lanxys · 4 years
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lanxys · 5 years
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Magic: the Gathering - Medusae
Are snake-skinned humanoid women with hair made of snakes or snakelike tendrils, and have the ability to calcify organic entities that look at the gorgon’s face. Incredibly deadly, these creatures are rare across the various planes.  
Tenuous Fact : In the ancient Greece, anyone being born with snakes for hair would be certainly marginalized from employment as a hair stylist.
• Venomous Hierophant (Theros: Beyond Death), illustrated by Johannes Voss
• Xathrid Gorgon (Magic 2013), illustrated by Chase Stone
• Pitiless Gorgon (Guilds of Ravnica), illustrated by Alex Konstad
Enjoy the gorgonzola before you turn to stone.
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lanxys · 5 years
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Magic: the Gathering - Helen of Theros
The Akroan War, Theros: Beyond Death Rare, illustrated by Steven Belledin
Lovely art based upon the Greek mythology of Helen of Troy (nee Sparta) married unhappily to King Menelaus of Sparta but later abducted (without resistance) by Prince Paris of Troy, thus sparking the Trojan War.
CAPTIONS: 1st Frame : Babe Don’t Go ! // Your breath is pure onion, Ight Imma Head Out. 2nd Frame : Lawyers representing Menelaus prepare for divorce court. 3rd Frame : Forgot - divorce courts aren’t invented yet, let’s go to war.
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lanxys · 6 years
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When did your cardboard addiction start ?
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lanxys · 6 years
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lanxys · 6 years
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lanxys · 6 years
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lanxys · 6 years
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Dusty times ahead! (Source)
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lanxys · 6 years
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lanxys · 6 years
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Finally done with these~   took about 3 days? got a cold so took bit longer than it should’ve hhh I am okay with how they turned out tho!  ( disclaimer: im a terrible vorthos so these are very basic)
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lanxys · 6 years
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lanxys · 6 years
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lanxys · 6 years
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Seems mean. I like it. Bonus points if you choose yourself and prevent an opponent from attacking you. (Source)
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lanxys · 6 years
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jakhlgasglkjasfdkoeifjaksjl Vorthos deep cuts galore! Sam also put together a neat song for it, so be sure to check out the video! (Source)
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lanxys · 6 years
Hey SEV! Who's the beautiful being beyong Gideon's art in the promos? I thought she could be Serra, but there is no official depiction of her AFAIK.
It is Serra! She’s had two main depictions in official art over the years. The first is her classic hooded depiction from when she created and maintained Serra’s Realm. We see it on cards like Humble:
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But also in her Vanguard card. Vanguard was an alternate play system where you took on the persona of a character. Those cards had some sort of ability and modified your hand size and starting life total. Lots of characters who (still) don’t have their own card got represented in Vanguard:
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After the destruction of Serra’s Realm, Serra spends time on Ulgrotha, the setting of Homelands. She’s one of the main characters in the old Armada Comics publication of the story, illustrated by Rebecca Guay. It’s a less war-themed depiction of her:
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Guay included her comic version of Serra in one card, Serra’s Blessing:
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Her art on the SDCC promo Gideon seems to borrow from religious interpretations of her as a goddess of light and angels that sprung up all over Dominaria. A huge statue of her was carved at Epityr, a site from an ancient war where Serran angels were said to have blocked out the sun. There she’s depicted with her hood and angel’s wings, although Serra was herself human:
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The SDCC art seems Benalish given the stained-glass medium, but also shapes her cloak to mimic angel wings in the same religiously-motivated depiction.
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lanxys · 6 years
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lanxys · 6 years
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