Sweet Pea
118 posts
{ RP blog for Kyō from White2 }
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kyovert-archive-blog · 10 years ago
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                          I didn’t ᴛʜɪɴᴋ 
                     they meant all of the
                                                         [ Wᴏʀᴋ ]
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kyovert-archive-blog · 11 years ago
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There was an obvious confused look as he stared at the person before him. His arcanine holding a rather vicious stance behind as he gulped awkwardly. Most Team Plasma members left Kyōhei confused, unsure whether to walk up to them and say 'hi' or to hide for cover... 
Taking a slow breath, he chided himself internally for being rude. He walked forward, feet soft despite the growling of the obvious protective pokémon behind him ad gently pulled on the other's lapels, "H-hello?" It was a nervous tick to stutter, but with all of his experiences with Team Plasma... it wasn't much of a surprise. Still, he proffered a smile and a hand, "I'm Kyōhei! What's your name?"
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kyovert-archive-blog · 11 years ago
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A sharp sneeze escaped the youth as his hand uplifted, rubbing against his nose as an eye closed. He didn't know that he'd be stuck in rain this early off ... or else he'd pack an umbrella or something from the previous town! But, he wasn't the only one there, it seemed as a noise surprised him, turning lightly on his heel, his expression going from one of distaste to curiosity.
Trotting down, he knelt near a bush, brushing back bad coverage in a storm to look at the new type of pokémon... "Hey there little guy, you get caught in the bad weather too?"
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kyovert-archive-blog · 11 years ago
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   "It's goin' down-- I'm yelling timber~!"
Kyo happily piped the lyrics to the song as he walked alone, arcanine following behind him before grabbing ahold of his coat to stop him from bumping into someone, hazel eyes blinking once, twice, before looking up and a smile touched lips. "Oh! Hehe, glad that Arcanine watches out for me or else I would'a just bumped straight into ya, huh?"
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kyovert-archive-blog · 11 years ago
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{ gonna go edit up my theme, but starters for:
are gonna be coming up. weeeee }
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kyovert-archive-blog · 11 years ago
{ ???: }
▐「☯」— For Lucario at least, the feeling of being treated with such a passive attitude when he was an unknown through another unknown’s eyes was strange——a tad suspicious, if given the case. That minuscule feeling put him into a thoughtful mood for less than a second, inmediatly labelling it as an unimportant matter.
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As for him, looking for a lost child and bringing them back to their disquiet family was a perfectly natural and obvious duty to accomplish. If he were to commit the dreadful error of ignoring that situation, the metaphorical possibility for the pup to, like a red apple, slip away and fall existed in a very high percentage. And who could assure Lucario that fate will dictate a happy end for the little creature?
                                                    ▐   Nobody. | だれも。▐
The blue jackal didn’t late to understand the selection of words pronounced by the young boy——yes——Lucario could even declare that these matched with the aura emitted by the other: A pure aura of sincerity and kindness. It was a relief to know that the Riolu was close to an unhazardous human being, why yes, indeed… However, and sadly enough for the destiny of a path full of pink agreements, the boy’s last statement:
”[…]do you need this Riolu?”
Was labelled as a dare for the auric canine. Of course, Lucario wouldn’t resort to brute force just because of a minuscule misunderstanding, as he merely felt a bit peeved by the redundancy of the quite obvious inquiry. He wasn’t chasing after Riolu for entertaining purposes, nor he wanted to hurt them by all means. In order to clarify the actual situation and the reasons behind his rush to catch the pup, Lucario attempted to communicate with the boy through his primitive learning of the human language.
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❝Riolu, I need not. Family, concern, ask me catch him. They need, I not.❞ Inmediatly considering that his information may have not been convincing enough for the other, he didn’t leave time for a response, and inmediatly added: ❝Flee home, he. I rescuer; I help! Riolu, back home, I must.❞
                                                 ▐  ❝I promised.❞ |「やくそく。」▐
From Kyo's state, he didn't know whether or not the Lucario was a friend of the Riolu, an assumption he made when the other had come forward. However, the next few words caused a look of pure shock and surprise on his face. Typically most pokémon (yes, even Lucario's) made soft noises, growls, barks, something to show their reaction was negative, but this one slowly enuciated words that --despite their broken nature-- was understood. The family was concerned, they asked this Lucario to catch the Riolu and bring him home. Then the noise, something that seemed to ease the surprise from his shoulders as a side-ways smile escaped Kyo.
