Hi! You can call me Juno! I’m a 20 years old Brazilian boy currently learning Korean (and sometimes Mandarin and Japanese as well)
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Tips and inspiration from Fluent in 3 months by Benny Lewis
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how to self teach a new language
learning a language: how to
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Resource List for Learning German
Language-Sanctuary Langblr Challenge
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list of words you need to know in your target language, in 3 levels
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bullet journal dedicated to language learning
over 400 language related youtube channels in 50+ languages
TED talks about language (learning)
Learning the Alien Languages of Star Trek
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A Small Announcement
Hello! It’s been some time since I last posted and I’m sorry about that 🥴 but I just wanted to say that I recently started learning Swedish! So I may also post some vocabulary lists in Swedish as well ☺️
안녕하세요! 마지막으로 글을 올린 지 얼마 돼서 미안합니다 🥴 그런데 요즘 스웨덴어를 공부하기를 시작했다고 알려드리고 싶었어요! 그래서 스웨덴어 어휘 목록 글을 올릴 수도 있습니다 ☺️
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Korean Vocabulary: Chinese Zodiac Signs
띠 = Sign
쥐띠 = Year of the Rat
소띠 = Year of the Ox
호랑이띠 = Year of the Tiger
토끼띠 = Year of the Rabbit
용띠 = Year of the Dragon
뱀띠 = Year of the Snake
말띠 = Year of the Horse
양띠 = Year of the Sheep
원숭이띠 = Year of the Monkey
닭띠 = Year of the Chicken
개띠 = Year of the Dog
되지띠 = Year of the Pig
Examples Sentences
띠는 뭐예요? = What is your sign?
저는 뱀띠예요. = I’m from the year of the snake.
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Korean Vocabulary: Western Zodiac Signs
별자리 = Constellation/Sign
점성술 = Astrology
(별자리) 운세 = Horoscope
양자리 = Aries ♈️
황소자리 = Taurus ♉️
쌍둥이자리 = Gemini ♊️
게자리 = Cancer ♋️
사자자리 = Leo ♌️
처녀자리 = Virgo ♍️
천칭자리 = Libra ♎️
전갈가리 = Scorpio ♏️
사수자리 = Sagittarius ♐️
염소자리 = Capricorn ♑️
물병자리 = Aquarius ♒️
물고기자리 = Pisces ♓️
Example Sentences
별자리는 뭐예요? = What is your sign?
저는 쌍둥이자리예요. = I’m a gemini.
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Korean Vocabulary: African Countries
아프리카 = Africa
북아프리카 = North Africa
동아프리카 = East Africa
서아프리카 = West Africa
중앙아프리카 = Central Africa
남아프리카 = Southern Africa
알제리 = Algeria 🇩🇿
앙골라 = Angola 🇦🇴
베냉 = Benin 🇧🇯
보츠와나 = Botswana 🇧🇼
부르키나파소 = Burkina Faso 🇧🇫
부룬디 = Burundi 🇧🇮
카나리아 제도 = Canary Islands 🇮🇨
카메룬 = Cameroon 🇨🇲
카보베르데 = Cape Verde 🇨🇻
중앙아프리카 공화국 = Central African Republic 🇨🇫
코모로 = Comoros 🇰🇲
세우타 = Ceuta 🇪🇦
차드 = Chad 🇹🇩
콩고 민주 공화국 = Democratic Republic of the Congo 🇨🇩
지부티 = Djibouti 🇩🇯
이집트 = Egypt 🇪🇬
에리트레아 = Eritrea 🇪🇷
에스와티니 = Eswatini 🇸🇿
에티오피아 = Ethiopia 🇪🇹
적도 기니 = Equatorial Guinea 🇬🇶
프랑스령 남방 및 남극 지역 = French Southern Territories 🇹🇫
가봉 = Gabon 🇬🇦
감비아 = Gambia 🇬🇲
가나 = Ghana 🇬🇭
기니 = Guinea 🇬🇳
기니비사우 = Guinea-Bissau 🇬🇼
코트디부아르 = Ivory Coast 🇨🇮
케냐 = Kenya 🇰🇪
레소토 = Lesotho 🇱🇸
라이베리아 = Liberia 🇱🇷
리비아 = Libya 🇱🇾
마다가스카르 = Madagascar 🇲🇬
마데이라 제도 = Madeira 🇵🇹
말라위 = Malawi 🇲🇼
말리 = Mali 🇲🇱
모리타니아 = Mauritania 🇲🇷
