kyoshi-simps-unite · 5 months
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can we stop doing this trope
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kyoshi-simps-unite · 6 months
I like zukka as a ship but I cannot go into the tags for content about it. why is everyone so insistent on making zuko a little femboy. so many people just see a long haired man regardless of culture/time period and call him femme. And they make sokka hypermasculine like hello????? he’s so fucking flamboyant ?? he wrote poetry, loved arts and crafts, wore a gay little purse, and did DRAG. in CANON. In a modern setting sokka would fix your car and then say SLAYYY do a death drop
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kyoshi-simps-unite · 8 months
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kyoshi-simps-unite · 1 year
I love when there’s a really bending heavy episode because you just KNOW Sokka is about to get the dumbest C plot
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kyoshi-simps-unite · 1 year
sokka & katara are soo funny bc katara is always like sokka is SO fucking boring and lame and lazy he doesn't understand the value of waterbending and he is HEARTLESS he must be plotting his next move to sabotage my rebellion against industrialization and colonialism & the search for my destiny of becoming a master waterbender at this very moment . meanwhile sokka's like soo i have the avatar to take care of now so i guess i need to prepare for an invasion to the fn at some point? i should start thinking of building an army, make a list of allies, look for food and save as much money as i can, go after whoever ran away from the group this week, is that weird ponytail guy not giving up yet? sharpen my boomerang, stopping katara's weekly revolution from getting all of us killed, what else.... i wonder if i can train with my sword today. i'll put it in my schedule right between taking lice out of momo's hair at 2pm and evading another capture/assasination attempt at 5pm. are you proud of me, father? [girlfriend dying flashbacks playing in the background] god i wish to read a book
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kyoshi-simps-unite · 1 year
It's a good thing Suki taught Sokka feminism in season one bc if she didn't it would've been up to Toph and I don't think Sokka could've survived that lol
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kyoshi-simps-unite · 1 year
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Holy shit Uncle Iroh takes no prisoners when it comes to being an ally
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kyoshi-simps-unite · 1 year
We don’t talk enough about the two identical old women who just hang around Azula saying ominous shit in unison. What’s their deal. Is there a comic about them. Are they paid for their services
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kyoshi-simps-unite · 1 year
Katara could easily defeat Azula with bloodbending if she wasn't such a liberal -_-
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kyoshi-simps-unite · 1 year
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kyoshi-simps-unite · 1 year
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official new art of katara and aang from avatar generations via airspeedprime on twitter
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kyoshi-simps-unite · 1 year
best thing about uncle iroh is that if you pay attention he is actually just as much of an idiot as zuko but has just mastered the art of coming across as a wise old man. the even better thing is that zuko is the only one on the planet who somewhat realizes this and no one would ever believe him because he's zuko
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kyoshi-simps-unite · 1 year
I love when there’s a really bending heavy episode because you just KNOW Sokka is about to get the dumbest C plot
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kyoshi-simps-unite · 1 year
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god bless iroh’s patience
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kyoshi-simps-unite · 1 year
Admiral Zhao is so one dimensional, it’s genuinely wonderful. Love just watching a grown man whose narrative job is to drive the narrative while making the other antagonist look better in comparison. Every time the show is like “let’s explore Zhao’s deal” it’s always like “his deal is that he sucks hardcore and big time :)” and I think that’s beautiful
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kyoshi-simps-unite · 1 year
Admiral Zhao is so one dimensional, it’s genuinely wonderful. Love just watching a grown man whose narrative job is to drive the narrative while making the other antagonist look better in comparison. Every time the show is like “let’s explore Zhao’s deal” it’s always like “his deal is that he sucks hardcore and big time :)” and I think that’s beautiful
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kyoshi-simps-unite · 2 years
ok but if bruce wayne somehow came upon zuko fresh out of banishment he would lose his mind.
black hair? check. bad parent(s)? check. trauma? double check.
bruce: how’d you get your scar?
zuko: my dad got mad at me for saying that killing people is wrong so he lit my face on fire and banished me.
bruce, vibrating with excitement, already pulling adoption papers from his utilility: that’s terrible. how do you feel about capes.
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