Lore post//
A day later, Rui and Minori went to work together.
Rui! You seem more tired than usual...I mean I can't really blame you...
With you finding out about all this-
And that me and Kanade are together-
And the history of Tsukasa's maki-Are you even listening to me!?
Ah!! I'm awake!!!
You better be! We have another busy day!
Yep! We have two idols getting interviewed here!
Aaaauuuuuugh...I don't want to run around to make sure thing are right and fast...
TOO BAD!!! Besides! This place doesn't get enough customers! So these things are big opportunities for us!!
Okay whatever...
Say, why didn't Tsukasa come?
I wanted him to be alone so he can figure out his "new emotions"...
How Rui thinks he'll handle them:
Okay! So I need to boil the noodle...but how does that work if there isn't any water? Oh I need to boil the water and then put the noodle in! Silly me! Okay then! Let's boil some water!! Flame thrower arm! DON'T FAIL ME NOW!!!
Tsukasa has a flame thrower arm?
No but it would be cool if he did.
Aw man...
Oh! Uhh Rui...?
Don't tell me it's almost time for the idols to come...
Oh hehehe...hello we didn't see you two there...akward....
Remember us?
The singers...we once came here...
Oh! Kohane and An right?
Well sorry to say but we can't really serve you two...we have two idols coming here for an interview!
Oh! Shizuku and Airi?
Oh we know them! They're like the sweetest people! Well...at least Shizuku is...
Don't worry! They're not the type to eat a billion things! I'm sure your work will be the easiest today!
Please don't jinx it...
After an hour or so, the two idols arrive at the diner
AAAAAAAAaaand we're back again in "My interviewee!" Today we have the one and but not only, Sizuku and Airi!!
Helloo!! It's your girl! Airi!!!
Hi there...Shizuku is here!
Well then!! Why don't we order before our interview starts?! WAITER!!!
Gah-!! Hehehe! H-H-Hello! What can I get for you two?
What sweets do you guys have?
Uhh we have Daifuku, Dorayaki, Mochi, Macarons, Cupcakes, Cookies! But for larger sweetswe have Tiramisu, Pancakes, Waffles, etc.
Which one should we get?
How about some Dorayaki?
AAAAAAaaalright!! Twenty Dorayakis!!
Ma'am...Isn't that...
I'll be back with your order!
Back in the room.
Alright, so we need to get twenty Dorayakis!
Ah, at least it's something we don't need to do from scratch!
A few minutes later...
So idols! Now that our Dorayakis are here! Why don't we start with some questions from your fans!?!?
Alright! Let's take a look!
First question!
I thought idols usually ear the bare minimum when it comes to food...
Well it's kind of needed for them to have more on camera! To hide stuff ya know?
How do you know that?
Haha! Oh! You know! I'm obsessed with idols.
Have you ever had a loved one die?!
A loved one die? That's a strange question...but no! I lost my dog once but he came back...!
What about you Airi?!
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Well...yes. I had a dear friend of mine die...it was a long time ago...when the whole massacre thing was happening...I had a fairly small friend group back then...her death caused me to lose them too...They were...Haruka, Asahi and Tsukasa...
...?! Tsukasa-?!
Now tho! We shouldn't break the mood now! Onto the next question!
She...she knew Tsukasa? Well- the human one I assume...If that's so...I'll have a little talk with her when she's done with her interview...
Tags: @aspenii @bobcross1010 @blankblyke @mizuribbons @mai-mai-mai @kusanagi-nene-official-mod @kiwi-does-stuff @scodscod @delartz @m4r1y4m
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Lore Post//
It was close to midnight. Rui stayed up late to do some machine sketches. But really, the reason he was staying up so late was because he was still worried about Nene. He hasn't seen her since Mizuki died. He was getting worried.
Nene...be safe...
He was lost in his thoughts when his eyelids felt heavy. He slowly gave in and fell asleep.
He wakes up to an...unfamiliar place.
Hng...w-where am I...?
Rui gets uo and looks around. He recognizes this place as a backstage to a stage. But from where?
What is this place...?
