lady-kaya-duskraven · 4 years
A/N: literally shit. Literally. Also, have a nice day ❤️
Warnings: ✨CURSING✨ & ✨CURSING✨ & some more ✨CURSING✨
Another A/N cause I’m dumb & forgetful: thank you guys so much for 114 followers, I’m blessed 🥺😭
Another, other A/N cause reasons: Please enjoy💗AND THERE MIGHT BE MISTAKES OOPS
ALSO, taglist! Lemme know if you want to be added/removed:
@mrsdr-ethan-ramsey @ethanplaysfavorites @writinghereandthere @openheart12 @ethandaddyramsey @senseofduties @nazario-sayeed @the-writerly-night-owl @ethanramseyyy @akacalliope @ernestsinclairs @drethanramslay @ethanramseyposts @rookie-ramsey @ethannazariostan @thanialis @oofchoices @usuallyamazinglyaverage @choicesyouplayandmore @newcolonies @ethanramsey4life @choicesobsessedd @soft-for-drake @samihatuli @trappedinfandoms @yuruwuuu @nooruleman
YET ANOTHER A/N IM SORRY OKAY: yeah for some reason some of the tagged blogs didn’t wanna tag :/ sorry <3
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Her hands played with cookie dough. She sneakily ate some as she chucked in some chocolate chips. Sienna’s eyes wandered to the clock on the kitchen wall. 04:02. She hummed silently as she continued to make her famous chocolate chip cookies, which Leila was obsessed with. Sienna cheerfully made her cookies as she hummed to a song that was unconsciously stuck in her head. As she shaped the dough into small forms, such as hearts, triangles, and circles, she heard a soft knock at the door. Sienna’s head anxiously spun towards the door, debating whether she should wake up one of her roomies. No, she couldn’t do that. She wouldn’t want to interrupt their peaceful now, now would she? She slowly let her feet carry her towards the door, heart pounding. As she got closer and closer, she quickly grabbed the keys of the door. She heard the soft knock again, as she was just about to unlock the door. “Coming,” she said in a voice that she hoped the person could hear. When Sienna unlocked the door, she took a deep breath, trying to ease her nerves as she as slowly as possible open to the door so that she could peek out. “Doctor Ramsey?” Sienna asked, slightly confused as a smile crept up her face. “Doctor Trihn,” Ethan greeted with a small nod. Sienna’s eyes traveled down to what was in his left hand. All she could see was a fancy looking shopping bad, which was decorated with pink and white stripes. “I- uh,” Ethan said awkwardly as he cleared his throat, “I was wondering if you could give this to Doctor Salvator?” A mischievous smile slowly found Sienna’s features as her eyes suddenly sparkled. Sienna knew exactly what was going on between the two and couldn’t help but tease Leila about it. “Yeah, yep. Totally. No problemo,” Sienna said as Ethan handed her the big shopping bag. Oh, how she was going to tease Leila about this. She was going to have to time of her life. “Also tell her that I did try to call her, but she didn’t answer,” Ethan said before slightly nodding his head as he silently thanked the generous doctor in front of him. “Yeah, anytime, Doctor Ramsey,” Sienna said as she started to close the door. Sienna didn’t bother to lock it again since all her attention was now on the bag in her hands. As she inspected it, her jaw dropped at the brand franchise. Victoria’s Secret. What the fuck? Sienna couldn’t stop giggling as she made her way to Leila’s room. She slowly opened her bedroom door, trying to be as silent as possible. She sneaked in and placed the fancy bag on Leila’s drawers, before she sneaked out again.
Beep beep beep. Leila groaned as she smashed the alarm next to her. “Five more minutes,” she said to herself as she continued her daze of sleep. She lazily remembered that she had work that day and that she actually had to get the fuck up. She slowly sat up, her white hair was a mess. It looked like a bird nest, with branches and creatures. She groaned as she scratched an itch on her skull. She looked down at her legs, remembering what she was wearing. Leila had ditched her pajamas once she stole one of Ethan’s shirts. She’s sure he’d known, but she didn’t really care, since it was in her possession now. Leila closed her eyes again, letting her feet slowly get off of the bed and touch the ground. She quickly stood up and got to her feet, knowing that if she didn’t, she’d probably sleep until December and lose her job. When she got up, she did a lazy cat stretch and yawned. Leila groaned, again, once she realized that she actually had to go to work. She loved her job, but heavens, she was probably the laziest person working at Edenbrook. She started stomping her feet towards her cupboard, looking for something to wear. “That’ll do,” she said, shrugging as she grabbed the shortish, red dress. She smirked as she knew that the dress drove Ethan insane. She threw the dress onto the bed as she unconsciously walked to her drawers for underwear. Leila stopped in her tracks once she saw the bag on top of her drawers. “What the fuck?” She whispered underneath her breath as she realized what brand it was. Leila slowly walked towards the package, suspecting and observing it carefully. Her hands found it as she picked it up, letting the weight settle in. “Who in the name of fuck can afford Victoria’s Secret?” Leila slowly opened the pink bag, finding it stuffed with fancy, sparkly tissue paper. On top of the tissue paper, laid a neat, pink card that read: Love Pink. Leila suspiciously picked up the card, looked at the front and back of it, before opening it.
Rookie Leila.
Just as I promised.
Leila smiled as she read the words, it making her giggle. Why would he buy my Victoria’s Secret? Then it clicked. About two days ago, Leila and Ethan has a steamy sex session on Ethan’s kitchen table. He had ripped of her nice bra, as she called it, and he didn’t care, saying that he’d buy Leila a new one. A better one. A sexier one. And oh, Leila didn’t actually expect him to buy it, neverless Victoria’s Secret. Leila’s hand gently placed the card next to the bag. She dived her hand into the bag and got rid of the tissue paper. She yanked the tissue paper out and it gracefully landed on the floor. Leila’s jaw dropped. “No. Fucking. Way.” Her hands slightly trembled, as she took out one of seven of the expensive bras. It was red, bold and sexy. She smiled as let her fingers roam the lace of the bra. An idea popped inside her head. It would only be fair if she payed him back, right? But in a different way. She didn’t even bother to look at the others, wanting to keep it a surprise for each day. Leila chucked her red dress back into her closet as she got a sexy button up shirt and a tight skirt. To make it even better, Leila decided to wear a sexy red colored heels. Leila quickly did her hair, brushed her teeth, before then hopped into the kitchen. Ethan Ramsey, be prepared for some insane office sex. Leila smirked as she entered the kitchen. “Good morning, Doctor Snow!” Sienna chirped, giving her friend a tight hug. Leila mumbled a good morning in Sienna’s ear before she let go. “Your hair is looking extra white today,” Aurora voice came from the kitchen table. Leila slightly giggled at the statement. “Why thank you, Doctor Emery.” As everyone got familiar with the white haired doctor in the room, Sienna decided to start her game. “So... what’d you think about the package?” Sienna asked, with an ever so innocent smile on her face. “What package?” Elijah asked from behind Sienna. Leila opened her mouth to respond, but before she could even speak, Sienna chipped in. “Oh, it’s nothing. Just a gift from someone special,” Sienna shot a wink in Elijah’s direction, before turning her attention back at Leila. “Oh, someone’s playing hard to get,” Jackie said as she threw her head back with a laugh. Next to her, Aurora was caught with a cocky smirk on her features. “What? Jackie, literally no one is playing hard to get. Oh would you look at the time, I better go before Ramsey fuc- chews me up again. Yep. Yeah. Okay, lovely day, try not to kill or get killed. Mkay, bye,” Leila grambled as she grabbed her gadgets and practically ran out of her apartment. When she got outside, she let out a low growl as she heard her roomies laughing inside. “Assholes,” She mumbled underneath her breath. The sound of heels clicking against the floor could be heard as she was walking towards the elevator.
