Independent Yakuza OC || Read rules before interaction
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Writer's guild shenanigans feat. @hadobreeze & @allthatisleftinthedark
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look it ain't my fault that she has no clue about romance.
i need y'all to fist fight @kycdai to make a tomoko dating sim thank u
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No fuckin' way.
She'd heard about him, and saw him in the news, but to see the guy in the flesh...He was practically a legend. A no-name Yakuza who rose up to become the head of his own company, and yet, unlike most who rose to success, there wasn't an arrogance about him. Plus, if she could be honest...She admired the spirit of the guy.
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while i'm here too, like this for a starter?
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sorry about the radio silence, military shit + irl shit has been keeping me busy. Also, MH WIlds dropped and I've been playing the shit outta that lately too.
#side note#i set up a therapy thing#for military members so that'll be nice#i feel like i've been takin' Ls but man#fuck it#i'll be aight#anyway i'm on discord
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"Yeah, you'll have t'talk to my boss if yer tryin' to hire me."
Tomoko leans back onto the wall, she's no stranger to working with them, after all, Arata likes to keep his options open and see what he can get away with. Doesn't mean she's the type to freely work with them until instructed to. Aside from that, she just doesn't trust most of the foreigners.
"Yer folks never taught you how to talk to a lady?"
Not that she considered herself to be a lady. She's just as rough and tumble as most of the men she works with, if not moreso sometimes.
"Well, hell, that's disappointin'."
Tomoko reluctantly dropped her cigarette to the ground, crushing it beneath her bootheel. She figured she was out of the way of anyone who wouldn't appreciate her smoking, but seems like they expanded that area since she's been here last time. Still, she had plenty of time to smoke later.
"Guess I'll have to forego my morning cig."
#kabukicho beat (in character)#weptsorrow#tomoko vc: yeah sorry pal if you're hiring me do it through my boss
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anyone know someone who's got a decent price for commissions?
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"Wouldn't think of myself as too nice. Hm, maybe it's more accurate for someone I'd be attracted to?"
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Sometimes...I think of tomoko
#someone flirting with her either goes over her head#or she gets incredibly flustered about it#especially other women flirting with her#idk man I just think she's neat
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What's something Tomoko will never forgive, no matter what? Is Tomoko vengeful in any way? If so, to what extent?
Unprompted Asks || Always Accepting! @flybcll
The easiest way to piss Tomoko off is to hurt a kid. She doesn't exactly have a motherly personality or a mother hen, but she does tend to be a big sister figure to most of the younger kids in her neighborhood. There have been plenty of people who have showed up trying to start shit that have scared the kids and she's personally beaten them to a pulp for messing with them.
Hell, the reason she and Naoki became friends was because she stood up for him.
She won't tell you it's because she wished she stood up more for herself at school before moving to Kabukicho, but she resolved to never let herself be walked over by anyone and her aunt and uncle encouraged her to just accept the treatment to not cause trouble.
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What are some pivotal moments in Tomoko? And in what ways did they shape Tomoko? Does Tomoko view these moments as good or bad?
Unprompted Asks || Always Accepting! @flybcll
One of the moments that shaped her would be the death of her parents, being the sole survivor of the crash left her with a lot of unresolved issues that exhibited themselves in her acting out or retreating in on herself. What wasn't helping it was when rumors about her parents' lives and connections to the Yakuza began to circulate and it meant that she eventually moved from Shinjuku to Kabukicho to live with Arata once he adopted her.
She doesn't view it as purely good or bad, it's something that just happened to her, it changed her as a person, but she doesn't dwell on it.
In her own words:
"That's that, and this is this."
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Does Tomoko have any tells when they lie? What are they? Do they know about them themselves?
Unprompted Asks || Always Accepting! @flybcll
Tomoko's greatest strength and weakness is that she doesn't talk too much. On one hand, she can lie pretty easily and isn't very obvious about it unless you're paying close attention to her. She's stoic enough that her face won't give anything away, but she has a tendency to tap her finger against her hip if she's uncomfortable. It's subtle enough that it won't be seen easily and she tends to keep her hands in her pockets.
