lana l'autre écrivain
12 posts
lettres sur papier | 19teen
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lanadoesextrawriting · 17 days ago
holy SHIT i just watched captain america: a brave new world and im literally on the floor. the 5 minute scene of bucky and sam was all i needed. the suit, the hair, the hug, the little "i love you buddy" from bucky, the speech, the dialogue???? IT MEANS FUCKING EVERYTHING TO ME. LIKE NOT ONLY DID THIS MAN STRUT INTO THE ROOM LOOKING SO DAMN FINE AND THEN GIVES A FUCKING AMAZING PEP TALK AND SAM DROPS THE INFO THAT BUCKY IS THE FUTURE CONGRESSMAN? IDK IF THIS WAS COMMON INFO BUT I HAD NO IDEA AND IM SO HAPPY. HE FINALLY GOT HIS HAPPY ENDING, HIS VERSION OF THE STORY. THUNDERBOLTS IS GONNA GO SO HARD I SWEAR. and godDAMN does this man look so FINE. BOTH, NEXT QUESTION.
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lanadoesextrawriting · 19 days ago
oh, i love it and i hate it at the same time
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pairings: bucky barnes x avengers!reader
tw: swearing, idk tension or whatever
a/n: its been a while.... so um yeah! had a great time writing this, enemies to lovers is always fun as much as it is inaccurate in real life lol. might make a part 2 about the lovers part of enemies to lovers, since this is mostly banter and enemies being enemies but wtv. enjoy, my loves! <3
he takes on a quieter but still annoying and irritating death-stare-you-cant-fucking-stand form of an enemy towards you. and he just sees you as a pain in the ass that talks too much.
you guys cant be put in the same room together, cliche but there literally needs to be side notes in like seating plans that SPECIFICALLY state to keep each other far far away.
if there ever is a situation where you two have to go on missions together, no one else tries to join in unless being forced to.
cause you never stop arguing and giving the most horrifically murderous glares at each other.
see following dialogue for reference:
"you are so-"
"perhaps you should shut the fuck up before i have to spend the night in jail."
"how cute. although i doubt that anyone would want to have you in their place of work all day, much less keep you there."
"fuck off."
sam sees it as, and i quote, "an old couple fighting as their love language." which got a horrendous death glare from bucky.
sam only refuses to go on missions with you two because he wants to let you guys have "alone time" and when he does, hes like the child of divorce thats trying to bring the parents together (in a parent trap style, of course).
whenever you two are at one of tony's parties (or anyone's idk) hes just watching from a distance, you take it as a death stare but hes actually just watching to make sure your not doing anything stupid.
and he thinks it a death stare himself, well hes trying to convince himself it is.
somehow, he catches himself forced to take you back to your room after you get hammered.
hes just rolling his eyes and telling you how stupid you are while you're just hanging on for dear life.
you probably wont remember it in the morning, but he will. he always will.
he finds himself doing things to help you, but not noticing. if he notices that you have headaches or something occurs often to you that bothers you, hes gonna try and help but in his own way.
like if you get migraines, he brings meds for you and leaves them in the compartments of your seat in the quinjet or smth.
but he tries to play it off to the best of his abilities, duh.
"oh, did you get this for me? that is... nice, i suppose."
"only so you would stop bothering me."
"and there he is."
if theres someone else you are seeing, or someone that flirted with you, hes gonna find a way to make a comment about it that incorporates you.
like an attempt to conceal his unknown feelings of you seeing someone else with an annoying insult directed at you.
if he sees a part of you that isn't something he normally sees like if your hair is naturally curly, you wear glasses sometimes, etc etc. hes not gonna make a rude comment, just (not so) subtly glance at you because of it.
he might even like it because hes seeing more of you instead of the one he bickers with everyday, even if he still is going to go back to bickering the very next.
