The once crowded streets of Glasswater Keep were gradually diminishing as the sun descends below the horizon and dusk started to set in. If this had been any other evening, Améla would have yearned for the congestion the busy city brought day in and day out. On this eve, the young Ashcraft needed to keep her mind clear and undistracted. Something that would not happen if every turn she made, the Nobel would find herself bumping into resident after resident who each would captivate her attention. Améla loved the atmosphere that could only be found in the heart of the city. An atmosphere that was slowly coming back after the rebel attacks months ago. It made her sad to see the city of her youth take such a hard hit. While there was so much Améla wanted to do to help, on this evening, her only focus could be the events of the last 24 hours. Another day drawing to a close, and Améla found herself with more questions than answers. She had hoped Phelix could help her shed some light on all the questions that were created by the vision she had yesterday. He probably could have if she had been more open about what all she saw. Améla could not bring herself open up to anyone but Alek until she knew who she could truly trust.
Lost going over the conversation she just had with Phelix, Améla almost missed a familiar face about to pass her. "Avi? Is it really you? I have to be seeing things or people. There is no way the man of the sea is standing before me in Elysi."
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Samara didn’t have much information on her target. Only a name- Lady Ashcraft of East Reach -not that it mattered much to her. She didn’t even bother asking who the anonymous benefactor whom made the request through their servant was. She only cared about getting paid and the down payment she received, made it clear that they were good for it.
It was easy enough for the Harbinger of Death, or so they called her, to sneak into the Lady’s quarters. She waited patiently for the petite brunette to enter, taking advantage of the few moments the woman would be alone. But, the second the door slide back into its place, the trained assassin used the act of surprise to her advantage. Pushing the other up against the wall and holding a silver blade against her throat. She was just about to finish the job, not typically being the type to hesitate, when she caught a look at the other’s face. “Améla?” Samara asked, beneath the fabric of her mask, slightly taken a back.
The events of the day played over in Améla's head as she made her way towards her quarters. Even with the hours that had passed the young Ashcraft still could not make any sense of what happen to her when the moon covered the sun that afternoon. By this point she all she wanted was a warm bath and to crawl into her bed. To bad the day had other plans for her. Améla always knew that the day would come when she would either face a kidnapper or assassin. Since they still did not have answers as to why or who was involved in her parents' murders, Améla knew at some point those who participated in the attack would come back for her or whatever it was they were looking for. Not one to be left unprepared or taken by surprised, the Lady kept plants, trees, rocks, and even dirt surrounded around her room. Did today of all days have to be the day she was greeted by a knife to her throat? Without thinking her mind called out for one of the rocks to come flying towards her uninvited guest. At the sound of her name, Améla halted the stone inches from the woman's temple. "It seems I'm at a disadvantage here. You know who I am but I have no clue as to your identity. Care to share or I can always let the rock continue on it's course into your head?"
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AU List A-Z
Made a list of all the AU’s I could think of. Used to help me when I have no ideas, decided it could help others and I should post it. It took a few weeks to fill it out this extensively and I have no more interest in adding to it, so please don’t bother suggesting anything (; ̄д ̄)
Accidental Marriage AU
Actor AU
Alien AU
Amnesia AU
Android AU
Angel/Demon AU
Animal AU
Apocalypse AU
Arranged Marriage AU
Artist AU
Art Student AU
Assassin AU
Athlete AU
Author AU
Avian (Bird People) AU
Babysitter AU
Bakery AU
Ballet AU
Band AU
Bartender/Bar AU
Beach AU
Blind AU
Blind Date AU
Bodyguard AU
Book Store AU
Bounty Hunter AU
Brothel AU
Caterer AU
Camp Counselor AU
Camping AU
Carnival AU
Castaway AU
Celebrity AU
Chef AU