Meanwhile, in Doctor Ethan Ramsey’s large office, a sertian blue eyed Doctor was enjoying the silence as he sipped in his coffee, simply waiting for the day to begin. He peered down at his watch. 05:47. Quite early. His shift doesn’t actually start until seven. He let out a sigh as his hand reached out to the medical journal on his very, too organized desk. He slowly started reading it and got lost in it’s pages. Until a couple of minutes later, he heard the foggy glass door open and the sound of heels entering the room. At first, he thought it was June, since she’d always wear them. But when he heard the familiar voice of a white-haired Doctor, his eyes snapped up. “Oh, hello, Doctor Ramsey,” Leila said. Ethan’s eyes couldn’t help but travel over her body. And when his eyes finally met hers, her green eyes shot him a flirty wink. Ethan’s expression was normal, unreadable. But his eyes, oh, his eyes. Leila could read him so very well. She plopped her bag down onto on of the leather chairs in the middle of the room. “Leila,” Ethan’s voice came out as a harsh warning. And Leila couldn’t help but giggle. “Oh, what seems to be the problem, Doctor Ramsey?”
“Do not test me, Rookie,” Ethan Warner and Leila couldn’t help but giggle. “How could I possibly not? Especially after that gift you got me,” Leila said, her eyes shining impossibly bright. “What gift?” Baz chimmed as he innocently walked into the room. Why does he always walk in at the worst times? Leila shot a smirk at her boss before she turned to Baz. “Oh nothing, simply a gift from a secret admirer,” Leila said, her eyes gleaming with mischief. As Baz and Leila continued to talk, Ethan couldn’t help but stare at Leila’s perfect figure. Oh, the things he would do to her. He was going to fuck her with her new lingerie on. 
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lady-kaya-duskraven · 4 years
WE NEED YOU (Ethan Ramsey x F!MC)
Warnings: Language, [you people ought to know that by now, like seriously] and fluff [cause why not?]
Age: I don’t even know why this option is here like seriously.
Note: Yeah this isn’t part of my other mini series (the open heart pregnancy one), but it’s more like what happens in the future. (Sorry if that doesn’t make sense)
Another note. Here’s that little series thingie: PART ONE. PART TWO.
Another other note: Sorry for mistakes. Oops. Sorry.
Paring: Doctor Ethan Ramsey x Doctor Leila Ramsey (they married y’all)
Other: Yeah, this is kinda short btw. Oops. Sorry.
Taglist (Lemme know if you wanna be added/taken off):
@mrsdr-ethan-ramsey​ @ethanplaysfavorites​ @scalpeljockeybrycelahela​ @writinghereandthere​ @openheart12​ @ethandaddyramsey​ @senseofduties​ @nazario-sayeed​ @the-writerly-night-owl​ @ethanramseyyy​ @akacalliope​ @ernestsinclairs​ @starfurytyril​ @drethanramslay​ @ethanramseyposts​ @lilyofchoices​ @rookie-ramsey​ @longneckramsey​ @strawberrwess​ @ethannazariostan​ @thanialis​ @oofchoices​ @eeethaaan​ @usuallyamazinglyaverage​ @choicesyouplayandmore​ @tyrilthemage​ @newcolonies​ @ethanramsey4life​ @choicesobsessedd​ @soft-for-drake​ @samihatuli​ @trappedinfandoms​ @yuruwuuu​ @nooruleman
E N J O Y !
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“What is your problem?” He snapped at her, clearly losing his shit. “What-,” she interrupted herself, “what’s my problem?” As you can see, Doctor Ramsey and the other Doctor Ramsey, are clearly having an argument. Or as Doctor Ramsey, number one calls it, a disagreement. Ethan furiously stomped his way to their house’s front door, not wanting to deal with Leila. Just as he was walking towards it, he ignored the violent cries of his wife. “If you walk out of that door, don’t bother coming back,” Leila said, upset, angry, and sad. This phrase caught his attention. Ethan stopped midway, considering all of his options. When he continued walking towards the door (being as stubborn as ever), Leila flipped her white hair back, as tears continued to make their way down her cheeks, to her chin. As he walked towards the door, Leila immediately realized that this whole thing was her fault and she decided to make it right. “Wait,” her soft voice spoke again, and this time Ethan turned to face her. When his eyes met hers, his heart broke into a million pieces. And when her eyes met his, she could see the storm building up in them. “I can’t do this without you,” Leila admitted softly, “it’s my fault, this whole argument slash disagreement. I was wrong. It’s my fault.” At this point, Leila’s eyes were puffy and red from crying. And when she continued, she could see Ethan’s stone-cold expression soften to every word that she said. “But I need you. And the girls need you, Ethan. Your daughters. Your beautiful little girls, they need you. They need their father, Ethan. They need you,” Leila was a mess. A complete and utter mess. Ethan’s heart broke even more at this point. He immediately remembered what he wanted to do and felt like an idiot. A dumbfuck. An asshole. Was he going to leave his wife? Was he actually going to leave his own daughters? His own flesh and blood? Leila knew he wouldn’t, but Ethan was unconvinced. His greatest fear almost took place. He, Ethan Jonah Ramsey, being like his mother. He shivered at the thought. Almost like a cold blizzard running down his spine. And he felt even worse.