모리셔스 = Mauritius 🇲🇺
마요트 = Mayotte 🇾🇹
멜리야 = Melilla 🇪🇦
모로코 = Morocco 🇲🇦
모잠비크 = Mozambique 🇲🇿
나미비아 = Namibia 🇳🇦
니제르 = Niger 🇳🇪
나이지리아 = Nigeria 🇳🇬
콩고 공화국 = Republic of the Congo 🇨🇬
레위니옹 = Réunion 🇷🇪
르완다 = Rwanda 🇷🇼
세인트헬레나 = Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha 🇸🇭
상투메 프린시페 = São Tomé and Príncipe 🇸🇹
세네갈 = Senegal 🇸🇳
세이셸 = Seychelles 🇸🇨
시에라리온 = Sierra Leone 🇸🇱
소말리아 = Somalia ����🇴
소말릴란드 = Somaliland
납아프리카 공화국 = South Africa 🇿🇦
남수�� = South Sudan 🇸🇸
수단 = Sudan 🇸🇩
탄자니아 = Tanzania 🇹🇿
토고 = Togo 🇹🇬
튀니지 = Tunisia 🇹🇳
우간다 = Uganda 🇺🇬
서사하라 = Western Sahara 🇪🇭
잠비아 = Zambia 🇿🇲
짐바브웨 = Zimbabwe 🇿🇼
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Thank you! 감사합니다!
Today I woke up to find that my post about weather-related vocabulary has been doing very well and that I finally reached 100 followers ☺️☺️ Thank you so much for you support! Updating this blog with new vocabulary lists is something I enjoy doing a lot so please expect even more posts in the future!
오늘 저의 날씨에 관련된 어휘 게시물이 참 잘 되어가고 있고 드디어 저는 100 팔로워에 도달했다고 알게 됐습니다! ☺️☺️ 응원해 주셔서 너무 감사합니다! 이 블로그에 새 어휘 목록을 올리는 걸 아주 즐겨서 앞으로도 더 많은 게시물을 기대해 주세요!
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Korean Vocabulary: Weather
기후 = Climate
구름 = Cloud ☁️
가뭄 = Drought
안개 = Fog 🌫
산불 = Forest Fire 🔥
우박 = Hail 🌨
번개 = Lightning ⚡️
비 = Rain 🌧
무지개 = Rainbow 🌈
빗방울 = Raindrop 💧
하늘 = Sky
눈 = Snow 🌨
눈꽃 = Snowflake ❄️
폭풍 = Storm ⛈
태양/해 = Sun ☀️
천둥 = Thunder 🌩
뇌우 = Thunderstorm ⛈
토네이도 = Tornado 🌪
태풍 = Typhoon 🌪
우산 = Umbrella ☂️
날씨 = Weather
일기 예보 = Weather Forecast
바람 = Wind 💨
밝다 = to be bright
쌀쌀하다 = to be chilly
맑다 = to be clear
흐리다 = to be cloudy
춥다 = to be cold
어둡다 = to be dark
건조하다 = to be dry
덥다 = to be hot
습하다 = to be humid
따뜻하다 = to be warm
오다 = (lit.) to come
비가 오다 = to rain
눈이 오다 = to snow
내리다 = (lit.) to go/come down
비가 내리다 = to rain
눈이 내리다 = to snow
불다 = (lit.) to blow
바람이 불다 = (for the wind) to blow
치다 = (lit.) to hit
천둥이 치다 = to be thundering
걷히다 = to clear
안개가 걷히다 = for the fog to lift
구름이 걷히다 = for the clouds to clear
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Korean Vocabulary: Transportation
교통수단 = Means of transportation
비행기 = Airplane ✈️
구급차 = Ambulance 🚑
기구 = Balloon
자전거 = Bicycle 🚲
배/보트 = Boat ⛵️
버스 = Bus 🚌
(자��)차 = Car 🚗
소방차 = Firetruck 🚒
비행접시 = Flying saucer 🛸
헬리콥터 = Helicopter 🚁
말 = Horse 🐎
킥 스쿠터 = Kick scooter 🛴
기관차 = Locomotive 🚂
모터사이클 = Motorcycle 🏍
전동 휠체어 = Motorized wheelchair 🦼
경찰차 = Police car 🚓
스쿠터 = Scooter 🛵
배 = Ship 🛳
우주선 = Spaceship 🚀
잠수함 = Submarine
지하철 = Subway 🚇
택시 = Taxi 🚕
트랙터 = Tractor 🚜
기차 = Train 🚂
트럭 = Truck 🚛
미확인비행체 = UFO
승합차/밴 = Van 🚐
휠체어 = Wheelchair 🦽
타다 = to ride/take (a vehicle)
버스를 타다 = To take a bus
내리다 = to get out/off (from a vehicle)
차에서 내리다 = To get out of/off a car
갈아타다 = to transfer/change
버스에서 지하철로 갈아타다 = To transfer from a bus to a subway
운전하다 = to drive
트럭을 운전하다 = To drive a truck
조종하다 = to pilot
비행기를 조종하다 = to pilot/fly an airplane
배를 조종하다 = to pilot/steer a ship
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Korean Vocabulary: Moon Phases
달의 위상 or 월상 = Moon Phase
달 or 월(月) = Moon
When talking about the moon itself, use 달.
