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Books! And cleverness! There are more important things – friendship and bravery and – oh Harry – be careful!
Happy Birthday, Hermione Granger!
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Two Princes
A poem for Elliot
Two princes wandered the forest,     each with their own head and their own heart           neither lacking dream nor passion;     both missing the map, having only the start. Two princes pursued the path,     with groaning shells of armor shimmering ‘neath the leaves           protecting both body and mind from;     the goliath monsters Gaia conceives. Two princes strode side by side,     the occasional hiccup among the laughter, and           ears singing with the chorus of a thousand sighs;     from nights wrapped in bedsheets and ghosting hands. Two princes held loyal smiles,     petrified to speak utterances of           the shadows that flickered and burned in corners;     devouring away their sense of self-love. Two princes joined their hands as one,     exchanging whispers of praise between swollen lips           and from their lungs sprouted the gifts of life;     blossoms of flowers and long-forgotten scripts. They heal, slowly, their love stitching wounds one by one- and their bond sharpening the blades they wield. Gaia’s goliaths seem smaller, and the mud-torn path melts into steady cobblestone- the Gods finally granting a solid foundation. Two princes pass through the city gate,     each with a stronger head and a bolder heart           visions that fuel their waking dreams;     and embraces that won’t be pulled apart.
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It's been
2 hours but
My brain is
In honey
And I want to break the surface
And I want to come up for air
But when my head is almost above
I smell smoke
taste vinegar
I will be here a while longer
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Today, time got the best of me again.
I was in right now, 
later on, 
and earlier today, 
all in the same moment-- When? Ever? 
Every time I look at the clock, 
no time at all has passed but yet-- it is now dark
the Sun makes his nest in 
the hills beyond, giving way to 
his sister Moon. Will I wake suddenly,
with a single blink, in my armchair
and see the Sun shine
through my window once more? This morning? Tomorrow? 
Has no time passed, still?
Did it ever pass at all,
for me?
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yalitmeme: quotes [1/9] → The Song of Achilles
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The Flame That Burns For You
When the human body breathes,
it inhales oxygen and exhales carbon
dioxide, you breathe in the oxygen 
between us-- and I steal the carbon dioxide
from your precious lungs
the interaction bittersweet and rehearsed
with your lips pink as cherries, and
your sighs like honeysuckle syrup
on my tongue. 
You steal my oxygen, and in return 
I get your carbon dioxide.
You are flammable and
My lungs cry like 
searing fire, but no flame
burns hotter than the flame
that burns
for you.
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