Marie expected to find many people at court who were unfamiliar to her, but she tried her best to piece together lineages and portraits and descriptions to make her best guess. She remembered seeing her brother speaking to the blonde, but never picked up on a name. Maybe she could figure it out first, if he had not already. Either way she would enjoy some company herself, and couldn’t help but to smile at the compliment. She practiced music for many years, trying to impress her father.
“No bother at all,” she encouraged the woman to join her, gesturing towards a spot in the room where Marie found the architecture of the ceiling was particularly well suited for projecting vocals. She wondered then if the other woman knew what the Dowager Duchess was singing. “Do you speak French, my lady?” she assumed most in English court were well educated in neighboring languages, but she would always ask out of courtesy before assuming the lyrics made sense. “Perhaps we could sing together in Latin in preparation for the wedding? Or any other song of your choosing.”
Although she wasn’t exactly accustomed to spending time with strangers, not exactly, she had never been unnerved by it. The tall blonde saw the best in everyone, and assumed they’d be able to see the best in her. Her sunny nature had yet to lead her too far astray, with only one exception to that, but that was all in the past, and only her family knew about it. “Thank you.” She joined the woman, always willing to indulge in her favourite thing. Music.
“Yes, I speak a little French, but I find that music doesn’t really need words. Rather, you don’t need to understand the exact meaning of the words to understand the meaning from how they’re sung. If that makes sense.” She thought for a second, head cocked, before deciding. “Yes, I think singing in Latin would be lovely. There’s nothing so lovely as weddings, except perhaps children.” She hoped that one day, she’d be a wife and a mother too, but this time, she knew to let Phillip work all that out for her.
#all my favourite conversations {convo}#title: songbirds#mariedelorraine#marie001#character: marie de guise
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Francois watched as the tall elegant woman curtsied to introduce herself having obviously caught on to his sarcasm. She was observant, friendly and definitely knew how to hold herself in court. Francois bowed in introduction, “Francois of Aumale” he stated in a strong tone. He knew how to hold himself in court as well, especially when he wanted to become acquainted with people of possible power.
“Yes, indeed I am a new arrival, I here there is a wedding” Francois stated in a comedic tone. He knew how to handle court conversation but he also enjoyed the comedic value. He smiled at the woman “What brings you to court again? If it isn’t imposing to ask” Francois looked up at the woman, a look of interest in his eyes.
Laughter bubbled up at his explanation of why he had joined court. The wedding was all anyone talked about. “Is that so? Anyone I know, perhaps?” She joked back, as if there was any question of what he referenced. A marriage, in her opinion, was always a joyous occasion, and she looked forward to the celebrations.
Her family had planned carefully for what she’d say about why she’d left court, rather than let anyone know of the scandal of Georgiana losing her heart to someone unsuitable. Fortunately, she’d lost nothing else. “Oh, it’s quite alright. Mother is well again, so I’ve rejoined my brothers.” Although she could lie, she didn’t like to, so she turned the subject around to something true. “It’s rather lovely, seeing my friends again. Writing letters is not the same at all.”
#all my favourite conversations {convo}#francis001#character: francois de guis#francoisdeguis#title: tbd
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Georgiana beamed to see her friend, planning to sneak up and surprise her. For all that she was taller than every other woman she knew, she was a dancer at heart and could walk with a light step. But before she could reveal herself, she saw Nalini starting to dance.
Mesmerised, she watched, trying to imagine the next steps, but it was unlike any dance she knew.
But she could guess the beat that the dance should be done to, even if the tune would be different, so she started to hum, swaying. “Every time we meet, you are always such a wonderful mystery.”
a strange sort of homesickness had set in, one out of place amongst the festivities. one that called not for portugal, but for punjab. despite all her small, stolen european traits, despite the distance in time and years between nalini and the house of her birth, she still remembered much— so very much. some parts she craved to see again. she remembered being very small, watching a temple dancer in all her finery dance at a festival she had long forgotten the name and time of. if she asked sneha, she would most likely remember.
but for now, that lively temple dancer still danced in her memory. she was graceful, to be sure, but there was no chance that nalini could emulate her grace…
but there was no one around on her way back from the gardens just after sunrise, her arms full of wildflowers, her bounty nearly overwhelming. she slowed, then paused. she tapped her foot against the courtyard’s floor, just as the dancer had, and moved her head, just so, just as in her memory. soft, slow movements of dance brought to life nalini’s memory of that childhood afternoon, and the world around faded away as nalini closed her eyes and moved without a care in the world.