He rushed to his wife’s side, grabbing her by the waist and pressing her tightly against his chest. As she vulnerably broke down, she felt like a massive ton of bricks had been lifted off her shoulders. She silently prayed, begged for him not to leave her and their daughters. “Please. Please don’t leave us, please. I’ll do anything,” she kept crying and begging under her breath, making sure that Ethan heard it. He just hugged her. And rubbed her back. And kissed the top of her head, which was covered with white hair. And it was all she needed. “I won’t. I’ll never. Never in a million years, I swear,” he whispered in her ear. Leila’s arms tightened around his middle, almost to secure him from running away. The couple stood like that for God knows how long. But they were comfortable, finding comfort in each other. Loving and praising each other silently. Leila buried her head into her husband’s sweater, feeling the sticky sensation of dried tears on her cheeks. She sniffed as she had finally stopped crying. She looked up at her husband before she pulled him into a gentle kiss, a silent ‘I love you.’ Just as she sighed comfortably, a quiet voice startled the couple. “Mommy?” Both Leila and Ethan’s heads snapped up at one of their daughter’s voice. They saw that their oldest, Aubrey, was staring at them with confusion in her eyes, as well as fear. “Darling,” Leila said, pushing away her needs for her daughter’s while walking towards her. As soon as Leila got to the four-year-old, Ethan behind them, Aubrey jumped into her mother’s arms, without doubt, or hesitation. Aubrey snuggled her head into Leila’s shoulder and neck, as Ethan came from behind Leila, and kissed Aubrey’s head. Ethan then saw that the little four-year-old girl’s head popped up and her arms were reaching towards him. Leila quickly noticed this and decided to do something about it. “You wanna go to Daddy?” She had asked and Aubrey nodded her head furiously. Ethan chuckled as Leila handed them their daughter. Aubrey was sitting on Ethan’s hip, her head resting on top of Ethan’s shoulder, as he gently rubbed her back. “Where’s Jaime?” Leila asked her daughter gently, slightly touching her forearm.
“Sleep,” Aubrey mumbled into Ethan’s shoulder, unable to keep her blue eyes open. It was an exception to say that Aubrey looked like Ethan and Leila. She shared her mother's snow-white hair and her father’s piercing blue eyes. Whereas Jaime had Leila’s brown eyes and Ethan’s brown hair. Whenever they’d let their daughters stand next to each other, they didn’t even look related. “Well, in that case, we ought to get you to bed,” Leila said as she encouraged Ethan to take his daughter to her bedroom. As the three of them silently made their way towards Aubrey’s room, Leila had decided that while Ethan was putting Aubrey to bed, she’d check up on her other daughter. When they finally got to Aubrey’s room, Leila gave her a kiss on her forehead, before Ethan vanished into Aubrey’s room. Leila silently made her way to Jaime’s room, hoping that her brunette baby was asleep. Jaime was only two, so it could still be difficult to get her to bed. Leila slowly creaked the door open, only to find Jaime snuggled up into her covers, and her favorite teddy bear clenched in her right hand. Leila tiptoed towards Jaime’s bed, quickly gave her a kiss and out she was. When she got out of Jaime’s room, Ethan was already waiting for Leila in the hallway. “She asleep?” He whispered. “Oh, she’s as out like a candle,” Leila giggled. She was about to walk to their bedroom when Ethan’s hand grabbed her and pulled her into another hug. “I love you. And I’d never, ever leave you or the girls,” he whispered reassuringly to her. “I know. I love you too. So much,” Leila replied, finally feeling peace and comfort for the first time that day.
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lady-kaya-duskraven · 4 years
PEACHY (Dr. Ethan Ramsey x MC)
Warnings: Angst????? Language, definitely. Honestly, I don't know. Just be prepared for anything and everything.
Age: Once again, no idea. (Probably 12+)
Note: Pixelberry owns Ethan Ramsey’s ass. Not for long
Another note: YES, there will be mistakes and I am SORRY for being a disappointment. So don't come at me.
Another, other Note: PART ONE IS HERE, CLICK ON THIS.
Another, other, different note: Please take note that this is going to be long. So get your popcorn ready
Another, other, different, extra note: If you don’t like pregnancy, or mentions of pregnancy or someone being pregnant, or just pregnancy (did I mention pregnancy?) then don’t read.
Paring: Dr. Ethan Ramsey x Dr. Leila Salvator
Tag list: @justanotherrookie @mrsdr-ethan-ramsey @ethanplaysfavorites @scalpeljockeybrycelahela @writinghereandthere @openheart12 @ethandaddyramsey @senseofduties @nazario-sayeed @the-writerly-night-owl @ethanramseyyy @akacalliope @ernestsinclairs @starfurytyril @drethanramslay @ethanramseyposts @loveellamae @swiftdaydreams @lilyofchoices @rookie-ramsey @strawberrwess @ethannazariostan @cxld-play @newcolonies @choicesobsessedd @longneckramsey @thanialis @oofchoices​ @eeethaaan​ @usuallyamazinglyaverage​ @choicesyouplayandmore​ @tyrilthemage​ @soft-for-drake @isabeladraws @ethanramsey4life
Lemme know if you want to be taken off the tag list, or if you want to be on the tag list. Don’t be shy. pUt SoMe mOrE.
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Four weeks. It had officially been four weeks since Ethan and Leila’s last intimate session. Four weeks since Leila and Ethan fucked for five hours. Four weeks since that whole thing happened. Leila lazily swept her feet off of the floor as she walked into Edenbrook Hospital. Once she entered, the familiar smell of “hospital” flooded her senses and she just felt more tired. This was quite odd, considering that she actually got eight hours of sleep last night, and slept the whole of yesterday, her day off. And yet, she felt as if she could sleep a whole week. “Well someone enjoyed their day off,” Leila heard Bryce’s cocky voice, swooping in next to her. She gave him an icy glare and continued to say, “Not today Bryce, not today,” as she walked off without him. Just as she walked past the nurse’s station, she caught Esme’s eye and waved her over. “Doctor Salvator,” Esme greeted and Leila slightly smiled and nodded her head in return; she was too tired to speak. “You’ve got everything under control?” Leila asked, trying to hide a yawn and failed miserably. Esme simply nodded, acknowledging the older doctor’s tiredness. That was all confirmation that Leila needed. 
Leila gave a small nod and walked away towards the diagnostic team’s office. Leila quickly (and lazily) dragged out her phone from her left pocket to check the time. 08:36. Shit, six minutes late. Well, Sienna better bring roses to my funeral. In all honesty, Leila couldn't care less if she was late or not. But Ethan is definitely going to either completely chew her out, or simply going to fire her. As hard as Leila worked to get where she was, if Ethan did fire her, she’d just seduce him. As Leila slowly got closer and closer to Ethan’s new office, she could help but think about what would happen. Her anxiety slowly started to rise. She found it weird, considering she never got anxious. Once she got a couple of feet from the door, she stopped and stared at it as she prepared for the worst. She let out a slightly depressed sigh and slowly continued towards the door. She wasn't in the mood for work today, at all.
