lapisbites · 22 hours
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lapisbites · 22 hours
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Circe holding flowers
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lapisbites · 1 day
[shakes jar] you got any tips for when you get stuck for ideas one the plotline
I think I've seen other posts like this so if it seems like I'm borrowing tips from other people, I am!
Just leave it. You can come back to it later
Make a list or some other mapping device for possible ideas: What can realistically happen next? What do all the characters think of the situation? Would any of them be compelled to do something about it? Is there a character you haven't remembered to consider as much as you should've? Think of motivations, character viewpoints, consequences of previous actions ect
Think of something right off the top of your head. Does it suck? That's okay, do it again. Don't think too hard about it. While this might not help you come up with an immediate solution (or maybe yes, that'd be nice), it does help you loosen up your thinking muscles. That's already a step towards getting unstuck with a plotline
Take a creative break (not to be confused with the first point on this list). By this I mean, step back, do self care, watch some cool shows or other artists, ykno general recharging. Especially in the artistic sense. Try something new, read or watch a creative thing, gather inspiration and so on
Reread everything you've got so far. I do this, at least. It helps me get back up to date on what's already happened and sometimes that can help in getting back on track with new stuff.
Get a fresh pov: As feedback from a friend, family member or, perhaps a tumblr blog like you're doing right now lol.. But generally get some views and thoughts on it, sometimes other people might be able to bring up something you never thought of!
Expanding on the first point: Work on something else in the meantime. It can be something more minor, or details, lore, background stuff ect. It may help inspire new ideas if you have the previous stuff more filled in already
Hope this helps! Don't overwork yourself, you got this!
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lapisbites · 2 days
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We stan
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lapisbites · 2 days
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Dragan Bibin “The Human Condition”
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lapisbites · 2 days
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Dragan Bibin “The Human Condition”
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lapisbites · 2 days
Welcome to Potion Roulette! A comic made by yours truly @lapisbites .
📌 This story takes place in the end of the 19th century. Webbigail gets crowned as the queen. Her sister, Dori is jealous of the position and with her right hand woman called Skylar and manipulated helper, Dylan, who's also Izaacs husband, they start a persuasive gang to take Webbigail down. Chilli and Oliver need to stop this and bring Dylan back, while Izaac and Millie need to uncover the mysteries of Dori. In the end, it will end peacefully, but nobody knows who the ruler will be.
Toyhouse folder/character profiles: https://toyhou.se/lapisbites/characters/folder:4890307
❗️This story might contain violence (like hanging and beating up), descriptionsg of sexual abuse (NOT VISUALISED), blood and slight language ❗️
❗️ For comic pages the tag is #comicpage
❗️For PR content overall use #potionroulettewebcomic
Ref Sheets (currently only 1 left to make):
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lapisbites · 2 days
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Sweetivy fell from Moorstar’s jaws, blood bubbling from the ragged wound his teeth had left in her throat. Snailstep watched in horror as the tortoiseshell queen lay prone, chest rising and heaving as she fought for breath with a series of rattling gurgles, her claws scraping feebly into the loam.
Moorstar advanced, licking Sweetivy’s blood from his muzzle. Snailstep arched her back and hissed, crouching protectively over Sweetivy’s tiny newborn kit. The screeches and yowls of battle outside dulled in her ears to be replaced by the pounding of her own heart.
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Moorstar gave a low, cruel chuckle. “I knew I recognized those eyes.” He circled Snailstep with slow, deliberate steps. “Firebright really thought I wouldn’t be able to tell, didn’t she?”
Snailstep didn’t bother indulging him in whatever madness he was spewing. Instead, she swiped at his eyes, claws extended. The hulking brute of a tom snapped at her leg in retaliation, and the two of them stood, glaring at each other, tails lashing.
“I told her that if you looked like your father, I’d kill you.” Moorstar reared back, muscles tensed to spring. “It’s a few moons late, but I’ll keep my word.”
Snailstep tensed as he launched himself at her, prepared to feel his teeth and claws piercing her pelt. Instead, there was a blur of spiky brown fur as Bladeback plunged through the ferns, fastening his teeth into Moorstar's neck with a low, furious growl. He pinned the Windclan leader into the dirt, pummeling him with his hind feet, front claws digging into Moorstar’s face.
Blinking in shock, Snailstep bent down and snatched up Sweetivy and Wolfstrike’s kit, pausing only to glance at Sweetivy's now still form. The tortoiseshell queen's eyes were rolled back and blank, her mouth open in a final death rattle.
Snailstep turned tail and fled up the fern tunnel to find Leafbreeze, the sound of Bladeback and Moorstar screeching behind her.
Lore Time
Little pregnant lady vs the Final Boss
Snailstep was pregnant with her first litter, and Sweetivy had just given birth like… five minutes before she was brutally murdered.
Moorstar is based off of Sleyf’s OC Hilden Moor, who is a giant owl demon (again she scraped the pics off her deviantart account BOO! 🍅) I tried to make his cat form look as close to his monster form as possible.
Moorstar is leader of Windclan and basically he started raiding the clans to kill their queens and medicine cats so the other clans stay weak (King Herod energy this guy)
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lapisbites · 2 days
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i drew jirachi today!
though, very late, so not as a warm up. i drew today just fine without needing to warm up, but ive been enjoying doing these daily pokemon so much... i was falling asleep and suddenly decided i wanted to do one anyway, so i drew jirachi to match my sleepiness
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lapisbites · 2 days
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for a long time I was wondering how Seb gets into room with his size, but during today's run I noticed a bloody big hole in the ceiling how tf I didn't notice it before
welp here's a rough doodle of what I have in mind
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lapisbites · 2 days
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lapisbites · 2 days
put that old man in a situation
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lapisbites · 2 days
what if we stopped giving characters strabismus as a funny joke. what if we stopped? what if we stopped. what if we stopped
why the fuck do i even need to say this. "it's googly eyes" no, real people look like that. and you know they do. i know you know they do
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ID: a graphic titled "strabismus (misaligned eyes) by Cleveland Clinic. there are 4 types of strabismus, each represented by a drawing of a person with it.
Hypotropia: eye points downward.
Exotropia: eye points outward.
Hypertropia: eye points upward.
Esotropia: eye points inward.
end ID
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lapisbites · 2 days
Rewatching gravity falls rn and this is one of my favorite jokes in the entire show
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lapisbites · 3 days
So I just started up a clangen clan not expecting anything serious, and the medicine cat just got the leader killed by dogs and his brother became leader. The thing is that the medicine cat looks like this
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lapisbites · 4 days
im a fucking sucker for the “character gets so badly injured that they can’t think clearly and start calling for help in a distressingly vulnerable way.” characters who start using nicknames for their friends they haven’t used since they were kids. characters who start begging for their brother they haven’t seen in years to be there. characters who would usually use their parents’ names or call them mother/father/etc crying out mama when they go down. u understand.
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lapisbites · 4 days
i seriously cannot comprehend the sex drive that makes one exclusively horny for captain america looking movie hunks or the victorias secret angel archetype of tall underweight women with generically pretty faces in bikinis. that shit is like carbon monoxide or infrasonic noise to my libido like my sexual senses cant even clock it
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