Lai's Art Blog
188 posts
lai or xy | also find me at twt/bsky at laidraws
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laidraws · 5 days ago
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A Good Thing by kappamairi
A special post for the SteveTony crowd tonight 🥰 The five covers of the webcomic "A Good Thing" I've been working on since 2021 with @festiveferret as the writer! A new page will be posted in February ! Stay tune for more 💓🌸 Here's the link to read it from the beginning 🌙 : A Good Thing - Chapter 1 - Askafroa, FestiveFerret - Marvel Cinematic Universe [Archive of Our Own]
Take care folks and good night to you 💗
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laidraws · 5 days ago
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Date night
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laidraws · 9 days ago
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Finally saw Cap 4 earlier this week, decided to draw Sam my darling
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laidraws · 9 days ago
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stevetony artwork by @vanitasmorgue based on my fic where my brushstrokes meet your brainwaves which was a gift for @thahiree 🌹❣️ thank you so much, i love it more than words can say 🥺
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laidraws · 10 days ago
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all 60 reworked vintage valentines i submitted to @candystevegrams, part 1: mcu edition (comics edition is here)
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laidraws · 12 days ago
Eat Your Feelings--A Valentine's Day Fic
For deehellcat on the Stony Discord: based on the idea of the zoo's Valentine's fundraiser where you can name a bug after your ex and watch it get eaten. This somehow leads to declarations of true love.
A worm
Ngl that stings
Steve stared down at the text, sighed, and scraped a hand through his hair. It had been a pipe dream to hope that Tony wouldn’t find out, but he hadn’t expected to happen in real time. He glanced over at the television where a reporter was live on scene at the Minnesota Zoo giving a play by play on the Valentine’s Day fundraiser, a report that had begun benignly enough, but when it was announced that someone had named one of the crawly little sacrifices ‘Stark’, it had kind of become, well, a thing. 
The live feed had now made its way to several Youtube channels and somehow gotten picked up by Fox News, where a blonde woman was currently speculating which of Tony’s many exes may have decided to serve his unfortunate stand-in up for a hedgehog’s lunch. 
It wasn’t me, Steve texted back, wincing a bit because it practically screamed guilty conscience. It was true enough, though he suspected that it wasn’t exactly as if he was entirely unrelated to the current situation, considering he had gotten an email from the Minnesota Zoo explaining how a donation had been made in his honor.  Not to mention Bucky and Sam giving him grief for turning down yet another attempt at a set-up. He just wasn’t interested in dating right now, that was all. He had to focus on finishing the pieces for the exhibition, not finding out more about Derrick the gym bro’s protein powder routine. It had nothing to do with breaking things off with Tony. 
Sorry, he added. 
Steve looked back at the screen on the gym wall, where the reporter was, entirely too gleefully in Steve’s opinion, pointing out the hedgehog currently chomping its way through what had been a Chad and an Aaron.  Meanwhile, Stark the worm was slowly inching its way along the glass side of the hedgehog’s enclosure. As Steve watched, the camera zoomed in, and the worm slithered down into a tiny groove along the glass where the faux grass bottom of the enclosure met the edge. It then pushed itself along the groove with what Steve was fairly sure was breakneck speed for a worm.
You’re escaping, Steve texted. Of course, he was, Steve thought with a soft smile. 
A moment later, Tony replied with an image of Mel Gibson in blue face paint from Braveheart, yelling, ‘Freedom!’
The hedgehog waddled over to where Stark was trundling along the edge of the glass and nosed at him. 
“I think our fuzzy friend here has finally caught Mr. Stark! Something no one else can say,” the reporter bleated with a nasal laugh. Steve’s smile drooped. “Oh, no, no, it looks like--Kenny, can you zoom in closer?--look at this, folks you are not going to believe it! Stark is going out that tiny hole there at the corner, do you see that? There he goes!” 
They’ll never catch me
I, for one, welcome our new worm overlord, Steve replied, then, after a moment’s hesitation, added, you’re a hard one to catch.