And on top of that, she now had to deal with Doctor Ramsey. “Wonderful,” she mumbled under her breath. When she got in front of the door, she quickly pulled out her phone and checked the time, again. 08:39. Oh, you have got to be fucking kidding. Today was not Leila Salvator’s day. As she hastily got herself together, she slowly pushed the foggy glassed doors open. To her unluckiness, as soon as she entered, a deep, impatient voice interrupted her thoughts. “You’re late.” Leila’s head immediately snapped up to her boss’s voice. She saw him impatiently leaning against the wall as June was simply focused on her Apple Macbook in front of her, typing furiously. Leila had to fight the urge to roll her eyes, as she replied with a calm and tired voice, “Hmm? Oh, sorry. traffic.” Ethan shot daggers at her as she tiredly forced herself to one of the chairs and plopping down onto it. Then a realization hit her. “Where’s Baz?” Leila asked. “Clearly late as well, but he actually gave notice,” Ethan replied, venom dripped at every word he spat out. “Oops,” Leila said, not giving a fuck. Ethan didn't bother to reply, but instead, fixed her with a death stare. Once June finished typing, she closed her laptop with a satisfied smile.
“Good morning, Leila,” June said and Leila slowly opened her eyes to give her a sarcastic smile, which, unfortunately, only lead to a small, exhausted smile. June noticed this and slightly frowned. She and Leila weren't on the best of terms. And June knew that look way to well. As Leila continued to sleep in her chair, with Ethan observing her, June decided to find out what wrong, if she had to manipulate her or not. “Are you okay?” June asked, turning her attention to the youngest doctor in the room. Why do you care? Leila didn't bother to open her eyes as she decided to stay quiet for a couple of seconds, then when she finally decided to answer she replied with, “Peachy...” By then, Leila’s strange exhaustion wasn't the only thing that haunted her, but a nasty headache joined the party. Lovely. June’s gaze quickly flew to Ethan as she saw his eyebrows crossed in confusion, knowing very well that Leila was not alright. The silence continued for exactly one minute, thirty-seven seconds. June then decided to ask another question. Quite off-topic, but it’s how June recognized it.
Just as Leila massaged her temples and Ethan drank his fancy-rich-people-coffee, June decided to ask her, “Are you pregnant?” Once she asked the question she got an immediate response. Leila sat straight, not seeming as tired as she was before. Ethan on the other hand almost choked on his coffee, both because of embarrassment and shock. “What? No!” Leila yelped out. Ethan awkwardly cleared his throat, deciding not to say anything; it would have only made the whole situation more suspicious. When Leila answered, she couldn't help but look at Ethan for a couple of seconds before her gaze returned to June. After Leila relaxed a bit, June continued to press her for a more specific answer. She wasn't going to stop until she found out what she wanted to know. “Are you sure? Because for your information, I know exactly what you and Doctor Ramsey, over there,” she pointed at Ethan before continuing, “have been doing after-hours and-”
“That’s enough, June,” Ethan said with a stern voice, eyes shooting daggers at June. But she just smiled, she knew exactly what was going on between them. June knew everything. She always knew exactly what was happening and what was the cause of it. She was always up in everyone’s business, but not in her boss’s. So how could she have possibly known? Leila had no idea how the hell she knew. Is it that obvious? Leila thought. “Well-” Before June could continue stating facts, Leila exclaimed, “I am not pregnant!” Just as she shouted the phrase, Baz walked into the office. “Who’s pregnant?” He asked and smiled as he casually strolled to one of the fancy-looking leather chairs. June opened her mouth with a slight smirk to respond, but Leila immediately interrupted her, which caught her off guard, “No one! No one’s pregnant. Relax. Calm down,” Leila said, half convincing herself and half convincing Ethan. “Once this whole commotion is done, I’d very much like to do my job, unlike others,” Ethan spat out and looked straightly at Leila, eyes focused and serious. Leila didn't know if she’d to reply, so she just awkwardly nodded her head.
As Ethan started to talk about their patient, Leila couldn't help but to not focus. At the beginning of their session, her focus was dazy. In the middle of their session, her mind started to imagine the possibility of her maybe being pregnant. What would she do? How would it be? If she perhaps was pregnant, would Ethan even want the child? It could only be Ethan’s baby, considering she hasn't slept with someone who isn't him, in two years. Would Ethan force Leila to get an abortion? Where would the baby live? If she is pregnant, who would get full custody? Probably Ethan, cause he’s got money. Lots of money. Would Leila move in with him? Would it be awkward? Would he eventually admit that he’s in love with her and they’ll get married? Questions ran through Leila’s head as she was now staring at Ethan’s empty coffee mug on the table. She hadn't realized that he’d been calling her name, “...Leila?” She heard his voice but still couldn’t bother to care nor focus. “Doctor Snowball?” Baz questioned her. The hospital often called her ‘Doctor Snowball’ or ‘Doctor Snow’ because of her snow-white hair. “Hmm?” Leila’s attention was grabbed when Ethan gently touched her elbow. “Are you alright?” He asked.
Once Leila’s forest-green eyes met Ethan’s, she could see him trying to hide his concern. And he could already tell that something was going on in that head of hers. Before Leila answered, she looked at June, who was slightly smirking as if to tell her: I told you so. She was too tired to confront or debate with her, so she moved her gaze and quickly found Baz’s. He was leaning over the table, eyes wide in confusion, curiosity, and concern. After that, her eyes met Ethan’s again. As she stared into his bright blue eyes, a lazy smile found her lips, tugging at the corners of her mouth. “As I said before, Doctor Ramsey, I’m peachy.” Ethan’s eyes lost all contact of sorrow, guilt, regret, and concern as he got annoyed with Doctor Salvator. He knew very well what “peachy” meant in her vocabulary and it wasn't good at all. “Well then, get to work. You all know what to do,” Ethan ordered as June and Baz got up. Leila had paid no attention to Ethan’s words, therefore she had no idea what she had to do. She didn’t even know the patient’s name. Before June left, she walked over to Leila’s side, in order to tell her something. Once Ethan got to his desk and sat down, Leila decided to finally get up. When she stood up she immediately felt dizzy and almost fell. Luckily June was there to catch her. Leila gripped June’s arm for support, as she was already halfway on the floor. “Whoa, Leila!” Ethan’s eyes shot up at the shout and saw what was going on. He stood up and walked towards the two female doctors.