Rui's ears then catch something. Music? Singing? He approaches the stages entrance, and peeks at the stage. On the stage were three robots. He could only recognize one of them. Tsukasa. One of the others was pink and the other was blue.
Daisy! Daisy! Give me your answer do! I'm half crazy! All for the love of you!!
It won't be a stylish marriage!! I can't! Afford! A carriage!!
Suddenly, Tsukasa's head snapped and it looked at Rui dead in the eye with void eyes.
But you look sweet.
The other two robots did the same.
Upon the seat.
Then the audience joined.
Of a bicycle built for two....
....what's going o-
Rui felt two hands on his face.
You're perfect...you need to join them! You must...join them.
Join us Rui Kamishiro.
Then fingers digged Rui's skin.
They dragged it...
No no no...! Stop!!
And ripped his skin apart.
Suddenly a huge, hard force hit his head.
Rui was able to look up. Only to see a girl holding a hammer.
The girl hit him again.
And again.
The girl hit the final blow.
Rui was in so much pain. But he felt it slowly go away. He looks up to see he was in a pitch dark place with only a mirror in front of him. Rui shakily got up and went over to the mirror. When he looked at it, nothing was there.
Where am I....?
When he spoke, his eyes widened. He sounded very distorted. Almost...robotic. Rui placed his hand on the mirror only to be met with his own reflection. But it was different. He wasn't the same anymore. He wasn't RUI anymore. He was met with a robot version of himself. Rui was shocked. He placed a hand on his face, only to feel a hard, metalic surface.
....!!! No...no...
AAAUGH!!!!!! Huh-?!
He wakes up on his desk.
Heavy breathing...
Rui?! Is everything okay?!
T-Tsukasa...? Oh thank goodness...it was just a nightmare...
Oh...Night-mare! You mean like...dream but homicidal?
Well...don't stay up so late!! If you want I can sing you a lullaby to sleep!!
No need...I'll get to bed myself...
...Must've been a wild dream...?
Tsukasa looks at the clock. It was close to midnight.
It's almost midnight! You should sleep!
I will Tsukasa...I will...
I'm just wo-...wowiowowowriiiiied!!!
Oh god you're getting all wacky again!!
Don't talk will ya... turn around so I can fix it.
Tsukasa threw up black ooze. It also came from his eye. The one with the star.
Oh god...it's even worse now!
Hang on! Hang on! I'm fixing it!
Aauugh....it hurts...
The ooze stops leaking.
Blegh! Ow...
You good?
Sigh...well...I'm going to sleep!
Can I sleep next to you? I-Incase you get a nightmare again!
Tags: @aspenii @bobcross1010 @blankblyke @mizuribbons @mai-mai-mai @kusanagi-nene-official-mod @kiwi-does-stuff @scodscod @delartz @m3sm3r1s3r-m1ku
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on ao3 right?
//Guys, I made a Ruikasa fanfic-
Please check it out
The Runaway Sorcerer and The Blind Prince
Edit: The link doesn't work, so y'all gotta search it up. My username is JUARTIST
Tags: @aspenii @bobcross1010 @blankblyke @mizuribbons @mai-mai-mai @kusanagi-nene-official-mod @kiwi-does-stuff @scodscod @delartz @t4marr @saltghost
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Chapter 4: Epilogue
And ever since then...I kept working and working...until she didn't need me anymore. She didn't set me free though. She kept me in a room because she knew I would tell someone. That was until Honarobo rescued me and we got out of that freakshow...
Oh...wait....but if you knew they we're killer robots...then why-
The blood was their own...
They had human corpses inside them...I only thought they murdered Mafuyu and Ena but it seems they haven't stopped their plays...
T-then that means...Tsukasa...was a real person?
He is...or...was...but Robokasa is only based off of him. He was brought to life by code. Not a soul.
I see...are the other robots..?
Yes. Akito was one of our employees...Honami was our stage director. When Saki thinks you're no longer needed, you are needed for the robots. What's scummy is that our employees aren't known people. Not a lot of people know that they exist. So it's no crime for them to die and be replaced by robots.
