Cleansing Ritual.

(This ritual was done in the dark to allow more focus and it looks better.)
Shit needed;
Hot water
Your favourite crystals/stones
1. Place the bowl on the floor and pour in the hot water. (Do this with the light on, pouring boiling water in the dark is not recommended.)
2. Add the rosemary and lavender to the bowl.
3. Draw a circle of salt around the bowl and place your crystals/stones inside the circle around the bowl.
4. Using three candles place one on either side of the bowl inside the salt circle and one opposite you on the other side of the bowl inside the circle. Light them.
5. Light an incense and place it in front of the bowl. By now the herbs will be seeped into the water enough that you will be able to smell them.
6. Let the smell of the incense and herbs surround you and breathe in deeply allowing the scents to fill your body.
7. Empty your mind of all negative thoughts and feelings and only allow happiness to fill that space.
8. Do this for a few minutes and allow yourself to breathe and relax. When you feel lighter snuff out the candles clear up and pour the water outside. (Or down the sink whatever you prefer)
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