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lanadoesextrawriting · 1 month ago
Bucky converse wip
Idea: Ray ✪ (feat. Hozier) on tiktok :p
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lanadoesextrawriting · 1 month ago
updating this as much as i can, plz tell me if i forget to put smth here
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🍂 ⌇fluff
🎇 ⌇angst
💋 ⌇smut
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medic hcs - 🍂
crush hcs - 🍂
stalking hcs - 🍂
enemies to lovers hcs - 🍂
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lanadoesextrawriting · 1 month ago
im here around the clock, im waitin' on your block
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pairings: stalker!bucky barnes x fem!reader
tw: stalking, mentions of nsfw
he has a lot of cameras, ofc.
he also places cameras in your workplace so he knows when ur having a bad day, so that he can send you things that will make you feel better.
sends you little gifts that are gingerly placed on your bed, based on things he has heard you said on the phone.
but the gifts just have cameras in them...
silently follows you when you walk home, from a distance, while just hoping that one day he could get closer.
sometimes will just hide in your home just to hear your voice through something thats not a camera.
will leave his clothes in your wardrobe, and maybe steal your panties while hes at it!
one time, he saw you wearing his shirt because you were too tired to realize it wasnt yours.
literally stopped in his tracks while he was in the midst of watching the cameras he had.
now... he had other issues to deal with. iygwim.
bought the apartment/neighbouring house next to you, but leaves it vacant most of the time.
and he only uses it to look at you through the windows.
tracks your cycle so that he can come into your room when he knows that you are at your most tired and wont wake up.
and makes sure to install extra cameras for when you are on your ovulating phase. just to have all angles of you when you do... your thing.
isnt afraid to call you from an anonymous number, he likes hearing how scared you sound.
"i hope your period isn't causing you too much trouble, doll."
"what? how do you know that-"
"don't worry about it."
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lanadoesextrawriting · 1 month ago
i just wanna stay in that lavender haze
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pairings: bucky barnes x reader
tw: fluff
a/n: HELLO HELLO MY LOVES, this is a quite similar to the fic on my main blog, but its for bucky instead! i would hope to be posting more on here, but anyways, enjoy!!
he is subtle, but its probably obvious he liked you based on the fact that hes always trying to be closer or talk to you more than he needs to.
sidewalk rule. hes going to be a gentleman in the most gentlemanly ways possible for you.
any other person who tries to flirt w you is getting a death stare, anyone who tries to go further than that is getting a quick death threat.
hes a fast learner, he will learn literally every single thing he can learn about you from the lines on your palm to like every thing one can know abt you. maybe he would want to learn more... things abt you
and he can sometimes just be like:
"they can't have that, they're allergic."
calls you for literally everything and anything, and if you dont respond, hes still happy to hear your voice in the voicemail message.
ESPECIALLY when hes on missions and is far from you.
"bucky? whats wrong?"
"nothing... just wanted to hear you."
has a photo of you in his wallet, hes scared that hes gonna forget who you are if the winter soldier persona comes back.
"loses" his dog tags at your place and just silently hopes you might wear them.
plus, if he ever saw you wearing his clothes, he might just combust and shrivel up and die at the sight.
is silently writing love letters in his head to you while staring at your face for hours on end.
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lanadoesextrawriting · 1 month ago
its just anatomy, you're only half of me
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pairings: bucky barnes x field medic!reader
tw: fluff, mentions of injury
a/n: HELLO MY LOVES!! FIRST POST, MIGHT BE RUSHED BUT OH WELL!! thought of this while watching greys anatomy <3
bucky doesn't really trust you to help him at first, thinking he can do it himself, but he still lets you anyways but has that death stare. he literally had no choice he was bleeding out desperately
once he actually gets used to you helping him, he just tries to subtly ask for you to be the one to help stitch him up.
(trying to stand near you so the other medics think you have him, etc)
wont try to hurt himself so he goes to you, but still will be going to you first thing if he gets injured, no thoughts, no words, just straight to the medbay.
he lets you put a bandage on his metal arm whenever his flesh arm gets injured so he doesn't feel so out of place and uncomfortable with it especially when he feels like it reminds him of HYDRA.
he doesn't drink alcohol around you despite it not affecting him, since you know so much about it in case you feel uncomfortable.
sometimes when you come along for rescue missions in case the victim is hurt.
he gets a little caught up in protecting you more than the actually victim and just stands around you like a bodyguard
he once saw you stitching yourself up after getting hurt.
he just silently took the needle from you and started doing it himself.
"bucky- i can do it myself, its fine."