초승달 = Waxing Crescent 🌒
상현달 = First Quarter 🌓
차가는 달 = Waxing Gibbous 🌔
보름달 = Full Moon 🌕
기울어가는 달 = Waning Gibbous 🌖
하현달 = Third Quarter 🌗
그믐달 = Waning Crescent 🌘
신월 or 삭월 = New Moon 🌑
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Korean Vocabulary: Family
The Korean family tree is a lot more complicated than the one commonly used in western societies. Since the gender of who is speaking also plays a role, to simplify this post I will be marking the ones used by men in blue and the ones used by women in pink. To my knowledge, there is no gender-neutral equivalent to the words that change depending on your gender. Words that have a more formal feeling will be in bold. Also, words that depend on age will be specified.
가족 = Family
대가족 = Extended Family
친가 or 부계 = Paternal family
외가 or 모계 = Maternal family
부모 = Parents
아빠 or 아버지 = Dad/Father
엄마 or 어머니 = Mom/Mother
형제자매 = Siblings
오빠 = Older brother
언니 = Older sister
형 = Older brother
누나 = Older sister
남동생 = Younger brother
여동생 = Younger sister
형제 = Brothers
자매 = Sisters
조부모 = Grandparents
할아버지 or 할아버님 = Grandpa/Grandfather
할머니 or 할머님 = Grandma/Grandmother
(When talking about your maternal grandparents to someone else, you can differentiate them from your paternal ones by adding 외 to the word: 외할아버지, 외할머니)
Maternal Uncles and Aunts
이모 = Aunt (mom’s sister)
이모부 = Uncle (mom’s sister’s husband)
외삼촌 = Uncle (mom’s brother)
외숙모 = Aunt (mom’s brother’s wife)
Paternal Uncles and Aunts
고모 = Aunt (dad’s sister)
고모부 = Uncle (dad’s sister’s husband)
삼촌 = Uncle (dad’s unmarried younger brother)
작은아빠 or 작은아버지 = Uncle (dad’s married younger brother)
작은엄마 or 작은어머니 = Aunt (dad’s younger brother’s wife)
큰아빠 or 큰아버지 = Uncle (dad’s older brother)
큰엄마 or 큰어머니 = Aunt (dad’s older brother’s wife)
대가족 = Extended Family
사촌 = Cousin
조카 = Nephew
조카딸 = Niece
배우자 = Spouses
남편 = Husband
아내 = Wife
자녀 = Children
아들 = Son
딸 = Daughter
아이 = Child
손주 = Grandchildren
손자 = Grandson
손녀 = Granddaughter
Siblings’ spouses
형수 = Older brother’s wife
매형 = Older sister’s husband
제수씨 = Younger brother’s wife
매제 = Younger sister’s husband
새언니 = Older brother’s wife
형부 = Older sister’s husband
올케 = Younger brother’s wife
제부 = Younger sister’s husband
Pretty lenghty, isn’t it? It’s okay if you don’t memorize all of it, not even all Koreans memorize all of this! As a continuation to this post, for my next one I’m going to introduce vocabulary related to your in-laws!
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Korean Vocabulary: Hanja 漢字 (pt. II)
On this post, I’ll introduce 20 more 한자. If you haven’t seen the first part of this post, make sure to check it out as well!
