kybcrhearted · 3 years
//smol update: today is my birthday so i will likely not be around because i have plans with friends. BUT i will be around tomorrow <3
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kybcrhearted · 3 years
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This is SUPER early but I got really excited about this :’) 
Lots of love from your secret santa <3
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kybcrhearted · 3 years
Hey lovely~ 💜💜💜 this is your star wars secret Santa (SWSS)! What kinda things are you hoping for this year? :3c
oh hello there!
um, i'm be real with you here, i have no idea alksdjfh
maybe a promo or something simple? i don't need anything super big or complicated or anything and i'll love whatever i get!
happy holidays!
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kybcrhearted · 3 years
Scenario Memes - Touch (some potentially nsfw)
Send a number for my muse to do the following action towards yours (and mun will determine why). Add “+” for reverse. Send “Wildcard” for mun to pick one themselves.
My muse reaches out to grab your muse’s arm suddenly
My muse gently grasps your muse’s wrist
My muse firmly places a hand on your muse’s shoulder
My muse grabs your muse’s hand
My muse slips their fingers between your muse’s fingers and holds their hand
My muse tugs the hem of your muse’s shirt
My muse cups your muse’s cheek
My muse strokes the side of your muse’s face
My muse places a hand on your muse’s forehead
My muse places a hand over your muse’s eyes to close them
My muse firmly grasps your muse’s chin
My muse bops your muse’s nose
My muse touches the nape of your muse’s throat
My muse strokes your muse’s lip with their thumb
My muse places a hand on your muse’s thigh
My muse touches your muse’s back
My muse touches the back of your muse’s neck
My muse buries their face on your muse’s chest
My muse buries their face on your muse’s back
My muse pets the top of your muse’s head
My muse strokes your muse’s hair
My muse grasps your muse’s hip with their hand
My muse closes their arms around your muse firmly to stop them
My muse reaches out and hug yours
My muse hugs yours from behind
My muse pins yours against the wall
My muse places a hand on the wall, resting next to your muse’s head
My muse puts both their hands on the wall, with yours caged in between
My muse pins yours to the floor
My muse presses a finger over your muse’s mouth
My muse firmly presses a hand over your muse’s mouth
My muse throws your muse over their shoulder
My muse picks your muse up to carry them in their arms
My muse gives yours a piggyback ride
Mu muse gives yours a peck on the lips
My muse passionately kisses yours
My muses kisses your muse’s cheek
My muse kisses your muse’s forehead
My muse presses their lips to the back of your muse’s neck
My muse presses their lips to your muse’s throat
My muse kisses your muse’s shoulder
My muse kisses your muse’s hand
My muse nibbles your muse’s ear
My muse hovers over your muse’s ear
My muse shoves your muse’s hand or arm off
My muse jerks your muse closer
My muse pushes yours away
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kybcrhearted · 3 years
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kybcrhearted · 3 years
*slides url inside ;)*
My Opinion on;
Character in general: Fun fact--if I ever met Orson Krennic in real life, it would be hands on sight. BUT, good lord do I love me a well-written villain and Orson is certainly that. I enjoyed Rogue One far more than I expected to and Krennic is a large part of that. Not gonna save him from these hands tho
How they play them: SO--we have not written together and I believe just followed each other fairly recently but I stalk people's replies and HOLY SHIT, chef's kiss from what I've seen so far. They took a character and built upon them in a fantastic way. It is hard to write villains, the expectations are high but at the same time people often expect you to water down the worse aspects of them, they seem to handle that remarkably well and I can practically hear Krennic saying what they write. They understood the assignment.
The Mun: I do not know them but they seem really nice from what I've seen so far! To be honest, they seem like a very talented writer which always makes me nervous, but I've seen what they've said about others and they seem to be a lovely presence in the rpc.
Do I:
RP with them: I do not!
Want to RP with them: Ummm hi hello, yes please.
What is my;
Overall Opinion: We haven't interacted yet but from what I've seen so far? This is one damn amazing blog right here. They have a firm grasp of their character and what kind of person they are and don't shy away from that. They clearly know what they are doing as a writer and an roleplayer. The talent on display is astounding and to top it all off? They seem like a nice person. It's a win-win.
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kybcrhearted · 3 years
slides my url in with a lil bow on top :)
My Opinion on;
Character in general: Whether it is Nyla or Corryn, I love them both. They feel like they could fit right into the SW universe and I would love a movie about them. Get on it, Disney.
How they play them: UMMMMMM TO PERFECTION? ?? ?? TF??? The writing is beautiful and their talent shines through. You can tell this is someone who has thought their OC through in every way.