Child AU
Choir AU
Circus AU
Clothing Shop AU
Club AU
Coffee Shop AU
College AU
Conductor AU
Choreographer AU
Coworker AU
Criminal AU
Cult AU
Cyborg AU
Dancer AU
Dead/Death AU
Deaf AU
Demigod AU
Demon Hunter AU
Detective AU
Dimension Hoping AU
Doctor AU
Domestic AU
Dragon AU
Drama Class AU
Enemies AU
Fairy AU
Fake Dating/Engagement/Marriage AU
Fashion/Fashion Designer AU
Fire Fighter AU
Forbidden Love AU
Fugitive AU
Gang AU
Gardener/Gardening AU
Ghost AU
Hairstylist AU
Haunted House AU
Hero/Villain AU
High School AU
High School Reunion AU
Historical AU
Horror AU
Hospital AU
Hunger Games AU
Immortal AU
Judge AU
Jury Duty AU
Kidnapper/Kidnapped AU
Lawyer AU
Library AU
Lifeguard AU
Mafia AU
Maid AU
Magician AU
Magic AU
Marriage AU
Mechanic AU
Medieval AU
Mermaid AU
Military AU
Model AU
Modern AU
Monster/Monster Hunter/Monster Tamer AU
Murder Mystery AU
Musical AU
Musician AU
Neighbor AU
Ninja AU
Nurse AU
Office AU
Officer (Police) AU
Parallel Universe AU
Parametric AU
Paranormal Investigator AU
Parent AU
Pen Pal AU
Pet Store AU
Photographer AU
Pirate AU
Podcast AU
Porn Star AU
Prisoner AU
Prank War AU
Prostitute AU
Reality TV Show AU
Reporter AU
Restaurant AU
Resurrection AU
Road Trip AU
Roll Reversal AU
Room Mate AU
Rival AU
Royalty AU
Scientist AU
Serial Killer AU
Servant AU
Sick AU
Social Media AU
Soulmate AU
Space AU
Spy AU
Stalker AU
Stranger AU
Street Racing AU
Stripper AU
Student AU
Survival AU
Tattoo Shop AU
Teacher AU
Theater AU
Thief AU
Time Travel AU
Undead AU
Undercover Cop AU
Vacation AU
Vampire/Vampire Hunter AU
Veterinarian AU
Waiter AU
War AU
Wedding Planner AU
Werewolf AU
Wild West AU
Witch AU
Wizard AU
Yandere AU
Youtuber AU
Zookeeper AU
Zombie AU
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The Glasswater magaesterium still had some parts in tact, and Phelix always found it less taxing to shadow-walk between the magical establishments. They served almost like magical waypoints for him, which helped to conserve his own magical energy.
But the trip was worth, it, when he get the message from Lady Améla Ashcraft. Curiousity, more than anything else, got the better of him. He arranged to meet her in the evening, in the cool shade just outside in a courtyard. If she wanted to go somewhere more private to talk with him, this location would give her that opinion. In the meantime, Phelix stood against a wall on one side of the courtyard, in the shade, sipping on a cup of water one of the Glasswater mages had provided for him. He did not take a seat just yet, waiting for Lady Ashcraft first.
When she arrived, Phelix inclined his head politely. “Hello dear Améla,” he greeted. “It has been a while, hasn’t it.” He didn’t ask if she was well; Phelix had an inkling that she wouldn’t have requested his presence, if she was.
“What concerns you, chih?”
When Améla concluded that the first person she needed to talk to besides Alek about the vision should be Phelix she did not think it would lead to her arrival back in Glasswater so soon after the attack. Over the last month during her travels, she made it a point to stay away from the capital city. If she did not have to see the destruction left by the insurgents than she did not have to be reminded of all that night took from her. Not that going to Red Keep would be any different for her. The memories left from her banishment there still haunted her all these years later.
Even as she walked through the streets of Glasswater, Améla did not know which one was the lesser of the two evils. Upon reaching the Glasswater magaesterium's courtyard the younger Ashcraft put those thoughts to the back of her mind for there was something more important to focus her mind on. Améla spotted Phelix standing against a wall off to the side seconds after she entered the courtyard. Glad to see that he had no difficulty in making it for their meeting, the Lady smiled softly as she made her way over to him.
"Good Evening, Phelix. Thank you for meeting me on such short notice. I know with the eclipse yesterday things are pretty hectic back at Red Keep," she acknowledged the Seneschal. "That it has. Life has been busy and I'm sure you can say the same thing."
Améla should have known that Phelix would not beat around the bush when it came to learning why she wanted to meet with him. Since she did not it took her a moment to gain her thoughts before speaking. "We should sit. You're probably tired from your trip and I have a lot to inquire about." Not waiting to see if he would join her on the bench or not, Améla took a seat.