“Here sit down,” June said as she lightly pushed Leila down onto one of the seats. As Ethan approached them, he could see how pale Leila was. “Water,” Leila said with a scratchy voice. “On it,” June said as she hastily walked out of the room to get Leila water and something else. As soon as June was gone, Ethan’s full attention was on Leila. “Leila, what is wrong? And don't you dare say peachy,” He said with a stern serious tone, but Leila just dryly chuckled. “I’m fine,” She lied, but Ethan could see straight through her. “Bullshit.” He said, now slightly getting impatient. A couple of seconds passed and he sat on the stool next to her. “You don't think...” She asked as she didn't say the last few words, for he already knew what they were. “No,” He tried to state, but simply came out as if he was trying to convince himself that Leila was not pregnant. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. He refused to believe that. Truth be told, once Leila excited Ethan’s apartment four weeks ago, she completely forgot about the morning after pill.
When June finally arrived with the water, something else also caught Leila’s eyes. When June gave Leila the water, she showed a tiny square box in Leila’s right hand. Leila knew how damn manipulative June was and could be, but Leila could be even more manipulative then she’ll ever admit. Leila was still kind of pissed of what June did a couple of weeks ago (though she didn't really care), but right now she was too exhausted to focus on any of that. “I suggest you take that test as soon as possible,” June whispered in her ear, then casually strolled out of the room as if nothing happened. Leila quickly looked down at the square box in her hands. What is she up to now? Is she seriously trying to get on my good side by buying me a pregnancy test? Leila was not going to let June manipulate her again. Ever again. “...Leila?” Ethan’s voice eventually found Leila’s attention. “Hmm?” She hummed and looked up at him. “Did you hear anything I just said? Were you paying attention at all?” Ethan said, not in a harsh way, nor impatient way. But simply in his regular tone of voice, which gave Leila a bit of comfort. “No. No, Doctor Ramsey, I did not listen. Nor did I focus earlier and now I have no idea what to do. And would you like to know why?” Leila asked and before Ethan could answer, she continued with her rambling.
“Because, Doctor Ramsey, I have considered that I actually might be pregnant. And to top it off, not with anyone else’s baby. But your baby, Ethan Ramsey’s baby, my boss’s baby,” Leila said, in the bitchiest voice ever, though she was fighting back the tears as they threatened to pour down like a waterfall. She refused to cry in front of her boss and ex-lover. Ethan’s expression was stone cold and unreadable. That made Leila even more anxious. “Stop looking at me like that!” She exclaimed and Ethan quickly looked back to see if the door was closed, as he took her hands in his. He softly stroked her hands with his thumbs as he finally decided to talk to her. “Leila,” He said with a serious voice, but softness behind it. “Look at me,” He said as soon as she averted her gaze to the floor. When she didn't look up, he removed one of his hands from hers and placed his fingers under her chin, lifted her head and forced her to look at him. He tucked one of her white curls behind her ear, and when her green eyes finally met his blue eyes, his heart slightly scattered. He could see the storm in her eyes, swirling with questions and possibilities. He also noticed the tears forming waterbeds above her eyelashes. “Did you ever take a morning-after pill?” Her eyes widened at the question itself. She did, in fact, not take the pill. According to Leila’s reaction to his question, he already knew the answer.
 “Jesus Christ,” he mumbled under his breath as he got up from the chair across Leila and started pacing around the big office. Leila had decided not to say anything; it could only make things worse. “How, How could you be so irresponsible?” Leila bit back a nasty response as she was not fiddling with the pregnancy test in her lap. “I should've forced that pill down your throat,” Ethan said as he sat down on his chair at his desk, which was scattered in papers. “I knew you were going to forget,” He mumbled once again and Leila lost it. “Jesus, Ethan. No need to remind me of all my imperfections and flaws, goddamn it,” She swore. Leila took a big gulp of her water, then finally got up. “Rookie...” Ethan slightly whispered, which caught her attention. Those days, when Ethan called Leila ‘Rookie,’ it was either because she did something wrong, completely screwed something up or simply disappointed him. She stared at him, waiting for him to continue. “This can change our lives.” He stated. Does he seriously not think I know that? “Trust me, Ethan. I know,” She said as she walked toward the door. “Do you know what to do?” He asked, the question referring to her job. “Well, no. But for now, I’m going to take this test and I honestly hope I fail it,” She said, holding the pregnancy test in the air before tucking it inside of the white coat’s massive pocket. She walked out of the door, leaving Ethan to his thoughts.
She walked out of that door looking fearless. Confident. Brave. But on the inside, she was dying. Stressing. Maybe even growing a baby. Ethan’s child. She couldn't get her mind wrapped around that fact. Doctor Leila Salvator, a nobody, could maybe be having Doctor Ethan Ramsey, a hot know doctor all around the world’s, child. She was on her way to the bathroom when she spotted Sienna, talking to Mitch. It made her blood boil. She was furious with Mitch. Yeah, he was always an asshole. But in Leila’s eyes, he was a stupid, dumb, relentless asshole, who couldn't do anything right. As Leila was stomping by, Sienna caught her eye and gave her a slight some. Leila returned it as quickly as hers came. Leila's plan was set in her mind. Go to the bathroom. Take the test. Immediately tell Sienna everything. If positive, go to Ethan and do a blood test ASAP.  If negative, go ask Ethan what to go, and go on with their lives. Easy peasy. How difficult can it be? As soon as Leila finished going over her plan at least ten times, she finally found the woman’s bathroom. She bravely stepped in and went into one of the singular bathrooms. She tore opened the box and took the test out. Before using it, Leila eyed it carefully. “Snowy?” A soft voice called from her bathroom door. “Sienna? What’re you doing here?” Leila asked, trying to sound as casual as possible.
“Well, I say you come in here, and I also saw that your cheeks were slightly reddened, which means that you cried and I just wanted to check up on you,” Sienna said, in factual order. What a sweet girl, now she’d be a great mother, Leila thought as she looked down at the test in her hands, deciding what to tell her friends. “Uh, no no, I’m great. Sienna could you please just wait there for five minutes?” Leila asked with a shaky voice. “Well of course! I’m on my break now anyway so...” Sienna said as she started to get comfortable right outside of Leila’s bathroom door. “K, thanks,” was all Sienna got in to respond. Just pee on the stick. Just pee in the stick. Leila slowly pulled her jeans down, removing her underwear with it. She tucked the pregnancy under her body and did her business. Once she finished ‘peeing on the stick,’ she quickly grabbed the box to see how long she had to wait for the results. Three minutes. “You okay in there?” Sienna’s voice flooded through the bathroom. “Peachy, I’ll be right out!” Leila replied, slightly yelling so that Sienna could hear her. She watched the time carefully, the minutes passed by so very, very slowly. When her phone confirmed that three minutes had passed, she felt nervous. Those were the longest three minutes of her entire life. As Leila slowly walked towards the test, which was on the toilet seat, she started sweating. She had never felt her heartbeat as fast as it did.