#all my favourite conversations {convo}#character: nalini ribeiro#blushofflowers#nalini002#title: dear friend
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Georgiana was quite pleased to be back at court, even if her heart ached whenever she thought of him. She didn’t want to think about him, she’d done her best to forget him after Phillip made her see sense, but the heart didn’t listen so well. Seeing him in a corridor, she’d quickly turned to walk the other way, not paying any attention to where she was going in her desperation to escape before he saw her.
However, a soft song caught her attention. Music always did. The blonde paid attention to each note and the timing, storing it away. She loved to learn new songs, and that was one she hadn’t heard before. “Oh.” Realising she’d disturbed the woman, she gave a sympathetic smile. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to bother you, it’s just the song was so lovely.” Her smile only brightened. “I certainly don’t mind the company at all, I rather appreciate it, and please don’t forgo the song on my behalf. I love music.”
She’d kept to herself since she’d arrived in Hampton, aside from a few family encounters. The reason Marie was back did not please her, but at least she could enjoy the court and its festivities, if not the looming possibility of a second marriage. Perhaps she could even be free of her uncle’s ambitions once King Henry’s wedding was over and if her cousin instead settled on a royal bride. For now she could only focus on preparing for the near future, familiarizing herself with the empty halls and all their gold glory. The walk along the marble floors and high ceilings inspired a growing tune, at first a hum and then the familiar French lyrics from her childhood. A mellow, lovely song about a soldier.
She stopped singing when she noticed she was no longer alone, acknowledging another who was in one of the common areas. “These halls are still as grand as I remember,” she complimented, adjusting the strings of pearls around her neck. “Forgive me if I interrupted your work. I didn’t think anyone else would be here with all the wedding preparations.” An honest admission, as she was not quite ready to face the main party lingering about English court. “Do you mind my company? I can forgo the song.”
#all my favourite conversations {convo}#mariedelorraine#marie001#character: marie de guise#title: songbirds
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Catherine smiled, her head bobbing in agreement, as she decided to close the subject. It would bring no good to either of them to further discuss the sudden disappearance of the King - it was a tedious affair, speaking and speculating about other people; regardless if the said people were royalty or not.
At her words, the Duchess’ smile widened. “That is splendid to hear. People here are always kind, at least at first.” She subtly warned - the girl, Georgiana, seemed so innocent, and it kick-started Catherine’s motherly instincts. “Would you like to walk with me? We could tour the gardens, or explore the castle? I have not set foot here in little over a year. I would like to see how much of it has changed; if you would be so kind to accompany me.” She offered.
She heard the subtle warning, but it may as well have gone straight over her head. She always believed in treating people as they treated her, and no one had ever treated her with anything other than kindness. Georgiana had been rather spoiled by the people she knew, which had only made her kinder rather than a brat. “Oh, I would love that.” She meant the words. “The gardens are so beautiful, I could spend forever in them.”
She started to walk at a leisurely pace, knowing her long legs could eat up the distance when she wanted them to. “Are you glad to be back? You must have missed your friends here.” Catherine seemed so nice, she was sure the dark haired woman must have had many friends. But now she had one more.
#all my favourite conversations {convo}#catherine001#character: catherine willoughby#catherinedewilloughby#title: tbd
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“It does suit you.” Maria smiled to the golden haired girl. She appeared to be such an optimisticyoung woman; but the princess knows optimism does not survive long in the circles amongnobility. They tend to destroy any shred of good sentiment in everyone, leaving them bitter and alone. She hopes it will not happen to the sweet, blonde girl beside her.
“Or listening to music being played. Sadly, I am only decent in playing the piano, and I doubtanyone would dare to bring one out in the open.” Maria chuckled, her voice soft and gentle. “What type of music are you fond of, my Lady? I simply love the organ. The sound of it is so richand mysterious.” She questioned, tilting her head to the side as she observed the young woman.
Sheltered by her brothers, Georgiana had never had to think about what the world might hold. All she saw was the good, never the bad. Although they tried to make her aware of it now that she was in court, tried to tell her not to trust so easily, the habit was too ingrained in her, and she’d dismissed such things. Everyone had been so friendly, after all.