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The morning light woke her ladyship up the moment the rays touched the skin on her eyelids. Her eyes squeezed shut on instinct while a low moan passed between her lips. Not yet ready to wake the young woman threw her arm over her eyes to block out the light. Under her breath, she cursed the sun for being so bright. For coming up so early. Not that it was that early in the sense that it had to be somewhere around eight in the morning. That did not stop Améla from cursed herself for not shutting the curtains around her bed. If she had not been so mad at Alek, she might not have acted so foolishly in sending away her chambermaid last night. Not that any of that mattered now. Her lack of thought has brought about her early rise on a day she would rather spend in bed.
Even with being awake now, Améla found she did not want to move. The lack of a chambermaid meant no only did her curtains not get closed but the fire was left unattended. The chill in the room cut to the bone in a way the wind did not last night. Snuggling deeper into her covers, the young Ashcraft would have stayed right where she buried herself if it had not been for the rumble coming from her stomach. Damn hunger and its need to hit in the worst moments possible. A quick toss of her wrist, Améla jerked her covers off her body and found herself hit with the sharp coldness that had taken over the room during the night. "Damn it!" She cried just as her maid opened her door. "Oh, thank goodness," she exclaimed and then added, "Fire, first please." Just over an hour later, Améla entered the family dining room ready to eat. Only her feet stopped in their tracks at the sight of Alek. "Good morning, Cousin," she greeted the new Duke of East Reach in the only manner she could think that would let him know she was still not happy with him.
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The sun set low in the sky as dusk slowly set into East Reach. Although, summer still had three more weeks left to it autumn appeared to be making an early appearance. In the last few weeks since Améla left Each Reach the weather had added a brisk chill to the air in the evenings. With the wind picking up, the young Ashcraft pulled her cloak tighter around her body hoping to keep out the chill as she approached the stables. Here she would leave her trusted mare to be looked after to while she found warmth inside the manor. By the feel of it, fall gave the impression would be upon them soon enough. In East Reach that meant many different things but the most important would be harvest time. Améla always loved harvest season. She can remember as a child playing in the fields as the crops were picked. Mostly though, she loved watching as the leaves tumbled from the trees. Not so much watch them drop as play in them. How she wished to be that little kid again. Life seemed to be a lot simpler back then.
Améla's return to East Reach came at a low point for her. Other than the little information she gained from her allies, Lady Ashcraft's whole trip became a big waste of time. Not that she would have picked to stay in East Reach with Alek being gone. She would not even be returning now if it had not been for the eclipse. The idea of losing her magic for 24 hours or more did not sit well with Améla. Even worse would have been to lose those abilities while stranded in a location with people she did not trust. With no other option, Améla found herself entering East Reach hoping she returned before Alek did. She probably should have checked the stables over before making her way inside. "Alek!" The name left her mouth at the sight of her cousin standing in the doorway of the sitting room. She thought about backtracking; however, the time for that had passed. "You're home! I was just out taking a walk. I wish I had been informed of your arrival." If luck were on her side, Alek had arrived only moments before her. Not that luck had been her friend over the last couple of weeks.
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“You’ll rest because I need you to be safe. We’ll get to everyone else when we can.” Though partially, he admired the quality she had. It was a lot like his own want to make sure that the people he loved were safe. Though he didn’t want to encourage her because he could barely stand to lose another person and yet it seemed like that was all they truly knew - loss. “Yes, but this one time I need you to focus on you and let me focus on the rest. Can you do that? Dad’s already…” he shook his head. “I just need you to stay safe. I know that coming from me who heads into danger sounds hypocritical. But I can’t survive another loss,” he hoped that she understood why he wanted her to stay put. To rest up rather than risk her health as she was doing before he came into the room.
"How is me resting going to keep me safe? Do you think that's going to work with me? We don't get to everyone else when we can. If there are people that we need to save, we go save them." For a moment, Améla wondered if Alek forgot who she was. Then she realized what he had been trying to do with the words he said. Not that it would work on her. She was too stubborn, they both were. Must come from the Ashcraft side. "I'm fine, Alek. I just need a moment to get my bearings and then I'll be great. Back to my old self," she told him, even if she did not believe the words herself. Hearing that her uncle had made it out all right put a soft smile on the girl's lips. Another family member she did not have to worry about. Though, she still wanted to see for herself that he made it out unscathed. "Loss? Alek, who did we lose? Why is no one telling me anything? You all want me to stay in that bed but no one will tell me what's going. I can't just lay around, doing nothing, Alek," she sobbed, before trying to walk past him. The younger Ashcraft only made two steps before her feet gave up from under once more. "Damn it!"