The Mun: Saige???? My love???? The light of my life? Literal perfection in a human form??? yeah they're okay i guess
Do I:
RP with them: Of course
Want to RP with them: NO. NEVER. pls give me all the threads
What is my;
Overall Opinion: If you're looking for a well-thought out, brilliantly written OC with an equally lovely mun behind the keyboard--look no further than right here.
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kybcrhearted · 3 years
//i'm watching jurassic world: fallen kingdom at work and i wanna know....who decided to include the sad brachiosaurus scene? 
i just wanna talk
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kybcrhearted · 3 years
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Unless her slumber was light, Corryn did not always sense the departure of her better half. The other had always liked getting a head start on the day, whereas Corryn would sleep as long as she was able. In the few minutes before waking, her eyes fluttered occasionally, a sign her mind was occupied with a dream. The vast majority of what she could recall was DARKNESS – shapes and shadows lingering in the small bits of light, but what they were exactly she couldn’t discern. 
Commander’s persistence started seeping into her vision, and with each little flop and squawk, she regained more and more consciousness. Eventually, Corryn pushed long, brown locks out of her eyes as she sat up in bed. ❝ Mornin,’ ❞ She greeted her girlfriend in a raspy voice and mumbled a ‘thank you’ at the offering of caf.  ❝ And good morning to you, too. ❞ The Porg was soon given all the head scratches he could want. The liquid burned on the way down ( still too hot for anything other than sipping ) but she needed enough in her system before getting out of bed. ❝ Mm. When’s that one again? ❞ She made a face in anticipation of being lightly scolded. 
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Once Commander had determined he had received an appropriate amount of attention, he flopped his way past Mara before jumping to the floor, toddling off to no doubt cause trouble somewhere. Taking a sip from the cup in her hands, Mara couldn’t help but sigh at the question, eyes narrowed as she lightly smacks Corryn with a nearby pillow. “An hour. So get a move on, I don’t want to be yelled at by the captain for being late. Again.” She pressed a light kiss to her girlfriend’s head before rising from the bed.
Setting the cup on a nearby table, her arms stretched above her head as she yawned. “Honestly, I think you’d sleep all day if I let you. Thankfully, I’m your personal alarm.” It was a tough job but somebody had to do it. Working on pulling her hair back into a braid, she shot a glance in Corryn’s direction. “I think they’re going to send us out again. Overheard some troops talking about a base that needed defending.” She sighed, her expression falling as she finished with the braid, reaching for her walking stick. “Apparently, they’ve lost a lot of troops already.”
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kybcrhearted · 3 years
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Dameron. I only call you nice things.” That was a bold-faced lie and they both knew it, but she did her best to radiate innocence. It was all in good fun, the two had been friends for so long and Mara couldn’t help it if she showed love through playful teasing. Poe always responded with quips of his own, so it balanced out quite nicely.
“I can’t reveal my sources. Poor thing couldn’t take it if you went and yelled at them.” But his next words prompted yet another light poke from her walking stick. “You aren’t allowed to up and die on me, who else would I annoy?” Hopping down from her perch, she leaned against her stick. “Besides, I’m not asking you to live forever. That’s just unrealistic. But, you know, if you could at least make it a week without some hot-headed maneuver that’s going to land you in the medbay--well, that would be nice.”
Ah, yes, her father certainly had more than a few close calls of his own. Even Mara was known for going off half-cocked. But this wasn’t about her family. This was about Poe. “Keep it up, Poe, I dare you.” She wasn’t above sneaking onto his ship.
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          🚀THE BASE WAS AS BUSY AS ONE COULD expect and the Commander has been coming and going from meetings. C-3PO and his criminal droids - allies as he liked to call them - had obtained important intel, that had everyone anxious. He already had a new mission, which was the reason he was walking towards his x-wing, to see how the reparations were going. If he didn’t got her ready for the next hours he would be forced to take on his personal ship.
          He hadn’t seen Mara, which was the reason he nearly stumbled with her stick. Brown eyes turning to look at his friend - they have been friends for so long, that her words didn’t even surprise him. “Well thank you, I’ve been called worse, by you no less, Eclipse.” He smirked, his tone as playful as her own. “Hmm now I wonder who was the traitor who told you.” Poe looked around as if he would see whoever mechnic spoke with her. “I didn’t nearly crashed, I crashed spectacularlyif I can say so myself.”
          Poe hummed as his eyes returned to her. “I tell you everything you need to know not to get worried about me.” He wasn’t sure why he did that, but Mara had lost too much in the course of her life, he didn’t want to see her suffering more. Chuckling at the accussation he fired back. “I’m not sure I can avoid it. Growing up with the Skywalker-Solo and the Marek’s has been educational for me on how to be reckless. I think I’m improving, besides, who wants to live forever?”
