ladenzalednum-blog · 7 years
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ladenzalednum-blog · 7 years
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“Praying” was written about that moment when the sun starts peeking through the darkest storm clouds, creating the most beautiful rainbow. Once you realize that you will in fact be OK, you want to spread love and healing. If you feel like someone has wronged you, get rid of that hate, because it will just create more negativity.  - Kesha
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ladenzalednum-blog · 7 years
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i watched that praying video by kesha
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ladenzalednum-blog · 7 years
You’re not a bad person for the ways you tried to kill your sadness.
(via dignitea)
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ladenzalednum-blog · 7 years
My boyfriend just woke up, mostly still asleep and told me “don’t worry, it’s getting better” in a heavy, American accent, which is unusual for an Australian man.
“Why are you American?” I asked, to which I got:
“Sorry, it’s getting better” in a stereotypical posh English accent.
“Why are you English?” I asked, amused.
“What is he normally?” He managed to ask.
“He? You’re not anyone else, you’re you.”
“Ugh, me” was the last thing he said, in a right proper Aussie accent before he fell back into proper sleep.
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ladenzalednum-blog · 7 years
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ladenzalednum-blog · 7 years
i think the thing that makes me angriest about the entire culture of people being forced to set up online fundraisers for things like medical treatments and basic necessities is that at least 99% of the people who donate are people who are ALSO struggling but just slightly less, people who think “well i was saving this $20 for lunch this week but this person who needs chemo could probably use it more”, while a single billionaire could fund every online fundraiser in existence and not even notice a dent in their wealth
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ladenzalednum-blog · 7 years
if “girls aren’t supposed to have body hair” then why do girls have fucking body hair?
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ladenzalednum-blog · 7 years
The past is a place of reference, not a place of residence; the past is a place of learning, not a place of living.
The Light in the Heart (via quotewithasource)
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ladenzalednum-blog · 7 years
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fangirl challenge - [18/50] female characters ♡ raven reyes “People think I can just change, and my pain will go away, but I can’t.”
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ladenzalednum-blog · 7 years
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ladenzalednum-blog · 7 years
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thank you for caring about me
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ladenzalednum-blog · 7 years
170820_132 by ヒロユキ マツイ Via Flickr:
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ladenzalednum-blog · 7 years
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ladenzalednum-blog · 7 years
oh boy if I accidentally died it would be so cool
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ladenzalednum-blog · 7 years
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llegas al punto en que te sientes mal y no entiendes por qué, porque creías que todo estaba bien, pero al final, ¿por algo te estás sintiendo así, no?
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ladenzalednum-blog · 7 years
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