Cartas A Mi Amor.
41 posts
25. Writer (by self diagnosis).
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landofthelovers · 9 months ago
Letters To My Future Husband #22
Wow. 34.
I'm still reading. I draw now. I don't really even listen to music like I used to. I hardly have time to write anymore. I drink a lot. Smoking weed a little more than that.
I have it made in the shade. Everything I worked for on the other side of just listening to the universe. I used to think nothing was a sign. That I just happened to be a very lucky person.
Probably not the case. I guess I'm always talking. Talking and making conversation with the universe. Talking about finding you.
I used to have all these theories of who my husband was going to be. I had all of these hopes. I guess I got lost in a few smiles and stopped trying to find you. I guess I gave up.
I haven't written to you in years. Almost 10. But, I think it's time that I start talking to the universe about finding you again.
I moved. Started over. Washington DC and a new apartment with a great job. I have this theory that I have always known exactly what I want. I just don't listen to anything very well. I don't listen to the gut feelings that I get and what they mean but, it's time I start.
I am still here and still waiting. I don't know if I'm impatient anymore. So, if you would like to come around now - that would be okay with me.
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landofthelovers · 8 years ago
Letters To My Future Husband #21
Life gets complicated at the end of your 20s… you know what you want to do but just trying to figure out how to do exactly that gets harder.
Wanting to do it all on my own so that you have someone to be proud of.
Still reading my book a week. Wonder if I’ll be able to do that when you come around. Wonder what days will consist of when I’m with you.
Thinking of you.
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landofthelovers · 9 years ago
Letters To My Future Husband #20
Thinking I might be a virgin until I say, “I do”. 
Let you know how that goes later. 
I wanna cuddle. 
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landofthelovers · 10 years ago
Letters To My Future Husband #19
Didn’t want you think I forgot about you.  I have been busy with life.  Trying to figure out how best to wait for you.  Spending my time trying to find new experiences to talk about, and new people with different views.  
Let us promise to never forget who we are, apart and together.  I’m starting to realize that moments of life make you forget.  Let’s promise to love each other and let each other grow. 
I’m your biggest fan! 
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landofthelovers · 10 years ago
We talked like lovers, and laughed like best friends.
(via little-to-dead)
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landofthelovers · 10 years ago
I’ve seen parts of you that were designed to scare me and I’m still here.
(via im-sad-lets-have-sex)
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landofthelovers · 10 years ago
How you expect him to commit to you when he wont even commit to God.
marsblackmon101 (via marsblackmon101)
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landofthelovers · 10 years ago
Letters To My Future Husband #18
I cheat on you. 
With the man of my dreams.  I'm not quite sure if you two are the same but for now I guess you are more like twins, and your brother spends a majority of his time with me.  
I sleep when I'm not working.  I sleep and find him there.  Waiting for me with whatever face he has found from my past memories.  Everything I could need and more, but obviously will always be stuck in dreamland.  
You are stuck in a more convenient place.  Kinda like when you place a item strategically in a place where you won't forget it, but still end up forgetting where said place actually is. 
Both of you out of my grasp, or so I think.  Maybe I should step out of dreamland for a bit, see what goblins the world has to offer.  Who knows might find price charming, tattoos and all. 
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landofthelovers · 10 years ago
Letters To My Future Husband #17
Do you like pet names? 
Bae?  Baby?  Sweets?  Babe?  Honey?  Sweetheart? 
I find myself using nicknames for everyone.  Seeing as I don't know who you are I call my favorites those names.  The ones that could potentially be you.  
I wish on shooting stars to hear your voice.  
I hope we have a relationship to where we tell each other the hurtful things people say, not to dwell on them but to work on each others smile.  I want a relationship to where I don't need to talk to you for 5 days to wonder if you still feel the same.  
I want cute words and handwritten post it's.  
I want you in my bed, keeping me warm.  I hope you have a blanket -- pretend its me, okay? 
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landofthelovers · 10 years ago
A healthy relationship is one where two independent people just make a deal that they will help make the other person the best version of themselves.
(via a-better-m-e)
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landofthelovers · 10 years ago
the first person you think of in the morning and the last person you think of at night is either the reason you’re happy or the reason you’re hurting.
unknown (via stormyyskiess)
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landofthelovers · 10 years ago
Letters To My Future Husband #16
I often wonder if I have met you before.  Maybe a past life if they exist.  
I often wonder if you are the boy i currently spend my time with.  
I wonder if you even care to be looking for me; I wonder if I keep you up at night with my words or if you have another girl on your mind.  
I'm wondering cause a boy made me cry; i'm wondering if it was you.  I wonder if you know you made me cry... can I tell you i'm angry.  Maybe it wasn't you; but, it hurts so bad I feel like I should document it somewhere.  
I like this one.  
And maybe you will never care.  
But it hurts. 
-- Val
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landofthelovers · 10 years ago
Wait for someone who tells strangers about you.
Vodka thoughts #1 (via blossomfully)
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landofthelovers · 10 years ago
God, your voice. I don’t think you’ll ever understand what your voice does to me.
(via venuspalms)
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landofthelovers · 10 years ago
Letters To My Future Husband #15
I think I talk too much.  Speak my mind at the worst times.  Say exactly how I feel when I feel it.  Maybe that makes me a ray of sunshine on certain days; but I'm sure it makes me rain down like thunder.  
When I wanna talk about a problem, can you make sure to listen.  Maybe you won't be the type that ever wants to talk about it.  I must talk tho.  I must talk with you or it sits in a cloud hanging over my relationship.  It doesn't get better it will always get worse.  
I'm missing you.  
You are probably going to hate the fact that I wrote love letters to you without knowing you.  Probably won't appreciate the fact that I always knew I was going to meet you. 
I don't care though.  You better love me anyways.  
Love you.  
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landofthelovers · 10 years ago
I don’t want to be a sweetheart. I want to be the fucking love of your life.
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, Americanah (via kvvvte)
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landofthelovers · 11 years ago
My wants are simple: a job that I like and a guy whom I love.
Emily Giffin, Something Borrowed (via simply-quotes)
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