lamuerteremembers · 10 years
     La Muerte looked between the skeleton girl with an amused smile of her own, rose stained lips curled perfectly. " And so how would your plan go, mis hijos? I am very curious how you will get to pain my Balby's face like that. "
((from lasadelitastwins)) ""LA MUERTE!!!!!"" The twin's yells are frantic and scared as they run from the army of bulls stampeding on top of the floating walkways.
     ” Oh you two. Always getting in trouble. Te debo castigarme por hacer siempre un gran lío. ” In a flurry of marigold petals, the bulls were gone, sent off to another realm. La Muerte approached the pair of twins, her hands placed on her thin hips. ” How did you manage to get these bulls. ?” She scolded.
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lamuerteremembers · 10 years
     Yes, yes. The Goddess was getting too carried away. He was still trying to wrap his head around the events that have turned, so talking about something as trivial as a name would be very silly. Sucking in a breath, waving her hand in a dismissive matter. " I-I am sorry Balby. I got emocionado for a moment there and had...lost thought. "
" I have thought of only a few name but Encanto had my attention. What do you think, mi amor?"
❝❞ (ruleroftheforgotten)
                                                 Send in a ❝❞ …          …and my muse will tell you one of the following after a random number generation.
               ”I’m pregnant and it’s yours.”
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lamuerteremembers · 10 years
*Xibalba appears in the Land of the Remembered. The mere sign of his wings stops the music and the party among the remembered.* -Oh don't stop your party for me. I'm here just to see Catrina. *said Xibalba as he walks towards the La muerte's Mansion. When he finaly reaches the building he stands his arms open and say.*- Hola Catrina. Long time no see right? My land has been pretty empty nowadays. So I decided to make you a surprise
The sugar skull woman turned her head as she heard her grand doors slam open. Of course, it was her beloved - Xibalba. Now what was he doing here? The God was often playing with the forgotten souls or jinxing the humans in the realm of the living. " Balby. " The woman cooed softly, turning her whole body to face her husband, her golden hues gazing soft like the light from her candles. " Is your visit the surprise? "
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lamuerteremembers · 10 years
--- The winners ---
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I'm very sorry this is late! My computer went poop and so did my phone. But today is no time to fret! Today we announce the winners! Due to the anon hate received to the past winners, from all my other follower appreciation post, I will be privately messaging the three winners! 
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lamuerteremembers · 10 years
Semi - Haitus
(( I have my school studies to attend to so I will be putting all my replies in the drafts - don't worry babies, I have them! The giveaway is still going on and I WILL be posting winners when the time comes~! I love you all! ))
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lamuerteremembers · 10 years
     " It would depend on what you r little prank is. " Her smile only widened for the duo - the two being like her own children - she was often amused with their antics. 
((from lasadelitastwins)) ""LA MUERTE!!!!!"" The twin's yells are frantic and scared as they run from the army of bulls stampeding on top of the floating walkways.
     ” Oh you two. Always getting in trouble. Te debo castigarme por hacer siempre un gran lío. ” In a flurry of marigold petals, the bulls were gone, sent off to another realm. La Muerte approached the pair of twins, her hands placed on her thin hips. ” How did you manage to get these bulls. ?” She scolded.
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lamuerteremembers · 10 years
     " Xibalba! " She scolded. " You know how I am when I do not have my sleep..." She mused, but managed to calm her anger. " But if you are so worried then come here and we shall talk. "
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" Xibalba! It is late! What dastardly song are you playing. " The woman stood under her balcony, rubbing her sleepy eyes.
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The music kept playing as Xibalba made the closest expression he could do of a sad puppy face. “Please come back to me my love!’ He said.
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lamuerteremembers · 10 years
     " I am eons old - I think that I have forgotten the number. But, I am a goddess - ruling over the souls of the dead. "
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"...how are you able to wear that hat? Doesn't it hurt your neck?"
" Hm? I cannot feel the weight after hundreds of years wearing it. " The woman mused. 
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lamuerteremembers · 10 years
      He was sacrificing a great deal for her - he never wanted children but he was willing to stand by her side and help her through it all. And that was a wonderful quality he had - he would try and put her first - unless it was a bet of course. " Oh Balby..." She murmured softly, reaching out to kiss him softly. Her golden hues were still watery, wondering just what had pushed him to the reality of the situation?
