kylekellers · 10 minutes
I just like hearing them. Feels nice, you know? Oh, I thought when you referred to yourself as 'girl', it was like how we call everyone 'girl' now, because 'dude' is out. Thanks for letting me know.
I’ve heard of strip candyland, but I don’t think that’s what you have in mind… is it? I’ll play truth or dare and drinking, though.
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Totally, thanks for the future dick.
You're welcome. Oh come on- you're cute. Bright eyes, handsome. I thought I was just stating facts here. Heh. Birthday boy and birthday girl- technically, I'm gender-fluid. So you can use either term interchangebly with me, by the way.
Oh yeah. There'll be drinking games if I know my brother is anything to go by. Maybe truth or dare, or some stripping one.
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kylekellers · 55 minutes
I appreciate the compliment. What makes my handsome crazy? But sure thing, Birthday Boy.
Thanks. I'm sure it will. It's been a long week, so it'll be fun to unwind. I hope there's drinking games.
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Oh yeah. Totally. I'm down to hang out. You know, after, during, before, whatever. I'll leave the door unlocked, let yourself in.
Please do try and slut it up. You're like, crazy handsome and hey, I want that for my gift as well yeah? As long as your comfortable.
But it should be fun. I'll make sure it leaves a good impression. Yeah?
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kylekellers · 1 hour
Okay, I'll see you soon. Maybe we can hang out, too? If you want.
Yeah, it's going to be my first Stonewall party. I didn't decide what to wear, yet, but I'll try to slut it up.
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Totally. Room 42- switches dorm.
Heh. Yeah? You looking to get rowdy. Wearing some slutty gear for me? I'm touched. You should enjoy yourself- we do throw like, the best parties.
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kylekellers · 2 hours
Okay, if you want. What’s your room number?
Oh, I’m glad you decided to come out for your birthday. We've missed you. I’m looking forward to the party, too.
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Heh. Hey if it's easier- come on over and show me. Give a girl like me a proper treat. Yeah? Can't promise I won't wanna give it a few licks but hey, in person is more fun.
I'm in my room, if you wanna do it now.
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Good. Yeah. Just lost in my art and you know, my own head. It happens.
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kylekellers · 2 hours
I can show it to you in person. it’ll keep me from the endless cycle of overthinking and deleting I get into, and it’s your birthday, and I can’t really think of a reason not to, right now…
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How’ve you been, by the way? Good, I hope.
Why thank you.
Hey I am happy to take all the tries you do when you do take it.
Or if you wanna show it off in person sometime today.
Also not against that.
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But I'll take the OUI if that's what you wanna do.
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kylekellers · 3 hours
Heyy. Happy Birthday! I haven’t exactly mastered the skill of dick picking, so I owe you that pic
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For the record, it's my birthday- pretty sure you all are legally obligated to send me a dick pic or a dirty message text on my birthday.
Thank you and oh so happy birthday to me.
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kylekellers · 7 hours
Kyle wasn’t even registering the words Jade was saying. He just gave silent nods as the woman ran a finger against his torso. Like he’d suddenly forgotten how to speak. He’d expected her to keep going down to his crotch, but when she stopped right above it, Kyle’s eyes turned needy. His bulge quickly began pressing against the front of his jeans, mind filled with the image of being between her legs. “Okay, I’d really appreciate that.” He bit his lip, looking down for a moment until he saw the woman’s dress falling open. Then his eyes were glued back to her body. "Your body is beautiful. May I touch?"
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"Such a god boy," she praised then smiled and ran a finger down his chest, stopping at the top of his fly. "Would you like to see if a cock ring works, Cutie? We can put one on you and keep you from cumming until I take it off of you. It works by restricting some of the blood flow, no enough to damage but it can be fun to play with." She didn't pus the pumps when he didn't ask anymore about them, but saw how his pupils grew with arousal when she asked if he wanted to lick her pussy. "I can teach you...I love the enthusiasm." With a wink, Jade reached for the ties holding her dress closed and allowed it to fall open, baring her breasts to his gaze.
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kylekellers · 13 hours
Kyle wasn’t uncomfortable with his body, but he did get a bit awkward this time. They were taking the intimacy one step further, both being naked now, and imagining he was meant to to get on top of Buck’s chest or shoulders for this. He took a deep breath, shaking his thoughts away. “Thank you. You’re a great partner. For, uh, my first time doing this.” Reiterating to show that he appreciated Buck. He trusted the guy, and wouldn’t see himself doing this with anyone else. “Um, so…” He lingered as he planned his next move. “Are you okay with all my weight on you?” He felt dumb after asking considering Buck was built like he was, but maybe he was just looking for reassurance. Walking around the bed to stand on Buck’s side, Kyle started to realize how scrawny he was compared to the sub.