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kybcrhearted · 3 years
Nightmares had become a common occurrence after what happened. They were so vivid-so real-that when she awoke, it was hard to remember where she was. And yet, at the same time, it was hard to believe it had happened at all. It felt like some distant dream that she couldn’t wake up from.
They rarely let her out of the infirmary after they recovered her, her injuries could have been much worse but that didn’t mean they were anything to scoff at. She had been lucky--her sight might have been lost, but she was still alive. Unlike so many others.
They had let her out--with a medical aide by her side, of course--only after Mara had complained for several minutes. No doubt they wanted her out of their hair just as much as she longed to no longer be confined to the infirmary. The voice that calls out to her is instantly recognized, but not one she expects to hear, turning in the direction of it, tears in her eyes. “Dad?” She longs to run to him, but the aide at her side holds a restraining arm out. 
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@kybcrhearted​ is getting some love from her dad;
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          🔥🐦HE DIDN’T WANT TO BE THERE no after everything that has happened. In fact, when the news of the incident reached his ears, he had been so angry that he almost tapped on the dark side again - something he hasn’t done for several years after the fall of the Empire. It has been Juno - of course - who dragged him back to the fight, who told him that the Resistance of Leia Organa was going to need his help.
         Memories that he used to have control over, returned immediatly after the news of a new organization quite similar to the Empire. Nightmares and terrors of the training that Vader had forced upon him clashed with his mind every night since the news. And the desperation of not knowing where Mara was. If she has been killed the boy… the Solo boy was not going to survive. But if she had joined him into the darkness, Galen was going to bring his daughter back.
          The Rogue Shadow landed over D’qar surface, and Galen, followed by a re-programmed PROXY made his way towards the base. It was his droid who saw her first than his own eyes. “Master, your daughter Mara is here.” The droid said pointing in her direction. Galen’s eyes found her immediatly and he couldn’t help the pain that grew inside. Was she…? He hurried towards her, not minding the Generals who had come to greet him. “Mara!” He shouted as he ran.
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kybcrhearted · 3 years
uhhhhhhh give this a like for a starter so i can get this shindig started again y’all <3
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kybcrhearted · 3 years
There was no time or place for distractions in the middle of battle, your focus had to be strong--unwavering. That was one of Mara’s flaws. Her skill in combatant was weakened by her inability to avoid distractions. There were too many sounds, too many things elsewhere to worry on and her mind was unable to shut it all out.
But the bolt that grazed her arm did more than enough to recapture her attention. Grimacing through the pain, she reached out and tossed the stormtrooper to the side, creating an opening for herself and those under her command. Hearing her troops run past her, she started to move with them when something changed. Someone unexpected was among the First Order’s numbers.
“Fall back!” There was hesitation among her men, she could feel it. “Now!” Moving to stand at the front of the group, a feeling of dread settled in her stomach. The saber in her hand ignited, bathing the surrounding area in a pale blue light, if the First Order sent who she thought they did, she’d need the weapon to even stand a chance.
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kybcrhearted · 3 years
“You know--the next time I think ‘let’s ask Eron to help me train, it will be a good idea’...” She rolls her eyes, moving to pick herself up from the floor, ignoring the aching that had settled in. It would be worse tomorrow and she knew it. “...just smack me upside the head.” Mara was a skilled fighter, there was no doubting that. Just like there was no doubting that Eron was better.
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kybcrhearted · 3 years
here’s a little love from a polar bear to you, to warm up your winter! your writing is great, and you're a pleasure to see here in the rpc! I hope things are going well for you in all areas of life and if so, fantastic!! and if not, remember that they'll get better and there are lots of people cheering you on!
Thank you for blessing the rpc with your positivity <3
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kybcrhearted · 3 years
-leaves my url with a plate of cookies- 🥺
My Opinion on;
Character in general: Poe Dameron is amazing and one of my favorite things about the sequels. I love him, your honor.
How they play them: WONDERFULLY. Palps clearly has a love and understanding of the character that shines through in their writing.
The Mun: Palps is friendly, kind, and a true joy to write with. They're the one who talked me back to the indie scene and have been ever so patient with me and my shenanigans. A very talented writer who I am blessed to call a friend.
Do I:
RP with them: Yup!
Want to RP with them: All the time. Gimme all the things.
What is my;
Overall Opinion: A fantastic character written by a fabulous writer. 10/10. Would recommend.
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kybcrhearted · 3 years
Send me your URL and I'll tell you
My Opinion on;
Character in general: How they play them: The Mun:
Do I:
RP with them: Want to RP with them: 
What is my;
Overall Opinion:
**Note: Mun’s answer are all to be completely honest. Don’t send url if you don’t want brutal honesty
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