lachrymossa · 8 years
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“A good tactician has nothing to fear.”
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lachrymossa · 9 years
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((On a lighter note, I went to a con this weekend with the intention of finding Fates art (specifically of Kaze). I didn’t find any art of Kaze but I got two lovely posters of the two families. When I got home my mother decided to take a look at what I got. She took one look at Camilla and flipped out about her tits. It was pretty funny she just couldn’t help herself from commenting on how large they were in her own special way. And with that I bid you all good night!))
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lachrymossa · 9 years
{ i'm glad you're feeling better! welcome back! }
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((Thank you so much dear. I’m glad to be back))
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lachrymossa · 9 years
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((Hello everyone! Sorry for the sudden disappearance. My physical and mental health went to hell and it took awhile to recuperate. I had no will to write for nearly a month and it really took a tole on me as that is what I live for. Then when things got a little better school catch up came to kick me in the butt.
Anyhow, I’m glad to say I’ve actually felt confident for the first time in probably a year so I’ve finally come back. I will be becoming active on this blog and my Fire Emblem blog. I’m sorry to say that, at least for the moment, I’ll be dropping my other blogs. That includes mainly my pokemon OCs and my Creepypasta blogs. They may come back eventually (Especially Estella as she holds a special place in my heart) but for now they will go neglected.
For the blogs that I will be returning to, I will be messaging all my writing partners and checking to see if they wish to continue the threads we had before I vanished. I will not be replying to any threads until I hear back from the partner responsible for the thread.
Finally, on a brighter note, I will be creating two new blogs. One will be for Decim from Death Parade (I recently finished watched all of it. It’s the first time I’ve cried in months and it is the thing that most likely brought back my will to write) and an undecided Fire Emblem: Fates character (Right now it’s between Azura, Kaze or Soleil). Anyways, I hope you all have a fine evening and I look forwards to talking to you all very soon.))
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lachrymossa · 9 years
Hey i wanted to ask Where have you been bby? Just curious, i miss you, you are so sweet
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((Thank you so much for your concern dear anon, it is greatly appreciated. I actually fell very ill for awhile and lost my will to write, which plunged me into a pretty terrible depression. But I’m feeling much better now and will hopefully be writing my precious child again very soon))
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lachrymossa · 9 years
I hope the universe blesses you with a moment of peace this week. You’re doing the right thing, and you’re going to be okay.
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lachrymossa · 9 years
     No matter how far away you are,
                  I will always be there to support you.
                                         I can  p r o m i s e   you.
                                                     I have your back.
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lachrymossa · 9 years
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Shepherds by the Dozen
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lachrymossa · 9 years
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send me a “✎” and ill draw your muse :: accepting because I hate mysef
2/3 @madkingtrashking King Gangrel Next: Cynthia. ((-hastily posts this here so that I don’t have to look at it anymore wwwww;;;- Eum this is my first time drawing this character, and I really went outside of my usual comfort-zone. I’m sorry if it is weird. Stop drawing cheekbones sharp enough to cut glass!!! Eum, but still I hope that it is acceptable. Thank-you for letting me draw him.))
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lachrymossa · 9 years
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DAY 31 of 365 Daily Art Challenge
Lucina from Fire Emblem for my Nintendo Gown series! Going to draw two more Fire Emblem gals~
Drawn Live on my Stream | Twitter
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lachrymossa · 9 years
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lachrymossa · 9 years
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(belated) Birthday gift for @inukai !
that’s probably not a realistic way to hold a staff but w/e
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lachrymossa · 9 years
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Chrombro Ventures: The Prologue. Easily the highlight of naming My Unit “Chrom”.
Yes I picked out Freddie as my waifu very quickly.
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lachrymossa · 9 years
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Got lazy with her body. Might or might not continue.
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lachrymossa · 9 years
I hope that someday you all become filled with so much happiness that it heals every part of you.
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lachrymossa · 9 years
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lachrymossa · 9 years
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