The name is Lacee. Pro at binge watching Netflix. 21. I love dogs,Fall Out Boy, Mayday Parade, and R5. Ships include Cory and Topanga, Riley and Lucas, LoVe, Nick and Jess, Lily and Marshall, Danny and Riley, Tate and Violet, Jake and Amy. From Oklahoma. Feel free to message me anytime.
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Ray-Ban Sunglasses
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Added a new video to my channel. It’s my short documentary final project. I’m really proud of it.
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I’m looking for people to participate in a huge book exchange. You can be anywhere in the world. All you have to do is buy your favorite book (just one) and send it to a stranger (I'll send their details through in a private message).
You’ll receive a maximum of 36 books back to you, to keep. They'll be favorite books from strangers around the world
If you are interested in taking part, please DM me ‘IN’ and I'll send you all the details
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Added a new video to my channel. It’s my short documentary final project. I’m really proud of it.
#game#video game#documentary#short film#college student#final project#nintendo#nintendo switch#animal crosing new horizons#college#university of oklahoma#Youtube
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cat: hey you gonna eat that?
human: uh, that’s a rat. They’ve been showing up ever since we started harvesting grain. We don’t eat them, they eat our food.
cat: free game then. Cool.
human: be my guest.
cat: hey is this spot free? It looks warm and I need a place to have my litter.
humans: this is my house. Feel free, I guess, just don’t get stepped on.
cat: hey can you watch my kittens for me? I need to hunt and I don’t want predators finding them.
human: holy shit these buggers are cute. Nothing will happen to them.
cat: I am going to climb on your lap now and you are going to love me.
human: I’m ok with this.
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im smart passing but internally im actually a real dumb bitch
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Hecking depressed tonight. Doubtful that it will get better this time. I just want someone to see that I’m doing the best I can
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btw… important PSA: cutting off the mold on the surface of food does nothing. you can only see the spores on the surface, but mold itself has spread and grown roots into the food. by the time you can actually *see* the spores, that piece of food is completely full of it. youre still eating mold.
many of which are poisonous and have been shown to cause cancer. youre not even supposed to sniff it, because that can get spores into your lungs. like if you look up the health and safety guidelines for mold they barely stop short of telling you to put on a hazmat suit.
like produce is okay as long as you cut around it at least an inch, but cooked foods? you gonna die. stop eating mold people
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omg there’s a dog in my yard this is the best day ever hello fuzzy baby friend
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not to get too deep on main but did anyone else have such deeply rooted issues with their self worth for so long that they thought as a kid/teen that their only redeeming feature was being “low maintenance” and now as an adult you give yourself guilt pangs asking for any more than the barest minimum in virtually any relationship because asking for things might negate your only good quality which is just “doesn’t ask for things”
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reblog if you want anonymous opinions of you
Yes please!!!
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