Music was the one thing that the girl had always been sure of. Every instrument she got her hands on became a part of her repertoire, she could copy a piece just by hearing it, but she did not like to brag. “The piano is, unfortunately, too large to bring outside. But I am fond of all music. Lately, I have enjoyed string instruments. There is something haunting about them, and ever so romantic.”
#all my favourite conversations {convo}#maria001#mariadehasburg#character: maria de hasburg#title: sun and moon
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Court had so many beautiful things to offer, fine linens with embroidery Ophelia could only dream off, breads filled with spices and butter, and music. In the villages as a child people would sing but instruments were expensive, more so that people could afford and so the sounds of court filled Ophelia with wonder and awe. Strings sounded so beautiful, pitches she hadn’t known existed flooded her mind like cotton balls, making it hard for her to think. It sounded even more beautiful echoing down the silent hall.
Dimples threatened to break loose across her face as she followed the sound, her fingers trailing along the stones of the walls, eyes full of wonder as she gripped the frame of the door to peak in.
“Oh, not at all!” Ophelia’s face broke into a wide grin, her teeth taking up most of her face as she beamed. “It sounds lovely. I’m sorry.” Her head shook as if the action released her from her daze. “I interrupted you didn’t I?”
The warmth of the brunette’s smile was matched by the tall blonde’s. Georgiana was always quick to make her mind up about people, and she was certain that the two of them would get along very well. Confident in her skill at music, it still pleased her to hear that it sounded lovely. “Thank you. It was one of my own pieces.” Not only could she learn new pieces with little effort, she enjoyed writing music, creating tunes that fueled her endless imagination.
“Now it is my turn to say not at all.” She laughed, gesturing for her new friend to come into the room properly rather than just stand in the doorway. “I welcome the company. It is so much better than being alone.”
Always sociable, she was happy to set aside her violin so she could talk easier. “I’m Lady Georgiana Mountbatten, by the way. It’s lovely to meet you. Do you play?”
#all my favourite conversations {convo}#mistressophclia#character: ophelia fournier#ophelia001#titled: birds of a feather flock together
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Georgiana was glad to be back at court, even if she had some trepidation. She didn’t want to see him again, her heart couldn’t bear that. But she had made friends when she had been here last, and she was ever so glad to see them again, and perhaps make some new ones.
She was making one of those new friends when someone collided with her. An easy smile on her face, she waved away his apology. Georgiana did know sarcasm - her older brothers made it impossible for her not to know - but she had a tendency to see things at face value. “You must have been very distracted. Usually people see me coming from miles away.” She joked, poking fun at her height. Like all Mountbattens, she stood tall. “But there’s no harm done, so you’re forgiven.” Her newest friend curtsied and took their exit, but Georgiana made no attempt to leave.
Despite the height, she was still graceful, sweeping into a curtsy as he introduced himself. Georgiana Mountbatten, Lady of Warwick, but the pleasure is all mine.” She always liked to make new friends, as warm as the sun with even strangers. Despite being burned once in love, she could not stop herself from being so open. It was how she was built, with hope and energy in everything she did. “Are you one of the new arrivals? I’ve just returned to court myself.”
Francois paraded through the court with his head held high trying to show off he was somebody. He trodded through watching the people chit and chat about the wedding and the gossip of Denmark. He wondered what it must be like to have the weight of all of this on his own shoulders, to have kingdoms watch and plot against his own self. It was all so thrilling but also terrifying. Francois continued to walk greeting other high borns of the court trying to make acquaintances with anyone who would past his young age. Such a disadvantage it was to be such a young man trying to make it in this world of treachery and romance. He almost pitted them all walking around not knowing who was sleeping with whose husband or wife or who would stab who in the back with there own knife if they could just get them alone for one moment.
As Francois was walking dazed in his own thoughts he bumped into a woman who seemed to be chatting away herself. He looked up at the woman still a bit dazed “Oh I am sorry Madame, I was not paying any attention as to where I was going please forgive me” He stated almost in a sarcastic tone but pure enough for a person not to question it. “My name is Duc Francois De Guis, pleased to make your acquaintance” He stated, looking up into the woman's eyes.
