lakoda0518 · 1 year
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SO.... I DID A THING!!!! New mini-series to help me get back into the swing of writing! This will be a short one, but the summary is posted below 😅 hope you enjoy!
After an accidental touch sends shivers down John's spine, Sherlock is completely engrossed in figuring out exactly how and why it happens. A series of short glimpses into the experiments Sherlock performs while doing the most inappropriate things to his flatmate in the most inappropriate places. How long will John be able to take the endless sessions of teasing and edging? There's only one way to find out :)
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lakoda0518 · 1 year
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lakoda0518 · 1 year
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lakoda0518 · 1 year
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Get to archiving everyone 
Posting this here because not everyone has twitter 
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lakoda0518 · 2 years
Hello everyone! I hate to have to do this once again, but this is the last step in my legal journey... Petitioning to have my daughter's father's rights terminated. The lawyers say I have a very good case but it will involve a $3000 fee... 😓 I have to get her away from this horrible situation. He hasn't seen her in over four months and refuses to respond to any attempts I've made at contact. Cutting him off is the best route for her safety unfortunately but I sadly cannot do it alone... Any little bit helps, even a simple reblog. Thank you so much for all of your support ❤️
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lakoda0518 · 2 years
Ok so this may just be me being stupid, but the first time I watched The Reichenbach Fall, when Sherlock was on the phone with John and said that it was “all just a magic trick,” I heard it as him telling John that the fall was the magic trick, and it wasn’t until I saw other people talking about the call that I realized Sherlock was referring to his deductions (I knew he was telling John he was a fake during the call, but that one line didn’t seem to fit.)
I think maybe that’s why Sherlock wasn’t expecting John to be mad when he returned. I think Sherlock thought that John knew he was alive. Because had their places been reversed, Sherlock would have gone over every single line of that call and he would have noticed the slight double meaning. And we all know Sherlock tends to assume everyone else has figured out things that only he’s figured out. I think Sherlock slipped that line in as a way to let John know he faked his death. That’s why he seemed so betrayed when he first heard that John had moved on. Because he thought John knew he was alive.
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lakoda0518 · 2 years
For those of you that know me on Twitter, I'm Katie (LaKoda0518) and I have been extremely MIA in my social media presence as I have been in the process of leaving my abuser and starting my life over. Everything has been going well until the abuser in question stopped communicating and cooperating with me to finalize all of the financial support that he owes me. As it stands, he is getting away without paying child support and without paying any of the other financial obligations he will be required to make. As much as I hate to do this, I am being forced to take drastic measures and will have to hire an attorney in order to progress any further for the sake and care of my five year old... Any little bit helps, even if it's just a share. ❤️ Thank you all for your time and care ❤️
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lakoda0518 · 2 years
For those of you that know me on Twitter, I'm Katie (LaKoda0518) and I have been extremely MIA in my social media presence as I have been in the process of leaving my abuser and starting my life over. Everything has been going well until the abuser in question stopped communicating and cooperating with me to finalize all of the financial support that he owes me. As it stands, he is getting away without paying child support and without paying any of the other financial obligations he will be required to make. As much as I hate to do this, I am being forced to take drastic measures and will have to hire an attorney in order to progress any further for the sake and care of my five year old... Any little bit helps, even if it's just a share. ❤️ Thank you all for your time and care ❤️
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lakoda0518 · 2 years
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John Watson + reactions
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lakoda0518 · 2 years
@sherlockedcarmilla I think we should bring back the John Watson doodle! 😂😂😂
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put your number (0-20) in the tags!!!!!! i think i got 14!!
anyone who comments that finding ways to enjoy the brief time we have on this bitch of an earth is cringey will be blocked ^_^ <3
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lakoda0518 · 3 years
Things I remember reading online that I wish I had screenshotted: Story of a trans guy, estranged from family, who got an invitation to his sister's wedding, but their parents had specified that he'd better come in a dress or not come at all. But they hadn't seen him in almost 7 years and didn't know that not only was he on T and had surgeries, he's a passionate weightlifter.
So if I remember right he sent the sister a heads-up beforehand and the sister was like "holy shit do it", and he showed up in a pink, frilly dress, and sneakers. No makeup, jewellery or anything, just this bulky, hairy dude in a dress for no particular reason.
Their parents, naturally, still got mad despite of him following their exact, specific instructions in order to "not embarrass the family", and after the wedding the sister made sure to pick as many photos of the wedding as possible with the brother visible in them, because it was now a funny family story of bringing the family together by pissing the shit out of their parents.
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lakoda0518 · 3 years
literally anyone else: holmes picked up a piece of paper to write a letter.
watson: holmes stretched his long, thin, pale arm out, causing the fabric of his white silk robe to strain against him, and wrapped his long, thin, pale fingers around a sheet of foolscap, which he needed so his incredible, beautiful, genius mind could record his fantastic and magical ideas.
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lakoda0518 · 3 years
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   sherlock 1.01
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lakoda0518 · 3 years
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Japanese child actress Mana Ashida (little Mako) was embarrassed that she couldn’t pronounce Guillermo Del Toro’s name so he gave her special permission to call him “Totoro-san” instead.
My Neighbor Guillermo Del Toro.
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lakoda0518 · 3 years
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lakoda0518 · 3 years
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i was so alone and i owe you so much
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lakoda0518 · 3 years
Care to debate abortion?
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