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kylerphilips · 4 years ago
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kylerphilips · 4 years ago
💄 - what are the best kind of kisses? 🌺 - what’s your type? 🎟 - what’s your ideal date? 💖 - how do you show affection? 💕 - what fictional duo do you and your partner/best friend act like? (asking for a friend oop)
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💄 - what are the best kind of kisses? 
“hershey’s? nah just playin. if i’m giving the kisses? i do enjoy giving forehead kisses, cheek kisses of course your occasional peck on the lips. you know those cliche kinds of kisses.”
🌺 - what’s your type? 
🎟 - what’s your ideal date? 
“dinner and a movie. ha again just kidding. uh let’s see i really want to take someone out on a picnic date in the park. you know we could make our lunch together then have it in the park. or pick up their favorite food and have it in the park, on a nice day obviously. and just getting to spend time with this person enjoying the nice weather.” 
💖 - how do you show affection? 
“a good high five to a good friend or a co-worker. giving warm and welcoming hugs to those who need it, in a friendly way of course.” 
💕 - what fictional duo do you and your partner/best friend act like? (asking for a friend oop)
“honestly i haven’t thought much about it. i was going to be funny again and say batman and robin but that is definitely not me and my best friend. comeback to me with this question later.”
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kylerphilips · 4 years ago
🎈 - do you have any party tricks? 💌 - what’s your biggest regret? 🌺 - what’s your type?
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🎈 - do you have any party tricks? 
“oh you know i do a little jig to get the party started. know what i’m sayin? whipping out all them fortnite dances moves always gets the ladies excited. nah just kidding, i just dance all silly i guess you could say.”
💌 - what’s your biggest regret? 
“i mean i rather not say because it’s the only regret i really have but i’ll keep that to myself at lest for now anyways.” 
🌺 - what’s your type?
“aw man sometimes i don’t like answering these questions because i’m not.. too picky? i guess someone who makes me laugh? someone who makes me smile and doesnt judge me when i’m acting silly? 
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kylerphilips · 4 years ago
💋unique pink asks💋
🍷 - were you a capri sun or cool aid kid?
💋 - what’s your favorite accent?
💄 - what are the best kind of kisses?
🎈 - do you have any party tricks?
💌 - what’s your biggest regret?
🌺 - what’s your type?
🐙 - what are the best kind of hugs?
👄 - what’s something you say a lot?
🎟 - what’s your ideal date?
👅 - are there any words you can’t pronounce?
🌷 - what compliment have you received the most?
💖 - how do you show affection?
💝 - what’s the best gift you’ve received?
💗 - do you blush easily?
💘 - do you get crushes easily?
💓 - do you gesture when you talk?
💞 - are loving someone and being in love with someone different?
💕 - what fictional duo do you and your partner/best friend act like?
🎀 - what’s the most nostalgic movie/tv show/book you can think of?
🧠 - do you have any fidgets?
👛 - do you have a bucket list?
🌸 - what’s the most memorable dream you’ve had?
💒 - have you ever climbed a roof top?
🐷 - what’s your favorite pet name?
🍧 - what’s your favorite treat?
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kylerphilips · 4 years ago
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Is that (michael evans behling)?! Oh, no, it’s just ( kyler philips, 24,  he/him ), the (warehouse laborer) from Dunder Mifflin. I heard they’re (sweet kind and flirtatious) but can also be (stubborn bigheaded, and indecisive). They’re (single) and have been working there for (7 months) and post a lot @(musclemanky).
growing up in scranton pa, he was always seen as the boy who loved football. he lived and breathed it to where he had asked his parents to put him in the little kids community team when he was just seven years old. kyler is very determined in anything he puts his mind to. always working hard and you can definitely see it in him. he’s very sweet and outgoing once you get to know him. you could say he was a little popular as soon as he got to high school. he had amazing friends well has amazing friends still to his day. 
kyler is known to be lovable by all and many because of how sweet he comes off as and it is very true. if you ever get on his bad side he isn’t afraid to show his temper and will definitely defend himself if need be. although he isn’t one to throw a punch unless someone punches him first. he will defend all those he loves and really cares about. with his hardworking and determined attitude, he landed a job seven months ago at dunder mifflin paper company as a warehouse worker. 