"i know you can, but let me do it for you."
he loves getting treated by you now that hes used to you, he just likes your touch.
even if its blocked by thin latex gloves.
calls you "doc" in a slightly teasing way.
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lanadoesextrawriting · 2 months ago
welcome to my blog!
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hello!! im lana, 19, she/they. this is my blog for marvel content and whatnot!
this is my side blog, my main blog is @lanadoeswriting since that blog has entirely different content.
MDNI, i reblog nsfw stuff and theres a chance i might post some, so keep back!!
i write fics every now and then, no schedule for it just for funsies! please note that most of my fics are just headcanons, i prefer to give more room for visualization for the readers!
my reqs are open, send me stuff!!
hope ur having a lovely day and thx for reading!
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lanadoesextrawriting · 2 months ago
oh my gosh where have u been all my life!!
more than safe
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pairing: avengers!bucky barnes x shield agent!reader
summary: when you're injured on a mission in sokovia, bucky barnes comes to help—and you share a soft moment together.
warnings: fluff and angst, hurt/comfort, mention of blood/injury, bucky barnes kills a man, protective bucky barnes
word count: 2k
a/n: day 30 of my 30 day writing trope challenge was "who did this to you," which i've technically written before (though for august walker) but i was excited for it all the same! i knew i wanted to write for bucky and had a couple ideas but ended up running with this one. not much here other than some hurt/comfort fluff, but i hope y'all enjoy!
Your scream pierced the night sky. Despite your best efforts to fend him off, your opponent’s knife had sliced a deep gash in the outside of your thigh. Though you managed to land a fist against his temple, sending him flying into a tree, your leg collapsed and you fell to the snow-covered ground.
You’d barely had time to check the cut and make sure it didn’t hit anything serious when a crashing sound from the woods beyond the clearing caught your attention. Bucky Barnes, in his full Winter Soldier getup, strapped with more weapons than a small army, raced into the clearing and caught sight of you on the ground. His blue eyes flared with fear and rage, a combination you’d never seen on the man before.
Bucky crunched through the snow, his black combat boots eating up ground faster than any normal human, but you noticed he’d lost some of his inhuman stealth, making more noise than you’d expect of the Winter Soldier. It was like he was being careless in his need to get to you. When he reached you, he dropped to the ground and began examining your wound. It occurred to you that you should be afraid to have the Winter Soldier so close, but you couldn’t find it in your heart to fear Bucky even after only knowing him a few weeks.
For a little under two months, you’d been assigned to the SHIELD team that acted as support for the Avengers. You’d moved into Avengers Tower, per your orders, even though you’d had a perfectly good apartment in Brooklyn. Maria Hill had told you Tony Stark insisted anyone working with the Avengers had to live in the tower in case they needed to leave at a moment’s notice.
One night shortly after you’d moved in, you’d been complaining about leaving your apartment behind to Natasha Romanoff and Clint Barton in the kitchen when Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes had walked in. When they’d heard you lived in Brooklyn, it launched a long conversation about whether certain staples of the borough were still there. Steve had done most of the talking, with Bucky only saying one or two words at a time. But when you’d taken them on a tour of modern Brooklyn, Bucky had opened up a little more, pointing out all the places he’d saved Steve from getting his ass kicked when they were growing up. 
After that, you and Bucky had fallen into a tentative friendship, both preferring the quiet of the Avengers Tower library to the raucous team-building nights Tony insisted on. Sometimes Steve would join you, sketching or reading while you and Bucky would lay tangled up on the overstuffed couches and read. Once or twice, Bucky asked you for book recommendations and then you’d discussed them when he’d finished reading. He enjoyed fantasy over contemporary fiction, and you were more than happy to share some of your favorites with him.
Even still, your friendship with Bucky was new and you were still trying to learn how to read him, especially since the most you heard him talk was about books. In the field, you’d found he shut down even more, like he would default to his Winter Soldier programming and go nonverbal. You’d only been on two other missions with him, but after both, it had taken hours before he spoke. Which was why it shocked you to hear him say anything in that snow-covered clearing.
“Who did this to you,” he demanded in a gravelly rasp, the black half-mask he wore over the lower half of his face making it sound more menacing than you knew he intended. The way he’d said it left no room for argument, so you pointed to the Hydra agent that was beginning to rouse from where you’d dropped him. 
