kyabetsuhime · 5 months
Mayoi Ayase 4☆ – The Cook of Many Orders
B-day present for Yuno. Happy birthday!
Writer: Yuumasu Characters: Shinobu, Mayoi, Niki Season: Summer Translation: ksts
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Mayoi: (Uu… I’m still far from perfect even though I stayed up all night working) (At this rate, I’ll only get Shinobu-kyun upset. To steal a smile from such an innocent soul’s face is simply unforgivable..!) (I have to come up with something… But I’m running out of time…)
Niki: This smell… Ah, knew it was you, Mayo-chan. Hey there ♪
Mayoi: Hello, Shiina-san… Eek! Why are you sniffing me?!
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Mayoi: Do I smell bad? I'm sorry, it's…
Niki: Nah, just kinda different. Usually you smell especially delicious, so it's a pity Hang on right here, I’ll bring you something nice ♪
Mayoi: O-okay, got it… (What did he mean by “something nice”… Could it have something to do with my smell?) (…That reminds me, Shiina-san always says I have a delicious smell—)
Niki: Thanks for waitiiing~ Here, please take this oil and butter ♪
Mayoi: Oil and butter..?
Niki: Yeah! Preparation is important, you know~
Mayoi: (Preparation… He's not going to eat me, is he?!) (If I get eaten, I won't be able to fulfill my promise to Shinobu-kyun! Uu, what to do, what to do…) (…Right!) E-excuse me, I have something to do now…
Niki: Something to do?
Mayoi: Yes– You see, Chief asked me to make a diorama I was so absorbed in creating our perfect paradise that I even forgot to sleep and to eat. Though I’m nowhere near perfect yet But I’ll keep going. If it's Chief's wish, then I want to give him the best diorama I can If I disappoint Chief, I—! Shiina-san, I beg you, help me! Breakfast, lunch, dinner, just whatever you want will all be on meee!!!
Niki: Fine, I’ll help. I mean, it’s nice to have someone treat me to a meal, but there’s no way I’m gonna leave you alone as you’re getting less and less delicious ♪
Mayoi: Th-thank you! Then please follow me, I’ll show you my paradise… ♪
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Niki: Whoa, everything is so detailed and realistic, you really went all out~ No wonder you’re having a hard time finishing it
Mayoi: Hehehe. Well, it’s our paradise after all… ♪ See that detached building? It’s a ninjutsu training ground. There is also a pool in that garden over there for practicing water-escape techniques And in the main building there is a small window that is for my personal use. From there, I'll be watching Chief use the pool
Niki: Just watching? Why not use it together?
Mayoi: I-I can’t do that. I mean, if Chief wants me to, I’ll do it, but, aah..! It will be enough for me to just watch him from afar
Niki: Hmm, I think it's more fun together, though~
Mayoi: (Is that so? Uu, I think we have different ideas of what is fun…) (Also, I dare not mention it, but why is he putting oil on my skin..?) (Is he seasoning me? S-so he's really going to eat me after all?!) (Even if I get eaten, at least I have to finish the diorama first. For Shinobu-kyun’s sake..!) H-here is the blueprint. Shiina-san, please take care of these parts
Niki: Okay, gotcha~
Mayoi: (Both my hands are covered in oil now… Huh?) This oil smells sweet
Niki: Pretty nice smell, right? It was part of a cosmetic kit I got from a fan. Just a little of it is enough to make your skin smooth and silky
Mayoi: Cosmetic kit… Eh, so you’re not going to eat?
Niki: That coconut oil? Even someone like me couldn’t eat it. It’s not a food after all~ Well, to be honest, its delicious smell always gets me hungry, so I don't use it much I’ll give you left-overs, make sure to use it. HiMERU-kun said that it’s important for us idols to take good care of our skin
Mayoi: G-got it, thank you… (So I was worried for nothing… That’s a relief) (No, now is not the time to relax! First I need to finish the diorama. Wait for me, Shinobu-kyun..!)
