of her neck by her collarbone. "I didn't realize jealousy was such a potent emotion in you humanoids.." He pulled away, his eyebrow cocked with the smirk on his face. "I also didn't realize that I would get such a warm welcome."
M!A Mr. Clever || Open
Her eyes widened in shock as his lips came crashing down on hers. The Doctor wouldn’t like this, but then the Doctor would never kiss her in this way. Before she could think about it she found herself returning the kiss. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer to her.
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Mr. Clever's laughter only grew. "Ooo, I'm scared now!" His gaze was dark and mocking. "Go ahead, try it- when your Doctor is writhing on the floor in absolute agony, don't come whining to me."
M!A Mr. Clever || Open
The Doctor knew it was coming- he could feel it, creeping up inside him.
Mr. Clever.
He knew he hadn’t gotten rid of the Cyber Planner,  knew he’d have to face it again..
But he was still scared, because he knew the Planner was much stronger now.
It’d be harder to get rid of him this time.
There was a sharp crack in the air, an electrical sound..and the Doctor lifted his head, that dark smile on his face, a storming look in his eyes.
“Time to play boys and girls…” Mr. Clever grinned.
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210K notes · View notes
He scoffed on seeing the screwdriver. "Oh yeah, that'll work, just assault his brain with sonic waves, that'll really help your precious "Doctah" out!" He looked at her dryly, an eyebrow cocked. "Sorry dear, but it's simply not that easy. I'm in his head you see, but he's still there- I'm just the one in control." His lips curled up in a malicious smile. "So, go ahead, try and use that silly toy, it'll only hurt him."
M!A Mr. Clever || Open
The Doctor knew it was coming- he could feel it, creeping up inside him.
Mr. Clever.
He knew he hadn’t gotten rid of the Cyber Planner,  knew he’d have to face it again..
But he was still scared, because he knew the Planner was much stronger now.
It’d be harder to get rid of him this time.
There was a sharp crack in the air, an electrical sound..and the Doctor lifted his head, that dark smile on his face, a storming look in his eyes.
“Time to play boys and girls…” Mr. Clever grinned.
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"I'm afraid you won't find the Doctor here." He took a step closer to her, dangerously close. "The name's Mr. Clever, but you can leave a message for the Doctor, he'll get it." He tapped his temple with a smirk.
The Doctor knew it was coming- he could feel it, creeping up inside him.
Mr. Clever.
He knew he hadn’t gotten rid of the Cyber Planner, knew he’d have to face it again..
But he was still scared, because he knew the Planner was much stronger...
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Clever turned, a chuckle escaping his lips. "Wrong person dearie." He snapped his fingers, making the TARDIS doors slam shut.
M!A Mr. Clever || Open
The Doctor knew it was coming- he could feel it, creeping up inside him.
Mr. Clever.
He knew he hadn’t gotten rid of the Cyber Planner,  knew he’d have to face it again..
But he was still scared, because he knew the Planner was much stronger now.
It’d be harder to get rid of him this time.
There was a sharp crack in the air, an electrical sound..and the Doctor lifted his head, that dark smile on his face, a storming look in his eyes.
“Time to play boys and girls…” Mr. Clever grinned.
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He slowly stood up straight, his head tilting towards Amy. "Well, well, well..couldn't have planned this any better." He chuckled, fully turning to face the ginger. "Amelia Pond, the girl who waited." With that, he snapped his fingers, causing the TARDIS doors to slam shut. "How nice to see you."
M!A Mr. Clever || Open
The Doctor knew it was coming- he could feel it, creeping up inside him.
Mr. Clever.
He knew he hadn’t gotten rid of the Cyber Planner,  knew he’d have to face it again..
But he was still scared, because he knew the Planner was much stronger now.
It’d be harder to get rid of him this time.
There was a sharp crack in the air, an electrical sound..and the Doctor lifted his head, that dark smile on his face, a storming look in his eyes.
“Time to play boys and girls…” Mr. Clever grinned.
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118K notes · View notes
“Angels are watching over you.”
18K notes · View notes
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My dash did a thing
32K notes · View notes
He smirked against her lips, his hands trailing down her spine as he tilted his head to more of an angle, allowing himself to get closer to the girl. "Like I said- figure it out..." He whispered, planting kisses along her jaw and down her neck.
M!A Mr. Clever || Open
“You’ll figure it out soon enough!” He stated, his eyes glinting. He watched her eye the metal, and he gave a half-laugh. “I know what you’re thinking, don’t think you’re going to be able to disable it like before.” He gave her a warning look, the darker side of him revealing itself. “Naughty girls have to be punished after all..”
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You wouldn't.
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“You mean..”
“Oh no..no you didn’t, you wouldn’t…Did you really??” He groaned, giving Clara a look.  ”You..” He sighed, folding his arms in a pout. “And what exactly did you send?”
6 notes · View notes
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"You mean.."
"Oh no..no you didn't, you wouldn't...Did you really??" He groaned, giving Clara a look.  "You.." He sighed, folding his arms in a pout. "And what exactly did you send?"
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Smart girl- hate to see what they’d give you anyways, not that I’d participate in it or anything.
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"Bright as ever!" He commented, standing aside so she could step in. He closed the door behind her, leaning against it with his arms crossed as he continued his study of the blonde. "But I'm not the Doctor- well, this body is, but I'm afraid you'll find the voice to be someone a bit different."
M!A Mr. Clever || Open
Mr. Clever’s head turned slowly to the door, memories popping up of that voice. “Oh, you couldn’t have planned this any better..” He chuckled, sauntering to the door.
On opening, he leaned against the beam, giving the blonde a once-over. “Well if it isn’t Rose Tyler..” He mused, that smirk broadening a bit. “Afraid you won’t find what you’re looking for, we’ve had a ah..new change in management.”
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