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“Please, forgive me for keeping you waiting.” Henri answered with a playful smile, bowing his head. “Yes, it’s something you and I have become unfortunately accustomed to.” It was a shame that in their young lives death had become such a constant. “Shh, it’s our secret, he answered jokingly, taking a seat while she looked over the sweets. “I spoke to him about all his new responsibilities. Now, honestly, how do you think he is actually fairing?” He questioned, wanting to make sure that Alek hadn’t been keeping anything from him. “How is he handling it all?” He was hesitant to leave if he thought the Ashcrafts were in complete disarray.
Améla figured she had two options; let Henri off for his indiscretion or continue to tease him. Maybe not two options because there was no way Améla would let him off that easily. In a time such as this Améla needed a little fun in her life. Who best to give her that fun than Prince Henri. "I'll have to think about it for a bit. I mean this kind of hurt does not just go away with a simple forgive me," she responded as she placed her hand over her heart. The youngest Ashcraft hated how right Henri's words were. The loss seemed to be a big part of both their lives. The fact that they had become accustomed to makes Améla both sad and angry. No one should go through so much pain in their lifetime. "Maybe we should make a pact? No matter what happens we don't die," she suggested. Améla knew she should not be laughing so hard in the middle of what could be called the grieving period. She just could not help herself at that moment though. "For now. Just know I will be holding this over you," she teased. "Responsibilities! I'm disliking that word right now. Usually, I can tell how he's doing but this time I'm not sure. He's hiding it well. Unlike me," she answered. "How about we go for a walk? I would rather not be overheard. You know how palaces have ears in every corner."
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“Yes, in an instant it’s straight to work making negotiations, making all the important decisions. Even while at my father’s funeral. It almost should be a disgrace to attend a funeral only for sake of negotiations, but that’s life now.” He shook his head, looking down at himself, realizing just how disheveled his appearance was. He started to adjust his the button he’d missed, hoping that people would pass it off as him being distraught about his father, except that he wasn’t distraught. He didn’t know what he was anymore. When she asked him how he was, his automatic answer was, “I’m great.” Then he frowned, shaking his head. “My apologies, you know I’m not. It’s just my automatic response sometimes. Even before he died I was the strong one. The one that had to keep it together, be the man of the house,” he stopped himself because it going to start sounding bitter if he kept going. “I’m sorry I’m out of sorts. I was just with Ainsley, and she was taking it hard.” Poor choice of words on his part, but it worked. He looked at Amela seriously, “I know you say you’re fine, but you know you don’t have to be. We’ve lost a lot. If you need to be distraught or sad or miss dad, I’m here for you. We’re Ashcrafts and we have strength in abundance, but you don’t have to in this moment,” he assured. He’d always be there for her.
Améla wished she could find a way to make this all easier for her cousin. Not that ever losing a parent could ever be made easy. No, what she wished she could help deal with all the added responsibilities Alek now held upon his shoulders. "It's a shame people cannot attend a funeral without making it political. I don't know about it being almost a disgrace. The fact that most of the attendees here today are not here to pay their respect to us is beyond disgraceful. They came to inquire about you. All these people want to see what kind of Duke you're going to be. Not sure how they expect to find that out on the first day." Améla found the words leaving her mouth before she gave them much thought. If this had been any other day or moment she might have found herself in trouble for speaking so openly; however, grief has a way of making people say things that they don't necessarily mean. In this case, Améla meant every word, not that would admit to it. "I'm sorry, I spoke out of turn. That should not have happened," she apologized as her head slowly shook her head. Not wanting to give any more attention to her transgress, Améla took it upon herself to step forward to help Alek with his button. "There, much better," she told him
Alek's answer to her question caused a smile to spread across the young Ashcraft's face. They were so much alike at times, others found it hard to believe they were only cousins. "No need to apologize. I've been giving the same answer ever since I woke up this morning. I'm sure she is," she said, hoping that she was able to hide the bitterness in her voice. Ainsley; her step-aunt was not a topic Améla wanted to discuss at this time. Thankfully, Alek changes the subject. Too bad the new subject ended up being another one she would rather avoid. "Alek, I thank you for your words. I just... I think I'm still processing it all. It's not every day you get to be an orphan twice in your life. And that was insensitive of me. You have to understand that by this point its became normal for me. A bit morbid, I know, she confessed, wiping a tear from her cheek that has escaped from her eye. I will always miss Uncle Alistair. He became my father when my own could not be anymore but you and I both know that the man he was, left us many years ago. He's in a better place. He's been reunited with Aunt Emily. Something he has longed to be ever since she left us." The whole time she spoke more tears found their way down her cheeks. Améla had not meant to be so open about her feelings; however, once the words start to come there was no stopping them.