Bucky quickly unzipped his black leather jacket and tore off a strip from the white t-shirt he wore beneath it, tying the fabric around your leg to staunch the bleeding. You bit your lip to keep from crying out, but Bucky noticed the way your body jerked from the pain and his hands gentled as he tied off the ends of the makeshift bandage. 
When he was done, Bucky stood, just as the Hydra agent was getting his feet underneath him. With his metal fist, Bucky punched the man in the face and you could hear the crunch of his nose breaking in the silent woods. The Hydra agent flew back and glanced off a tree, falling limply into the snow.
You were pretty sure he was unconscious but that didn’t seem to be good enough for Bucky, who kept stalking toward the enemy. His other hand unclipped a gun from the holster on his thigh, uncaring that the man wasn’t awake to fight back. Bucky stood over the unconscious man and fired two shots into the Hydra agent’s head, then re-holstered his gun.
When Bucky turned back to you, his face was a mask of coldness, but he picked you up with gentle hands. He cradled you carefully in his arms as he took off through the woods, faster than you ever would’ve thought possible. As you passed through the trees in the Sokovian countryside, you heard the sounds of fighting, but they were behind you and grew increasingly distant the more Bucky’s strong legs carried you away.
Finally, you reached the Quinjet and Bucky carried you inside, setting you down on one of the seats and kneeling in front of you. When he saw that you’d already bled through the strip of cotton he’d tied around your leg, Bucky made a small sound you couldn’t decipher. Then he stripped out of his leather protective jacket entirely and tugged his t-shirt over his head. 
You were left with a shirtless Winter Soldier—the first time you’d ever seen him shirtless—and you were too stunned to do anything but sit there and stare. Bucky’s chest looked chiseled from granite, even as his skin shone with a light sheen of sweat. If you’d been any less dumbfounded by the sight of Bucky’s bare chest, you may have reached for him and tried to trace the curve of his pecs and shoulders with your fingertips. 
As it was, Bucky tying his full t-shirt around your leg to bandage your wound brought you back to the present. The sharp sting of pain shot up and down your spine and you cried out, unable to stop yourself when you hadn’t been prepared for it. 
“Sorry,” Bucky muttered, his voice clearer. It was only then that you noticed he’d taken off his mask, dumping it on the floor of the Quinjet next to his jacket. You watched as he deliberately gentled his hands while he looped the t-shirt around your leg again and tied it off. “That should hold until we get back to the tower,” he said, standing up.
You knew you should say something, like thank you, but your mouth hung open as you stared straight at Bucky’s abs. The most you managed to do was trail your gaze up his torso, taking in the wide expanse of his pale chest and the way his muscles shifted beneath his skin as he breathed in and out. You knew you should stop staring, but you couldn’t seem to manage it.
“Sorry,” Bucky mumbled. That finally distracted you from the sight in front of you as you looked up at him with a confused frown. “I know it’s not a pretty sight,” he continued, reaching up and using his hand to shield where his vibranium arm was fused to his body. 
Your stomach flipped with a sickening feeling at his vulnerability and the thought you’d made him feel insecure. Before you could stop yourself, you reached for his arm and tugged it away, grateful he let you. 
Bucky was right, it wasn’t necessarily pretty, mainly because Hydra had done a miserable job when they attached the prosthetic arm. But your first and foremost thought was to worry about whether it hurt him. You traced a finger so gently along the scarred skin next to the prosthetic you weren’t sure he could feel it, but Bucky’s big body shuddered slightly so you knew he could. 
“Does it hurt?” you asked in a soft voice, eyes flicking up to Bucky’s blue gaze, unsure if that was okay to ask.
Bucky’s intense eyes met yours and he shook his head. His mouth was set into a grim line, but he didn’t pull away or try to stop you.
You breathed a small sigh of relief at his answer, your fingers shifting to the cool metal of his prosthetic arm and down the length of it. When your fingers reached his vibranium hand, you turned it over gently, so you could draw a circle on his palm. You looked up at him. “Can you feel that?” you asked, your voice less tentative.
Bucky shook his head again but his face contorted in a perplexed expression. “I can’t feel it, but I know how it should feel,” he explained slowly, picking out his words carefully.
