kybersplit · 1 year
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kybersplit · 1 year
character who is sun-coded but not in the traditional ray-of-sunshine way. character who is sun-coded in the sense that they burn hot and bright and powerful, that they're a raging fury of fire and passion, and that maybe, just maybe, they are destroying themselves as they do so.
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kybersplit · 1 year
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someday,  when  your  children  see  this,  they'll  realize  that  the  jedi  never  stopped  fighting  for  them.   ( #kybersplit  ─  an independent, private, and selective writing blog for cal kestis of the star wars: jedi series. est. 2023. by sarah. )
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kybersplit · 1 year
𝐓𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐒  𝐋𝐈𝐊𝐄  𝐂𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐘,   (a prompt list lifted from the novel/book with the same name, by ivy tholen, triggers for gore, violence, blood, injuries and general horror will be present. change pronouns as you see fit)
is this a joke? please tell me this is a joke.
i put the car in reverse and managed to drive away unseen.
i was never going to walk away from this.
please don’t make me do it.
i’ve already given you enough therapy material for the next thirty years.
stop it! you’re going to kill us both!
too bad your phones gone. your fans would die if they could see you now.
it’s like licking copper pipes covered in sand.
i can’t have you bleed to death.
nobody ever becomes a professional musician anyway.
you’ll probably become an accountant or something.
i’m not going to kill you. i’m just going to end your life.
too rough for you?
someone will see this and call the cops. they’re coming for you.
they ain’t gonna catch me.
you confessed to everything and provided enough evidence to convict you.
this is texas. you’re gonna fry.
i don’t have it in me to mutilate you.
you have to die, but you don’t have to slasher movie die.
i wasn’t going to put all of this online.
it’s better to go out with a bang, right?
i can help you. it doesn’t have to end this way.
what is done can be undone. please call me.
you put on a freaky costume and stalked her.
is this a joke? where are you? what did you do?
you’re a real sick piece of shit.
they think it’s fake! should i be offended or flattered?
i’m less and less scared the longer were up here.
oh my god, why are you acting like this is a party?
are you really in a position to mock me?
oh what are you going to do? kill me?
you decided. you decided before we even got here.
you just lied to yourself and said you’d spare me so you’d feel less like a villain.
well, i can’t exactly put all this online. or can i?
who would agree to do that for you?
it was hard to decide to kill you. you don’t deserve it. not like the rest of them.
of course you did. why wouldn’t you?
you butchered them. how are you not drenched in blood?
you put up a fight though, more than i expected.
who wouldn’t want to stare into these bette davis eyes for eternity?
does this mean your idea of heaven is staring at yourself in the mirror?
i don’t care anymore. just tell me what you’re going to do.
you must be in as much pain as i am, right?
how can a person be mopey and anxious at the same time?
so i’m pathetic. you’re pathetic. we’re kindred spirits.
are you finding jesus right here in this carnival or something? 
i’m miserable. i thought it would make me feel better.
when i first decided to do this, i planned to kill you.
i didn’t want to mangle you or make you suffer.
why? we had a deal. why did you kill her?
give us a story and we’ll stick to it.
people never really give each other the benefit of the doubt.
everything is too much, right? you get it?
have you ever felt like the entire world is turning against you?
they’re so cute i could steal them and take them home.
i mean, i can’t say no to ice cream.
it would be better than murdering your friends in cold blood.
right, right. shouldn’t talk shit about the dead. my bad.
you’re such a little fighter, trying to find a weapon. i respect that.
you’d do anything for a friend, wouldn’t you?
we we’re never that close. you’d sell me out in a secound.
we’ll say we never saw the killer without his mask.
technically, you have to be crazy to kill someone in general.
i’ve seen this asshole in action. if he wanted you dead, you would be.
i will be right back and i will have cops with me.
one a scale of one to ten, how screwed are we?
can you enjoy a moment without researching it?
can you enjoy a moment without documenting it for your followers?
why didn’t you save me? i would’ve saved you.
if you’re not going to hurt me, can i leave?
i don’t even know who you are. you’re wearing a mask.
in fact, don’t hide at all. i’m not going to hurt you.
i already played hide and seek with [name], i’m bored with that game.
i can’t die in a room that smells like feet and old coffee.
can we please not refer to anyone in the past tense?
why are you telling me this right now?
you’re not crazy. i’m sorry if i made you feel that way.
i need you to know in case something happens.
we’ll be testifying at this asshole’s trail.
do whatever your little heart tells you.
i can’t touch a dead body.
he’ll find us. he’s had no trouble so far. it’s like he can teleport.