She knows she does it sometimes, but plays it off a lot better than she did as a kid. Back then, her tell was her stuttering or being unable to look someone in the eye.
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"Just because I got one eye and ya're a four-eyes, it doesn' mean ya gotta stare extra hard. Just say what ya want from me and keep yer goddamn eyes to yerself." (from Hilde)
Unprompted Asks || Always Accepting! @namelessxflowers
"Relax, would ya? I'm just wonderin' why someone who hangs around The Spider of Tokyo's comin' 'round little old Kabukicho. Last time I checked our families were pretty keen on staying outta each other's way. Sure, we trade info or work together every now and then, but..."
She doesn't let the other woman intimidate her, though she's curious, not a lotta people show up around here looking the way she does. Especially ones who seemingly weren't looking for trouble.
"You got a name? I'd call ya cyclops but that seems pretty rude out of a stranger."
#kabukicho beat (in character)#namelessxflowers#tomoko vc: look man i don't get paid enough for this#tomoko vc: just don't blow something up enough weird shit happens around here without me getting involved
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Alright, let's get back to our regularly scheduled programming.
#irl got busy b/c of drills and other shit#but i am going to do...stuff.#mainly#get to my asks in my inbox b/c i've been sitting on the shit for too long#then work on replies#smoke break (out of character)#yes i am using scourge as my ooc fc until he dies or i find someone better
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Dating Service
Date with Tomoko Kimura. Date Fee: ¥109,076 Customer Comments: "Smells nice." (Female in 30s)
"Ugh. Last time I ever let the boss talk me into keeping a family client company like that. Who th'hell breathes in someone's smell like that?"
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Tomoko's Motivations
I've been thinking about Tomoko's reasons for why she sticks with the Yakuza life, but doesn't seem to push herself to ascend in the ranks even though she could do well for herself and would likely take over the Kimura family if Arata ever decided to step down.
Part of why she's fine with being an enforcer is because it leaves her with the freedom to do what she wants for the most part. She has her responsibilities within the family, sure, but for the most part, she's given leeway to do what she wants so long as it brings income to the family itself. She likes having time to herself to be what she considers "normal". She has her hobbies and is fairly personable to the people around her and has a good rep within Kabukicho.
The other part is that she doesn't really see herself having a life outside of the Yakuza. Ever since she was a kid, she's been in the world, albeit in a limited capacity. It's enough that Arata was an uncle figure to her, and despite her parents keeping her relatively ignorant of the affairs of the Kimura family, she knew more than enough that they were deeply intertwined with them.
I wouldn't say she's afraid of finding something new, but she's content with her life. Maybe in a way, she sees being Yakuza as holding onto something related to her parents. Ever since Arata adopted her, she dropped complete contact with her biological aunt and uncle. Choosing the Kimura family in terms of familial ties. Her loyalty is returned and each of them would gladly have the other's back in whatever endeavors they might find themselves in.
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Tomoko's Motivations
I've been thinking about Tomoko's reasons for why she sticks with the Yakuza life, but doesn't seem to push herself to ascend in the ranks even though she could do well for herself and would likely take over the Kimura family if Arata ever decided to step down.
Part of why she's fine with being an enforcer is because it leaves her with the freedom to do what she wants for the most part. She has her responsibilities within the family, sure, but for the most part, she's given leeway to do what she wants so long as it brings income to the family itself. She likes having time to herself to be what she considers "normal". She has her hobbies and is fairly personable to the people around her and has a good rep within Kabukicho.
The other part is that she doesn't really see herself having a life outside of the Yakuza. Ever since she was a kid, she's been in the world, albeit in a limited capacity. It's enough that Arata was an uncle figure to her, and despite her parents keeping her relatively ignorant of the affairs of the Kimura family, she knew more than enough that they were deeply intertwined with them.
I wouldn't say she's afraid of finding something new, but she's content with her life. Maybe in a way, she sees being Yakuza as holding onto something related to her parents. Ever since Arata adopted her, she dropped complete contact with her biological aunt and uncle. Choosing the Kimura family in terms of familial ties. Her loyalty is returned and each of them would gladly have the other's back in whatever endeavors they might find themselves in.
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