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Améla looked like an easy enough mark when they first met. Young naive human,way too friendly, royalty or royal–adjacent. These things were hard enough to tell when those types were wearing all their finery; in the off hours or military uniforms it was near to impossible to tell. She didn’t have the same kind of zeal for fighting or gambling, or the edginess of those he typically befriended. So, he let Améla get friendly while he waited for the prime moment to see what he could get from her.
It had not occurred to him that she might have been doing the same thing. That her sudden appearance in his life and overt friendliness might have been because he’d blabbed one too many times about the great windfall of money and weapons he’d be getting soon from some rebel offshoots. Fat lot of good that deal actually did him, half frozen and almost murdered with nothing but an abandoned pile of iron dust to show for it. Not that he shared the true story of it.
“So, little miss.” He stepped back to eye her properly, smiling as he did. “How have you been keeping?”
Améla's first encounter with Oggy still left her laughing all these years later. The sight of him in the tree; that had been pure genius. While that had been the best part of meeting Oggy, Améla found herself in possession of some valuable information. Poor Oggy still did not know he owed his lack of weapons and money to Améla. With the intel she gained from the elf, Améla gathered her troops and stopped the rebels before they were able to hand the items over to Oggy. The Lady almost felt bad for what she had done to Oggy, almost being the keyword. Although, she would have loved to have seen Oggy's face when he received his pile of iron dust.
It gave her great joy to have been able to teach Oggy an invaluable lesson. Never underestimate anyone, no matter how they might look. Améla knew Oggy would never fall for that trick again. Left with no alternative, she found herself befriend the elf and use coin to gain any information she might need from him. And if he lied, there were worst things then being bound within a tree.
"Hello, Oggy!" she greeted the other with a smile and a wiggle of her fingers. "I've been better. You see, I nearly died when a building almost fell on me. My uncle did die. Along with hundreds of other people. You wouldn't know anything about this, would you?"
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lilyjcollins Backlit by the Bay. Takes a special eye to capture a moment like this — wrapped up in golden light after the ultimate getaway…
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Henri had checked in with Alek, and now turned his attention to the other Ashcraft. He had seen Améla handle grief alongside his best friend time and time again. He knew what that was like, having lost both of his parents himself.
When she appeared, he offered her a small kind smile. “Lady Améla,” He said in greeting, bowing his head. “I wish we were seeing each other again under better circumstances.” It was all too often that death brought people together. “How are you handling all of this?” He imagined she had been forced to put on a brave face for the sake of appearances. “I brought you something.” He had a small bundle of her favorite sweets, hoping to cheer her up amidst all the sadness. “Don’t tell Alek. I didn’t bring him anything.” He quipped.
The youngest Ashcraft held no doubt that Prince Henri had conferred with her cousin Alek upon his arrival to East Reach. Améla would have taken offense to this if it had not been for the fact that any other action would have been seen as rude now that Alek held the Dukedom of East Reach. It still felt strange that Alek was now a Duke. Even stranger that due to Alek not having any siblings or children yet, Améla found herself to be Alek's heir. A position she did not want. She found it bad enough that once she married, she would be a Duchess. Life was not playing fair for Améla at this moment. The loss of her uncle sent her life into a whirlwind of new responsibilities that she did not want. At the same time, though, she could not help feeling for her cousin. Alek lost his father, and before he could even fully grieve for his loss, he had to step up, take over all his father's duties, which is why Améla would forever stand by Alek no matter what.