Pronunciation: 성
Meaning: star
Examples: 행星 (planet), 위星 (satellite), 토星 (Saturn)
Pronunciation: 한
Meaning: Korea
Examples: 韓국 (Korea), 韓식 (Korean gastronomy)
Pronunciation: 역/력
Meaning: power, strenght
Examples: 능力 (ability), 실力 (skill), 압力 (pressure)
Pronunciation: 면
Meaning: surface, side
Examples: 화面 (screen), 장面 (scene), 가面 (mask)
Pronunciation: 교
Meaning: teaching
Examples: 教실 (classroom), 教회 (church), 教육 (education)
Pronunciation: 신
Meaning: god, divine
Examples: 神화 (mythology), 귀神 (ghost), 여神 (goddess)
Pronunciation: 산
Meaning: mountain
Examples: 山맥 (mountain chain), 화山 (volcano), 山불 (forest fire)
Pronunciation: 음
Meaning: sound
Examples: 音악 (music), 音표 (musical note), 발音 (pronunciation)
Pronunciation: 왕
Meaning: king
Examples: 여王 (queen), 王국 (kingdom), 王자 (prince)
Pronunciation: 식
Meaning: food
Examples: 음食 (food), 야食 (midnight snack), 중食 (Chinese culinary)
Pronunciation: 주
Meaning: alcoholic drink
Examples: 소酒 (soju), 맥酒 (beer), 음酒 (drinking)
Pronunciation: 실
Meaning: room
Examples: 대기室 (waiting room), 화장室 (bathroom), 미용室 (beauty salon)
Pronunciation: 능
Meaning: capability, ability
Examples: 재能 (talent), 가能성 (possibility), 성能 (performance)
Pronunciation: 자
Meaning: child, person
Examples: 원子 (atom), 의子 (chair), 子궁 (uterus)
Pronunciation: 자
Meaning: word, character
Examples: 숫字 (number), 한字 (chineses character), 글字 (letter)
Pronunciation: 체
Meaning: body, body part, form
Examples: 사體 (dead body), 액體 (liquid), 간體자 (simplified chinese characters)
Pronunciation: 화
Meaning: talk, speech, word
Examples: 수話 (sign language), 대話 (conversation), 전話 (telephone)
Pronunciation: 법
Meaning: law
Examples: 헌法 (constituition), 마法 (magic), 불法 (illegality)
Pronunciation: 불/부
Meaning: negation
Examples: 不안 (anxiety), 不만 (complaint), 不균형 (imbalance)
Pronunciation: 외
Meaning: exterior, out
Examples: 外교 (diplomacy), 外국인 (foreigner), 해外 (overseas)
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Quick Disclaimer
I just wanted to say that I’m no longer going to provide Portuguese translations on my vocabulary lists. The reason for that is because I noticed that very few of my followers actually speak Portuguese and those who do also speak English, and also because I think it’ll make my posts’ aesthetics look cleaner.
Thanks for following me 😊
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Korean Vocabulary: Hanja 漢字 (pt. I)
Hanja (한자) is how chinese characters are called in Korean. For a really long time, Korean was mostly or completely written using 한자 and more than half of the words of the Korean language are of chinese origin, thus, have a 한자 equivalent. While not mandatory, I do believe that learning the most basic 한자 can make learning Korean easier, that’s why I decided to make this post. Note that Korea didn’t change from traditional characters to simplified ones! So I’ll be using their traditional forms.