   "I understand." And he couldn't wait to tell everyone about the Lucario he met that could speak. However, as he glanced behind him to the pup who's acting was a unfortunately convincing, he returned his gaze back to the elder with a sheepish, almost unsure look. "But that doesn't help the situation unfortunately, he's...kind've attached." And not as-in the attached to him, but literally attached, to his leg. Though he also had the idea that if Kyo attempted to allow the Lucario close enough to nab Riolu, then he'd end up with a 'round-the-Kyo-we-go' game with Riolu using him as an obstacle and --perhaps-- climbing up onto his shoulders to keep from reach.
So, here was the question. Then, an idea popped into his head.
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Shifting to sit down, the Riolu moved out to his side to allow room, but still much-to-close to the trainer for him to be an easy target for Lucario to grab. Kyo's hands were digging through the bag before he faked forward, arms wrapping around the Riolu as it gave a yip in surprise, pulling the pup into his arms and holding him securely with a grin. Though it might be a rather disappointed at his idea, he gave a childish grin to the Lucario in front of him and lifted the pup slightly before pushing himself back to his feet.
The little Riolu now stuck in his arms as he walked closer to him, "Why don't I help you take him back? Promise I won't get in the way and will hand him over when you say so!" He could even pull out his own lucario if there was a need for it. His fingers rubbed lightly at the pup's belly, causing it to wriggle lightly to the treatment, giving a sound off as a kind of giggle. An almost reminiscent smile touching his lips; he had no plans on capturing this Riolu and no plans on harming it in any way, but it certainly did remind him of being on the ranch and finding a hurt Lucario that he had captured, healed and then just let him follow along ...
   "You might not believe me, but I really like Riolu's and Lucario's too. They're really great companions to have."
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kyovert-archive-blog · 11 years ago
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   "Eeeeh?!" His voice jumped in pitch in surprise. This was Hugh? But ... three years? It hadn't been three years for him! It had only been-- "When did three years pass? It's barely been a year!" Kyōhei looked rightfully confused, after all, the near thirteen year old hadn't grown at all because it hadn't been the time for him. He'd beaten the championship and everything, but had declined the offer for being the champion. yet thinking on height, his face slowly contorted, a bubbling up of his cheek as he glared up at his friend. Of course it wasn't ill-natured glare, more like a pouting one before he launched himself at the other trainer again.
   "That's not fair! You get to go forward three years then yell at me for my height being all wrong-- your height's all wrong, you should be my height!" Yet as he childishly lashed out at Hugh, lightly batting his chest with a clenched fist, he seemed to be wilting even further.
So wait ... Hugh hadn't gone to see him in three years... His hands slowly stopped, staring at the other's jacket. "...did you never try to meet me again in three years..." He mumbled so quietly, expression hiding beyond his hat.
7 Challengers
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kyovert-archive-blog · 11 years ago
Dragon age comes out October , not august
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{ oh— did I say August? XD;; sorry! Didn’t mean to. I’m just really excited and I’ve been planning for the upcoming semester which starts mid-august. }
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kyovert-archive-blog · 11 years ago
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{ dragon age inquisition, dragon age inquisition, dragon age inquisition ♪ }
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   "She's really excited."
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kyovert-archive-blog · 11 years ago
   "Uhm... are you alright mister?"
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Kyo had been a recent to Kalos and it's café's and everything. Finding it so interesting and great and just fun to be in, but seeing the person so tired just made the small boy worried. Perhaps it wasn't the best to try and rouse a very tired person, but Kyo made a move to do so anyway for concern of the other's well-being and health. "Why don't you go to the hotel? I could pay for you ... you look really tired mister..."
"Excuse Me?"
