larakez · 4 years
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Why hasn’t this been done before?
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larakez · 4 years
Reminder that this is a cop hating blog. This blog is for cop haters only. If you don’t hate cops, block me and go lick boots somewhere else!
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larakez · 4 years
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keith and lance
grungy, sweaty, exhausted from a long day's work
and so, so in love 💕
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bonus: older keith pretending to hate older lance carrying him home after work every day lmao (it really gets him all blushy and flustered but lance doesn't let keith know he knows that ;))
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larakez · 4 years
sokka invented the type writer so he could write letters faster to zuko (his husband) when they were apart.
you may fight me on this.
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larakez · 4 years
Periodic reminder that I stand in support of Trans women and I don't want terfs on my blog. Bye
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larakez · 5 years
How most people with invisible illnesses are treated by health care “professionals”
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larakez · 5 years
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(ALSO - this is dedicated to holly!!! Happy birthday m'dude!!)
it's keith's hatchday!!!
Everyone pitched in to buy keith a costco sized hippo from a swapmall. How it ended up in space in the first place remains a mystery but it's not deffo earth made lol.
You can bet Lance spent the whole month looking for it before pulling the whole gang in on the plan.
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larakez · 5 years
marvel: ‘infinity war is the most ambitious crossover event in history’ 
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larakez · 5 years
tall girl (2019): “you think your life is hard. i’m a high school junior and i’m wearing size 13 nikes. mens 13 nikes. beat that.”
poc, lgbtq, disabled people, those going through poverty:
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larakez · 5 years
so I got into grad school today with my shitty 2.8 gpa and the moral of the story is reblog those good luck posts for the love of god
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larakez · 5 years
even if ‘they’ was grammatically incorrect for a singular pronoun, if you value grammar over a human being then there’s a bigger problem here
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larakez · 5 years
If Harry ever set up a muggle dating profile, his description would say: Anyone who’s interested message me by replying to this question: If you ever met a very famous person, what would you say to them?
And after getting numerous boring responses he’d get this one:
I do know a very famous person and he’s an asshole. So, I’d probably say ‘Hey, asshole.’
And Harry thinks, this, this is it. This is the kind of man he needs. So he sets up a date with this guy and it turns out to be Draco. 
Upon seeing each other they just groan defeatedly.
how tf did they not know
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larakez · 5 years
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the moon asks a question by dirgewithoutmusic
illustrated by purutsukid
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larakez · 5 years
Some people can lift 200 pounds. But if they carried it everywhere they went for an entire day without ever putting it down, they’d severely tear their muscles and cause permanent damage to their body.
Some people can enter a 140° car in the summer to get something out of the car. But if they stayed in the car, they’d die from the heat.
Some people can hold their breath underwater for 30 seconds. But if they tried to go scuba diving without the necessary gear, they’d drown.
Clearly, someone doing something for a short period of time does not automatically mean that they can do it indefinitely with no problem.
So why do people assume that if someone can walk for a few seconds, they don’t need a wheelchair?
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larakez · 5 years
This “preferences as a sexuality” thing needs to stop, man. People attracted to tall people aren’t “acrosexuals”, people attracted to green eyes aren’t “viridioculasexual” or some equally-butchered word. You’re… you’re allowed to just say “I like tall girls with green eyes” or whatever. That’s something you can just…do.
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larakez · 5 years
At this point in my life I really don’t care if the world is ending, I just want to read fan fiction in peace
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larakez · 5 years
someone: *mentions my favorite character*
me: *vibrating at frequency that shatters glass* yeah I love them a normal amount
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