Full Name: kyler levi philips
Nickname(s): ky, kyguy, 
Birthday: july 12
Age: 24
Hometown: scranton pennsylvania 
Sexuality: bisexual ( female lean ) 
Occupation: warehouse worker @ dunder mifflin
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kylerphilips · 4 years ago
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kylerphilips · 4 years ago
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Michael Evans Behling as Jackson Stone in the trailer for A Cinderella Story: Starstruck (2021)
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kylerphilips · 4 years ago
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‘ there’s a trick for it they don’t tell you — watch! ‘ the exclamation is unprompted as jed walks up to the side of the vending machine, gives the metal an unnecessary slap ( that, okay, kinda stings a little actually ) before keying in a code he’s had memorized for a while now.  ‘ most a’ these machines have a master key that’ll let ya override the controls. this one don’t ever seem to wanna work for the oreos, they always get stuck after half a rotation, and even if you try to hit it, well  — hey, did you know vending machine accidents kill more humans than sharks a year? ‘ a shake of his head resets his thoughts and he flashes a grin at his coworker. ‘ but what d’you want anyhow? can get mostly anything else, oreos notwithstandin’. ‘ @dunderstartsers​
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just as kyler got on her break, he headed upstairs since the break room had better options from the vending machine anyways. when one of the snacks he wanted got stuck, he sighed softly and soon glanced over when someone came over to help him. a soft chuckle leaves his lips as the other helped him as he nodded his head, “ah thank you, these vending machines can be a real bitch sometimes.” he chuckled and glanced at the options in the vending machine and smiled, “i guess i’ll take whatever it is you can grab?” he questioned and leaned back against the wall with a small smile as he eyed the other, “but to go back on that whole vending machines being more kills than sharks? that is cuh-razy! i swore i thought it was the opposite. one time i got my arm stuck in a vending machine back in elementary school.” he smiled and laughed remembering the time that had happened. 
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kylerphilips · 4 years ago
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Mom and dad are literally imploding over nothing. It’s not nothing, Olivia.
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kylerphilips · 4 years ago
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kylerphilips · 4 years ago
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kylerphilips · 4 years ago
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Okay, look, I already lost my car, phone, and birthday. I don’t need the attitude as well.
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kylerphilips · 4 years ago
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The distance Kyler kept between them hurt Matthew more than he was letting on by remaining in his spot; it made him want to selfishly close the distance and pull the other into a big hug. Instead, he gave him a small, sad smile and nod when the other thanked him for meeting him. His brows furrowed a bit when Kyler mentioned feeling he rushed him into something, the words only intensifying that lump in his throat, sad eyes watching him speak. The more he listened, the harder it felt to breathe; each word slowly sank itself in. Hearing what Kyler was feeling, then remembering his conversation with Nadia, it almost all felt very surreal for some reason.  His eyes dropped to the ground as Kyler began mentioning Tony, feelings, and the kiss again; there was nothing that could currently cure the sadness he felt. “I’m sorry.” He softly spoke up, brows still knitted together, a soft, sad whimper emitted from his lips, “ I didn’t…” a shaky breath left his lungs, mustering up his courage to look up at Kyler again, “..I didn’t mean to make you jealous twice. I’m sorry. I’m…” he sighed, “..I’m not…” his voice trailed off for a moment, forcing himself to think for a second. In the seconds he took to gather a couple of thoughts from the right words, he kept his gaze on Kyler, hoping that looking at him would somehow make whatever was going on in his head easier. It wasn’t, he quickly learned, any easier than staring at the phone screen trying to decipher if they were breaking up or not. “I…I don’t know what to say.” He softly admitted, letting out a small breath, “I…I don’t want to say the wrong thing, and then I end up messing everything up. I appreciate that you’re giving me time to think, that you’re offering to wait, and that…I can’t begin to express how much that means to me.” He licked his lips, letting out another soft sigh, “I…I just…I just can’t bring myself to keep you waiting around for me, especially when you’ve already waited so long already. I sh-should probably…” his heart sank a bit as the next couple of words hit him before slipping past his lips, “…not call someone my husband if I am dating someone. Even if it’s just pretending, all for laughs, I still sh-shouldn’t do it.  