lakechara-blog · 7 years
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if it wasn’t for the lid on tweek’s cup of coffee it would’ve spilled all over his hand from how jittery he was. “my anxiety has-s-s kept me up for over fifty hours-s.” he said before he attempted to take a sip of his coffee, and burning his lip in the process, “coffee is-s the only reas-son i’m not completely out of it, right now.” 
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lakechara-blog · 7 years
“No, it’s completely the animals. I don’t know if you heard me but they are animals…. close up…. WITH a wide angle lens. I mean… Yes, I was also really high, but that is neither here nor there.”
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“I heard you, but.. what about animals-s is-s-s that interes-sting? Were they doing tricks-s or s-som-something?”
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lakechara-blog · 7 years
who shouldn’t be writing this late? this guy right here . i responded to a few things but if you guys read them in the morning and are just like ‘what the fuck does this mean’ just lemme know and i’ll rewrite them
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lakechara-blog · 7 years
“so.. you don’t by any chance happen to have a towel on you anywhere?“ the now near dripping wet female laughed softly a little as she questioned. “apparently i have horrible luck with sprinklers or something today, because the ones over there just turned on as i tried to take a short cut. maybe that should just be my warning not to try and cut down on time or something, huh?“
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“oh, uh,“ tweek rummaged through his pockets even though he didn’t really have anything that would help, and he couldn’t help the guilty look on his face when he turned up nothing, “s-s-sorry i don’t, but i have this-s” he shrugged off his jacket, and held it out to her, “it might keep you warm until you can find s-s-something to dry off with.“
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lakechara-blog · 7 years
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   💊  ›  ❝ my .. my inhaler, ❞ the teen lets out, few words coming out breathy and low. his pair of usually tired eyes becoming more frantic as his hand rummages through his backpack carelessly. they widen at the realization that OH SHIT his inhaler isn’t in there. it should be in there, it’s not and – fuck, his mom is going to k i l l him. that or his lungs are going to give up on him right here and now. fear begins to creep through his body, a shaky hand running through his finely combed hair as dark thoughts swirl in his mind endlessly. ❝ i fucking lost it ! i can’t believe i lost my fucking inhaler ! – oh my god, i’m D E A D. this is it. i’m fucking dead. ❞
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thomas notices the other’s panic as he rummages haphazardly through his backpack and although he’s personally never needed an inhaler it was only common sense how big of deal it was that he didn’t have it. ❝ okay, okay. you gotta do me a favor and calm down a little. freaking out is the last thing you need to do right now. take a deep brea- ❞ he cuts himself off and he cringes, ❝ bad choice of words, sorry. i will help you find your inhaler, but you gotta remember last place you saw it. ❞ 
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lakechara-blog · 7 years
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☮ being the owner of, and best friend, to a great dane, the park’s a frequently visited area for shaggy. the mostly well behaved dog had been previously laying down next to shaggy on the ground but had apparently decided that it was a great time to go ahead and run circles. sitting up to rest on his elbows he smiled at a person near him, waving his hand towards the dog in dismissal, “ oh, you totally don’t have to worry man, ” he said, knowing that some might’ve taken fear in seeing a huge dog running full speed around the park, “ he’s totally, like, friendly, and he’ll get worn out soon. ” 
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tweek wasn’t much of a fan of going to parks, mostly because he didn’t exactly enjoy going outside. another reason that hadn’t even crossed his mind until he saw the giant dog spiriting around was that he would have to deal with stuff like this. he eyes the dog wearily even with the other’s reassurance, “ are you s-s-s-sure? he looks-s-s like he could bite my head off in one bite. “ he says, not taking his eyes off of the dog, and tensing up whenever the dog got too close to him.
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lakechara-blog · 7 years
alright i’m taking a break from the main to actually respond to a few starters and make some ! i’m down for plotting so just shoot me a message if you want to !
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lakechara-blog · 7 years
“I got high and found a YouTube playlist of animals, close up, with a wide angle lens… It’s been four days and I can’t think of anything other than wide angle, close up animals.”
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“Is-s-s that what’s-s up with you? You looked distracted but I just thought you were really high again.”
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lakechara-blog · 7 years
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“I really can’t hang out, I was on my way to the grocery store to buy some expensive ass food from our only grocery store. Why we don’t have a walmart is unknown to me.”
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“I could come along too, I needed to pick up some stuff anyways. Is this town even big enough for a walmart to be considered being built here?”