shouldn’t we hide as best as we can and wait?
there’s no happy ending for me. i threw it all away.
i’m pissed off and what you’re witnessing is me doing my best to feel better.
i’m not taking off the fucking mask. i might take yours off though.
it’s hard to hear anything inside this mask.
there’s never a good reason to murder people, you’re crazy.
if you run, i’ll catch you.
don’t run. i’m not moving. you don’t move neither.
i’m smashed up too. won’t be stopping me.
am i a horrible person if i say no?
it’s like you said. we have to save ourselves.
since when did you become a badass?
did we learn our lesson about dropping our weapons in front of murderers?
i’m light headed. i can’t do this much longer.
aren’t you dumbasses supposed to be hiding from me?
do you have a death wish? because i sure don’t.
you can tell me. are you the killer?
you told her to act like a kitty and fall asleep. it’s your fault.
how do you kill someone with a carousel?
we’re putting people in coffins?
when you see blood, you know blood, you feel blood.
if we don’t die, you wanna get married?
we’re going to die, aren’t we?
there’s a psycho in a cloak and mask chasing us around and you want to go into a haunted house?
you sound like the hero in an action movie. no one talks like that.
what if it’s more than one person?
do you have your phone with you?
this isn’t nearly as fun as i imagined it would be.
this night needs to end.
that fucking carousel music. it’s going to be stuck in my head for days.
fair enough. conversation dead and buried.
ugh. i don’t want to talk about this anymore.
if i tried to do that, i’d break my neck.
dude, this isn’t school. you don’t have to raise your hand.
people like to think they can survive a dangerous situation.
look, you don’t have to if you don’t want too.
never mind getting caught, how are we going to get home?
i want to go to college next year, not prison.
we need to get it done so we can explore the creepy abandoned carnival.
if people don’t want to ride with me, i’m not going to hold them hostage.
why are we playing along with this circus?
i’d sooner die than be so close to a body of water.
we’re breaking into a carnival with all our friends.
i’m a bad enough driver as it is.
i know for a fact she almost didn’t get an invite.
i read about it in an article on women’s self-defense.
i wouldn’t call me names if i were you.
you’re not a teeny bit concerned i might try to finish the job later?
i paid attention and learned.
are we all getting the picture now?
i can’t carry you. you’ll have to stay here.
i didn’t want to leave her there. i had no choice.
check yourself and make sure you’re okay.
yeah and the brown stuff is dried blood.
scared your name will be there?
your story was hard to believe.
i don’t want you to be freaked out about something when it probably means nothing.
maybe you’re putting together a pattern that isn’t really there.
i noticed something weird. you can’t call me crazy if i tell you.
what if we’re the only ones left?
it’s not about physical strength. we’re smarter than him.
the clock is running out for some people.
take off your mask.
if you’re going to kill me anyway, you might as well tell me who you are.
maybe i’ll take her and leave her in chunks. maybe i already have.
it’s not about not liking you. i don’t particularly dislike any of you. 
i’m curious, have you wondered why i’m doing this? what’s my motivation?
if i were in your shoes, i’d have so many questions.
turn around and look at me. it’s hard to hear anything inside this mask.
this doesn’t feel like reality. is it? is this really happening?
don’t joke about [name] hurting people. 
let’s not get too upset. emotions breed mistakes.
i don’t want him to go to jail. i want him dead.
if i see him again, i’m going to take your hammer and bash his brains in.
i wish i’d drilled a hole in his head when i had the chance.
it’s like there’s a million spiders running down my neck.
he killed my best friend. if i get my chance, i’m going to make him pay.
i picked it up when we ran.
he’s in here somewhere.
we have to keep running or we have to find a better hiding spot.
we also have to be prepared to fight.
i’m gonna hurl. it smells like lemon, cheese and metal in here.
see. carousel as murder weapon.
i’m serious. this is life or death.
all you have to do is curl up like a kitty and fall asleep.
then he found me. the gross tongue mask from before.
can you come here? i’m so high i’m hallucinating. or i hope i am.
move as fast as you can while we still have light.
did you put your arm around me to guide me into the building or so i could hold you?
my immortal soul just drifted up. just now. it bloomed.
mmm, grilled cheese. i should of gotten another one at dinner.
if i have to fight him, i’m playing for keeps.
it could be anyone. we can let the cops play detective.
i’m less concerned with who he is and more concerned with getting out alive.
you think it’s the same guy?
that has nothing to do with right now.
did you think i wouldn’t see you?
are we going to make it out alive?
we’re going the long way around to the house of horrors.
will you please get off the ground?
there was supposed to be a guard here tonight, wasn’t there?
i’d rather die than eat anything sweet.
i’m not so high that i can’t outrun this guy or even take him down.
you can’t go looking for them alone.
