ladyfro-blog · 12 years
Misty & Colleen || Another Day, another job.
She cocked her gun with an iron grip, a small ‘damn’ leaving her lips. Misty was not in the mood for any baddies ruining her perfectly good attempt at a job well done. She stares down her arm to the gun that was hoisted in front of her, Misty’s bright red suit pressing against her skin with a furious fluorescent. Her back stayed to the wall, shots firing out from beyond. The woman lets out a low hum, comparable to a growl as she waits her turn. An opportunity arises with a slowed silence, and she jumps from behind the tree to find herself shooting at four rowdy henchmen. One equipped with a heavy flamethrower. The other three, simple handguns. The lady afro didn’t know what the hell they were planning on doing with the flamethrower, but it had better not be pointed at them. Otherwise there would have been a serious problem between her goal.
Misty didn’t like problems.
“Yo, girl! Where yo at?” She called into the communication device attached to her head, shooting at the men with a fierce, solidified look on her face. Leaping into the air, the woman dodged a couple of shots riding towards her at a heightened speed, guided by the wind of the hot summer evening. Within a moment, she found herself ducking to dodge another onslaught of bullets. A scoff left her lips, a squint coming over her face. If they thought that they could take down Misty with a couple of bullets- they proved deadly wrong.
She ran towards the group of aggressors, a grim expression seeping out of her pores. She pulled up another gun out of her pocket and tumbled towards them, nearing full speed. Shots rang out, and before she knew it, a couple of men lay dead on the ground.
“Headshots. I called ‘em,” she mumbled, head tipping to one side. Her gaze pierced them, analyzing them for any sign of information that could come in handy. Nothing of importance seemed to arise on them, or their clothes. But that was just Misty. Leave it to Colleen to figure out the smallest of details that only a sharp pair of eyes could catch.
She huffed, before looking to the building that stood crooked in front of her. Misty’s lips curled back in anything but amusement, her brows raising with questioning. If this was where something thought it unsuspicious to hide a kid, they thought wrong. Misty leaned into her hip, letting the smoke blow out from her guns. The guy who had hired them to hunt down his supposed kid seemed to think it funny to send them on a trip with no further warning than there will be blood.
It was going to be long day.
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ladyfro-blog · 12 years
Some guy with a bell on his head who thought he could take us on.
Doctor…Bong? Uh. Do I want to know? I feel like I do, but I could be wrong.
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ladyfro-blog · 12 years
Best work, huh? It's done me some honors on the field. A lot of badass gadgetry too.
Never got to thank you for it formally. 
Thanks, Stark.
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“Because, I prefer to keep my toys to myself-That was a special commission. Still some of my best work.”
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ladyfro-blog · 12 years
Unless you can't help yourself.
I remember there was this one motherfucker who named himself Doctor Bong. Even introduced himself when he made his entrance.
Couldn't resist.
I try not to crack jokes while on the job, at least, not if I can help it. Usually I don’t have that option though.
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ladyfro-blog · 12 years
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Heroes for Hire: A commentary on the timeless love between badass motherfuckers.
Also, shut up, HYDRA.
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ladyfro-blog · 12 years
You could say that.
Maybe it's your thing. With this kind of business, I don't think jokes are as lively as intended.
One moment you're cracking a joke, next minute- your partner's dead.
[Eyes flicker upwards.] A good friend of mine always told me that people never move on. We just make ourselves believe it.
That ain’t exactly my cup of tea. Exaggeration and sarcasm doesn’t get anyone in a good place.
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ladyfro-blog · 12 years
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Thanks, sugar.
This arm is stunning too, as usual.
Never really did understand how Enterprises could come up with something like this. Remind me why the lot of y'all haven't taken over the world yet?
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“Ms. Knight.” “Looking stunning, as usual.”
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ladyfro-blog · 12 years
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ladyfro-blog · 12 years
[Eyes flicker upwards.] A good friend of mine always told me that people never move on. We just make ourselves believe it.
That ain't exactly my cup of tea. Exaggeration and sarcasm doesn't get anyone in a good place.
I didn’t.
No, I’m not scared. I’m prone to exaggeration. 
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ladyfro-blog · 12 years
One hell of a Sunday celebration.
[Lips twitch into a second-lasting smirk.]
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ladyfro-blog · 12 years
Twice? Damn. Must be a go-getter.
I hear ya', girl. It gets you really worry-some during the ending months. What's it gonna be? Boy or girl?
  You’re damn right it’s a sin, not that that’s kept people from trying, and one person in particular managing to succeed on two separate occasions.
  Let’s just say I was ready to have this baby two months ago and leave it at that. It’d be nice to be able to see my feet again.
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ladyfro-blog · 12 years
Call it what you want.
Heya', Stark.
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“I assume you’re here because of me.” 
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ladyfro-blog · 12 years
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Colleen Wing & Misty Knight
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ladyfro-blog · 12 years
We're around each other. The worst that could happen is a noise complaint. Maybe a suing from one of the neighbors. Or deportation. Maybe even framed for murder.
I'm willing to take chances.
Player's in the back. Put on some tunes and lets get rocking.
To us. [Opens first can and hands it to her.]
Of course, baby girl. [Pulls her into a hug ; then reveals kegs of beer from behind her without letting go.]
House party. [Grins.]
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ladyfro-blog · 12 years
Good on ya', kid.
If you need any help or anything. I'll be around.
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[Cocks eyebrow] Whatever the hell you’re talking about, it’s been forgotten.
Like I said, don’t worry ‘bout it.
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ladyfro-blog · 12 years
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ladyfro-blog · 12 years
Of course, baby girl. [Pulls her into a hug ; then reveals kegs of beer from behind her without letting go.]
House party. [Grins.]
Heya, Colleen. How’s it hanging?
I don’t know about you, girl— but I’m feeling like a house party.
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