#all my favourite conversations {convo}#francoisdeguis#character: francois de guis#francois001#title: tbd
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Music floated down the hallway, coaxed to life by thin fingers. Being back at court was a good thing, it truly was, but she was wary of upsetting her brothers once more. Not that she’d intended to do so, her soft heart had overruled her head. As tall as she was, it was really no wonder her head was often in the clouds.
But not anymore, she prayed.
She couldn’t let Phillip and Elliot down again. Such a thing would be unthinkable. Music was the best way to entertain herself without risking trouble, unsure of what else she could do without risking seeing him again.
Sensing movement at the open door, she turned around with her violin, the instrument a gift from her brothers to console her when she’d had to leave court. Georgiana, with her skill in music, was now proficient in it, even though it’d only been a year. Seeing a young woman, she couldn’t help but smile. There was nothing wrong with making friends, after all. “Oh, dear, I wasn’t too loud, was I?”
#mistressophclia#all my favourite conversations {convo}#character: ophelia fournier#ophelia001#titled: birds of a feather flock together
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Georgiana had a lovely six months at court, only to be courted by someone who was completely unsuitable. The hopeless romantic thought it ever so lovely, telling her brothers of her love.
Fortunately, they have the sense she did not, and they put an end to the relationship, saving her from the inevitable heartbreak and scandal.
Sent home, she recovered from her heartbreak by writing to the friends she made while at court, supposedly caring for her mother. Now that two years have passed, and she is a grand old age of twenty, it’s time for her to return to court.
She’s still quite cheerful and outgoing, but she swears she’s not as naive as she was before. She is.
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“I cannot fathom an event that would inspire you to meanness towards another.” Though Phillip could not relate to such an empathetic constitution (though he considered himself amiable, he prided his capacity for excitement and anger) he welcomed it gladly in his sister; their family by design, required balance. With great affection he squeezed her hand, alighted by her pretty humor and light hearted folly. Such was a relief, in such unruly times as this - “A terrible trio they shall make once little Phillip is able to speak and move freely on his own two legs. He will be bettered by having two sisters - a pity I only have one.”
His head gave a small shake to and fro, as if to dismiss her words through the mere act of physical reaction alone. “You are a mistress over all others when height is the benchmark; but you lack experience, and are much too dotted on by us. If you were a mean-spirited character, our actions would have spoiled you; I am thankful you are the exact opposite.” Georgie would need to adopt more sensible outlooks on life; he could not bear to rob her of her goodness, but worried it would hinder her abilities to be aroused in suspicion, in dark hours. “It pleases me greatly to hear you are treated well - though you name commands respect out of principle, there are those who always seek to undermine those new and unacquainted.” Far too often had he witnessed the stifling of a bright star, to suit the designs of older, and embittered, courtiers. “Far be it for me to deny you your fun, but I do prefer you to be occupied with your talents - in lieu of these schemes of yours, as they were. Though I would allow you to entreat Elliot into one, perhaps if it shall culminate in matrimony.”
“Such a thing is impossible, of course. As long as I get what I want.” The first part of the sentence was true, although delivered in a joking tone. Georgiana was too empathetic to ever dream of upsetting someone, let alone hurting them. She just didn’t have it in her, wanting everyone around her to be as happy as she was. Especially her family. “Yes, I always wished I had a sister. Although, I suppose I do have one now, after a fashion.” Phillip’s wife was just as adored as he was by the young Mountbatten. She hadn’t been sure what to think of Joanna at first, but now, she loved her truly, deciding Phillip had made the best choice ever. If she could see Elliot as happy, if she could be so happy, then everything would be complete.
Once more, blue eyes rolled. “There is only one way to gain experience, isn’t there?” She pointed out, although she thought it very unfair. She was eighteen, more than grown up. Georgiana just hoped he’d see that soon enough. “You worry too much, dear brother. Even before I’ve given my name, everyone has been wonderful towards me. I even made friends with the princess of Austria before we shared our identities. We’re fellow nymphs, you see. Willow tree and rose bush.” She couldn’t imagine anyone being so cruel as to try undermine anyone, such a thing did not exist in her world. What she saw was what she believed. “She’s not the only friend I’ve made, but it’s proof enough that being nice is the only way to do anything in life.” She hadn’t even intended to make friends with the princess, she’d simply been looking to make friends with someone near her in age, and it had turned out to be the princess. “I keep very occupied with my music, don’t worry.” It was her favourite pastime. A sly grin spread across her face, wishing to see Elliot as happy as Phillip. “Perhaps I should entreat Elliot. You are having no luck getting him to see the benefits of marriage, are you?” She knew her brothers were not on the best of terms right now, but she was unaware as to why. To her, marriage was a good thing.