[name] is dead and if we don’t leave this carnival, so are we.
if you want to leave, go.
i’m going to try to find the others.
i have no idea what you’re talking about. we gotta go.
something something no man left behind.
we. can’t. leave. them.
we won’t be able to help the others if we’re dead.
there is someone in a black hooded cloak and demon mask.
it’s a scare actor costume from the carnival.
we have to get outta here.
well, i welcome him to come to me, i’ll kick his fucking ass!
why do i automatically assume people are dead?
what if everyone is dead?
we’re more likely to be arrested than murdered.
one hour and i’ll be done. sixty little minutes and it’s over.
god, i really don’t want to be here.
if i stop, it’s over, i’m dead.
you never know if you’ll get stuck without a bathroom when you need it.
i can’t wrap my head around one person wanting us dead. what could we have done to two?
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kybersplit · 1 year
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“Let’s get you fixed up.” | Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order (2019) 
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kybersplit · 1 year
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someday,  when  your  children  see  this,  they'll  realize  that  the  jedi  never  stopped  fighting  for  them.   ( #kybersplit  ─  an independent, private, and selective writing blog for cal kestis of the star wars: jedi series. est. 2023. by sarah. )
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kybersplit · 1 year
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If you ever stray from your path... we will guide you back.
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kybersplit · 1 year
“ i find your lack of faith disturbing. ”
“ she’s fast enough for you, old man. ”
“ the force will be with you. always. ”
“ never tell me the odds! ”
“ do. or do not. there is no try. ”
“ no. i am your father. ”
“ pass on what you have learned. ”
“ just for once, let me look on you with my own eyes. ”
“ there’s always a bigger fish. ”
“ in time, the suffering of your people will persuade you to see our point of view. ”
“ you can’t stop the change, any more than you can stop the suns from setting. ”
“ i sense much fear in you. ”
“ the day we stop believing democracy can work is the day we lose it. ”
“ i’m just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe. ”
“ power! unlimited power! ”
“ the garbage’ll do! ”
“ you know, no matter how much we fought, i’ve always hated watching you leave. ”
“ oh, my dear friend. how I’ve missed you. ”
“ i’m one with the force. the force is with me. ”
“ judge me by my size, do you? ”
“ you have hate. you have anger. but you don’t use them. ”
 “ if you define yourself by your power to take life, your desire to dominate, to possess, then you have nothing. ”
“ your focus determines your reality. ”
“ be careful not to choke on your aspirations. ”
“ in my experience there is no such thing as luck. ”
“ fear is the path to the dark side. ”
“ be mindful of your thoughts …they’ll betray you. ”
“ we’ll take the next chance. and the next. on and on until we win …or the chances are spent. ”
“ stay on target. ”
“ laugh it up, fuzz ball. ”
“ but only you can change yourself. ”
“ i’ve seen your daily routine. you are not busy. ”
“ get your head out of your cockpit. ”
“ page turners, they are not. ”    
“ this is not going to go the way you think. ”
“ let’s not have a scene. ”
“ impressive. every word in that sentence was wrong. ”
“ i believe he’s tooling with you, sir. ”
“ my disappointment in your performance cannot be overstated. ”
“ wipe that nervous expression off your face. ”
“ work your magic, buddy. ”
“ i need someone to show me my place in all this. ”
“ and here comes the parade. ”
“ we have them tied on the end of a string. ”
“ i wish i could put my fist through this whole lousy, beautiful town. ”
“ we’ve pulled crazier stunts than this. ”
“ you’re just a child with a mask. ”
“ that was a cheap move. ”
“ your eyes can deceive you; don’t trust them. ”
“ fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering. ”
“ let go of your hate. ”
“ who’s the more foolish; the fool, or the fool who follows him? ”
“ so this is how liberty dies…with thunderous applause. ”
“ great, kid. don’t get cocky. ”
“ that is why you fail. ”
“ we’re gonna do this… ”
“ these are your first steps… ”
“ i assume you need something. desperately. ” 
“ i thought he was a myth. ”
“ stop taking my hand! ”
“ i’ve got a bad feeling about this. ”
“ i never ask that question until after we’ve done it. ”
“ women always figure out the truth. always. ”
“ the light – it’s always been there. it’ll guide you. ”
“ princess – general, sorry. ”
“ you still want to kill me? ”
“ that’s what happens when you’re being hunted by a stranger in a mask. ”
“ is there a garbage shoot? trash compactor? ”
“ we’ll see each other again. i believe that. ”
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kybersplit · 1 year
the thing about having hope is that it is so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so difficult. but you have to do it anyway
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kybersplit · 1 year
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someday,  when  your  children  see  this,  they'll  realize  that  the  jedi  never  stopped  fighting  for  them.   ( #kybersplit  ─  an independent, private, and selective writing blog for cal kestis of the star wars: jedi series. est. 2023. by sarah. )
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kybersplit · 1 year
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                                             do you trust me? / yes.
