“we need more complex characters!!” if Lost were released today all of the characters would be cancelled immediately
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I love the episode structure of LOST because so often it’s a very serious storyline paired with a very unserious storyline. It’s always something like
“John’s dad steals his kidney and leaves him for dead. Back on the island, Sawyer gets a new pair of glasses.”
“Sayid is held captive and brutally tortured while Hurley golfs.”
“Charlie deals with horrific PTSD after being kidnapped, hanged and revived. Meanwhile, Jack, Kate, and Sawyer, toss a bag back and forth.”
“Boone is tied up, drugged, and left for dead in the dangerous jungle while Hurley battles a tummy ache.”
“Sawyer looks for the boar who peed on his shirt while Charlie comes to terms with taking a man’s life.”
“Hurley deals with the very real possibility he might be losing his sanity and spiraling into a deep depression while Locke makes Claire a birthday present.”
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(Looking at a list of Order members names)
Y/N; “Wait, for real? (looks at Sirius) Sirius Orion Black? Your initials are S.O.B? So you’re a son of a bitch by name and by nature.”
Severus; (chokes on his drink)
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the silent ways Severus would be dominant with the one he loves 🥴🥴
Mate 😵💫😵💫😵💫
Misc Dominance Headcanons
Pairing: Severus Snape x Reader
Warnings: Dom/sub dynamics
Can silence you with a glance, especially if you’re mouthing off at him
He’ll arch his eyebrows ever so slightly too, until you get all flustered
And then he’ll just say ‘finished?’
Hand. On. The. Small. Of. Your. Back.
Can have you scurrying over to him with a minute gesture
A single pat on his thigh and you’ll be right on his lap
A slight twitch of his head and you’ll be at his side
Puts your necklaces on for you; his long fingers brush over your throat ever so gently, reminding you of the delicious way they wrap and squeeze
Very strict about looking after yourself
Will often put a glass of water in front of you and stand over it until the glass is empty.
Holds doors open for you
“Language,” (said in a monotone when you curse)
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Y/n, whispering: you know I love you, right?
Draco: why are we whispering?
Y/n: so Harry thinks we're conspiring against him
Draco: oooh
Harry: what are they talking about?
Snape, having heard everything: murder
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Mean bf!Geto whose favorite expression on you is with your pretty face curled up in irritation. Snickering to himself whenever he does something that warrants a glare that makes his pants tight.
Mean bf!Geto who loves to hold things over your head and put it on shelves you can’t reach. And he doesn’t mean to make you jump and search around for it like that - he’s just saying that he doesn’t mind checking out your ass when you do.
Mean bf!Geto who talks the most unbelievable filth when he has you in bed. Things you’d repeat back when on the phone with your friends and they won’t even believe you - sweet, graceful Geto Suguru? Talking like that? No way.
Mean bf!Geto who sidles up right behind you as this happens. Tugging down your cottony panties going, “Yeah, babe. I’d never do anything like that.”
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On Ali and self-worth

Ali is a character that I never thought I'd relate so much with. On first viewing all those years ago when the show came out, Ejen Ali was nothing more than a superhero cartoon show. While this wouldn't be the first time we've gotten a nuanced and complex characters in Malaysian animation history (Keluang Man, Anak-anak Sidek, Bola Kampung), Ejen Ali surprised me a lot when I went to rewatch it last year.
If you ask 16 year old me what kind of person Ali is, I'd describe him as a kindhearted and heroic kid who'll help anyone in need.
If you ask the current me, those are all still true... but in addition to that what I also see is a troubled kid who needs hugs. Lots of them.
This is going to be long.
Season 1
On the first few episodes, the show establishes Ali as a problem child. Right from the start, he is shown to be disorganized, lazy, and every undesirable quality you could imagine. His dad is distant, his mom is dead, and the only thing holding this miserable gremlin together is his sweet, sweet best and only friend Viktor.
And then comes this magical device that turns his life upside down and he lives happily ever after... not.
