Following the path that Jesus has set for me is the best path I can take . That path is not going to be easy but God will be there every step of the way. You can still have fun serving the Lord where He places you . Love the Lord .build motorcycles ride dirt bikes . play airsoft and love engineering and making new costom stuff.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
God loves you turn to Jesus
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I love all of you Soo much Soo proud of all of you
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What I love about being an American
ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING!! The worst thing about it is all the stupid people. but I mean stupid people are everywhere in the world I guess I feel like it's worse here though because it's a free country and everybody thinks they're entitled everything because of that but that's okay, cuz it's a free country. Being American is more than just where we live bow that is 100% of the reason because if we didn't live in America we wouldn't be American, but it's a lifestyle it's an unchangeable lifestyle. I am so blessed to have been born in America.week 36
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Happy birthday to the best brother in the world… SPENCER!!!! Wow where to begin… I love you Soo honestly are my best friend for life. I am so proud to say that you are MY brother. I genuinely don’t know what I would do without you, you are such a big and awesome part of my life. You are such a wonderful person you make me laugh so much…even when it isn’t funny you use your special gifts and make everyone laugh. I love you so much, I cannot describe how much I love you.week 35 Happy birthday
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Week 34
What's up guys so we're nearing the end of the school year which is kind of sad but is exciting all the same. This school year has been exciting and fun despite the whole covid-19 pandemic. While we were actually in school I had so much fun and was so excited to go to school each and every day. now I know some of you will be reading this and will probably be thinking the exact opposite but you know this is just me. As I look back I am grateful for all the time I got to spend with all my family they're at school. A lot of families going to be moving on either because they have graduated or they're moving to a different state. I genuinely hope I get to stay in touch with all of them and have fun with him outside of school.
So just an update so Spencer's been wanting to get a pet of some sort it's gone from everything from a snake to sugar glider to crabs, least to say it's been all over the place. But we found a couple snakes and so we caught them first it was a black racer but they are very aggressive and they stay aggressive so we let it go when we found what we are currently keeping and probably are going to keep so the rest of forever is what's called a glass steak or a legless lizard or a glass lizard. They're super docile not aggressive at all very handable you can handle them well and grow up to four feet long which is pretty cool.
A project that I just started working on dot-dot-dot another project that I am working on is I am making a fixed blade. If you don't know what a fixed blade is it's a knife that doesn't fold or anything like that it is one solid piece of metal. I figured I should make one because you know it's the end of the world and stuff and with this pandemic it could only lead to like the zombie apocalypse so I figured I should be ready. I'm making it out of a old file and grinding it down and going to thermocycler heat treated and temper it. The style of blade is called tanto. And my personal opinion the tanto style blade which is the Japanese way of making is the master race of all blades lol. But I mean that does fall to an opinion but still #TantoMasterRace
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Week 33
So some awesome and exciting things have been going on this past week. So our cabinets have come in and just need to be adjustedso that's exciting. The flooring should be coming in in about two to three weeks and then that's when things really should start to feel normal around here. I'm probably the most exciting thing that has happened this whole week is I finally got my drag bike and for those who don't know what a drag bike is its drag racing motorcycle..... Well I got it done and finished for the most part it still needs an air filter and some small other things for it to be totally finished. The thing is is you would know if you were gone any kind of vehicle is when it's finished it's really never finished cuz there's always more stuff to be done to it. So the eventual plans are to lower it and get an extended swingarm and some other stuff.
So here's a video of it starting and idling!!!!!!!
Oh just a little update on Mollie who is our dog she loves digging in the dirt and here are some few pics of her having fun and the dirt... You can definitely tell she's a part of our family and our dog cuz we love playing in the dirt AK dirt bike riding...
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Week 32
Hey guys what's up, so just a little update, there hasn't been any real more progress with any of the airsoft stuff or triple PD stuff that I've been making,it kind of been put on hold due to some house progression.
So we've been getting our house already for the floors to finally get put in!!!! It's a lot of work but it is more than well worth the work to finally be in a fully assembled house LOL.none of the flooring has gotten here yet but we've gotten set in stone dates and here in the next couple of weeks it should be finished.
(just in case you're wondering this is going to be a hodgepodge mix of a lot of things)
So some news came in and come to find out we're not going to be having any more school at the actual School itself.... The rest of the school year is going to continue to be online homeschooling. Do I like this homeschooling thing yes but I much rather be at the school seeing my teachers family and friends.