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#phillipofwarwick#character: phillip mountbatten#pip001#all my favourite conversations {convo}#title: tbd
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nalini narrowed her eyes playfully at the young girl, then displayed her cuffless wrists, tossed her unveiled hair over one shoulder. all for display, she thought to herself. her bare feet were still tucked under her skirts, so she unfolded her legs from beneath her, poking her toes out from the hems. she could hear her mother gasping in horror, scolding her for shedding her proper dress. “portugal’s fashions are much lighter, but no one would appreciate my current state, no.”
“it is obvious, yes—” nalini stopped herself before she could say anything else that could be heard as rude. but she smiled all the same. it was small, soft, and she was careful to tuck the hard lump of emotion away, shove it down her throat. “brothers are a blessing. i have— i have two. both older than myself. are you the youngest of your siblings?”
Her eyes were wide with admiration for the woman’s confidence, especially when she admitted that it would not be acceptable even when she was at home. “Are you not afraid that someone will see?” Georgiana didn’t have a mean bone in her body, so she didn’t hold it against her, to buck tradition, but for all that she was open-minded, the blonde was still a product of society, and she’d never dare to break the rules so openly.
“You’re just like me then. I am the youngest, with two older brothers.” She loved her brothers so completely, she could see no flaws in them. No one would ever convince her otherwise. “They are my dearest friends as well as my brothers.”
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#nalini001#character: nalini ribeiro#blushofflowers#all my favourite conversations {convo}#title: tbd
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Catherine hummed in approval, agreeing. “Indeed, indeed. But, alas, I still fail to see the general amusement in spreading vile gossip. People ought to pick up a book more often.” She commented with a semblance of a distasteful scowl on her lips, but then her features shifted into a more ladylike manner. “I do not fear for the King; I am certain he will appear soon.”
“Pleased to meet you as well, lady Warwick.” The baroness replied, smiling to the golden haired girl. “How are you enjoying court so far? Is it your first arrival?” She politely questioned.
“Oh, goodness, no. There’s never any need for anything vile.” While she liked to gossip, she would never say anything cruel, nor had anyone really said such things to her. Georgiana was always unaware of people’s attempts to shelter her from reality. “Exactly. There’s nothing to worry about.” There never was for her.
Laughing, Georgiana nodded. “Everyone can see through me so easily.” It felt like everyone who spoke to her could immediately tell she’d only recently come to court. She couldn’t see why, other than the fact they didn’t know her already, but she was making friends easily enough. “I’ve been enjoying myself thoroughly. Everyone’s so kind.”
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#all my favourite conversations {convo}#catherinedewilloughby#catherine001#character: catherine willoughby#title: tbd
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Maria’s smile widened when the golden haired lady smiled brightly. The two of them were as different as the sun and the moon, but she already felt strong kinship towards the girl. It was nice, and very welcome, to find someone with whom she did not have to be as rigid as a statue - and being English nobility, she knew her family would approve. Not that she truly cared about that.
At her comment, the Austrian princess chuckled. “I do tend to have bright ideas every now and then.” She replied with a wider smile, nodding along as Georgiana spoke. “I am rather fond of roses, so I believe it would be my plant of choice, if I had to guard it with my life, and become it.” Maria smiled a melancholic smile, as she nodded once more. “It would be splendid. Just soaking in the sun, laying on the green grass without a care in the world.” It was a lovely image - but, it was as achievable to her as utopia usually was. In thought.
“Bright ideas are always welcome.” Georgiana was someone who could relax easily, unused to the pressures of the world. Somewhere, deep in her mind, she knew there were obligations that came with her life, but they had never felt like they were at the forefront of her mind. She’d marry one day, a match that would be good for the family, but she was sure her brother would choose her a good man that she could love, so she saw no reason to fret over the future. “I’m glad I picked so well.”
