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y’all i love skating so fucking much!! i went outdoors for the first time to celebrate my brand new babies (went for the jungles & my mom surprised me and covered the difference between the two ♥️♥️) and it was so hard and wonderful!! started off downhill on asphalt which obviously went TERRIBLE but then found a nice parking lot and i’m hooked. my legs are jelly and covered in road rash. i hope i can do this forever
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In a Scorpios mind, life is simple but the idiots make it hard.
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• positivestreet •
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There should be an app that lets you type in the food you have left in your fridge and pantry and it gives you back different recipes that you can use from what food you have
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Some parents are just so self centered. I feel so bad for my boyfriend, he doesn’t need to be treated like shit. As for the parents, if you know you’re so self serving why the fuck did you decide to have kids? Then demand respect from a grown man that will never respect you cause you never respected him.
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I just want my own land with my own tiny house 🥺💗
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I need a new boyfriend, the one I ordered from the factory isn’t behaving right.😂😂 It’s bad if I rather be alone during quarantine.
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Love me or hate me, both are in my favor…
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“For once I just want someone to be straightforward. To just say what they what they mean and stop hiding behind excuses. For once in my life could someone just look me in the eyes tell me the truth?”
— Done playing games with cowards
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my heart: i think he really loves me
anxiety, depression and all that shit: he doesn't
my heart: but
anxiety, depression and all that shit: he
anxiety, depression and all that shit: D O E S N ' T
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Kurt Cobain
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