You know the phrase money doesn't corrupt but only amplifies what's already in someone's heart? Well, IRIS is the money in this case, and it amplifies Ali's inner insecurity. The first thing this little gremlin does after obtaining IRIS is to use it to get good marks and impress his classmates and teacher.
Being an emotionally neglected child he naturally craves attention, and nothing satisfies him more than when people give him exactly that no matter how. This ultimately reaches its climax when Ali uses his newfound fame during S1E10: Sensasi to farm his fans' adoration. He learns his lesson at the end of the episode, but this won't be the last time he goes out of his way to seek for others' approval.
This is why Rizwan is such an important figure in Ali's life. Regardless of the man's opinion towards him, Ali sees him as someone worth idolizing. The best agent in MATA, Charismatic to boot, the man is everything Ali wishes to be. And good for him, Rizwan is the perfect teacher.
Guy teaches Ali disciplines, doesn't put up with his childish sense of entitlement, and very much treats Ali like he'd do anyone. For the first time in Ali's life, someone actually sees him as his own person and doesn't demean nor overhype him.
Season 2
In this season, Ali meets the junior agents for the first time, and upon learning that they idolized him, he grows a bigger head. He starts pushing Alicia away, the only person who's looking out for his safety (her wanting to meet her dad's expectation is a discussion for another day).
Now, all this time Ali has actually been praised as an agent. He had his bad moments, but for the most part he believes himself to have contributed a lot to the agency, which isn't inaccurate. But this belief is what resulted in him doubling down in his insecurity when the mentors pointed out his flaws during his training with the other agents. He's already a nobody at school, and now comes another realization that he might also be a nobody compared to the other agents if not for IRIS.
This is where things take turn for the worse.
Again, Ali seeks to prove himself by disobeying the mentors and drags his new friends along as well. This turns out to be a bad idea when Ali watches Rizwan betray the agency and in his anguish starts attacking everyone after activating Override Mode. He later tries to deflect the blame towards IRIS which only makes the other agents hate him more.
Coupled with Rizwan's desertion and that he already burned his bridge with Alicia, he didn't have anyone to turn to anymore. In his pursuit for approval, he loses everything. This is the lowest point in his life.
Thankfully, Zain gets through to him and makes him see his worth beyond his skills, that he's helped a lot more people than anyone else has. This is a bandaid to the larger issue at hand, but it rekindles his spirit enough he can stand on two feet again.
On the flip side however, Alicia later choosing to stand by his side is likely the first time he receives (a form of) affection despite not doing anything to earn it. This is something that he'll finally learn later on during the movie.
Regardless, with Alicia's help, Ali began to take accountability for his actions and reformed his friendships with the other agents.
This movie is what happens when all of Ali issues accumulate to the point of no return.
This movie starts off with Ali realizing that he's no longer worth anything as an agent. Or rather, he's no longer the main character in the grand scheme of things. Feeling himself having been replaced by more experienced agents, this is where Ali adopts a new crutch to lean on... his mom's legacy.
On top of IRIS, a crutch that he's been holding onto to prove his worth, Ali is also burdened with Zain's expectation of him from the previous season. His excuse is that he wants to help people, which may be true to some extent, but it's obvious from the get-go that it's only one manifestation of his insecurity and self-worth issue. After all, if his MATA agent shtick doesn't have a point anymore, why not quit and start over.
Niki, whether she realizes it or not, capitalizes on this and convinces Ali to join her side. It doesn't help that the people from the slum see and appreciate what he's doing for them, which further incentivises him into staying. His growing resentment towards MATA and the likes of Dato' Othman pushes him further towards deserting the agency altogether. Alicia being his friend warned him of MATA's suspicion of him, but it's too late by then.
We've established before that for Ali, love and adoration always has to be earned before. In an ironic fashion, he runs away from Alicia, the one person who's stood by his side in his lowest point, to seek protection from someone he sees as a mother figure... who just so happens to only see him as a useful tool so long as he contributes to the slum. There is also a reverse-elitist undertone with how Niki treats him which is... yikes.
Niki betrays him and this slaps Ali hard in a lot of ways.