You hummed in understanding and nodded. Ducking your head, you dropped a kiss to Bucky’s metal palm before you looked back up at him. “Thank you for coming for me,” you said with a soft smile. 
Kneeling down again, Bucky cupped your face in his warm hand and gave you a serious look. “Don’t thank me for taking care of you,” he said, his voice low and somber. “I wish I’d gotten there before you were hurt.”
You offered him a wry smile, glancing down to his stubbled chin, unable to hold his serious gaze for too long. “Peril of the job, I guess,” you tried to joke, glancing back up at his intense blue eyes. 
Bucky grunted in acknowledgement, but his mouth pulled down in a frown that was almost comical. You had to hold yourself back from giggling, then worried the blood loss was getting to you. Tiredly, you leaned back in the Quinjet seat, still holding Bucky’s metal hand in your lap. 
Gently, Bucky slipped his hand from your grip and stood. Gathering you up in his arms, he turned and sat down on the jet’s seat, holding you firmly on his lap. You were positioned sideways across his legs, and you leaned your head against his shoulder, his warm skin feeling nice against your cold cheek. 
“When you’re healed, I want you to train with me,” Bucky murmured, adjusting you on his lap, pulling you closer to his chest. “If I can’t always be with you, I want to know you can take care of yourself.” His strong arms were heavy around your waist but you enjoyed their weight.
“My SHIELD training not good enough for you?” you teased in a sleepy voice, snuggling closer to him, your hands resting on his chest. You felt so safe and secure in Bucky’s lap with his arms around you, you couldn’t help but start to succumb to the exhaustion you felt.
Bucky grumbled, the sound rumbling through his chest where you were pressed against him. For a long moment, he didn’t answer and you thought he simply wouldn’t, but then he spoke. “I just want you safe.” 
“Okay, Buck,” you murmured as warmth bloomed in your chest and you hid a smile against his neck. With your face buried against him, you let the scent of his skin—something fresh mixed with pine—calm you. He ran a soothing hand up and down your spine, settling you further. You were nearly asleep when you continued speaking, knowing he’d be able to hear your whispered words. “Want you safe, too.”
Bucky squeezed you lightly in his arms, then went back to holding you close and running his hands over your back and legs like he couldn’t stop touching you—couldn’t stop making sure you were safe. Eventually, you dozed off, content to let the Winter Soldier take care of you. You knew you were more than safe in Bucky’s arms.
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⫸⫸30 Day Writing Trope Challenge Masterlist⫷⫷
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lanadoesextrawriting · 2 months ago
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8. 83/161 votes | Bucky’s metal arm making sparks on various roads in the Marvel Cinematic Universe [prev]
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lanadoesextrawriting · 2 months ago
the emo bob says it all
no cause we left him here so wtf happened
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lanadoesextrawriting · 2 months ago
ugh not a want but a need
Bucky realizes just how dirty minded reader is after playing Cards Against Humanity with their friends, and realizes how to use it his advantage.
Dirty Mind » Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier
Pairings: Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
Summary: Bucky finds out how much of a dirty mind you have during game night with your friends and uses it to his advantage.
Warnings: Smut (18+), language, dirty talk, kissing, hickeys, fingering, vibranium arm kink, praise kink, pet names
A/N: Thank you for the request, nonnie🩵 also, I’ve never played Cards of Humanity so this is based off of what I Googled and looked up on Pinterest
Written on my phone. My apologies for any mistakes.
Header made by @buck-star
GIF IS NOT MINE! Gif credit goes to the creator.
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You managed to convince Bucky to go to game night at your friend’s house tonight. Actually, you promised him that you would buy him plums if he would go with you. In other words, you bribed a Super Soldier with plums.
Anyway, now here you two are. You guys are in the middle of playing of Cards Against Humanity. Bucky isn’t playing, because he doesn’t understand the game so he’s just watching. He’s also looking at your cards, which are pretty graphic to him, but he’s not complaining.
Bucky watched you put a card down after your friends did. He leaned forward to read it. His eyes went wide when he read it. That’s when he realized how dirty minded you are. He leaned back against the couch and smirked to himself, thinking of how he can use your dirty mind to his advantage.