Even though Améla knew Henri's conference with Alek needed to happen first, that did not stop her from having some fun with the prince. "Prince Henri," she greeted the young man that now stood before her as she curtsy to him. "It took you long enough to come to greet me. As usual, Alek took too much of your time," she teased as she tried not to smile. "That is a wish we all have, and yet it never seems to happen. Maybe next time it will be under happier circumstances," she responded and then added, "As best as I can. Sad to say I'm used to this. Death has always been a part of my life." An unfortunate fact that Améla had come to accept years ago. That did not mean she would not do everything in her power to keep those she loved safe. "You brought me something? I suppose that makes up for making me wait to see you," she teased him some more. "Now that takes all the fun away. How am I supposes to brag about me being your favorite?"
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“Yes, most of us are safe…” Jo murmured, watching Améla carefully. She wouldn’t tell her about her brothers, not yet, not when she had just woken up and was clearly out of sorts. She would focus on the positive, try to give her dearest friend something to hold onto. Améla had always been treated like one of the family, it would break her heart to know of Beric’s fate and Alaric’s predicament. It would be much the same for her if Alek had not made it out of the attack. Another thing she wouldn’t tell anyone about, the promise she and Alek had made. It would stay hidden and forgotten in the glow of the masquerade before it went to shit. Besides, it was eclipsed by whomever the woman he loved was and her confusion over Kirian anyway. Jo looked back to the woman she considered her sister and nodded.
“It’s alright.” She whispered, her brows knitting together, there was nothing Améla or anyone else could have done. Even if they’d predicted something, no one would have predicted an attack of that magnitude. The rebels were well informed and well organized and they’d had the perfect opportunity. And if it hadn’t been for her, Améla wouldn’t have been hurt either. Jo frowned, all of the people who tried to take care of her and they were all getting hurt too. What good was being a princess if she had no real power against the rebels? “You couldn’t have known, none of us could… you can’t blame yourself for anything that happened either.” It wasn’t a lie but it was hypocritical to say. Josefin would only blame herself, for not calling off the ball when her paranoia ran so deep, for not instilling more guards like Rosaline had suggested. “I’ve spoken with a few people that were in the ballroom but far enough away from the attack… they were using mental magic too… I don’t think you could’ve stopped it if you’d been right beside the rebels.”
Relief started to spread throughout Améla's body upon hearing that most of her friends and family. That relief stopped the moment Améla realized Josefin said most, not all. "Most? Jo, who's not safe?" She asked, fearful of who's name Jo would speak. Améla tried not to blame herself for what happened. However, that was hard to do when she knew that if she had not been hurt she could have been able to help people, to stop at least some of the damage done by the explosion. Instead, she allowed herself to become confused, then injured by falling debris, and lastly, trapped in a closet for hours. The Lady knew she should not focus on what could not be changed but be glad for those that did make it out.
Améla tried to let Josefin's words smooth over her worries, but it was no use. She could not help blaming herself just as she knew Jo would not stop blaming herself for what happened. Lady Ashcraft knew her friend all too well. She knew that no matter what people told her or what the truth might be, Jo would still holds guilt for what happened. "I might not have been able to stop the attack, but I could have saved more lives. Rather than stuck in a closet unable to do anything," she remarked, still not willing to let go of her guilt. She also could not get rid of her need to see for herself that everyone was safe. If only her head would stop pounding. "If I cannot blame myself, then neither can you. What happens is the fault of the rebels. If we want to make this right, we need to find out who did this. We need to stop the rebels, Jo," she told her friend, her sister. "Other than your guilt, how are you? You're not hurt, are you?"
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suggestive starters meme ( nsfw )
why don’t you make me?
i like you better on your knees.
i can think of a few ways to shut you up.
i wonder if you’re as loud in bed as your are everywhere else.
try and stop me.
is that a complaint i hear?
i hope you’re not too fond of that shirt.
why are you siting over there? there’s a perfectly good lap right here.
i thought you liked it when i was bossy.
are you saying this doesn’t turn you on?
i can tell you’re hot and bothered from all the way over here.
i hope you don’t plan on walking much tomorrow.
you’re not the boss of me.
you’re hot when you’re angry.
don’t make me come over there.
i’m this close to taking you over my knee.
you’re being an awfully bad boy/girl.
you know you want it.
you sure talk a big game… but can you live up to it?
i’m not sure you could handle me.
is that a challenge?
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