I see...
What time is it, by the way?
It's uhh...six forty five! Why?
For safety...
Mhm...and there!
Is he fixed?
Yep. Let me turn him on.
Kanade pushes the "on" button and Tsukasa slowly gets up.
Tsukasa! Oh thank goodness!!! Are you al-!! Right...?
When Rui looks at Tsukasa, he sees that one of his pupils is now a star symbol instead of a spiral
W-what's wrong with your pupil?
The star...that means..!
What? What does that mean?!
Rui? Are you alright?
I'm asking you that!!
I'm okay...no need to worry.
I feel...weird though...
Like...I feel...things...what's happening?
Kanade, do you know what's going on?
I think while fixing him, some of the old codes Saki made me write got into his system.
Is that a bad thing?
Yes and no. It's a no, because now Tsukasa will be able to feel emotions again. It's also a yes, because...
The real Tsukasa...may try and reach out to you...
The...real Tsukasa?
Real Tsukasa..? Am I fake...? Wait. Why am I saying that? Of course I'm fake! I'm a robot!
Woah! Tsukasa really changed. Is there a way to reverse this?
I can delete the codes if you want...
Please do that. I'm sorry but seeing him with emotions just feels wrong!
I-I..I want to...
I want to...feel...emotions...I always...wanted to...feel them...!
I-Is he crying...?
AAAAAH-!! Tsukasa!? He's crying out oil!!!
Hehe...Come on Tsukasa...it's alright...
Hic! I have emotion...! I'm so happy!! But-hic! Isn't crying a negative..?
It's natural.
Okay Tsukasa...I suppose..how about this? If you ever feel uncomfortable about the emotions, tell us and we'll get that code out. Okay?
Now, we better get back home..WAIT!!! We don't have any cover for you!!!
Is that bad...?
Uhh yes!!
Darling!! Can you bring some clothes for Tsukasa? We need covers for him!!
Getting them!!!
After Minori gets Tsukasa covers. He wears a mask and turtle neck to hide his robotics parts. After Tsukasa wears them, Rui and Tsukasa say their goodbyes to Kanade and Honami before they leave with Minori.
Sigh! We got that problem fix!
So, Tsukasa. How does it feel to feel emotions?
Weird yet...comforting...but my emotions aren't like other people...
Everyone functions differently! That's what makes humans so great!
I see...
Don't worry! I'm sure you'll get used to it!
I hope so...
Maybe you'll work with us!
Oh yeah!! Tsukasa can be a maid! Ahaha!!
...! He...he laughed! He actually laughed! Hm...maybe this isn't so bad..but I shouldn't get sidetracked...Nene is missing. I have to find her...
Meanwhile...(A day later)
Bzzzt!! Ah!! Wha...where!? This place..I'm...I'm back here again?!
Nene was tied to a chair.
No no-!!
Don't try and struggle.
Mafuyu appears from the shadows.
Hello Nene-chan!!
Emu appears from tbe shadows.
Now that you're here! I can finally start my plan!
What plan...what are you going to do to me?!
I'm not going to do anything to you! I'm not the type to kill~!
Yes you are. Don't think I'm dumb.
Suddenly, Emu shuts off.
Emu turns on
Ow...what the heck...Ah!? Nene-chan!? Why are you all tied up!?
What are you talking about?
Oh let me get you out of those!
Emu starts to untie Nene from the ropes. Nene was clearly confused and so was Mafuyu. Nene looks over to Mafuyu but her eye catches something else. A figure. A figure in Emu's shadow. It was a girl. A girl with short hair, looking back at Nene with wide, rage filled eyes. She looks at the clock. It's noon. What does that mean?
Chapter 4 Begins.
Tags: @aspenii @bobcross1010 @blankblyke @mizuribbons @mai-mai-mai @kusanagi-nene-official-mod @kiwi-does-stuff @scodscod @delartz @t4mar @saltghost
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done i ope everything goes well for you
My country has banned a total of 3 socials back to back. And I'm scared that they will ban Tumblr too. So in case that happens, please follow my Pinterest and YouTube . I will be tagging my mutuals to let them know.