Three dots indicating Tony was replying lit up Steve’s phone screen for a long time, as if Tony was writing a novel or deleting his reply over and over. 
Dammit, Steve silently cursed at himself, grinding his fist against his forehead. He shouldn’t have said anything. Why hadn’t he just let it go? They were doing their usual casual text thing. This was what they did these days. Now, he’d made it weird. 
“Kenny, can you get this? Stark is using that wire that connects to the enclosure’s heating lamp to escape, and it looks like he just might make it! Unbelievable, folks. A true Valentine’s Miracle,” the reporter cooed on the television. Steve pushed the remote’s button to turn it off, and the screen went blessedly blank. 
Well, probably the worm thing made it weird first. 
The three dots danced on Steve’s phone screen, then, finally, words appeared in their stead.
You did
Steve frowned. What the hell was that supposed to mean? The break-up, if that’s what you called it, had been mutual. Amicable. Incredibly, life-alteringly painful for Steve, sure, but amicable. They weren’t right for each other, and when it became clear that the whole ‘just amazing sex’ thing was not going to be enough and he had somehow caught feelings for Tony Stark of all people--incredibly smart, suave, rich, and very confirmed bachelor--Steve had known it was time. 
They’d both agreed--well, Steve definitely remembered Tony saying yes, he understood, it was fine, he got it. World’s apart, moved in different circles, lots of those kinds of words had been--amicably--said. It had hurt, but they both agreed, it was the smart move. Steve even remembered Tony saying exactly that. Smart move. Good call. That’s what Tony had said at the time. 
Except, then, what the hell did Tony’s text mean? You did. Did what? Caught him? The idea of it seemed entirely inconceivable, if Steve was honest with himself. They’d been…he wasn’t even sure what they had been. Fuck buddies seemed way too flippant, but they hadn’t been dating or anything, just…hanging out. Hanging out at galleries and restaurants (and one time hanging out in Paris), sure, but…hanging out. It hadn’t been serious. Steve had known that going in.  
And then they stopped hanging out. But Steve had never had Tony. Not really, not--not the way that--not like that, the way someone is yours, when it’s something real, when it’s…when it’s the kind of relationship where you--where the people are in love. 
It hadn’t been like that, of course. Not even close. Sure, Steve had feelings, which is why it had to stop. That wasn’t what Tony was looking for from Steve, and it wasn’t fair to try to pull him into a relationship he didn’t want. Thus…amicable. 
Except…except…Steve’s mind stuttered, looking down at Tony’s text. What was that supposed to mean, then?
Did I? Steve asked finally, mainly because he couldn’t help himself. It could be read as a joke, he supposed. Just their usual banter. It was ambiguous enough, and it wasn’t like Tony could hear how loudly Steve’s heart was pounding as he typed those two words. 
The three dots appeared again. 
I so want to say you wormed your way in
Steve huffed out a surprised laugh, then waited, as the three blinking dots made his breath catch. 
You caught me. I couldn’t catch you, though. Tried. 
Steve blinked in confusion, his chest tightening. What? That--that wasn’t right, he frowned, shaking his head. He started to type, then stopped, and hit the video call button. 
Tony answered on the first ring, his face filling the phone screen, and Steve, nearly breathless, didn’t give him a chance to speak, too afraid that he wouldn’t be able to say what he suddenly, desperately needed to say to Tony. “Tony, you--you caught me. I was caught. So very, very caught. But, we weren’t--we weren’t in the same place. We broke up because I was falling in love with you, and you didn’t want that kind of relationship. That’s why we broke up.”
A long beat of silence echoed on the other end of the phone where Tony stared at him. “Well. That was an incredibly stupid reason to break up.” 
“It was?” Steve asked, pulling back in bewilderment. 
“Considering that I was absolutely head over heels in love with you, then yes,” Tony said, “Exceedingly stupid, I’d say.”
