labellevie404 · 3 days
more hollow
a sorrow that echoes
from a so hollow space
emptied of its content
belief and faith
fill with the element
of nothing, could be,
or what was
and to know what
that is to come
if not family
love, compassion
or none of those
given unto by another
the story shall be written
but with one writer
spell these words carefully
truly, and in deep understanding
2AM Saturday, Long Time Coming
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labellevie404 · 1 month
the words shared
spared from heart
given to thee in earnest
and well recieved
will never see regret
for all that lacks
of love and care current
matters not
not as the subtle smile
the moment of awe
and inspiration
felt even once
that once
and upon that time
these lessons
these experiences
the essences of life
will be lived
and live on
Thankful You Were
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labellevie404 · 2 months
whether you know it or not
that i will be there
for you
and the truth i know
to be true
will be light
and in light
we shall find understanding
comprehension which compels
and better together
we will be
for i love thee
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labellevie404 · 3 months
get out in that ocean
he says no
no more sailing
she’ll be there
as fact is there now
just waiting
in those golden sands
and cool breezes
somewhere just beyond
all of it
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labellevie404 · 3 months
a repost
won’t stop
that next life
from being taken
just so
you know
you great
you great
fool you
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labellevie404 · 3 months
the way
i could never
be rid
of these memories
even if
i wanted to
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labellevie404 · 3 months
ah to be the chosen
of many given choices
how many times will
the decision be decided
as so
or will the option passed by
be opted in the past’s stead
time is no liar
but is a sour player
when it comes to anticipation
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labellevie404 · 4 months
imagine how serene it is
how clean and still it feels
just above
all of that weather
Choice to Choose Above
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labellevie404 · 4 months
how’s a man living
to kill a saint
then proclaim
to believe in karma
upon this pavement
none of your gods matter
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labellevie404 · 4 months
who am i
for i hear those words
of one so convincing
ring, echo, and toll
a voice all too familiar
but i said nothing
yet lonesome, hear all
then i query further
who are you
the one i question
in my own mind
i quest for truth
but pain
fear of being blinded
holds one from light
it is known that
one is one
upon awareness of one
the figment of energy and nuerons
that come to create meaning
at first then second and still a third
degree of sense
and so i am aware
of that which opposes me
that which stands for me
and to be and be aware of thyself
i need simply be aware
conscious to reality
my reality and the unconcious
so pity to my want for ignorance
a bliss so effortlessly fleeting
as to continue becoming
i must bear these burdens
lest these truths
hide from me
i shall be as i am
a meaning of self
No Eyes Necessary
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labellevie404 · 4 months
heart as a mountain
with passion flowing
steadily active
with molten purpose
ready to reshape another
this love is an ember
a spark to turn ablaze
and to clear way
for new growth
I have been known
to love to a crisp
but where i meet water
found is a flourishing union
from Ash to Earth
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labellevie404 · 5 months
i hope
and for your sake
that this ember
does not catch blaze
heat knows itself to grow
its cage to be finite
to spare an essence
from flaming to ash
is not of its nature
and given the chance
a spark so to speak
to turn matter to soot
and discard it in wind
fire shall will what it wills
so in this way
ye was favored
spared from this crime
in ‘is next life as well
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labellevie404 · 6 months
if this love could reach you
me too
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labellevie404 · 6 months
It’s been 4 years already
4 years is enough time
to change a man
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labellevie404 · 7 months
life is complex
in such a simple way
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labellevie404 · 8 months
Surely… There’s more?
to opportunity
and a world speaking
life treasures and venture
is this the truth
that i live now
or is it a misplaced lie
that i need only to
wake up and cast aside
as the wonder and awe
the splendor these hazel once saw
is all for naught
or is it yet to come
answer me wisp of a spirit
you hear me and i plea
is this what you have left for me
or shall i continue this quest
in search of it
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labellevie404 · 9 months
Oblivion? Well that’s nothing!
Exactly- and that’s all there ever really was.
Before nothing knew itself and became something.
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