You decided to stay the night at Bucky’s apartment after leaving your friend’s house. As soon as you closed the door, Bucky pinned you against it, catching you by surprise.
“Who knew that you had such a dirty mind, doll.” Bucky says in almost a whisper.
You bit your bottom lip and giggled, looking up at him.
“I thought I was making it pretty damn obvious all along, Bucky.” You say seductively, rubbing your hands against his strong chest.
“I’m sure you were, doll face. I just didn’t realize it until now what a dirty fucking girl you are.” He says lowly.
Bucky’s eyes flickered down to your cleavage, getting a clear view of it in the shirt you’re wearing. He bit his bottom lip when he got an idea. He nudged his leg in between yours to move them apart. You gasped when you felt his thigh touch your panty covered pussy. “Good thing I wore a skirt today.” You thought to yourself.
“Are you going to be a good girl and take everything I give you, babydoll?” He asks.
“Yes, Bucky.” You answered submissively.
“Good girl.” He praises.
Bucky’s vibranium hand disappears underneath your skirt, finding its way to your wet panties. His vibranium fingers rubbed your clit through your panties before moving them to the side. A shiver went through your body when you felt the cool feeling of his vibranium fingers touching your pussy. His fingers rubbed against your folds, smearing your slick around. You couldn’t help but look down at his vibranium hand in between your legs.
“Looks like I have a dirty girl on my hands.” Bucky whispers in your ear.
“I bet I can get you to cum so fast with my vibranium fingers.” He said softly in your ear. “Don’t think I didn’t notice you staring at it.” He says with a smirk.
“Bucky, please!” You whined.
“What do you want, babydoll? Tell me what you want.” He says, kissing your neck.
“I want you to- fuck… I want you to fuck me with your vibranium fingers.” You tell him through a moan.
You felt the tips of Bucky’s vibranium fingers circling your entrance before sliding two fingers in your pussy. A soft moan left your lips at the feeling of the cool vibranium in and against your pussy.
Bucky watched the expressions on your face change each time he thrusted his vibranium fingers in and out of your pussy. Your eyes fluttered shut and you leaned your head against the door. He took the opportunity to kiss along the column of your throat. His teeth nipped at your skin.
“Bucky…” You moaned breathless.
“I love the way you moan my name, doll.” Bucky murmurs softly.
Bucky sped his fingers up, curling them and hitting your sweet spot perfectly. You bucked your hips against his vibranium hand and moaned loudly.
“Did I find your little spot?” He coos.
You moaned and nodded. Bucky curled his fingers every now and then as his fingers continued to fuck you. He curled his fingers against your sweet spot again, making your knees buckle. Bucky wrapped his free arm around your waist to keep you from falling.
“Your legs getting weak already, babydoll?” Bucky asks in soft voice.
Your hands held onto his chest and you nodded your head yes.
“Tell me, doll…” He begins, kissing just below your ear. “What else do you have on that dirty little mind of yours?” He asks curiously.
“I- oh fuck…” You paused to moaned. “I want you to fuck me in every position you can think of all over this fucking apartment.” You admitted. “I want you to spank me and choke me too.” You added.
“Fuck…” He growls, feeling his cock become uncomfortably hard in his jeans. “I’ll fuck you all you want as soon as you cum on my fingers.” He says.
Bucky sped his fingers up. His thumb applied pressure to your clit as he rubbed it. Your hands clutched the fabric of his t-shirt. Your orgasm was building up fast. It felt like you were going to fall apart on his vibranium fingers any second.
“Oh fuck! Bucky!” You moaned loudly, throwing your head back against the door.
“I know you’re close. Cum for me, doll.” He says lowly.
Your eyes rolled to the back of your head and a pornographic moan left your lips when you came. Bucky’s vibranium fingers fucked you through your orgasm. His fingers came to a stop and his thumb gave your clit one last rub before he took his fingers out of your pussy.
You lifted your head at the same time Bucky licked your cum off his vibranium fingers, moaning at your taste. You felt a new wave of wetness while watching him do that.
“You taste incredible.” Bucky said. “I hope you’re ready, because you’re in for a long night, babydoll.” He says lowly with a smirk plastered on his face.
-Bucky’s Doll
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