kylowrey · 4 years
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Just had my nth conversation with someone about mask-wearing today - yet another well-intentioned moron who was like 
‘But the virus is gone now’ (it isn’t) 
‘But the mask is uncomfortable’ (ventilators are worse)
‘But you’re young, you won’t die’ (having this thing could impact my health for decades to come + it’s my responsability to protect those who’re more vulnerable than I am because that’s how society works)
‘But are you going to live in fear for the rest of your life’ (taking concrete safety measures actually helps me feel more in control and less worried)
‘But are you going to give up everything and stay inside like a rat’ (no, but I’m definitely going to decide what’s worth risking my health for, and shopping for bread rolls is not very high on my list of literally-to-die-for activities)
‘But what if they never find a vaccine’ (then we’ll get used to the situation just like we got used to a thousand other things like seat belts, bike helmets, and increasingly weird true crime podcasts). 
I know it’s tiring to have people call you paranoid all the time - but you’re right and they’re wrong. Check the news, keep a safe distance from others whenever possible and keep wearing your mask!
(Btw that thread is full of interesting stuff.)
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kylowrey · 4 years
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kylowrey · 4 years
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who will ease your pain?
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kylowrey · 4 years
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HP MEME: [¼] Locations → The Burrow
It looked as though it had once been a large stone pigpen, but extra rooms had been added here and there until it was several stories high and so crooked it looked as though it were held up by magic (which, Harry reminded himself, it probably was). Four or five chimneys were perched on top of the red roof. A lopsided sign stuck in the ground near the entrance read, the burrow. Around the front door lay a jumble of rubber boots and a very rusty cauldron. Several fat brown chickens were pecking their way around the yard.
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kylowrey · 4 years
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by squeamishsims
You may be an alien but despite this, something doesn’t feel right. You don’t belong in Sixam. You don’t want to be in Sixam. You want to be where the Sims are. The human sims. And now is your chance. You’ve run away from everything you are and know. Your life as an alien is behind you and now its time for you to attempt to survive on earth. But no one can find out what you really are. Disguise yourself and hide the truth. Learn how to fit in, learn how to survive. Become Human Enough.
Welcome to the Human Enough Challenge for The Sims 4!
Challenging restrictions that can be lifted as your alien sim slowly gains skills to become more “human-like”!
Challenges with levels of difficulty to work towards as your alien sim experiences more of life as a human!
Fun and unique achievements to unlock through specific tasks!
Keep your secret and deal with those who find out the truth!
Harsh survival as your Alien learns how to live on earth with no experience or knowledge of basically anything a human could do!
An in depth challenge checklist for players of the challenge to use and compare with their friends!
Here it is, the challenge I’ve been working on for so long. I put so much love and care into it so I really hope you enjoy it if you decide to play it. If you do decide to, tag me! Chat to me whilst you’re playing! Because I would honestly love to hear about other peoples experiences with the challenge. And obviously if you have any questions at all or any suggestions (would be very appreciated as I then can add them to the achievements page) just send me an ask or a message! Anyway, thank you for staying patient and here you are! The document includes in-depth rules, whilst the spreadsheet includes checklists, achievements and challenges!
Use the hashtag #human enough challenge so others, and I, can find your posts!
In order to use the checklist functions of the document, you have to create a copy of the spread sheet. Do this by opening the spreadsheet then going to File>Make a copy… this will then save the document in your own google sheets/google drive where you can save and come back to.
(the documents might take a bit to load because they’re kinda big sorry)
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kylowrey · 4 years
updated a slider in ‘body sliders, for days’ pack
vibrantpixels_hipDipSlider.package (download and instructions here) has two new sliders added; leg ~and some torso~ thickness for both male and females. i’ve been using this version for a while and totally forgot that it wasn’t included in the public download. the filename will be staying the same so duplicates don’t occur since they replace the same slider!(:
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kylowrey · 4 years
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kylowrey · 4 years
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kylowrey · 4 years
I asked my followers on Instagram who they wanted me to make a comic cover for, and the response was amazing. These comic covers represent my picks and the winning suggestion which features Ahsoka Tano.