She had spent plenty of time lying in the sun, her pale skin always burning easily, but fortunately, it had not marred her complexion. She was vain enough to be glad of that, but it’d never stop her completely. “There’s nothing as lovely as sitting in the sun. Except for music. But sitting in the sun playing music, now that is the perfect day.”
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#maria001#mariadehasburg#character: maria de hasburg#title: sun and moon#all my favourite conversations {convo}
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Maria offered the young lady a soft smile, a smile which only widened, even if her shyness was at the brink of coming out. “The pleasure is all mine, I assure you.” She retorted - she could never perceive why would anyone be honoured to meet anyone else. They were all just people, regardless of statue; but, she figured it was simply a figure of speech. It would be odd to go around saying ‘I am mildly happy to have met you because I barely know you, but have heard of you so I feel obliged to like you, even for pretenses’ sake?’ - not nearly as eloquent or as polite.
Still, for now she had only positive sentiments towards the younger lady. Maria chuckled softly, but then shrugged. “I fail to see why there could not be a tall wood nymph. Trees are tall, are they not? And what are dryads, but woodland nymphs?” She offered.
Georgiana was not built for softness, despite her delicate features. She was the sun, warm and bright. She’d never been shy, always throwing herself into everything with her whole heart, so while Maria smiled softly, she returned it with one of her bright ones. She would never not be herself, nor would she ask anyone else to be, but she’d already decided she liked Maria.
Especially when she went along with her little joke. “You’re a genius.” She rather liked the idea of being a dryad, always one to like a harmless little fantasy. Anything even remotely creative, from her greatest love of music to even the silliest little fairytales made her happy. “I’m the dryad of a willow tree, and you’re the nymph of a rosebush.” She decided with a laugh. “Wouldn’t it be lovely? Spending our days out in the sunshine?”
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#maria001#mariadehasburg#character: maria de hasburg#all my favourite conversations {convo}#title: sun and moon
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Catherine nodded in agreement - gossip was the only thing that seemed to hold this place together, but she was also more than aware that gossip was far from accurate. She regarded the girl with a polite smile as she nodded once more. “Well, I will continue to pray it is nothing serious, but court gossip hardly is a viable source of information. People do tend to overly exaggerate, especially in boredom.”
And especially when a person of power was the inspiration for such gossips. “Regardless of it, I do hope he makes an appearance soon, to soothe the flocks of flapping tongues.” She chuckled, and introduced. “I am baroness Willoughby.” Catherine offered her a quick, polite, bow of her head.
All the silly stories that had been shared around had been a little amusing for the girl who loved stories, but when there was something so serious behind it all, it wasn’t quite as fun. “That’s half the fun, the exaggerating. Not about this, of course, but in general.” She would never wish anyone ill, so she did want the King to come back. “I’m sure all will be well.”
Georgiana returned the bow of the head with a curtsy. “It’s nice to meet you. I’m Georgiana, Lady of Warwick.” She meant it, it was always nice for the tall blonde to meet new people, without any guile existing in her.
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#character: catherine willoughby#catherine001#catherinedewilloughby#all my favourite conversations {convo}#title: tbd
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“i am nalini ribeiro,” she said without preamble, dipping her head gracefully, one hand placed delicately on her newly-crafted coronet. she distantly wondered what questions would come next, what queries directed at her she would have to field. she hoped her state of undress wouldn’t be a cause of offence, but knew that one way or another, she could talk her way out of anything.
nalini’s head listed to one side, carefully considering the little lady beside her. young, certainly, like winter’s first snow. there were no fangs behind her smile, no sharp edges, no blades. guileless, prompting nalini to ask, “are you new to court—” a pause, as nalini briefly considered which form of address to use, then settled on the simple, “my lady?”
“Pleasure to meet you.” For a moment, curiosity battled with her desire to be polite. Curiosity won out. “Do your people always dress like that?” It wasn’t judgement in her voice, it was awe. There were a lot of things she’d dare to do, but not to walk about in such a state of undress. But she knew, vaguely, that different lands had different practices.
Georgiana ducked her head with a little laugh. “Am I so obvious?” She’d been at court less for only a couple of weeks, still new to everything. Of course, she thought she was rather grown up, despite how protective her brothers could be of her. “I’ve joined my brothers. Finally.”
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#all my favourite conversations {convo}#blushofflowers#nalini001#character: nalini ribeiro#title: tbd
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