Sure about this for coronavirus thing right so I have some theories and predictions. So theory or prediction number one things that as soon as his whole quarantine thing gets lifted there's going to be a huge rush to about every single place ever...even places that would normally never get any business at all will open back up after the quarantine is over and we'll have the most customers than ever even more than probably their opening night lol. All I can say is that I'm probably going to go to blue springs as soon as possible and hopefully invite a lot of friends over.
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Week 31
So my previous blog was about my triple PD I now have some what finished product of it. So the whole system that it's going to be running off of is what is HPA what is in other words it's called high pressure air I just bought a HPA tank it's a 48 cubic inch buy 3000 psi air tank. I also bought a regulator so I can regulate the air output at the correct PSI that I need the only things that I'm needing to buy next are airlines and some fittings. Don't blow I'll be showing you how what is called an HPA engine how mine works. my first version wasn't going to work so I made a version 1.5 or Mach 1.5 you could say.on one of my previous blogs I talked about my ssp1 well plans for that is HPA tapping it the magazine I have for it is already HPA tapped and I'm making a modification so it holds more BB's.
So that is the HPA engine the nozzle moves up and down but is constantly being in the down position because of the spring. the little tab that goes in the nozzleplugs any hair from going straight through eventually there will be holes next to it so that it has to push the air on the nozzle before air can escape through where the tap would be.
And this is the progress of me HPA tapping my ssp1
And this is the HPA tank.
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Week 30
So this week decide to try something new because I'm stuck at my house all day and I can't do anything I have started to make my homemade triple p d.I have some sketches of it and they probably will make any sense to anybody else but me working on it has been pretty fun and has taken my mind off of the part where we're stuck at the house all day. right now I'm just in the designing phase so I only have drawings but shortly will have the product itself. My plan is to make it out of aluminum and I have a lathe that I can do it with and make all the parts. Here's some pictures of a design and hopeful finished product.
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Week 29
Coronavirus or covid-19 whatever name you want to call it they both are annoying. I hate both of them that's the same thing but still hate them. This whole endemic has ruined social life as you know it. It's probably one of the most annoying things ever. Because of the S4 stuck at our house isn't he can't do anything at all that's just stupid. I said people who won't get affected by it can live their lives normally while the people who should be in quarantine stay in quarantine. I honestly just hope this whole thing gets done and over with quickly.
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Week 27
The end results of State ... I'll let you decide or decipher whether we want or not ...
Well if you guess that we won you're right for multiple reasons a cuz I just told you and be it says it on the trophies that we brought home. As I put in my previous flogged when going to stay a twin pretty much how we thought it would get there settle in mess around a little bit go to bed wake up get ready to play. All of the games went as planned there are all complete blowouts. Even in the championship game they eventually ended up just giving up whether it was because they were too tired or they were losing it was probably a combination of both. I'm glad we won State because we had a lot of seniors on the team and this is their second year in a row for winning next year I'll be a senior and I have three state champs and a row. so I'm looking forward to next year's football and next year's basketball.
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State is here!!! Week26
So state is this week. We will be leaving Wednesday to go to the place that we're staying at get settled in and wake up in the morning to play our first game. But this is Monday and so we don't injure ourselves all we will be doing in practice is light shootarounds and going over the drills that we have learned perfecting them to our utmost so we can run them against our foes. It being so close to state and knowing who were going to be going up against I will enjoy fully destroying one of our opponents. And in my personal not professional opinion there's a lot of cheating that goes on to. But that's besides the point, what we're now doing until Wednesday is just anticipating and waiting till we get there game day the final game to win first place. Predictions on how it's going to go some of the teams from the north are pretty good but I'm not sure if we'll play any of them except for maybe one but I don't think they'll get past 1 of the South teams that we play. I honestly believe that we will end up playing said team and the championship game. I will update you guys after state next Monday.
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Preparing for state. Week 25
So if some of you don't know I play sports at my school. I play football and I play basketball. This year when we played football we won State and took a lot of preparation. Basketball this year has taken an equal amount of preparation but if we don't take those principles into action and those methods and to what we actually do then we wouldn't be in the first seat right now. A lot of the drills we do are situational to what will happen on the court and then we also run the wonderful famous 17s.a lot of times the reason why we won is because we just outlasted them in the third and fourth quarter. The next preparation for state and the coming weeks is going to be a lot of holding down the skills that we already have perfecting the ones that we have where we will always no matter what be able to use those skills. I personally love playing basketball it is one of my favorite sports one reason because we get to run so stinking much fast brakes are my favorite thing to do and defense as well.