And…I think a part of me is confused about Tony because he was my f-first kiss, yes, but…I also can’t…deny that being around him m-makes me very happy. It’s a v-very unexpected f-friendship…” he swallowed back the invisible lump in his throat, clearing it a bit, “ I d-don’t want to lose you. It’s…I can’t imagine my life without you in it, Ky. I r-really can’t.” Swallowing another growing lump, Matthew took one brave step towards Kyler if only to show that he wasn’t trying to cower away, “I’m…I like you, Kyler. I like you so very much, but…I think I may also like Tony. N-no, he doesn’t know any of this.” He inhaled a sharp breath, exhaling it slowly, “I didn’t keep this from you either, by the way, I only discovered that after a conversation I had with a friend at the barbecue.” He paused, stomach turning at the question he knew he needed to ask, “What do you want to do? I’m still your boyfriend; I’m anything you want me to be. I promise all I want is to make this work, no matter how messy some truths get. I just want to be as open and honest with you as possible, something I hope you’ll be with me. I understand if we break up, I’d respect it, but know that I am willing to work on things. I don’t know what we have to do for it, but I’d do it.”
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as he finished what he had to say, he let matt take the floor. as he spoke, kyler listened intently, although some words and sentences made his heartache. was this his fault for not coming to work early that one day everyone took a day trip to the hospital? was it his fault he didn’t spend time with matt during the blackout and the lock in during the snowstorm? around those times it seems as if tony and matt had hung out more and got closer themselves. it got kyler to thinking that maybe he lost his chance now that matt had realized he may also have feelings for tony. as matt continued, kyler kept his gaze on him as he moved his hands from his pockets, now to cross over his chest. in all honesty he was at a loss for words. he meant what he said, that he would be more than willing to wait for him if he needed time to think about what he wanted. at the same time, kyler didn’t want to stand in the way of matt’s happiness if tony made him as happy as he had put it. a soft exhale left his nostrils as he looked down when he was finished talking. “what do you mean what do i want to do? i don’t want to lose you if that’s what you mean.. but i can’t stomach the idea of you liking someone else, and then wondering what it would be like if you were with tony. maybe it’s also the fact that i’m also jealous because after you became fake ‘husbands’ it seems that you two got closer. it makes me feel like i lost my chance with you.. if i had gone to the day trip or whatever would you two have playfully become fake husbands? if i stayed by your side during the blackout would you and tony have snuck off to go to jesse’s office together..  i want you to do what makes you happy. if tony makes you happy--..” he paused and looked down shaking his head, “then who am i to stand in the way of your happiness..” his last words were choked out as he felt more hurt now. “what i want is you.. i want you to be my boyfriend. but i don’t want you to be my boyfriend if you’re going to have second thoughts along the rode about you and tony. yeah i’m officially jealous of tony because he’s making you happy.. like really happy from what you said..” he said softly and blinked back a few tears shaking his head again. “you know what i want, it’s more so what do you want. i’m not telling you to choose between me or tony, but more so what you want, and what makes you happy--- or ... who makes you happy.. if the ending result maybe me losing you.. then so be it, because i don’t want you to be with me if you’re feelings for tony continue to grow while we’re together. maybe i’m not making you happy,, or maybe i’m not making you tony’s happy at least if that makes sense.” he sniffled a bit and tilted his head back letting out a soft breath. “i’ve said my peace, now the balls in your court, what do you want?”
