kxh3011-blog · 7 years
Keep it simple.  Sounds easy enough until you look at my master bathroom before it was cleaned.  It’s amazing how quickly things get piled up and things show up in places you don’t think they do.  This is my second blog about Decluttering my house using the principles of Dana K. White from aslobcomesclean.com.  She has also written a book too.  I would highly recommend her book and take a look at both her you tube videos and she has podcasts.  I am learning a lot from her.  The idea is to basically clean as you go.  Ask yourself does this item really go in this room?  In this location?  If not then take it to where it’s supposed to go!  When you wash laundry fold them immediately after drying and don’t let them pile up on the bed for days.  Clutter has become my bane.  I want it gone.  I want to have people over to the house without going crazy cleaning the night before and get exhausted and end up just shoving stuff into closets and bedrooms and shutting the door!  This is why I am writing this blog both as a help to others but to make me accountable.  I hope your own clutter journey is improved by this.
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Keeping it Simple-Cleaning Keep it simple.  Sounds easy enough until you look at my master bathroom before it was cleaned. 
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kxh3011-blog · 7 years
For those of you who read my blog sorry it’s been a while!  Now that I am back at work and dealing with other issues it’s been very busy for me.  I decided I would restart my blogging by doing a small series on a very big issue I am dealing with at home.  Clutter.  Everywhere.  With my husband and  I on conflicting work schedules finding time(and energy!) to keep our house clean is a challenge.  We went to a Pinner’s conference in Arlington, TX this past weekend and attended a great and educational class on organizing and cleaning!  I want to make sure to give credit to Dana White who runs a site called aslobcomesclean.com.  She created a very practical and understandable idea of how to clean and organize.  I really enjoy her way of speaking and she is very funny too!  It’s all about starting small.  Don’t  go into crazy mode and think you need to clean the entire house in one day!  It won’t happen.  Instead think of visual and small areas.  Today I started with just the simple dining room table.  Simple you say?  I thought so at first……
    Yes it is embarrasing and I don’t normally like to post such unsightlyness but in keeping of this blog and theme I decided to do so this time.  This dining table has looked like this for quite some time.  I had piles of books, papers and even an upside down chair I was working to replace the felt pads on the bottom but didn’t get around to it!  There were pens, cords and dishes.  A hat I decorated and took to work over a week ago!  I decided it was time to put what I learned from Miss White to work.  In about 40 minutes my husband and I  cleaned the table.  Let’s look at that again folks.  In about the time it takes for me to watch one of my favorite Netflix TV shows we were able to clean this table?!!!   Yes exactly!  So what could I do in say 10-15 minutes a day, each and every day?  Why does my house have to be messy?  Why did we allow it?  Pure laziness.  It’s time to get to work.
  Hope you enjoyed this.
Decluttering One Step At a Time For those of you who read my blog sorry it's been a while!  Now that I am back at work and dealing with other issues it's been very busy for me. 
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kxh3011-blog · 7 years
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Time to ditch the sweets Now that I am coming to the end of my physical therapy for my foot I need to begin getting myself prepared to make changes.  
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kxh3011-blog · 7 years
Christian Living – Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
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kxh3011-blog · 7 years
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Finding our Purpose Romans 8:28  And we know than in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
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kxh3011-blog · 7 years
Sleep: The body's time to heal
Sleep: The body’s time to heal
For the past 6 months I have been dealing with sleeping problems.  I have tried various things to improve it.  I have a really nice comfortable bed a sleep number.  I have adjusted the number and tried it at different levels for several days each time I make a change.  I tried going to bed earlier or drinking hot milk or tea before bed.  I know there is things I must not do if I want to sleep…
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kxh3011-blog · 7 years
A Mother's Wish
A Mother’s Wish
Many years ago my Aunt Faye (my father’s sister) told me a story about how I got my name Kristi.  She told me my mom had been trying to have a baby for many years and kept having miscarriages.  She actually went to term with my older brother, David , but he died after about 20 minutes after the birth. Several years past of her and my father trying when I am guessing they made the decision to not…
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kxh3011-blog · 7 years
Take time for yourself
Take time for yourself
People are so busy with their jobs, family and just day-to-day activity that they don’t consider themselves.  We all have demanding jobs, families who depend on us and many distractions that are asking for our time.  We need to consider ourselves and what we need as well.  It’s time to slow down and consider our own health and mental state.  Take this time to get away from all those demanding…
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kxh3011-blog · 7 years
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Exercise: Strength for Body and Soul Now that I have started physical therapy with my foot and ankle, I am becoming more interested in trying to exercise.  
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kxh3011-blog · 7 years
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Friendships: The Key to a good life As humans we are by nature social creatures.   We have an innate need to be around others.  
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kxh3011-blog · 7 years
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(via 8 Bible Verses to Remember In Times of Struggle – Beliefnet - 1 Corinthians 10:13 - Beliefnet)
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kxh3011-blog · 7 years
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(via 8 Bible Verses to Remember In Times of Struggle – Beliefnet - Joshua 1:9 - Beliefnet)
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kxh3011-blog · 7 years
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(via 8 Bible Verses to Remember In Times of Struggle – Beliefnet - Proverbs 3:5-6 - Beliefnet)
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kxh3011-blog · 7 years
The Path we take
The Path we take
The path that is set before us in life is not always so simple or easy to understand or follow.  Sometimes the path we choose for ourselves is not of our own or seems to be chosen for us.  For some it’s not clear at all and seems to continue endlessly without no end in sight.  This is not true but a mirage that Satan throws up to hinder us in our lives.  Our choices in life determine what kind of…
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kxh3011-blog · 7 years
Prayer: The Soul's call to God
Prayer: The Soul’s call to God
1 Thess 5:17  Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. Praying is something each Christian should do on a daily basis and more than once a day.  This is an area of my life I really struggle and will admit freely.  I have been given so many wonderful blessings in my life but don’t remember to pray for those blessings.…
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kxh3011-blog · 7 years
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Follow a Plan As a Christian we should read and study our bible everyday.  What I am finding helpful for my self is using a bible plan.  
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kxh3011-blog · 7 years
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This is my first attempt at blogging, so please be patient as I learn about it! Thank you! Matthew 23:11 The greatest among you will be your servant. via Retail: Have a Servant’s heart — Site Title
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