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My newest addition to my plastic propelling devices
So a lot of you know that I love making things and I love playing airsoft.and it just so happens about those two things go very well together. now if you're wondering if I made a plastic propelling device I didn't, I bought one. My newest addition to my arsenal is called the ssp1 buy novritsch. It is a gbb which stands for gas blowback and the format it is in is in pistol format it is the body of a 1911. Propelling BB's through it is probably one of the most fun things ever. Due to it being a gas blowback it has a slight realism of propelling real steel, just instead of real steel you are playing airsoft. The stats of the ssp1 are very good the FPS that it propels the plastic pellets is very good, and all the parts used are all pre upgraded. I picked it up for $140. For what I'm getting it is an absolutely amazing deal I am looking forward you going to my next airsoft game and I will probably use it as a primary then.
I would show a picture but people are finicky about this subject so sorry guys you guys can look it up on your own to see what it is, and if anyone is looking for a great sidearm then I highly recommend the ssp1
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Having a dog for the past four months.
Having a dog add as puppy is a mixture of joy laughter pain frustration and love.
There has been so much joy and laughter and much love that has come from adding our newest member Molly to the family. She's so fun an energetic and it's absolutely awesome. I have so much fun running her around and having somebody else to run with you that has as much energy and more than you is absolutely great. All her little quirks that she has while around the cats is absolutely hilarious. When she was younger she would jump off the bed and sprawl out like a flying squirrel and then try to land on the cats. Now she just chases them around the house and gets beat up by our two cats.
Where comes great joy and laughter and love comes frustration and pain. having a dog that is really energetic it's like a double-edged sword one side cuts the good and then the other side cuts it's bad sometimes you can run all over you jump up on you hurt you but it's all part of having a dog. I love my dog and wouldn't give her up for anything except for maybe my cat but other than that no.
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Week 22
Okay guys it's the end of two weeks. My other blogs were posted during my time of boredom of the two weeks but this past Friday I was released from the doctor. The past 2 weeks where the most boring, annoying, non energetic, every negative word out there describes how miserable it was not being able to do anything. some of you know me personally and know that I am extremely active and energetic so you will know that being stuck not able to even watch a basketball game at my school was disconcerting. You know a lot of people when things like this happen to them they reflect on themselves and it opens their eyes 2 something the thing was I couldn't open my eyes because they were hurting so I couldn't really reflect on anything so the only thing I reflected on was a mirror but I couldn't really see it cuz I was blind. no but seriously the only thing I reflected on was how boring this was and how I don't wish this upon anybody and that I'm extremely thankful to not be blind. So now I am all better and Thursday was the appointment so Friday I played basketball game and did perfectly fine no problems whatsoever I can now run around do push-ups sit-ups and all sorts of other wonderful Activeious activities . So this is my update hope you guys have a good week. Ronin signing out
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Week. 21
So I left off at me on the field holding my eye in my head. So what happened next was my youth director came on the field pick me up and carried me over 2 sideline him and some other adults came over to me and said that they needed to see my eye. So they said okay ready open it what do you see. I replied nothing it was all black. The right side of my left eye vision wise was the only part that I could see any sort of color. The rest of my eye was pitch Black. So after that they told me to sit down and they got me some ice to put on my eye as I was sitting there some girls that were on a softball team came up to me and said that they were sorry I don't remember what they look like because I couldn't see them. But they talk to me again I guarantee I could recognize their voice. so the game is over and a kind soul there let me back inside I have no idea who it was cuz I couldn't see. Slowly but surely my vision started coming back I got back to my house and the next day we went to the eye specialist. at the eye specialist he put in some crazy eye drops. after he put in some crazy eye drops he started touching my eyeball with a glass tube test for pressure, it felt very weird even though I couldn't feel anything it's hard to explain and I won't be able to explain it. After the appointment the bad news came. I was no longer allowed to do any kind of physical activity or sports or video games or running or push-ups or sit-ups for the next two weeks.
I will update you at the end of two weeks. Thank you Ronin signing off
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