I wouldn't say Alicia's pep talk when they're trying to escape later is any better, cause god, ugh. Both of you need therapists. But for what it's worth, she teaches him one very valuable lesson; that he isn't alone. He has her, he has Bakar, he has so many people who care for him despite him being blind towards them.
Remember when Alicia stood by him in season 2? Well, she does it again and shows Ali that yes, love and loyalty doesn't need to be constantly earned. This is the turning point to Ali's worldview where he stops equating his worth to his usefulness.
At the end of the movie, Ali willingly gives up IRIS to make up for his mistake. But at the same time, we can see that he is much more confident in himself. He still has a need to prove himself, but starting from here, he does it in a much healthier way, as we can see in the following season.
Season 3
This is when Ali starts having a purpose. All this time, he's letting everyone else decide his worth, but after the events of the movie, he begins looking inward for acceptance of all that he is.
He knows he's weak, he knows he still has a lot to improve, so he focuses on that with his mother as his goal post.
Throughout the season, we can see Ali stumbling and standing up again. When he's caught in a hitch, he looks for help from others. This isn't something the old whiny Ali would've done. Instead of wallowing in self-pity, he picks himself up and strives to be a better version of himself.
From his new maturity, he also manages to resist peer pressure and doesn't antagonize the international agents like his friends do. It's no surprise that he ends up connecting with Sam the most, a direct reflection of his past insecurities. Of course he'd relate to a kindred spirit and help the guy climb out of the hell he's been through himself all his life.
When Ali loses IRIS to Alicia in the end, it is the best outcome anyone could've hoped for. Not because Alicia deserves it which she does, but because it symbolizes the end of Ali's dependency on cool shiny gadgets to make himself look like a somebody. Because he is already a somebody.
Ali's character growth throughout the series is simply phenomenal.
You know the Ali in season 1 and season 3 are the same characters but if you put them side by side you'll see that they're anything but. They're too different.
Ali's journey as a character may have been riddled with hiccups, but it's those exact hiccups that make us appreciate the person he's become.
Is he perfect? No. He's still flawed as any 12 year old is. He'll learn in time and that's okay.
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in honour of the Wicked movie being released i am pulling out a very old Ejen Ali AMV from the vault using the song "What is This Feeling?"
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Ejen Ali movie 2 is taking too long, here are my irrelevant headcanons:
Ali can cook:
I know he's rich and all, but everyone would get tired of delivery food once in a while. With his dad working late, I can just imagine Ali cooking stuff as a hobby. Like, he made his mom's Tart Nenas Landak without breaking a sweat! He must have some experience at least.
Viktor is Ali's childhood friend
Kinda sounds obvious, but if you think about how Ali has no other friend before meeting the other junior agents, it makes you wonder why Viktor sticks around.
Viktor must have been friend with Ali for long enough for them to have such a strong friendship. You know what Ali was like in season 1, right? Obnoxious, undisciplined, and overall not very pleasant to be around for an extended period of time. A true problem child.
Yet Viktor stays by his side, probably because he knows what Ali used to be like when they were younger, likely around the time Aliya died and Ali and his dad's relationship became dysfunctional.
IRIS actually makes Ali smart
I stand by my opinion that season 1 Ali was as stupid as can be lmao. But his extended usage of IRIS must have imprinted something. If you practice drawing, you'll get better at it eventually. Similarly, if Ali kept getting inputs from IRIS, he'd eventually get familiar with some patterns that'll help him with his Zain-level-future-guessing-sharingan skill.
Niki would have adopted Ali if they'd met under better circumstances
Come on. Sure, she hates the people in Cyberaya. Sure, she stillsm feels betrayed by Aliya. BUT, if she knew how neglected Ali is at home, I don't think she'd have kept silent. She's a horrible person, but Ali is a part of Aliya, and Aliya was her best friend whether she liked it or not.
She'd groom him into a terrorist if she got a hand on a younger Ali, no doubt about that. But she'd love him as a son. That's why she got so mad and personal at a literal kid. This girl be petty.