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Niki: Now I’m gonna add some decorations to the roof and… Done! Whew. Seems everything went off without any incidents~ ♪
Mayoi: Yes. It's all thanks to your help, Shiina-san I’m so impressed with your skills. Have you done that before..?
Niki: Nah, never. Perhaps this is where my experience in food carving and marzipan making came in handy I always try to prioritize fillingness, but still, it's nice to make some exquisite-looking gingerbread house every now and then~
Mayoi: Gingerbread house..! I'd love to live in one with Shinobu-kyun. I’d be the witch, and he… Hehehe
Shinobu: Shutatata! Sorry for the wait~ Woah, what a splendid diorama~ Excellent, Mayoi-dono ♪
Mayoi: Th-thank you. I did my best for you, Shinobu-kyu– Chief ♪
Shinobu: Mm-hmm. I’m sure it will be impressive when we destroy it
Niki: Eh, you’re gonna destroy it?
Shinobu: Yeah. We’re planning to use it in Ryuseitai PV. We'll destroy the building in a spectacular way and then blow it up— Mayoi-dono, what is it? Why are you holding your head like that?
Mayoi: I-it’s nothing, don’t mind me. Hehe, hehehe… (I got so excited about "creating paradise" and completely forgot that it's going to get destroyed eventually) (Though I’m glad to be of help to Chief…) My paradise… Our utopia…
Niki: Nahaha… I’ll help you next time, too, so cheer up. Your delicious smell just reappeared, don’t lose it again~ Ah, but I’ll take my reward anyway! Meal, gimme meal~♪
Mayoi: Y-yes, please eat as much as you want…
★ directory ★
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kyabetsuhime · 11 months
Rinne Amagi 4☆ – Please, God☆
Writer: Yuumasu Characters: Kanata, Hiyori, Rinne, HiMERU, Kohaku, Niki Season: Autumn Translation: ksts Proofreading: mai (ENG)
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Rinne: (So my next job is in an hour... I wanna play pachinko, but guess I'll only end up gettin’ there and comin' right back.) (And there's no point in goin' to Cinnamon either as Niki isn't there.) (Well, it seems I have no choice but to stay here and kill time. If only something could keep me from gettin' bored...) (...Oh.) Hey, Hiyori-chan♪ What a coincidence, nice to see you. For some reason, your mere presence is like a good omen. As if I'm gettin' an "fine weather" blessing...♪
Hiyori: Rinne-senpai, I know you're tearfully happy to see me, but now it's terrible weather…
Rinne: Hm? What's the matter? You don't look well. Did you caught a cold or somethin'?
Hiyori: I wanted to pick up some snacks for a light meal, but the quiche I was looking for was out of stock. Even though I was the one who wrote the letter asking them to add quiche to their repertoire, me not getting it in the end is simply unforgivable!
Rinne: Ehh, so your favorite food is tissues? Are you a goat eatin' paper?♪ Come on, Hiyori-chan, say maa maa...☆
Hiyori: I won't! And I'm not a goat! I'm not in the mood to be teased, why do you keep messing with me?
Rinne: But isn't it natural to greet acquaintances when you meet them in your free time? Why don't you get along with me since we're roommates? Gyahaha☆
Hiyori: Roommates, huh... Then you should ask Kanata-kun to keep you company. He'll bring you luck too, though not as much as me.
Rinne: What do you mean?
Hiyori: It's just a rumor. When I was still at Yumenosaki, I've heard that some people worship him, believing that he can make any wish come true for them.
Rinne: Any, huh? Gyahaha, that definitely isn’t true then. There's no way he could be a god, is there?
Hiyori: Fufun. Whether you believe me or not is up to you, Rinne-senpai.
<6 hours later>
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Rinne: (Phew, all done. Good job, me~) (Now I'll drop my stuff off here and leave. My beloved gambling is waitin' for meee~♪) (There's a new pachinko machine, so should I try that first?~) (...Hm?)