Pronunciantion: 국
Meaning: country
Examples: 한國 (Korea), 미國 (USA)
Pronunciation: 일
Meaning: day, sun
Example: 1日 (1st day of the month)
Pronunciation: 월
Meaning: month, moon
Example: 3月 (March), 7月 (July)
Pronunciation: 중
Meaning: center, middle, China
Examples: 中국 (China), 中심 (center), 中간 (medium)
Pronunciation: 화
Meaning: flower
Example: 국花 (crysanthemum), 무궁花 (rose of sharon)
Pronunciation: 애
Meaning: love
Example: 동성愛 (homosexuality)
Pronunciation: 천
Meaning: sky
Examples: 天국 (paradise), 天사 (angel), 天왕성 (Uranus)
Pronunciation: 어
Language: language
Examples: 한국語 (Korean), 단語 (word), 유의語 (synonim)
Pronunciation: 우
Meaning: rain
Examples: 雨림 (rainforest), 雨수 (rainwater)
Pronunciation: 어
Meaning: fish
Examples: 문魚 (octopus), 상魚 (shark), 인魚 (mermaid)
Pronunciation: 생
Meaning: life, person
Examples: 인生 (life), 전生 (past life), 生방송 (live broadcast)
Pronunciation: 학
Meaning: study, learn, school
Examples: 學생 (student), 學교 (school), 學자 (scholar)
Pronunciation: 인
Meaning: person
Examples: 人형 (doll), 노人 (old person), 살人 (murder)
Pronunciation: 남
Meaning: man
Examples: 男자 (man), 男동생 (younger brother), 男성 (male)
Pronunciation: 녀/여
Meaning: woman
Examples: 女자 (woman), 女동생 (younger sister), 女성 (female)
Pronunciation: 수
Meaning: water
Examples: 水영장 (pool), 호水 (lake), 향水 (perfume)
Pronunciation: 화
Meaning: fire
Examples: 火산 (volcano), 火성 (Mars), 火상 (burn)
Pronunciation: 전
Meaning: electricity
Examples: 電화 (telephone), 電력 (electricity/power)
Pronunciation: 풍
Meaning: wind
Examples: 태風 (typhoon), 風수 (feng shui), 계절風 (Monsoon)
Pronunciation: 동
Meaning: movement
Examples: 운動 (exercise), 動물 (animal), 動작 (movement)
Pronunciation: 대
Meaning: big
Examples: 大양 (ocean), 大통령 (president), 大학교 (college)
Pronunciation: 소
Meaning: small
Examples: 小수 (minority), 혈小판 (platelet)
Pronunciation: 색
Meaning: color
Examples: 빨간色 (red), 무色 (colorless), 염色체 (chromosome)
The second part of this post is available here!
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4 Seasons
5 Senses
African Countries
Asian Countries
Chinese Zodiac Signs
European Countries
Geography & Geology
Grammatical Terms
Hanja (pt. 1)
Hanja (pt. 2)
Human Head
Moon Phases
Religions and Philosophies
South American Countries
Western Zodiac Signs
Feel free to suggest me new post ideas! 😊
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Korean Vocabulary - Chemistry
(and a little bit of physics)
화학 = Chemistry
물리학 = Physics
과학 = Science
원자 = Atom
원자핵 = Atomic Nucleus
양성자 = Proton
중성자 = Neutron
전자 = Electron
이온 = Ion
양이온 = Cation
음이온 = Anion
분자 = Molecule
원소 = Element
화학 반응 = Chemical Reaction
화학 결합 = Chemical Bond
공유 결합 = Covalent Bond
이온 결합 = Ionic Bonding
금속 결합 = Metallic Bonding
주기율표 = Periodic Table
악티늄족 = Actnide
알칼리 금속 = Alkali metal
알칼리 토금속 = Alkaline earth metal
란타넘족 = Lanthanide
전이후 금속 = Post-transition metal
전이 금속 = Transition Metal
준금속 = Metalloid
비금속 = Non-metal
비활성 기체 = Noble gas
물질의 상태 = State of matter
고체 = Solid
액체 = Liquid
기체 = Gas
플라스마 = Plasma
융해 = Melting
응고 = Freezing
기화 = Vaporization
액화 = Condensation
증착 = Deposition
승화 = Sublimation
이온화 = Ionization
탈이온화 = Recombination
수소 이온 농도 지수 / pH = pH
산 = Acid
염기 = Base
온도 = Temperature
압력 = Pressure
방사능 = Radioactivity
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Korean Vocabulary: Four Seasons
계절 = Season
사계절 = Four Seasons
여름 = Summer
가을 = Autumn
겨울 = Winter
봄 = Spring
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Korean Vocabulary - Grammar Terms
문법 = Grammar
명사 = Noun
대명사 = Pronoun
부정대명사 = Indefinite Pronoun
인칭대명사 = Personal Pronoun
소유 대명사 = Possessive Pronoun
재귀대명사 = Reflexive Pronoun
지시 대명사 = Demonstrative Pronoun
분류사 = Counter Noun
관형사 = Prenoun
수사 = Numeral
서수 = Ordinal
동사 = Verb
타동사 = Transitive Verb
자동사 = Intransitive Verb
형용사 = Adjective
부사 = Adverb
부사적 어구 = Adverbial
감탄사 = Interjection
의성어 = Onomatopoeia
주어 = Subject
조사 = Particle
목적어 = Object
자음 = Consonant
쌍자음 = Double Consonant
모음 = Vowel
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