“Oh fuck,” Leila said as she finally saw the results of the pregnancy test. “Oh fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck, Fuck. Fuck,” She whispered to herself, picking the test up to confirm the results. Two fucking lines. Two fucking lines. Leila started to tear up. What the fuck was she going to do? She started getting nervous and anxious as tears threatened to fall. “Snowy?” Sienna asked, knocking lightly on the door. As soon as Sienna stepped back, the door flew open, revealing a very emotion Leila. Sienna’s face immediately fell when she saw Leila. Without knowing what was going on, she swung her arms around Leila’s neck and pulled her into a tight hug. “Sienna, I’m fucked,” Leila said as she broke down. They stood like that for seven minutes, until Sienna decided to find out why her friend was having a mental breakdown. When Sienna pulled away, she opened her mouth to ask Leila why she was crying. Leila interrupted her without even speaking. Leila pushed the pregnancy test into Sienna’s hand and suddenly felt sick. Really, really sick. Once Sienna saw what it was, and once she saw the result of it, her jaw dropped. And when Leila saw her reaction, she felt the need to throw up. Leila ran back into the bathroom, quickly opened the toilet seat, chucked her white hair out of her face, and threw up. A lot. Sienna dropped the test and immediately ran to Leila’s side, holding her hair out of the way and rubbing slow circles on her back.
When she finished, she slumped against the wall of the bathroom as Sienna quickly fetched her some water. When Sienna returned with it, Leila took the cup and chugged everything down her throat. Then afterwards, gracefully thanked Sienna for her services. “Okay, what the fuck do I do now?” Leila asked Sienna with big eyes. “The only thing you can do,” Sienna stated and advised in a soft voice, comforting her friend. “Tell Ethan,” Leila said, already knowing what Sienna was referring to. Sienna already knew about their ‘complicated’ relationship, because she was the one Leila trusted the most. Leila took a deep breath before standing up, flushing the toilet and washing her hands. Sienna followed, comforting her all the way to the sink. Suddenly an idea pooped into Leila’s head. “What if I tell Naveen?” Leila asked as she waited for Sienna’s opinion. “Doctor Banjeri?” Sienna asked in thought and Leila just nodded her head. They heard a beeping noise as one of their pagers went off. Both of their heads snapped up as they realized it came from Leila. She grabbed her pager and looked at it as she said, “Please don't be Ramsey, please don't be Ramsey.” She looked at it and let out a miserable sigh. “It’s Ramsey, isn't it?” Sienna asked her and she just nodded, “Unfortunately, yes. He wants me in his office.” 
Leila let out another miserable sigh as she wiped her tried out tears with her sleeve. “Okay then let’s go,” Sienna said as she picked up the pregnancy test and put it in Leila’s coats left pocked. “Sienna, you’re the sweetest friend I can ask for, but you really, really don't have to do this if you don't want to,” Leila said. In all honesty, Leila felt bad for stealing Sienna’s only half an hour break. “Nonsense!” Sienna claimed, “Auntie Sienna is going to help Leila and baby Leila or Baby Doctor Ramsey all the way, and there’s nothing you can do to stop me!” Leila let out a small chuckle as she mumbled an ‘okay’ response. Once Sienna got Leila all freshened up, they proceeded to walk out of that bathroom together, looking like Gods. “I can totally picture us in slow motion right now,” Sienna whispered so that only Leila could hear, and for the first time that day, Leila let out a true laugh. As the two women finally reached the door of the diagnostic, Sienna gave Leila a big hug and wished her good luck. Once Leila practically forced Sienna to go eat, Leila mumbled under her breath, “Well, it’s now or never.” Before Leila walked in, she stuck her hand into her pocket and made sure that the pregnancy test was still there. Once her hand felt the test, and it confirmed that the test was there, Leila decided to walk into the room confident and fearless. So she put on her bravest face and prepared for the worst thing that could possibly go wrong.
Her sweaty palm pushed the door open, as the other one gripped the pregnancy test tightly in her pocket. The usual cold atmosphere hit her skin as she finally walked into the room. When she got inside she was slightly surprised to see Naveen there. Her hand shot out of her left pocket, letting go of the pregnancy test immediately when she saw him standing there, talking to Ethan. “Doctor Banjeri! What a surprise. Am I in trouble?” Leila immediately asked as she looked over at Ethan with big eyes, heart pounding. Naveen chuckled as he answered, “Oh no, Doctor Salvator. I was just on my way out.” The two men greeted each other when Naveen exited. Once he was out of the room and closed the door, Ethan went to sit on his chair and Leila sat on one of the chairs at the separate table. Ethan bored holes through her soul as he continued to stare at her, waiting for her to tell him the results. “Ethan, I-” Before Leila could continue he interrupted her, as he already knew what the answer was. “No.” He said as he looked down at his desk. “What do you mean no?” Leila said, as her bitchy voice returned from its retirement. “No. You are not pregnant.” He said, trying to convince himself. Typical. “I haven't even shown you the results yet,” Leila said, her hand automatically reaching for the test in her pocket. He looked back up at her, staring at her with an icy look, but behind it, she could see the fear in his eyes. “No,” he said again as he refused to believe she was pregnant. 
Leila lost it. She furiously got up from her chair as walked over to him, eyes never leaving his. When she got to his desk, she threw the pregnancy test on top of it. Ethan’s eyes stayed on hers for a while, then he decided to look at the object on his table. He let out a slight gasp when he saw it. His hands trembled as he slowly picked it up. “No,” was all he whispered under his breath. “Yes, Ethan. Unfortunately yes,” Leila said as she wiped new tears from her eyes. Ethan looked at her with an unreadable expression, not knowing what to say. Silence. Nothing but silence. Silence for twenty seconds straight. That was until Leila finally decided to speak. “I’m not having an abortion...” She said as she started to tear up again. “Please don't make me,” she said softly as that immediately caught his off guard. He stood up and walked towards her without a word. When he got to her, he grabbed her by her waist, pulling her into a tight hug as she broke down in tears. “I would never,” He said against her neck, face buried in her white hair. “I’m not a monster. I won't leave you alone. I don't want our baby to go through what I went through,” He reassured her as she let out a sob. “I know,” She said softly against his coat, “I don’t know what I’m gonna do, Ethan.”  He softly stroked her back; he knew she found that comforting. He replied, “It’s okay... We’ll get through this, together.”
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lady-kaya-duskraven · 4 years
Warnings: Mention of sex, flashbacks of sex, sexual memories, basically sex in all the ways possible.
Age: That depends... how old are you? Jokes. Well, if I’d have to rate it... about a 16+ (but only because of the sex)
Note: All these characters belong to Pixelberry, except Leila Salvator.