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kybersplit · 1 year
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“You were only a child when they sent you off to war. Now look at you. The weight of a galaxy on your shoulders.”
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kybersplit · 1 year
lila, pt. 2.
dialogue prompts from lila by marilynne robinson.
you still don't trust me at all.
maybe you should just tell me those things, whatever they are.
i was thinking about you all the time.
i was thinking about you, and wondering about myself.
do you still pretend to talk to me, now that i'm here?
i'm very trustworthy, so there's no need to cry.
the way we used to laugh was better than anything.
everything you tell me surprises me. it's always interesting.
you never could let anything be.
i guess it's been a while since i had dreams worth talking about.
no point making it worse than it has to be.
you shouldn't have waited up for me.
i can't go on protecting you from other people.
did i do something i shouldn't?
i'll tell you about my day if you'll tell me about yours.
i have a lot of memories, these days, and i have some pretty bad dreams.
no matter what happens, i am on your side.
there are people you seem to know the first time you see them.
i thought i'd learned not to set my heart on anything.
i did know you. i do know you.
you don't mind all the scars and scratches?
folks are their bodies, and bodies can't be trusted at all.
there's no point being scared of pain.
nobody knows what to say about sorrow like that.
it's amazing that anybody in the world can hurt your feelings, if they want to.
i've got feelings i don't know the names for, but i wouldn't wish them on a snake.
i don't want you looking at me that way.
i can talk better than this. guess i just don't want to.
you never told me what you're scared of. there must be something.
i think through things. it calms me. otherwise, i don't react as well as i might.
some things you want so much, you can't believe you have them.
sometimes i just laugh because i'm surprised.
i'll come to find you, like i always do.
how can i tell you about things i don't understand myself?
it's worse every day because it's the same, every day.
you have been a miracle.
don't hope. just wait.
how is praying different from worrying?
stealing is stealing, especially if you get caught at it.
just crawl under the covers with me until i get warm.
i won't cry if you won't.
i tried praying a couple times, and nothing came of it.
the best things that happen, i'd have never thought to pray for.
fear and comfort can be the same thing.
i think you've been playing possum.
we'll be nowhere, and it will be all right. i have friends there.
when you're scalded, touch hurts. makes no difference if it's kind or not.
you have to stay out of trouble, for the sake of your child.
that's what my heart is like sometimes, secretive and bitter and scared.
i can't love you as much as i love you. i can't feel as happy as i am.
i know you'll do the best you can, the best that can be done.
stepping back into the loneliness is a dreadful thing, like walking into cold water.
what you think, you might not have to feel.
i feel like moses on the mountain, looking out at the life he will never have.
did i ever say that? that i love you? i always thought it sounded a little foolish.
i used to read to myself out loud, just to hear a voice.
there is goodness at the center of things.
it's not fair to punish people for trying to get by.
sometimes we think terrible thoughts to blunt our own fear.
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kybersplit · 1 year
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someday,  when  your  children  see  this,  they'll  realize  that  the  jedi  never  stopped  fighting  for  them.   ( #kybersplit  ─  an independent, private, and selective writing blog for cal kestis of the star wars: jedi series. est. 2023. by sarah. )
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kybersplit · 1 year
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                        ❝ this is anakin skywalker: the most powerful jedi of his generation. perhaps of any generation. the fastest. the strongest. an unbeatable pilot. an unstoppable warrior. on the ground, in the air or sea or space, there is no one even close. ❞     ᴀɴᴀᴋɪɴ ꜱᴋʏᴡᴀʟᴋᴇʀ / ᴅᴀʀᴛʜ ᴠᴀᴅᴇʀ from s̲t̲a̲r̲ w̲a̲r̲s̲ as written by chloe.
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kybersplit · 1 year
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kybersplit · 1 year
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someday,  when  your  children  see  this,  they'll  realize  that  the  jedi  never  stopped  fighting  for  them.   ( #kybersplit  ─  an independent, private, and selective writing blog for cal kestis of the star wars: jedi series. est. 2023. by sarah. )
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