93 posts
Hello my name is Kaname Kuran. My best friend Takuma has told me i should be more social so i have made one of these weird things. I'm a pure blood vampire but please don't be scared to talk to me i don't bite. ..much. I'm dorm president of the moon dormitory so if you need anything please come and find me. Have a game chess maybe? Or to my rose garden. mm until later. (( Hello Kaname mun here~ this is my first time rping on tumblr so please forgive me if i do something wrong D: feel free to RP with me any time or OCC ^^ please forgive my grammar and such thank you! ))
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
kyuketsuki-prince-blog · 13 years ago
"Kaname!!!! Kayla's being gross!!!!"
"Etto..what is she doing?" he asked blinking a few times.((oh god how old is this xDD //shot)) 
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kyuketsuki-prince-blog · 13 years ago
occ: so i haven't been on this account in ever and i was actually thinking of not rping here anymore~ even though i still rp off here but i thought i log in once and i had forgot my email but some magical way i remembered it and i got really happy and shiiit~ so i don't know if i should start up rping here again o3o
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kyuketsuki-prince-blog · 13 years ago
(( sorry i haven't gotten to my replies D: i won't probably get to them till Wednesday T-T ))
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kyuketsuki-prince-blog · 13 years ago
Everyone stop judging Kaname
Cause when he pulls a Snape, you’re all going to be mad at yourselves.
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kyuketsuki-prince-blog · 13 years ago
(( I am back~ will be replying tomorrow! Please like this if i owe you a reply or expect me asking everyone i rp with for replies xDD thank you to the 3 new followers! which are  play-a-game-without-the-end theyoungestpurebloodprincess haruka-kuran ))
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kyuketsuki-prince-blog · 13 years ago
(( Hiatus? Yes~ i haven't been on much and i'm sorry to the people i owe replies!! i will be on a short Hiatus till next Friday >_<' first off this weekend i'll be pretty busy and then monday i'm going to Vegas till Thrusday but hopefully will be back online Friday! :] ALSO; Chapter 84 of Vampire Knight...omg akjdkljlkjhsajdhkjas THANK FUCKING GOD they did NOT kill Kaname dkjasdhjakls i was going to drop dead if they did or if they hurt him to much ;A; </3 ok done xDD )) 
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kyuketsuki-prince-blog · 13 years ago
"Yuuki" Kaname spoke to the female who seem to be lost in her thought. He was carefully holding the music box. "Have look at it" He said as he handed the music box to the female so she could inspect it. 
“K-Kaname…! Wait…!” She ended up following after him in order to stop him, but was soon distracted by the music box. Once she had looked at it a little, she looked to him. “You don’t need to buy it for me. You’ve honestly done enough for me in my life. If anyone should buy anything for anyone, I should be the one to buy something for you, Kaname. After all you’ve done for me, it’s only natural.”
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kyuketsuki-prince-blog · 13 years ago
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kyuketsuki-prince-blog · 13 years ago
"Sounds okay, I don't need art classes to draw~" She levitates herself up and kisses your cheek. "Thank you~"
He smiled and patted her head. "Actually i think the chairman might be back. Do you want to come with me to go see him?"
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kyuketsuki-prince-blog · 13 years ago
She giggles. "Don't worry about my classes~ I comprehend everything I read, the text books for my art class are on a college level~ But my math class would have to stay with my cousin's.. He's my math tutor.. And I don't really need blood, only if I'm sick or seriously injured. I can ignore it if it's right infront of me." She giggled a little more and smoothed her clothes out.
"Alright then, i'll have a word with the chairman when he gets back and tell him to change classes. Does that sound good?" He said with a small smile 
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kyuketsuki-prince-blog · 13 years ago
The Kuran's train of thought was dismissed when he felt a strong aura from Zero. He could feel the hate from the other male. A small eye roll couldn't be helped from it. Once at the meeting room he saw Kaien. Kaname bowed his head ever so slightly "Hello" was all he said then looked at the other two.  He could feel eyes on his back, it was truly trouble some but he just ignored it. Hearing Kaien's words he nodded and took a seat watching the others do the same. He let Kaien speak first on the matter and why in the world had they dragged him here. 
Unexpected Meeting || Zero & Kaname
The sound of the door opening made the head of the Kuran clan look up to see lavender  eyes. Those eyes once again staring at him with utter hate. “Kiryu” he replied to the hunter bowing his head ever so slightly. 