All the adult agents have a second, normal public life when off missions
Rizwan? Bus driver. Geetha? Tuition teacher. Leon? Hand model cause he got them sick moves. You get the idea.

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kartein has been waiting for kayden 😭😭😭
"you came" and "you called" is literally them, and no one can tell me otherwise

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Love me some morally gray long haired pretty boys who rain down lightning on their enemies like divine judgement.
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Can I request a rough dom reader x sub jinx, where Jinx is riding our strap and we can see the bugle from her stomach. She tries to get off the strap but we wouldn’t let her. Like degrading and stuff. THANK YOUU
i saw ur previous request, i just didn’t know how to start it 😭

৻ꪆ content warnings : dom! reader , sub! jinx , rough sex , slight overstim , degradation , mean! reader , strap referred to as ‘cock’ and ‘dick’ , jinx receiving that shlong , hand pinning , begging
৻ꪆ word count : 500+
blair dropping two requests in one day ?! ( someone kill me )
jinx’s mouth always finds a way to get herself in trouble. whether that be with enforcers, vander, or just random people who pissed her off. but tonight, she was in a lot of trouble, with you in particular.
the sound of skin slapping fills the room, your long, thick strap assaulting her cunt over and over again. “when i tell you to do something, jinx. you fuckin’ do it. no talking back, none of that bullshit.” you growl in her ear, your voice was low and dark, absolutely fed up with her defiance.
her head lolls back into the pillow, eyes rolling to the back of her head. she was an absolute mess, your strap hitting that spot inside of her perfectly with each thrust. she wanted to do something, push your buttons to the point you might explode if another bratty remark left her lips. yet she couldn’t do anything but lay there and moan out cries of your name.
“can’t speak now, hm? cock got you going dumb?” you coo with faux sympathy, raising your hand to leave a sharp smack on her tits. a raw moan escaping her throat, arching her back towards the ceiling.
“m’sorry, i’m s-sorry, please,” jinx chokes out, her words barely audible from the cracks in her voice. she brings her hand up to your stomach, attempting to slow down your unforgiving pace. you let out a breathless laugh and grab both of her wrists in one hand, and firmly rest them above her head.
“real cute baby, but sorry isn’t gonna cut it. not after that shit you pulled.” you use your freehand to push her legs up to her chest, drilling into her. your thrusts grow deeper, more deliberate, until you notice the faint bulge from your strap in her lower stomach.
“look at that,” you release your grip from jinx’s wrist to push against the bulge. her breath catches in her throat, her eyes fluttering shut. “you’re so fucking small i can see my cock right there, feel that?”
her cheeks flush a deep crimson red, her body writhing underneath you. you could tell she regrets pushing your buttons, and that’s exactly what you wanted. your hand stays firm on her lower stomach, applying just enough pressure to make her whine and feel every inch of you. “what’s wrong, can’t handle it? you wanted to act all tough earlier, didn’t you?”
jinx lips quivers, her legs tremble around your around back. clawing weakly at the sheets to search for some kind of support. “p-please, i can’t—“ she gasps, tears welling in her dazed eyes.
“can’t what? take your punishment like the slut you are?” you sneer, driving your hips harder into her, drawing another broken cry from her lips. “you’re gonna cum all over this dick, aren’t you? go ahead, make a mess of yourself, jus’ gonna make you clean it up anyway.”
with a few more thrusts, her release floods out of her, coating the strap and sheets in her cum. her cunt clenches around your strap, but you don’t let up — not yet.
“mmh, what’s wrong? too much for you?” you coo mockingly, gripping her chin with your index and thumb. her whimpers turn into sobs, becoming completely overstimulated as you fuck her harshly through her orgasm.
“don’t tell me you’re done already,” you purr, leaning down to press your lips to her ear. “we’re not stopping til i say so.”
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Can we all agree that Silco was obviously responsible for Powder/Jinx's amazing hairstyles in all timelines?

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They really gave us everything though: old gay dads, cool straight (?) couple, badass lesbians, gay (temporary) rivals
bonus: jayvik together for eternity
I would be beaming from ear to ear if I wasn't so depressed about arcane being over for good
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