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kylerphilips · 4 years ago
Matthew sighed as he read over Kyler’s last message; the instant feeling of dread came over him, and as much as he didn’t want to do it, he mustered up his courage and began the short walk to the spot he’d agreed to meet with the other male. Arriving at the spot before Kyler gave him a little time to check to make sure they were alone and gather his thoughts for what he assumed was coming. Each second that ticked by only made his nerves grow more, his stomach turning in every direction; needless to say, he was as thankful at seeing Kyler approaching as he was slightly sad to see him. The closer he got, the more the lump in his throat grew; it began to feel like he was slowly losing his ability to talk or breathe. Clearing his throat when the other was within hearing distance, he took a couple of steps towards him, shoving his hands into his hoodie, “H-hey, Ky.” He wasn’t sure if it was okay to greet him with a kiss, or a hug, so he stood a little distance away to give the other as much space as possible, “Y-you wanted to talk?”
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after sending the text message to matt, he found himself getting nervous. in all honesty he didn’t know where this conversation was going to take them, or how this conversation would end. could it be a terrible ending, or a happy ending? it was now up to them both. all kyler knew, was he wanted to get his feelings out and he wanted matt to hear him out. of course talking through text wasn’t the best, so meeting up in person was a good idea. after taking a sip of his drink, he headed out and met up with matt outside of the warehouse where the trucks would come through. as soon as he saw matt, he bit down on his lower lip and took a deep breath as he approached the other male. as soon as they were face to face, kyler nodded, “thanks.. thanks for meeting me..” he started and pushed his hands into his pants, “look i don’t know where i’m going with this.. but.. i feel like maybe i rushed you into being with me.. you had just came out to me and i jumped in and asked you to be my boyfriend..and then you tell me the whole tony thing happened and i know i have no right to be upset, but i do have a right to be jealous.. jealous that someone else got to be your first kiss.. but that’s not my place.. it happened and you can’t take it back.. and then you were hanging out with tony at the barbecue and i acted like it didn’t upset me, but it did.. i felt ... jealous again. jealous because you two are fake husbands, jealous because he was your first kiss.. jealous that.. i could possibly lose you to someone else. i like you matt, i meant everything i said when i told you i liked you, when i asked you to be my boyfriend. i meant everything. but now i’m worried that you may possibly have feelings for tony because you two seem to be getting really close.. and i... can’t help but feel jealous... i..--” he paused and shook his head, “i don’t know.. maybe you need some time to think about who you want to be with.. maybe asking you out right as you came out to me was just ... i don’t know.. i don’t know.. but i will wait for you if you need time to think.. i won’t make you choose between me or tony.. but just know where i’m coming from with how i’m feeling about this.. if you choose to be with tony-- that’s something i’ll have to respect..” he was practically speaking without a breath and rambling on because he was nervous about how this could affect them both. 
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kylerphilips · 4 years ago
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kylerphilips · 4 years ago
cell phone headcanons
send me “#” for cell phone headcanons about our muses including:                              - what your muse’s name is in mine’s phone                              - what your muse’s picture is in mine’s phone                              - what your muse’s ringtone is in mine’s phone                              - my muse’s last text to your muse
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kylerphilips · 4 years ago
Send me a ship and I’ll tell you...
Who asks the other on dates: Who is the bigger cuddler: Who initiates holding hands more often: Who remembers anniversaries: Who is more possessive: Who gets more jealous: Who is more protective: Who is more likely to cheat: Who initiates sexy times the most: Who dislikes PDA the most: Who kills the spider: Who asks the the other to marry them: Who buys the other flowers or gifts: Who would bring up possibly having kids: Who is more nervous to meet the parents: Who sleeps on the couch when the other is angry: Who tries to make up first after arguments: Who tells the other they love them more often:
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