Send me an “Excuse Me” and I’ll tell you my muse’s reaction to being Interrupted while…5 - Falling asleep
       After a couple of coffees bought in the café, where he sat trying to keep himself awake, it all seemed to not be working at all, what a waste. Eyelids trembled tiredly, starting to drop more very minutes it passes, then ending up with his head over the table eyes closed, he was aware that someone talked to him at the moment but after the day he just limited to short numbers of words to spill. 
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   " ?"
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kyovert-archive-blog · 11 years ago
   "What was that?"
Cue blinking brown eyes that tilted to the side. Not knowing the rivalry nor the difficulty between the grandson and his grandfather. Though, the guy seemed otherwise nice. And Kyo wasn't going to take it personally or otherwise.
   "It's still so cool you're able to do that," He smiled, head tipping to the side, innocence and youth so obvious on that face. "I mean really! I don't know who wouldn't find it impressive or at least neat you're doing that! Not everyone can, ya'know? And that you can take it in stride and follow through is super awesome! That's the right word, yeah? Awesome-- filled with awe?" A slight giggle, not attempting to ego-stroke at all. Kyo was just giving his honest opinion. So many people would have probably scolded him for it however, being too young to understand what he was saying...
A small laugh was given when he was suggested for going to the salon. Hand coming up to mess through his hair. "Oh! I don't think I'll do that quite, I'd rather they not lose some scissors in my hair," It had happened before, believe it or not. His mom had tried taming his main herself and ended up losing the kitchen shears in his hair, having to awkwardly search through it with a wriggling ten year old Kyo before pulling it free and just saying 'that was good enough'.
At the mention of the hats, a finger glided along the bill of his hat, head tipping up slightly with a smile, "I don't think I'd buy another hat anyway to be honest! My mom got me this specifically when I was ten; ya'know, when people usually are told when they're picked for a pokémon or not? Didn't get one then, or the next year. So when I was picked, I kept it with me to remind me of her." He smiled sincerely, sweetly.
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   "So if I ever do change anything, it won't be my hat." Even if he had a good deal over 40 k pokédollars. It was simply just something sentimental for him and he'd not let go of it for as long as he could.
Visiting Hours
"Or maybe he forgot to pull the stick out of his ass that day," Green grumbled under his breath. 
"Yeah well, you know, gotta keep ahead of the new challengers." Not ‘keep up with,’ of course; there was only one person who Green struggled to keep up with, and quite frankly it was a venture he had long given up on. "That means seeing new strategies, catching new pokemon, things like that."
That was how he’d justified it to the league, at any rate. And it was partially the truth. The other part was he’d longed for the life of the traveling trainer, the sort of journey he hadn’t had since taking his position as a gym leader. Unless one counted the trips he sometimes took around Kanto, at least. But he could only get away with that for so long before he had to go back and indulge the trainers waiting for him.
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"There’s a salon on South Boulevard that could probably help you with that problem, you know." Green replied with a smirk. "Though, I wouldn’t shop here in the city if I were you. 40 k for a hat just doesn’t seem worth it."
Then again, Green had never really seen the appeal in wearing hats all the time, anyway.
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kyovert-archive-blog · 11 years ago
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    "I can't wait to tell that other guy! He seemed awful lonesome being the only one into recycling, but if you are too, then I'm sure he'll be much happier." His own little rambling session was quickly shaken out at the name and her smile, head tipping up in excitement, a hand out-going towards the Rocket Member. "I'm Kyo! Unovian trainer at your service Miss Jessie." He was taught manners, you know. His mom always told him to call people 'miss' or 'mr' if they seemed much older than you. And since he was so young, it was a bit obvious that he was that much younger than her.
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"Yea, sure kid, recycling." She had no idea who the young man was or exactly where he’d come from. He seemed to be unaware of the the fact that she was a Team Rocket member and she decided to use the trust to her advantage. “My name is Jessie.” She smiled, hoping the name wouldn’t trigger any recognition on his part. “And who might you be?”