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Seeing them all together is so exciting. So many hours went into creating these illustrations. I especially love that they tell stories, like Ben Solo’s return, the might of the First Order, Fennec Shand on Tatooine, and finally an aftermath to the events of The Clone Wars which finds Hera Syndulla in contact with Fulcrum and Rex’s adventures apart from Ahsoka. There is even a Legends character in T’ra Saa, who was the master of Mace Windu.
Wow, that was a lot of work! 😝
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kylowrey · 4 years
Part 3 - Holding on to the past
Elora spent the rest of the day in her own thoughts, not paying attention to the rest of the world. She was baffled as to why the leaders coming here was making her feel this way, she didn’t know the guy. Out of all of the troopers and people serving under him, why would he care about having dinner with her dad? Her dad was great and loyal, but we are a middle class family. Nothing special. ‘Dad deserves more’, elora thought. She brushed off these thoughts because she knew she needed to put on a good face tomorrow night. She wasn’t even worried about what she was going to wear, or anything. Just contemplating why on Scarif, would the leader want to come here?
She finally snaps out of it and try’s to find an outfit for the dinner, she wants to be comfortable, but not look like she just threw something on. She found a Navy blue dress hidden in the back of her closet. She remembers this dress, it haunts her. It was the dress she wore to her best friends Jax’s funeral. Her friend that was forced into the storm trooper program by Kylo Ren’s commander. But it was the only dress she owned, she’s not much of a dress wearer, or a girly girl for that matter. She starts tearing up thinking of Jax. Elora has friends, but he was like a brother to her and he can’t be replaced. Elora pushes the thought aside and throws the dress onto her chair next to her bed, along with black sandals with straps almost to her knees. ‘The dress is beautiful’ elora thought. It’s a navy blue off the shoulder dress, with lace detailing around the sleeves. She never thought she would wear it again, but here she is. Sometimes you can’t escape the past.
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kylowrey · 4 years
What you can say instead of the word beautiful:
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kylowrey · 4 years
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ϟ From 31 July, 1980 to 2 May, 1998: Harry’s childhood journey and some eternal life lessons
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kylowrey · 4 years
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Anytime you’re away from your home filming, it messes with your head.
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kylowrey · 4 years
Elora almost spills her blue milk when dad drops the news. Seriously? The supreme leader is coming here? She patiently keeps to her self, not wanting to upset father. Mother on the other hand is as erratic as an ewok, in a good way though. Elora can tell she’s just putting on a show for father to. “That’s amazing my love, I’m so happy for you. What shall we cook for him, hmm? I know some things he might like.” Elora’s mother Loraine is proficient in cooking. In fact she used to cook for his grandfather vader. Back when supreme leaders visited their people. Regardless, no one is a better cook than Loraine and she is making a fine living cooking for the people of Scarif. “I can’t wait dad!” Elora says while putting on the best fake smile she possibly can. She feels guilty for not liking her own leader, and not being happy for her dad, but she will push through it for his sake.
Kylo Ren is a mystery in Eloras eyes and no great leader should be a mystery. Elora sees him as a coward, hiding behind the history of him and his father, han solo. Elora has heard- rumors that he killed his own father, what kind of person would do that? A coward of course. Supposedly him and Rey a jedi, also have a past. Rumors are that of a romantic past, which has Elora questioning everything. Who in their right mind would love a man who killed his own father? Theres so many things that are a mystery to her and the rest of Scarif. Elora wonders if other planets know more things than they do. She also laughs at her self and wonders why she cares so much. She’s scared to find out, but only because she doesn’t want to feel sorry or care for the man. However she thinks gaining knowledge about her leader will help her family gain power in scarif. All she wants is her father to be successful. All of these rumors aside though, because tomorrow Elora has to suck up to the leader in the flesh. And she better be ready.
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kylowrey · 4 years
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Music in Film: The Twilight Saga: New Moon (2009) dir. Chris Weitz
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kylowrey · 4 years
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my son is alive
Digital drawing. The last movie was disappointing but at least I have some new inspiration.
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kylowrey · 4 years
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