      " I couldn't have found a better husband, mi amor. You are my support and my life after death. " La Muerte looked up at his handsome face, a hint of a smile on her cherry lips. " What would you...name our child? "
❝❞ (ruleroftheforgotten)
                                                 Send in a ❝❞ …          …and my muse will tell you one of the following after a random number generation.
               ”I’m pregnant and it’s yours.”
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lamuerteremembers · 10 years
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I want to thank each and every one of you for making this all happen. Even with this blog being so new, you’ve all made me really happy! So, with this being a follower appreciation post — I wanted to change it up a bit. My followers will have a chance to win three prizes:
 1st: A medium sketch done by the mun + a three week promo + a banner ( like the one shown above ) of your choosing
2nd: A small sketch done by the mun + a two week promo
3rd: A one week promo
Now the rules of the game go like this:
You must be following me - I’ll know - I check
You must like this post in order to be entered into the drawing~!
Reblogs do not count
Hug yourself because hugs bring smiles
That’s about it! The offer will end on November 23rd. Please look forward to winning - and if you don’t - then you can still imagine getting a hug from me. Hehe~!
I love you!
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lamuerteremembers · 10 years
Send ₩ and my muse will tell yours how they really feel about them.
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lamuerteremembers · 10 years
10. There was this duck and I got distracted but it was a cute duck so don't blame me
Why I haven't answered back in a RP:
1. I am NOT ignoring you. 2. I am trying to think if a reply. 3. I’m not up to it at that moment. 4. Tumblr ate it.
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lamuerteremembers · 10 years
     As La Muerte turned her body, her hands reached out to pull her beloved closer to her form. " I want to tell you something, mi amor.. " She murmured, wiping her tears with the back of her hand. " Even if you do not anything to do with this niño, I will love you. I-I am sorry for this mistake I have made - I had forgotten that the day was not safe and I....now here we are... "
     What else was there to say to him? Was that all to it? Was the only answer she was expecting to hear from him was about how he wanted nothing at all to do with the child that grew in her womb?
❝❞ (ruleroftheforgotten)
                                                 Send in a ❝❞ …          …and my muse will tell you one of the following after a random number generation.
               ”I’m pregnant and it’s yours.”
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lamuerteremembers · 10 years
My inbox said I had mail but there's nothing in there....
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lamuerteremembers · 10 years
" Xibalba...as much as I adore and love you... " The woman leaned over the balcony, a clear unamused look on her sugary features.
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" It is two in the morning! WHy are you here to reconcile so early?! "
" Xibalba! It is late! What dastardly song are you playing. " The woman stood under her balcony, rubbing her sleepy eyes.
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The music kept playing as Xibalba made the closest expression he could do of a sad puppy face. “Please come back to me my love!’ He said.
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lamuerteremembers · 10 years
Angst: Breaking Up Sentence Meme
"Can’t you just leave me alone?"
"Did you really think I wouldn’t find out?"
"Did you really think I’d let you do this to me?"
"How could you let this happen?"
"I can’t believe I wasted so much time with you."
"I don’t care what happens to you. I never have."
"I hate waking up next to you every morning."
"I know you’ve been cheating on me, just admit it."
"I thought you said you’d never leave me."
"I’m so glad I never have to see you again."
"It’s kind of funny how people like us never work out."
"It’s like you don’t even acknowledge me anymore."
"My life would be better without you in it."
"Please don’t leave, I can’t live without you."
"There’s nothing I want more than to just leave you and never look back."
"There’s nothing left for us anymore."
"When I think about my future, I never see you in it."
"You said I meant something to you, but now I find that hard to believe."
"You’re not good for me anymore."
"You’re only out for yourself! No one else has ever mattered to you."
"You’re pathetic, I want nothing to do with you."
"You’re the problem, you’re always the problem."
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lamuerteremembers · 10 years
     The goddess was in her chambers, her body curled up on her bed as she softly cried. Oh how this pain hit her like never before - how stupid she was, forgetting that the day they made love, was an unsafe day. Why after eons of loving this god did she make this mistake? He had talked before of how he did not like the whiny children of her realm and the mortal one.
Would he also hate the child she was to bare?
Her soft sobs did not echo through the room, but only rang through her ears as she continued to curl deeper into herself. What result would come from this? Would he finally leave her? Stop loving her? The sugar skull goddess looked to the ring on her finger, slowly sliding it off to rest int he palm of her hand.
What owuld this mistake bring?
❝❞ (ruleroftheforgotten)
                                                 Send in a ❝❞ …          …and my muse will tell you one of the following after a random number generation.
               ”I’m pregnant and it’s yours.”
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