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"I've got plenty of red to choose from," Buck assured him, giving him a pink cheeked smile as he lay there, enjoying the rush of arousal and then the heat of his climax. Sated and happy, Buck smiled lazily at Kyle, watching as the other man stripped off his shorts. He licked his lips and wiggled down on the bed so that he was laying flat, his head near the headboard so that Kyle could grab onto it s he knelt over him. Buck let out a soft moan when he saw Kyle's hard cock and breathed, "You have such a pretty cock, Sir. Thank you for letting me suck it." Meeting the switch's eyes, Buck opend his mouth and let his tongue poke out, waiting for Kyle to kneel over him and let him taste it again.
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kylekellers · 1 day
"It's to add it to your container collection." He giggled. "And I put a picture of Dolores from The Cranberries because Charlie said she was your favorite pop girl." He smiled as Ivan brought up Charlie. "Yeah, I could tell you about that, or we could cuddle." Hoping the second option would sound more appealing to Ivan. Enough to help avoid the topic of his family. "and I'll explain GYATT."
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Ivan took the basket with him with an honest surprised look on his face. "Oh my god, you didn't! It's so nice of you, Kyle- Thank you!" He chuckled when he saw the things that were glued to the sides of the basket and he closed the door with his foot and walked in, so he could place the basket on the coffee table. "That way Charlie can see it when he gets back. He's with his brother tonight, hanging out" he explained, then returned to where Kyle was. "So- You said things were going rough for you this week. What happened?"
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kylekellers · 1 day
Kyle held up the basket. "It's your birthday gift!" He smiled, walking into the penthouse. "I decorated it with things you like, or that reminded me of you, or that I found in my drawers." He chuckled, showing off the things he had glued to the sides. There was book quotes, and cartoon animals at the vet, and a big smile, and other random things.
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Once he read the message about Kyle coming over, Ivan put the phone down and went quickly into the kitchen, and the fridge to see what did he have that he could offer his sudden guest. He spotted some leftover lasagna in a tupperware and figured that would do. He placed it on top of the counter, just as he heard the knocking on the door. He went over and opened it quickly, a bright smile on his face when he saw the other standing there. "Hey! Come in. What's that?" he asked, pointing to what he was holding in his hand.
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kylekellers · 1 day
Thanks! I'll be right over!
Kyle went upstairs to Ivan's penthouse. He was hoping Charlie would be there, and that they could all hang out together. But he imagined Charlie may be occupied with other things since he hadn't seen him around lately. Either way, he'd be happy to have a bit of a distraction. Knocking on the door, Kyle held Ivan's past due birthday gift. It was a wooden woven basket with a giant bow on it.
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Not particulary! Say no more. Come over. Now.
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kylekellers · 1 day
So, you're not busy right now? Yes. Or, uh, no... I'm just having a rough week.
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Hi Ivan. I was wondering if you wanted to hang out? We could watch a movie, or something. I know it's the middle of the week and short notice, so we don't have to.
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Hello Kyle! Yes, I'd love to hang out with you. You could come over and we'll decide what can we do. Is everything okay?
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kylekellers · 1 day
That makes sense because he's a twin. Oh. Uhhh, so when I sent that, it was because Evan and I were talking about going to the mall together. And he wasn't going to wear anything except a collar and leash, and we were going to buy him a sexy outfit that he was going to wear back. But I didn't have a leash or collar for him to wear, but I imagined you might have that in your toy box. Maybe. And that you might let me borrow it. So, I messaged you, and asked you about it, but that was last week when things weren't so crappy, and here we are now, and your boobs looks really amazing, Miss.
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A party will definitely be fun. Form what I've seen, Sebastian Smythe isn't one to go by halfs. Oh? Of course. What's got your interest?
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kylekellers · 5 days
Actually, I was slightly asking for a box of pixy stix for my birthday. I'm 82% sure you agreed to make your special brownies for me before my birthday. Like tomorrow?
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Is eggplant parmesam like chicken parm?
Are you slightly asking me to bake you my special brownies for your birthday, candy boy? Oooh, that's a long list to choose from. Hmm... let's see- Eggplant parmesan. I love doing that. And lasagna as well. And pizza too, from scratch!
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kylekellers · 5 days
"Wow! You must be very talented then. That's so cool! Do they not have competitions here in America? Or did you stop competing for other reasons?" He questioned. "Oh, I'm sooo down! I don't even know which I'd pick, I love a lot of horror movies." Excited that someone wanted to watch something scary for a change. "Yes, it's not done, though, so you can't critique it yet." As soon as Sebastian said go, Kyle started swimming as fast as he could.
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Sebastian smiled. "Of course. I won every single one of them." He chuckled and nodded. "Maybe come Halloween we could pick our definitely favorite horror movies and made a night of it" he suggested, then nodded. "Yes, that one it's like the Home Alone 1 and 2 movies. The must-watch of the holidays" he said with a soft chuckle. "A preview you say? Hmm... You got a deal! Go then. I'll count to five and will follow you" he said, taking a couple of steps back in the water.
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kylekellers · 5 days
Yes, because what if I don't 4+4?
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Why?? Are you shy?
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kylekellers · 5 days
Oh, it's like slang... From England.
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@kylekellers replied to your post: GYATT
Uh- what?
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