Paring: Dr Ethan Ramsey x Dr Leila Salvator
Other: yeah I think that’s all...? Idk anymore. Please enjoy!
Random tags cause I need a life (Also they my favorites):
@justanotherrookie @mrsdr-ethan-ramsey @ethanplaysfavorites @scalpeljockeybrycelahela @writinghereandthere @openheart12 @ethandaddyramsey @senseofduties @nazario-sayeed @the-writerly-night-owl @ethanramseyyy @akacalliope @ernestsinclairs @starfurytyril @drethanramslay @ethanramseyposts @loveellamae @swiftdaydreams @lilyofchoices @rookie-ramsey @longneckramsey @strawberrwess @ethannazariostan @thanialis @oofchoices @eeethaaan @usuallyamazinglyaverage @choicesyouplayandmore @tyrilthemage @newcolonies @isabeladraws @ethanramsey4life
Also, lemme know if you wanna be on the tag list or if you want to be taken off, please and thank you!
Sorry for mistakes!
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[lol I forgot something:
The sun was slowly started to rise as half of Boston started to get up, to get to their occupations. But in the wealthier part of Boston, two specific doctors were still in bed, curled up into each other and enjoyed each other’s warmth. Well, that was the case approximately thirty-two seconds ago. Ethan Ramsey’s alarm went off, reminding him of his day forward. He let out a sigh before acknowledging the weigh on top of him. His eyes traveled lower, to the woman on top, and asleep, of him. For a moment, Ethan considered staying five more minutes. But of course, he wouldn’t. He has a busy schedule, so does Leila. He was surprised that Leila didn’t wake up at the sound of the alarm going off, considering she’s a very, very light sleeper. She would normally jolt up to any clear sound but considering that Ethan fucked her until three this morning (only two hours ago), she was awfully tired. Ethan’s mind suddenly reminded him of the angry sex they had for hours and hours, non-stop.
Starting at ten, and finishing at three. Started on the kitchen table, then the bedroom, then the bath, then the bedroom again, and then the shower. Actually, it started with the heated argument they had. And what was the cause of the argument? Harper Emery. Leila had never, in her life, hated someone so much. And the fact that Harper was actually a really nice person, made it worse. Earlier that day, Leila saw the two doctors, casual talking of work and the hospital’s financial situation.
Harper was the main reason the two doctors couldn’t be together, well, in Leila’s eyes, she was. It was like whenever the two got a chance to be Leila and Ethan (not Dr. Salvator and Dr. Ramsey), she would somehow ruin it. Leila is well aware of the fling that she and Ethan had, and honestly? It just made it worse for her. She saw the one time that Harper went to him, talked to him, then kissed him on the cheek, but that was in her intern year. So much has changed since then. And Leila couldn't help herself. So she decided to go confront him, after her shift, at his apartment. When she got there, no ‘hello’ or ‘ how are you?’ she just walked in after he opened his door and asked him about his and Harper’s relationship. 
It didn’t go so well. She ended up not believing him when he claimed that there was nothing going on between them. Until one of them made a move. Although they’re not sure who kissed who first. And boom! Angry sex for five hours straight. As cocky as Leila is, she knows that Ethan is extremely dominant and controlling when he’s angry. So she’d be lying if she said that those five hours weren’t the best five hours of her life. Actually, sex with Ethan was always amazing, great, even spectacular. But last night was a whole new level.
 He had been rough with her. He doesn’t know it, but he showed her stuff she didn’t even know she could do. So by the time they were done, Leila was extremely sensitive, overwhelmed, exhausted and overstimulated. But oh, she loved it. She loved it when he was rough with her. It felt as if he was marking his territory. He was so rough, that she now has bruises all over her body. Especially her hips. His fingerprints were marked in her skin, surrounded by red and purple. As amazing as their night was, Leila did not realize that she was going to be sore as fuck.
 When Ethan finally decided to get up, he had to gently untangle Leila from his body. After he did that, he slowly rolled Leila off of him. The moment Leila hit the mattress, on her stomach, she let out a yelp of pain, still asleep. Ethan’s head snapped up as soon as he realized what it was. Leila was on her stomach, still sleeping, while her eyebrows were knitted together as if she was pain. Ethan’s doctor senses kicked in immediately. He slowly sat up, on his kind sized bed, and yanked the sheets of off Leila’s body. His eyes widened to the sight of her. She was only in her panties, so the rest of her body was exposed. Ethan slowly raised a hand to the bruises on her lower part, her hips and her lower ribs. They were purple and it looked like they hurt like hell.
Ethan was shocked. A million questions flew through his mind. Did he really do this to her? How could he? Although they told each other that they would only have a professional relationship after Ethan ended it multiple times, not one of them could honestly stay away. Month one on the diagnostic team was difficult for them both, considering they had to end everything they had. Month two on the diagnostic team, Leila started having dreams, where Ethan would through out fuck her and she’d wake up wet and wanting. Month three on the diagnostic team, Ethan started having dreams about her, then the next day, he wouldn't even be able to look her in the eyes. And now, month four... They both popped, couldn't keep it in anymore. So this is where we are now.
Ethan Jonah Ramsey does not work with emotions. He barely shows his emotions. He didn’t want anything more than a professional relationship with Leila, because he knew that in one way or another, he was going to hurt her or he was going to affect her career. He never ever wanted Leila to get hurt. He cared very deeply about her, though of course, he wouldn't tell her that. They had been through a lot. And now that she’s in her second year, on his diagnostic team, things were even more complicated. And now look what he’s done. He didn’t hurt her in an emotional way, but even worse. A physical way. With his own hands.
He sat on the bed staring at her with no expression on his face. But if Leila were to look in those beautiful, piercing blue eyes, she would immediately know that he was busy asking himself a bunch of questions. Ethan decided to finally get up and go shower. Sure he was your typical stone-cold bitch, but this time, it was different. Leila and Ethan’s relationship was... complicated. Very, very complicated. Once he got into the shower, he felt the hot water bounce of his shoulders and run down the rest of his body.
Meanwhile, Leila started to become aware of the bed she was in. She could hear the shower water running, and it slightly woke her up. But the thing that actually woke her up, was the ringing of her phone. She groaned, it was like she could hear her phone vibrating through her brain. She was planning on rolling over, but the moment she moved her body, she felt pain. She closed her eyes and groaned in frustration. Before she knew it, her arm shot out to the nightstand beside her and she grabbed her phone. She brought the device close to her face then lazily opened her eyes, only to see Sienna calling her. 
