laponarta-blog · 10 months
Yea, I love scott pilgrim takes off. Great writing, tickles me the right way
Ok so I’ve had problems enjoying media recently right?
But I’m enjoying Scott pilgrim Takes off a lot
I just want to say that the plot of the show and it’s twist at episode 7 feels like something Tetsuya Nomura would direct
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laponarta-blog · 10 months
Ok so I’ve had problems enjoying media recently right?
But I’m enjoying Scott pilgrim Takes off a lot
I just want to say that the plot of the show and it’s twist at episode 7 feels like something Tetsuya Nomura would direct
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laponarta-blog · 11 months
I like that Frederator/Cartoon Hangover has been posting videos of Bee and Puppycat in youtube, i love seeing people loving the show in the comments :))
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laponarta-blog · 1 year
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natasha allegri’s unemployed girlfailure daughters and their magical cats (or dog?)
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laponarta-blog · 1 year
sometimes I see things that are so absurdly horny that it circles back around to being sexless you know what I mean
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laponarta-blog · 1 year
I bought the Here comes the cowboy CD
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I'll admit i bought it because of Heart to Heart, so I expected an album that was on that same mood, but most of the album is very different in terms of tone and composition to that track.
Not counting Choo Choo and Heart to Heart, most of the album follows a country/folky tone with mostly acoustic guitar and some synth here and there, low energy vocals and slow tempo make this album theme tracks really appealing to me overall, I enjoyed listening to this album on my way to college on my CD player that my car miraculousley still has.
However, something that I cant quite shake off is the confusion behind this album production, specifically the dissonance between its themes and tracks. Dead giveaway is that this album is mostly an Indie/Country album, but you don't get that from the album art or its most popular track. The album art, Choo Choo and Heart to Heart stick out like a sore thumb, makes me wonder what made DeMarco think that they would fit in this record as standard tracks, maybe as bonus tracks they wouldn't be expected to fit in with the theme of the album, but that's not what we got.
Not a bad album, just confusing with its presentation. Will I keep the CD? I don't think so, but I still enjoyed it.
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laponarta-blog · 1 year
Hey look it’s my favorite frame from season 5
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I suck at backgrounds </3
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laponarta-blog · 1 year
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*clears throat* I’m emotionally devastated
My first render since i got a terrible art block bc of uni and OFC it had to be of TOTK, bought it when it got out and couldn’t play it until August, just have the final boss left but i need to farm compulsively before going for it.
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laponarta-blog · 1 year
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I had a stressful day and all I wanted to do was listen to Poison Oak - BrightEyes. This popped from me decompressing
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laponarta-blog · 1 year
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laponarta-blog · 1 year
just thinking about how Link and Zelda started sharing the Hateno bed. like. I don't think it'd have been immediate. Link gives Zelda his bed in the loft (despite her protests) and sets up a cot for himself under the stairs. But the first night, he's awoken to her screams and he launches out of bed and rushes to fend off whatever is attacking her...
But nothing is. She's having night terrors, imagining the deaths of her father, of Urbosa, of the other champions, the citizens of Hyrule. She's reliving Link's death, 100 years in combat with Calamity Ganon. Link gently wakes her and comforts her.
Maybe things are okay for a few nights but then the night terrors start up again. It happens often enough that Link sets up his cot right next to the bed, so he can be there to wake her when they happen. Zelda begins hanging a hand down for him to hold while they sleep, because the contact grounds her and makes it easier for her to sleep.
On the anniversary of the Calamity, Zelda's feeling particularly haunted and she asks Link if maybe, just that night, if he could share the bed with her. The bed's not very big, but neither are they and they can easily fit on it together. That way, she can feel that he's there and know that despite everything they lost, they're okay now.
Eventually the cot goes to storage and doesn't come back out.
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laponarta-blog · 1 year
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Mold girl has found a suitable home<3
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laponarta-blog · 1 year
There's something quite charming about relatively small objects that are way heavier than they look. ooohh you're one dense little freak aren't you
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laponarta-blog · 1 year
how do conservatives think talking to children works? if a four year old came up to me and said “i’m a cat!!” i would say “really? what makes you a cat?” and they’d say some shit like “i have claws >:)” and i’d be like “oh wow, you do have claws. but wait, i thought cats had pointed ears!” and they’d say “they DO!!!” and then i’d pull up a picture of an elf and ask “is THIS a cat?” and they’d yell “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO”
u wouldn’t say “fucking hell, Emily, get it together. this is the real world”
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laponarta-blog · 1 year
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about to lie to the government by using my google generated SSN
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laponarta-blog · 1 year
right i might be insane for this but something about zelink makes me feel like the usual acts of romantic affection are something a thousand times more meaningful and deep between them than those acts are normally. there’s something Religious about these two, like just a simple peck on the cheek is nice for the average couple but for them it’s something so much more. in fairness they are quite literally divine, zelda is the descendant of The goddess and link has the ungodly amount of strength and unwavering resolve to save the world a million times over. there’s nothing average about these two and it drives me insane
like yes they deserve just to be normal people after everything but i don’t think they ever will be, or at least not to each other. zelda might as well be her own goddess at this point, you’re telling me link isn’t going to look at her like she’s ethereal?? like she isn’t the sunshine that basks him in warmth every morning?? you’re also not gonna tell me that zelda wouldn’t have him on a pedestal of her own, like he isn’t her hero, like he hasn’t given his all and sacrificed everything just to save her countless times?? like his whole being doesn’t revolve around her, even when she’s expressed that he can do whatever he wants several times and yet he keeps coming back to her???
plus, there’s no way that all of the yearning that they would’ve had to go through pre calamity wouldn’t have them stuck in Forever Appreciative mode. we already know the link and zelda we see in the castle is Nothing like the link and zelda we see out in the world, exploring and having even the smallest amount of freedom in a world so restrictive. so just imagine all of the built up tension, maybe they released small amounts of it in their moments together outside of the castle but i don’t even think they’d have time to focus on one another when they were both so duty focused. zelda spent the entire pre calamity in a near constant state of anxiety over her powers, the most i could imagine them allowing themselves are hugs in moments of mental anguish, when they needed that love and support they couldn’t get from anyone else, when they were the only two who could understand the pressure they were under. just something to show they weren’t alone in this. then to reunite a century later without any restrictions, that first kiss would’ve been out of relief that they could finally focus on something else and that all that time of wishing for something more could finally come true
so then when zelda inevitably gets snatched up again and link has to go bumbling all over hyrule for her and he finally gets her back, there’s no way that every act of affection after that Isn’t done as if they could lose each other at any moment again. that every kiss isn’t slow and thoughtful and full of emotion just in case it’s their last. that every touch of zelda’s hand against his face isn’t something that whispers i love you i love you i love you. that every quiet touch they exchange isn’t a silent apology for what the other has had to endure just so they could be reunited again. it feels like link and zelda are the only couple who are immune to complacency because fate hasn’t been kind enough to let them get comfortable with the idea that they’re not going anywhere
to me it feels like their affection is something sacred, something special and something that they both cherish. their affection speaks for them when words are useless because fate has put them in such unique situations that nobody else could ever understand them as deeply as they do. everything they do is tender and calculated and full of love because god forbid they take a single moment for granted and GOD.
i’m currently writing something that i hope can portray my feelings about zelink affection because it feels like it is going to burst out of my chest……… or maybe that’s just the autism who knows
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laponarta-blog · 1 year
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have you seen her?? 🥺
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