With that being said Kaname followed the silverette inside. Once again more glares attacked the brunette. ‘Honestly no respect at all..’ he thought to himself. He kept a calming aura around him though and kept walking. He hoped the meeting wouldn’t be to long. Meetings with the elder council where always two or more hours. It was horrible for the Kuran. He would go one day there be in a meeting for two hours, wait  thirty minutes then another two hour meeting. To top if all off bloody paper work.  Another thought filled the pure bloods mind. He hadn’t expected to see Zero now that he thought about it. Well yes the hunter did work here after all but, he would of thought someone else was to escort him inside. The Kuran was sure that everyone here should know how much Zero hated pure bloods. He as well wondered if Cross would be at the meeting. It had been far to long since he had since the man.  (( Occ: Its fine!! <3 mines will be a bit short to since i’m not use to writing so much ^^’ )) 
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kyuketsuki-prince-blog · 13 years ago
She shakes her head quickly. "My eyes changes colors too much for me to switch. But I don't know who they were.. And no body I know is in that class."
"Well i could switch your classes with mines and Takuma's. Though they're a bit harder then normal classes and the blood lust class is a bit advance" He said looking at her a bit worried
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kyuketsuki-prince-blog · 13 years ago
Yuuki, the safest place is beside me.
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kyuketsuki-prince-blog · 13 years ago
Hearing her giggle made a small blush appear on his cheeks and he nodded. "Oh alright" He smiled slightly then looked down at his sketch book. "its not perfect but.." He picked up the book and showed it to her.  It was a sketch of her and Yuuki. He was half way done with the land scape in the background and just needed a few more details on his mother and small sister. His cheeks were a bit red since he was feeling a bit shy about his drawing. Juuri was the only person he showed his sketches to. He felt odd showing them to Haruka even though the older Kuran really wanted to see them.  
Nightmares To Memories || Kaname & Juuri
The pure blood prince had finally returned from a long day at the elder vampire council. Kaname was tired and all he wanted was to sleep. Though, he knew he couldn’t rest just yet. The Kuran forced himself to do a few hours of of paper work before he even thought of sleeping. Once he was done he got a glass cup and filled it with water then put a few blood tablets then drinking it. After his drink he laid in bed instantly falling asleep. Even asleep the pure blood always had his guard up. Few hours passed before the Kuran was in a deep sleep. Once falling into a deep sleep a horrible nightmare filled his dreams. The thing that was most horrible was that it wasn’t a nightmare, it was a flash back. Ten years ago. Kaname tried fighting the nightmare, he hated having to relive that day. His nightmare soon changed though. He felt the sun hit him. It was warm, he heard birds and he turned to see loving motherly eyes.  “Juuri-Okaasan…is it really alright for Yuuki to be out in the sun so long?” He said softly as he was siting down on the grass with a sketch book in his hands looking at his mother who was holding his little sister.
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kyuketsuki-prince-blog · 13 years ago
Kaname was leaning against the wall waiting for the pinkette to change. After she came out he noticed the small sigh. He wondered if maybe she didn't like her room or maybe she didn't like the uniform. Home sick? Well he didn't like thinking to much about things so he asked. "Is everything all right Moka-chan?" 
Moka quickly nodded upon hearing his offer, “I’d love to see the rest of the building.” She said as a smile quickly repainted across her blank face which made her eyes light up again. Accepting the Uniform into her arms, She’d hold it close to her chest and glance off to the side as if looking around but she quickly gazed back to him, Waiting for him to begin guiding her to her room where she would reside for a while though she wanted to get a good visual on her surroundings right now too.
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kyuketsuki-prince-blog · 13 years ago
"I got bullied last night and I was crying and cut myself.. I ran into Takuma and he said it would okay if I didn't go one day or switched to the day class.. I was going to go at first but I just couldn't.." she whispered.
"Bullied you? Who?" The pure blood said in a serious voice. He was very much against the idea of people bullying. He patted her head "Its fine..i understand. Though i'm not sure about the switching to day class but you're not fully vampire so the chairman might let it happen" 
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kyuketsuki-prince-blog · 13 years ago
(( Occ: askdhkjsah replying to RPs now xD ))
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