“You--what? You were--wait--when? How?” Steve stammered. 
“Since May second at three thirty-two AM,” Tony replied, his face softening. 
“Oddly specific, but okay,” Steve said. 
“I’d gotten up to work on something, and when I came back to bed, you were sleeping, and I thought, I want to come back to him forever. Admittedly, I immediately followed that thought with, oh shit, so not quite as romantic as it sounds,” Tony amended, wobbling his head back and forth with an apologetic wince. 
“So…just to be clear. You were in love with me. I was in love with you. And so we…broke up,” Steve recounted. 
“How have we not been asked to write a relationship book?” Tony asked, his eyes widening with a look of exaggerated confusion. 
“Boggles the mind,” Steve deadpanned, then sighed, aiming his eyes heavenward for a moment. “My best friend tried to get a worm version of you eaten on live TV for Valentine’s Day because I’m still in love with you and all mopey about it today. I think I could handle the chapter on Coping After a Break-Up.” 
Tony grinned widely. “Still, you say?”
“I did say that,” Steve acknowledged with a firm nod. “I don’t suppose you happen to have the rest of Valentine’s Day free, do you?” 
“Well,” Tony replied, drawing out the word, “I suppose there are really only two things on my agenda today. Spend it with the person I am ridiculously--seriously, it’s almost embarrassing--in love with,” he nodded deferentially towards Steve on the other side of the phone screen, “and make a very large donation to the Minnesota Zoo.” 
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laidraws · 14 days ago
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by @nmni_k
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laidraws · 14 days ago
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Since romance is in the air, how about a mer!Steve rescuing Tony?
My second art for the Stony Art Chain Relay :)
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laidraws · 17 days ago
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It'd be so nice, right? Right? If we could take it all off and just exist And skinny dip in water under the bridge
Steve/Tony for Stony bingo square "free space"
Happy Valentine's Day ❤️
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laidraws · 23 days ago
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loki and steve outfits swap for @woulddieforloki! thank you for your support ♡
buy me a ko-fi and get a sketch!
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laidraws · 26 days ago
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Stony Art Chain Relay 2024 - Round 03
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laidraws · 26 days ago
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Stony Art Chain Relay 2024 - Round 07
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laidraws · 26 days ago
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Stony Art Chain Relay 2024 - Round 04
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laidraws · 26 days ago
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One of the artworks I did for the Stony Art Chain Relay! Thank you @festiveferret and @capnstars for organizing!
This was some kind of steampunk/magic AU in my mind, with Tony being a mage/inventor and Steve having his strength enhanced by magic. And then they hang out together <3
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laidraws · 1 month ago
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Based on this post ! For Stony Bingo prompt "Close-Up". This was such a beautiful gif that when I saw the close-up prompt I just had to do it.
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laidraws · 1 month ago
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🦇 my teeth will only cut your lips, my dear by soliloquent
4,5k words // pairing: tony stark & steve rogers
“The bat flutters upward, perching precariously on a branch. Its dark eyes gleam in the sunlight, wide and unblinking, watching him with wariness and something like pleading. The color is wrong, but those eyes… Steve growls low, his ears flattening against his head. Tony, he thinks, though the wolf doesn’t understand the word.”
or: The wolf only wants to protect his mate. Naturally, that means hunting down the creature who took him away.
written for the @cap-ironman 2024 holiday exchange
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laidraws · 1 month ago
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💫 you’ll be okay, we can talk tomorrow by soliloquent
3,8k words // pairing: tony stark & steve rogers
As he leaves, Steve deadpans, “I hate everyone here, and I regret every single thing I’ve done for you all. Tony, do bother coming after me. You’re the first person I’d want around.”
“Yep. Definitely only lies,” Tony says, scrubbing a hand over his face.
or: Steve is hit by a spell that compels him to speak only lies, and to their mutual discomfort, Tony appears to be the key to breaking it.
written for the @cap-ironman 2024 holiday exchange
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