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lakechara-blog · 7 years
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“Well…” Kelso began, shrugging his shoulders. “It’s five o’clock on a Wednesday so yes, I definitely got high before coming. Is that gonna be a problem?”
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“Not really,” Tweek says as he shakily took a sip of his coffee, “Craig s-s-s-smokes-s too. It does-sn’t bug me.”
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lakechara-blog · 7 years
   the radio on the counter spewed out a static rumble of music, gentle tunes reminiscent of the records spun by her parents on a particularly slow Sunday. she liked it, perhaps even more once the break of silence began a rickety guitar riff of a song she knew well. the chime of the clock went unnoticed as she swept up stray pieces of popcorn and deftly tossed a soda cup into the nearby bin.
   “ SCORE! ” she cried triumphantly, soon distracted by the music once more. her feet tapped to several more verses until the heavy scrape of a door caught her off guard. she turned abruptly and forced her face to become sullen. “ cinema’s closed. ” Gabriella muttered. “unless you’re lookin’ to scab leftover popcorn. ” her hand rattled a half-empty container she’d been snacking on. “ hungry? ”
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   he usually stopped by, almost nightly at this point, just to snag the left over popcorn from the day. it wasn’t as good as it was when it was fresh but it wasn’t bad enough that he wasn’t going to snatch it when he could. “ you caught me ” thomas said, hands raised in mock surrender, “ you know i can’t resist the leftover popcorn “ he makes his way over and dips his hand into the container, “ this is like my appetizer before dinner “
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lakechara-blog · 7 years
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♡ jackie’s eyes scanned the clothing racks in the store, something that was almost hard wired in her mind. maybe i should be a personal shopper, she mused before shaking her head to herself, she didn’t want to buy stuff for OTHER people, that was like, totally useless ! perfectly manicured fingers traced over the seam of a particularly cute light blue dress, taking it off the rack, she pressed it against her body, trying to determine whether it was ACTUALLY worth trying on or not. lips pursed, she turned to the nearest person, “what do you think ? cute, right ? lengths a little long though… ”
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tweek was trying not to disturb her intense concentration as she flipped through the outfits, leaning against a wall nearby the current rack that she was looking at. at least that was the plan but he was always so damn fidgety he couldn’t help how he messed with his unevenly buttoned shirt, or how he kept running his fingers through his hair, he was just here to help if other needed him to make a decision on an outfit, or bought more clothes than she could carry on her own. he began to pace but stopped momentarily at her question. he looked the dress up and down, “ i think it looks-s ni-nice. you could always-s have it tailored or s-s-something. ”
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lakechara-blog · 7 years
i’m here, i’m queer, and i’m finally ready! always late, never early, even for the opening of my own rpg. i’m teddy, the last and most forgettable member of the admin team, and it’s been a minute since I’ve done any roleplay related writing but i’ll get the hang of it again! Anyway here’s some info about tweek and thomas.
Was that MILES HEIZER walking through town? No, that’s just TWEEK TWEAK from SOUTH PARK. I hear HE is the SEVENTEEN year old, who is FRIENDLY & EMPATHETIC, but can be PARANOID & EASILY MANIPULATED.
Tweek has extreme anxiety and paranoia 
Addicted to coffee even though it makes his anxiety worse 
Messy appearance because he doesn’t really worry about how he looks when his anxiety has him thinking about other things
Fidgety as all hell
Has a stutter and struggles with s’
Unknowingly addicted to meth and that’s what makes him so fidgety 
Addicted to technology and struggles not to get on Twitter even when it makes his anxiety worse
Works at his parent’s coffee house on the weekends 
Has been with his boyfriend, Craig, for three years
Was that DYLAN O'BRIEN walking through town? No, that’s just THOMAS GLADE from THE MAZE RUNNER. I hear HE is the EIGHTEEN year old, who is CURIOUS & SOCIABLE, but can be NAIVE & EASILY FRUSTRATED.
Is transgender, and currently binds
Has lived in a foster home since he was sixteen
Thinks it’s way too crowded inside his foster house so he spends a lot of time outside and around town until he has to go to sleep
Runs track at his high school and has a lot of medals from it
Works at the Zuko’s Garage after school
Doesn’t know what he wants to do after high school but isn’t really stressed about it
Actually really smart but he doesn’t put a lot of effort into his schoolwork and is only C average student
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lakechara-blog · 7 years
we’re open and guess who isn’t ready *this admin*
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lakechara-blog · 7 years
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lakechara-blog · 7 years
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miles heizer’s iconic eye roll™
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