Her finger grazed the button, “Hmm?” She asked, voice thick with sleep. “Leila! Where are you? You never came home last night. We were worried sick,” poor Sienna sounded like she just lost her own damn child. “Sienna, relax. I’m fine. Can we talk about this later? Okay, thanks, love you, bye,” Leila said, only giving Sienna time to reply with, “No! Wait I-” And then Laila hanged up. She knew Sienna would understand, that that’s just how Leila is, hopefully. Leila forced herself to sit up straight, her legs dangling off of the side of Ethan’s massive bed. She slowly rolled back her shoulders, wincing in pain. Her head lazily turned to the bathroom door, where Ethan was in his massive shower, obviously showering.
Leila debated with herself whether she wanted more sex or not, as the memories came flooding back into her brain of what they had done just two hours ago. Should she go join him or should she leave? And if she joined him, would that lead to more sex or an awkward silence? No, she didn't know. She tried to stand up, but just as she did, she felt pain shoot through her body like a rocket. “Ow!” Leila yelped as she sat back down onto the bed. Her headshot to the bathroom door, hoping Ethan didn't hear that. She slowly started to get up again, now fully aware of her body’s bruises and where they hurt most. Once she was up, clutching the bed tightly so that she wouldn't fall, she scanned the room for her clothes. Once she couldn't see her clothes in her boss's room, she remembered that they were in the kitchen, where they had started.
 Leila spotted one of Ethan’s shirts in a puddle next to her left foot. She slowly bent down to get it, careful not to hurt herself. Once she got it, she threw it over herself. Leila hugged herself, enchanted by the soft material and the smell of Ethan against her body. She grabbed her phone when she heard the water stopped running. “Oh, fuck me,” she whispered in annoyance as she slowly started to feel her legs again. Leila quickly started wobbling out of Ethan’s luxuriously massive room and straight into his even more luxuriously massive kitchen. As soon as she closed the door that connected the room and the kitchen, Jenner spotted her. He jumped off of the couch and ran to Leila’s bare legs, sniffing up and down her long legs. “Jenner!” Leila whispered and took his face in her hands.
Leila spotted their clothes scattered around the kitchen. She slowly let go of Jenner and moved around the kitchen counter then picked up her scattered clothing pieces. She eventually picked up her bra and looked at the cups. “Jenner, why do I even wear bras if I don't even have boobs?” She asked the dog. Just as Leila scrambled all of her cheap clothes together, she heard heavy footsteps approaching her and the door flew open. “...Rookie,” Ethan said in a flat tone of voice, coming from behind her. He sounded as if he was annoyed. This made Leila angry, annoyed and confused. Two can play at that game, she thought. “I’m not a rookie anymore, Ethan. You ought to know that,” She shot back. Ethan completely ignored her bitchiness all together, which annoyed the living shit out of Leila.
“How are you feeling?” Ethan asked, but the tone of his voice made it sound like he didn't really care and Leila noticed it immediately. When she finally decided to turn around and face him so that she could answer while looking in his eyes, her breath got caught in her throat. He was wearing his usual doctor outfit, but damn. Ethan Jonah Ramsey looked good in anything, everything and nothing. “Do you actually care or are you just trying to make small talk?” The venom in Leila’s voice slightly caught him guard but he refused to let it show. Leila was still absolutely pissed about the situation. She remembered him telling her off last night by simply saying: Don't talk to me like that. The memory made her blood boil. She could talk to him however she pleased. Lucky for Leila, Ethan just happened to have a soft spot for her, so yes, she had the luxury of talking to him however she wanted and she could get away with it. Just like the time she lost her shit, again, and called him a goddamn diva, spoiled child and entitled jackass in one day, in front of June and Baz and she got away with it.
“When do I ever make small talk?” He asked, eyes shooting daggers, “Now I ask again, are you alright?” Leila’s gaze slightly softened when she realized that he actually cared. But it didn't change the fact that she was still completely pissed. “Except for the fact that I can't walk because of you, I’m sure I’ll survive,” Leila replied, slowly letting down her guard, knowing deep down that she’ll always give in to him. Jenner was currently sitting on the floor, looking back and forth at them. Ethan didn't say anything else after that, simply walking past her and into the kitchen, getting a glass cup and filling it with water. After that, he went to the medicine cupboard and getting a pill. Leila’s eyes were fixed on his form, taking in everything he was doing. Once he had a pill and water, he put it on the kitchen table in front of her. “Drink,” was all he said. Leila eyed him suspiciously, not knowing what pill it is. “No,” Leila said, crossing her arms over her chest and just getting more comfortable in his clothes. Before he could say anything, Leila interrupted his thoughts by asking why. 
“Well, I don't suppose you’re on birth control, so drink,” He said as he was making himself a coffee. “So you’re giving me a morning after pill,” She thought out loud. Leila was in fact, not on birth control, though she had no idea how Ethan knew. Ethan did not reply as he simply sipped on his coffee, eyeing her every move, unsure what she was going to do next. God, she was a complicated woman, truly a mystery to him. Her small figure stayed in a stubborn position, not moving as she looked at the pill then back up to him, “And if I refuse to take it?” Leila smirked at him when he raised an eyebrow, almost choking on his coffee. “That depends. Do you want to be pregnant? And have a child with a goddamn diva?” He asked, sarcasm dripping from his voice, his eyes cold and serious. Leila let out a half hearted laugh. “Maybe I do,” Leila whispered under her breath, hoping he hadn't heard, but at the same time, hoping that he did hear her. Just to spite him, she decided to not drink the pill, buy her own later and drink that one. “No,” She simply said slowly walking to the door, legs still sore from their pervious intercourse. Ethan’s eyes slightly widened in shock. “I’ll buy my own later,” She said as she locked to door open.
“You are going to forget,” Ethan spat back, knowing just how messy and quite forgettable she is. “And you can’t go out like that. You are literally wearing my shirt and your underwear, not to mention you’ll be walking down the hall with your bra in your hands,” He said, putting his coffee down, and walking towards her. “So?” She simply asked, halfway out of the door. “And, you can't even walk properly,” He stated, seeing just how she was wobbling. She let out a sigh and stopped, basically standing in the hallway that lead to his penthouse. In front of him, she dropped all her clothing and her phone that was in her arms, except for her jeans. She turned around, backside facing him, and bent down, slowly pulling her jeans over her feet and slid them up her long legs, giving him the best view of her ass. His eyes glued to her body. She smirked when she heard him let out a groan. She turned and faced him, picking up her gadgets ever slowly, causing his big shirt to hang forward, giving him an even better view of her breasts. “Rookie, don't...” He groaned. “Not a rookie anymore, Doctor Ramsey,” she said, smirking, as she started walking down the hall towards the elevator. 
She smiled when she heard him close the door of his apartment, with a loud thud. In all honesty, Leila already forgot about the morning after pill. Who knows, maybe in a couple of months there’ll be a mini goddamn diva running up and down the very hall in which Leila was currently walking in.
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