@arsonist-lol @anonwithanaccount @dazeddoofus @kgthesillyclown @scodscod @blankblyke @kusanagi-nene-official-mod @bobcross1010 @delartz @obernice @tangents-from-an-awkward-void @cottoncanderino @mai-mai-mai @modcroissant @mizuribbons @wonderuzi @mythicalteatree @saltghost @goldiesgrove @kiwi-does-stuff @bunstories @fluffshi-wxffle @waterkittytheshipper @itzrhymesgamers
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hey. do you know nene?
Kotaro is caught off guard by the sudden message on the functional half of his smart visor, startling at the notification. Unknown IP. He reaches to cheekbone to press the button that activated two-way text to speech. He could take out his phone to text, but this was faster.
I've met Kusanagi. What's it to you?
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oo can't wait~
Working on something for the Robokasa au :3
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“Hey uhm…sis? You know how I’m going to the crazy person hospital?”
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“Does this mean you’ll see my as a crazy person? Will we ever see each other again? Will I hurt you if we do again?”
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“Listen! You are not a crazy person! Maybe to the world’s eye, but not mine! In my eyes, you are my little sister who has issues! And yes, your behavior is concerning, that is why mom is taking you there in the first place! But I’ll make sure to call you any day, everyday! I’ll make sure you get a cake in your birthday and tons of presents! Even if I can’t see you, I will make sure you will never be alone!
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“Hic! Augh! Waaah!! Aaaaghhh!”
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Tags: @aspenii @bobcross1010 @blankblyke @delartz @kusanagi-nene-official-mod @kiwi-does-stuff @mizuribbons @mai-mai-mai @t4m4r1 @scodscod
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Based on the CYBER SNIPER set and @kusanagi-nene-official-mods' cyber apocalypse AU, I designed a Kotaro in the same universe!
Rather than offense focused like Akito, Toya, Nene, and Emu are in the set, I wanted to keep in like with his tendency to flee from conflict and give him an EMP multi-tool for the sake of disarming any enemy for a chance to run and hide.
More details below!
Following the apocalypse he’s become hyperfocused on protecting Takato and stockpiling supplies. With people he knows he doesn’t hesitate sharing whatever he has at the time so long as Takato is safe and well taken care of.
He is unsure where his parents are and spends any time he isn’t scavenging or hiding looking for them and anyone else he recognizes. He’s incredibly lonely despite willingly isolating himself for safety most days. He’s perpetually worried about Akito and Kohane.
Because of his habitual hoarding of necessities he was once ambushed and robbed. In the struggle his wrist and numerous bones in his hand were broken. It was painful constantly and unable to heal properly so with Akito’s help he amputated it. He was able to take a split-hook prosthetic off of a casualty of the apocalypse. It’s too small for his upper arm so he can’t wear it for long periods of time without discomfort.
In a roleplay with @hellsaoyagi he and Toya sang together and reminisced.
Interacting with @kusanagi-nene-official has led to the two of them becoming allies in their situation, although they don't often have the chance to interact in person due to their differing goals.
More information about the AU you can get from primarily Nene's mod and maybe the people running the Emu, Toya, and Rin accounts that are also associated with the AU! I'm just trying my best to mesh with the world they've created. It's so much fun putting Kotaro in lots of different AUs since, what with him having no cards and alternate outfits, I have almost complete freedom, hehe.
Lastly, this is basically how I envision his prosthetic!
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Just imagine a more high-tech version of this, what with the colored bits being lit up and so on.
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Lore Post// Tw: short/j
Mafuyu has offered to ride him back home, but Tsukasa refused. He wanted to get some fresh air before he gets home. While on his way, he decides to call Kanade so he doesn't feel alone.
Hey Kanade. How are you? Are you still staying over at Hanasoto's?
Yes I am. Also, I'm pretty tired...but staying here is overall nice...
That's good...I'm glad...
Is everything okay with you? You don't sound good.
Oh I just came over to Mafuyu's house...
The girl from the hospital...
Oh, okay. Did something happen there?
We were just talking and...I got emotional...