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kyovert-archive-blog · 11 years ago
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--the voice so happily, arms going to wrap around the older trainer. Small Kyōhei blinking a bit before pulling away and scratching the back of his head, "...uh...I...guess not Hugh?" His voice sounded strained and unsure, even slightly disappointed. He'd been looking all over for Hugh and this guy looked just like him but was too tall and too old to be his friend. Amber eyes glanced down, rubbing lightly at his arm, "I'm Kyo; sorry if I startled you a bit. I don't mean to, it's just you look just like my friend and even kind've sound like him and he always would give me that look whenever he was unsure of what I was about to do and --you're not him, sorry again. Just got really excited since I haven't seen my friend in a long-long time. Not since after the championship..."
7 Challengers
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kyovert-archive-blog · 11 years ago
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{ So is there a Hugh somewhere I can bug? I'd love that. Yep. Totally would }
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kyovert-archive-blog · 11 years ago
With the bonk was recieved a smudging of his own face, nose crinkling up in a face before relaxed as the Buneary seemed to wake up and his expression softened, happily seeing it awake, no longer in danger or having a problem because he hated it whenever pokémon were in danger or having problems or ... well, he was just glad to see that the buneary was awake.
Though what surprised him was the response from the older boy besides him. The sound he made in the back of his voice to the injured pokémon that got a nuzzle. Almost entirely opposite of what he had used towards Kyo just earlier but ...
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A giggle split lips before the other turned and pat his head. Oh goodness! He was giggling too hard to even pout at the action.
   "You're a really neat person!" He piped, voice almost whimsical to the thought. "I mean, with how you talked to me earlier you probably get a lot of people who're scared of you, right? Oh goodness though! You're nothing like that and I'm really glad I stopped to help --as if I wouldn't but-- it's so nice to meet someone like you." Now the action of blathering wasn't on purpose. His excitement catching hold and slipping words from his lips.
He hadn't met someone like this before --except maybe he could count Hugh, maybe-- so it was just so exciting. "It's always a pleasure to help someone who wants it, needs it and is a nice trainer on top of that!"
【 ♚ | ♕ 】
The way he spoke about battles and his opinion on them surprised Ethan even more. It’d been a while since he met somebody with an open mind who saw battles like that— and honestly? It was refreshing. He really was tired of seeing people insist battles were all about making Pokemon stronger, and just that alone.
» “Damn kid. You gotta big mind there.”  With that said, he lightly bonked the other on the head with a smug grin on his face.
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While this happened, the Buneary stirred around in his arms and soon slowly opened up its eyes, looking at its trainer curiously. Ethan mirrored the expression on its face as he petted the top of its head gently. » “Hey there, ‘ave a good sleep?” He cooed, to with the small Pokemon let out a happy noise before nuzzling against its trainer.
This affectionate action made the older boy smile quite a bit— oh, right, the other kid.
» “So uh, thanks.” He said, shifting his weight awkwardly as he focused on his Pokemon. “Dunno what I’d do if ya didn’t come along, heh..” Here have an obligatory head pat.
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kyovert-archive-blog · 11 years ago
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   "Offended? Why would I ever be offended? Mom always said kisses were a way to show how much you like a person!" He quickly tried to get the other to not look so awkward about what he'd done. After all, he still thought it was a dare, but to show that Wes was comfortable enough to do it just showed how he was a good enough friend.
Looking up at the other trainer, he scratched at his arms nervously, "I mean, it's not like it was a bad thing or the first time someone's kissed me there, it just caught me by surprise, that's all-- promise!" His head ducked and two hands clasped together in a partial bow, "Please don't feel bad or awkward or anything! It really is fine and all."
This was a little awkward, but he went with it nonetheless. The snagger bent down, moving the boy's hat away so that he may press his lips against the other's forehead. It didn't last long, but he had done it. {Got a meme to do this so woo}
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The lifting of his cap made him jolt lightly, the youth blinking with wide eyes up at the older as he leaned over to kiss his forehead before pulling away. A flushing of red cheeks in surprise only made him laugh, scratching at the back of his head—
   ”Well that was a surprise! Bet someone dared y at’ do that. It’s all okay, okay?" He was giggling now, shifting back on his feet, the obviousness this didn’t happen often clear on his face.
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kyovert-archive-blog · 11 years ago
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   "What's the word 'repopulate' mean, and why does it matter if he's gay to do it?"
Cue wide-eyed amber orbs blinking up at the two --supposed-- trainers.
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