Kanata: (Sleeping sounds)
Rinne: (So Kanacchi's back too. I didn't notice him at all.) (He looks so peaceful sleepin'. Is he havin' a good dream?) ... ("Make any wish come true", huh...) (I know it's just a baseless rumour, but... Guess it can’t hurt to try—) (In a low voice) May I win big! (Aight, I'm off now♪)
<Several days later>
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Niki: Thanks for waiting~ Here are your two daily special sets~
HiMERU: Thank you.
Kohaku: ...Hey, Niki-han. I wanna ask you somethin'.
HiMERU: Oukawa.
Kohaku: But HiMERU-han, you're curious too, right? If we can't get anywhere on our own, then let's bring in Niki-han. Look... See Rinne-han sittin' at the counter?
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Rinne: ......... ...(Sigh)
Kohaku: He's been lost in thought like that for quite a long time now. Did somethin' happen? Maybe he ate somethin' strange?
Niki: Eh!? Please don't suspect our food! But it's really weird that he didn't try to pester me. Well, now that I think about it, he sure looks different from usual~
HiMERU: So in other words, you don't know anything either.
Kohaku: HiMERU-han, where are you goin'?
HiMERU: To ask him directly. Since we don't know the situation, our discussion is just a waste of time. Amagi, can I have a minute?
Rinne: ...Hey, Merumeru. Do you believe in God?
HiMERU: ...What.
Kohaku: Oh no, Rinne-han's snapped!
Niki: Uwah, it's quite troublesome. Who can fix him then? Little brother-san?
Rinne: Nah, I'm totally fine. I don't know how it works, but lately I've been winnin' big at pachinko every time I pray to my roommate, Kanacchi. I suspected it was just a dubious rumour, but turns out he might really be a god of gambling... I haveta cherish this bond♪ Gyahahaha!
<Several days later>
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Hiyori: I'm home! If there's anyone here, greet me with open arms!
Kanata: Welcome back, "Ohisama"-san.
Hiyori: Kanata-kun, what's the matter? Even though I'm back, you're in such a bad mood!
Kanata: No, I'm "fine". Just a little "bewildered". Lately, "Chief"-san has been "pampering" me so strangely often.
Hiyori: Pampering?
Kanata: Yes. Like giving me a "vinyl pool" or trying to take me to a "fish" restaurant. And now I'm stumped as I don't understand the "intention" behind it.
Hiyori: Ah, I think I might have an idea. Let me tell you.
<Some time later>
Hiyori: ––So it looks like his gambling luck increases in proportion to how much attention he pays to you. And now he seems to be completely devoted to the "god of gambling".
Kanata: Uu... That's why he's been "cozying up" to me... I don't like to feel used at all…
Rinne: I'm home~...
Kanata: Oh, "Chief"-san. We need to talk. I'm not a "god of gambling", you know!
Rinne: Eh... Haha–– So you found out about my prayers? Wish I had known this sooner. I lost big just now. (Sigh)... It really was too good to be true after all…
Hiyori: No sighs in front of me! If not Kanata-kun, you can worship me! If you treat the one of "Eden", named after the paradise ruled by the omniscient and omnipotent God, respectfully enough, you will surely earn His favor!
Rinne: Oh nooo~ Are you imposin' a religion on me~? What should Rinne-kun dooo~♪
Hiyori: It's worth a try! You'll have a bronze statue of me, so you can worship me everyday!
Rinne: Hehe~ Hiyori-sama~☆
Hiyori: Hmph, I don't like the way you say it! Show me more seriousness, will you!
Rinne: Oh, this god is so demandin'. ★ directory ★
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kyabetsuhime · 1 year
EXCEED Psyche’s Butterfly
Rinne Amagi 4☆ – Please, God☆ (+ Kanata, Hiyori, HiMERU, Kohaku, Niki) Mayoi Ayase 4☆ – The Cook of Many Orders (+ Shinobu, Mayoi, Niki)
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