Heh heh...typical you...
You said "came"...are you going back to the apartment?
Yep. I'm on my way...I'm at the street lights. It's red right now....
By the way, I'm planning on coming back to the apartment after a few more days.
The light shines green. And Tsukasa starts walkng
I'm happy to hear that, not only does this means you have recovered a bit, but it al-
W-what was that? Tsukasa? Tsukasa?! TSUKASA?!
Tags: @aspenii @bobcross1010 @blankblyke @delartz @kusanagi-nene-official-mod @t4m4r1 @kiwi-does-stuff @mai-mai-mai @mizuribbons @scodscod
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Lore Post//
Mafuyu picks up Tsukasa from his house by her car and they drive to her home. On the way, Mafuyu wanted to have small talk with Tsukasa. However, he WAS going through a rough time. And since he was sitting in the back seat, Mafuyu thought that this would be a great moment for him to finally cope a bit in silence. It always helped her calm down when she was feeling bad, she believed it would be the same for Tsukasa. When they arrived, Mafuyu got out and opened the door for Tsukasa, holding her hand out for him. It was the same as a prince helping a princess get down.
Oh..! Uhm...thank you...
Tsukasa awkwardly took her hand and got out. Mafuyu unlocks the front door and they both enter the house. Tsukasa was almost immediately greeted by Mafuyu's mother.
"Ah, Tenma-san! Right, Mafuyu did talk about you coming over. Please, make yourself comfortable. If you'd like, I can make tea for the both of you!"
It's nice to meet you too Ms. Asahina...
Thanks mom! Tea would be nice, it helps with bad emotions!
"Right. I'll make it, you two go have fun!"
T-Thank you...
They go in Mafuyu's room.
Don't mind my mom. She's only like that when a guest arrives.
Really? Is she the opposite when you two are alone?
Oh...I'm sorry to hear that...
...No wait...
I'm sorry...I invited you to make you feel better, not to make you feel worse by gushing about my problems.
Oh it's fine...I need something to take my mind off of things anyway...
I know but...I'm just worried about you. You're acting like high school me.
Ugh...high school...what a hell it was...
Yeah. I don't think anyone liked their high school time.
Maybe I triggered something? Saki-san did mention his trauma in high school to me...Ugh...I shouldn't have said that.
You have...lots of bunnies in your room...
Oh, yes. They're my favorite animal! What about yours?
Uhm...I like dogs...but cats are pretty cute too. And birds are so interesting. Though if we're talking about any animal it has to be any sea animal! Their living style is so interesting and it's so much fun to look up and research about them!
Mafuyu listens intently to Tsukasa's words. Tsukasa is talking about things he enjoys other than dealing with Ena's death. This was a good step. Mafuyu couldn't mess it up now.
Which sea animal do you like researching the most?
For underwater, it's either sharks or jellyfish! For above it's otters and platypuses! Did you know jellyfishes don't have a heart, brain or anything else but can still live? Oh! Oh oh!! And then there's these tardigrads and oh god they are fascinating!! Their other name is "Sea bears"! They can live in extreme weather! Without oxygen! And it's so interesting!!!
How did this conversation go from bunnies to sea bears that can live without oxygen?
No clue!
Mafuyu's mom knocks and opens the door.
"Hey kids...I made you two tea."
Thanks mom! I'll take that from you.
Mafuyu takes the tea set from her mother. After that, her mother leaves. Mafuyu touches one of the cups before taking the other one. Tsukasa raises the other cup and takes a sip. He immediately drops the cup on himself because he burned his tongue, and ends up burning himself again. Idiot.
GAH-!! Hng-!
Oh god. I'll get some napkins.
Mafuyu leaves to get napkins. While she does. She glances at her mother, which she notices.
"Is something wrong dear?"
You made the tea hotter for one of the cups. I'm not stupid.
"Oh but why would I ever do that? You're simply overreacting."
Hey. Remember why dad divorced with you? It's because you're a piece of shit that makes sure when you're in a bad situation, you make someone's already bad situation to hell. Learn to suck it up you bitch ass cunt.
With that, Mafuyu goes back to her room and gives Tsukasa some napkins.
Oh...thank you...
You're welcome...
B-But you didn't have to do this...
I just want to make sure you're okay.
Sigh...Saki told me about your state and I can't lie that I became worried...a lot for you.
Because...We all have different ways of coping, but I want to make sure yours is a safe one.
Please....just call me by Mafuyu...
Sniff...sniff...I uhm...can I get a hug...? I'm just...
No need to explain. Of course.
Mafuyu hugged Tsukasa tightly. Tsukasa gripped on her very tight. She wants to...make sure he's coping in a safe way? That's too much. You could never hear that from anyone. Not even your parents. And Mafuyu just said it like that. Even with Saki, he wanted to stay strong. He didn't want her too see him as vulnerable as a lost kitten. But it felt like Mafuyu broke a limit. Like...she knew his life and knew the right things to do. He was so greatful to have her. He cried like never before. Mafuyu sensed different types as he cried. A lost kid's cry. A cry of a middle schooler who failed a test. A cry of a collage students who couldn't get accepted. The cry of a girl who broke up with her lover. The cry of a boy who broke up his lover. The cry of a mom who lost her baby. The cry of a man who lost her wife. The cry of a dog who witnessed it's puppies getting taken away. The cry of a cat who saw it's kittens die before it. All the cries in the world...yet his cries hurt Mafuyu deep. She didn't want to let go. So she didn't.
Tags: @aspenii @bobcross1010 @blankblyke @delartz @kusanagi-nene-official-mod @t4m4r1 @kiwi-does-stuff @mai-mai-mai @mizuribbons @scodscod
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//This was kinda rushed but it’s done ^^;
Tags: @aspenii @bobcross1010 @blankblyke @delartz @kusanagi-nene-official-mod @th3-sm1l3r @kiwi-does-stuff @mai-mai-mai @mizuribbons @scodscod
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Lore Post//
It has been fully a month since Ena's death. Mafuyu and some other friends were made aware of the situation.
One afternoon, Tsukasa gets a phone call from Mafuyu.
H-Hello? Asahina...
Hey, Tsukasa. By your tone I can tell you're still in grief.
Asahina. I went through a massacre in high school.
I see.
...Would you like to come over to my house? We can have tea. And I can pick you up if you'd like.
Great. 5.30 pm. (It was 5.00 pm)
Mafuyu hangs up.
30 minutes later, Tsukasa leaves. Saki is left alone in the apartment. She goes to Ena's room and walks over to the Emu robot.
I really killed Ena...just so I can bring you to life...but now...Kanade moved out and Tsukasa is at his lowest. The only reason I even killed Ena was to use her as a sacrifice to bring something to life! So I'm not that bad...Meh, who cares? I only manipulated Tsukasa just to get him on my side...I don't have some ill intention...and as long as no one finds out about this, I'll be fine. I just need to stick to another plan.
Saki starts walking in circles.
So putting corpses in a robot didn't work...and putting alive people in there will take lots of effort...Fuck fuck fuckitty fuck what to do...
I have a suggestion. Saki-Chan.
Says a metalic voice. Saki stops, she looks down. The Emu robot. It's alive. It's...alive.
Tags: @aspenii @bobcross1010 @blankblyke @delartz @kusanagi-nene-official-mod @th3-sm1l3r @kiwi-does-stuff @mai-mai-mai @mizuribbons @scodscod
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Guys look it’s the gay robots
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Tags: @aspenii @bobcross1010 @blankblyke @delartz @kusanagi-nene-official-mod @kiwi-does-stuff @mai-mai-mai @th3-sm1l3r @scodscod @mizuribbons
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Looks like you've played enough and left me behind. Wasn't it me you used to call one if a kind...?
They say a heart can't break if one doesn't breathe. I'll show you how your human heart...can bleed.
Tags: @aspenii @bobcross1010 @blankblyke @delartz @kusanagi-nene-official-mod @th3-sm1l3r @kiwi-does-stuff @mai-mai-mai @mizuribbons @scodscod
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