kurtxhummels · 4 days
Of course! I'm pretty sure Monster Mash is the go-to Halloween song, ha. That's definitely a good idea! I know most people (myself included) don't want to hear Christmas or Halloween songs non-stop so having them springled throughout the normal music sounds like a great idea. Hmm, I suppose you're right. It does sound like a regular name for a person. I could call it Java J's? If you really want, I'll say Java Jams in its entirety ha. Either way, I will be happy to continue being a Java James patron until I'm not able to be one any longer. I was going to say 'until I die' or 'until the world ends' but even then I'll still want to be a patron, even in spirit ha. Oh! I've been taking a break from the theatre for a few shows. I'm going back when they do their next musical; right now they're running a few Shakespeare productions, and even I can admit that Shakespeare is not my strong suit lol. They're doing The Book of Mormon in December, so until the last few weeks of November I'm just splitting my time between dad's shop and the diner. I can't say that I mind the break too much.
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Thank you! And yes. Monster Mash has definitely been mentioned a few times, but it was definitely already on my mind. And definitely making sure to write down all these suggestions. Oh yeah, I won't have Christmas songs in the rotation until after Thanksgiving, for sure. And it won't be Christmas songs non-stop, they're just gonna be sprinkled throughout my regular music, just like what I'm gonna do for Halloween. Oh, not sure how I feel about the Java Jams initials as a nickname for the cafe, haha. Sounds a little too much like a person, but I appreciate the enthusiasm and thank you so much for your continued support and business! Speaking of business, haven't heard you talk much about any theater lately, got any shows coming up?
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kurtxhummels · 5 days
I wish I could experience that re-opening all over again! It was a really great opening, Daria; I think you did awesome! I don't know what you already have on your music list for some Halloween-type songs, but Monster Mash is definitely a must-have. So is I Put a Spell on You. You could also add Thriller, This is Halloween, and the Addams Family and Ghostbusters themes, maybe? From a Broadway aspect, I have to suggest Time Warp, Sweet Transvestite, Touch-A-Touch-A-Touch-A-Touch-Me, Science Fiction/Double Feature, Transylvania Mania, The Whole "Being Dead" Thing, and Halloween (from Be More Chill). I will never complain about Christmas music; I do listen to random Christmas songs year round when the mood strikes, but I think not playing it until probably after Thanksgiving would be a good idea lol. Regardless of what you're playing, though, you know I'll be in JJ every single day to get my daily caffeine fix. Probably multiple times a day, let's be honest.
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Just wanted to thank everyone who came out today and celebrated the re-opening of the cafe. I hope you all enjoyed the tune selection and will have fun getting your groove on now while getting your coffees and treats! For those who weren't aware, Java Jams - formerly called The Confection Connection - is fully back open for business. And, if anyone has suggestions for some Halloween-themed songs to toss into the mix starting October 1st, let me know! I promise, I won't be switching to holiday-only playlists when the seasons change, I know especially if I did that for Christmas I'd likely drive quite a few customers away if it was non stop Jingle Bells. And also, special thank you to those of you who helped with the revamp, you're all amazing and the best friends I could ask for!
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kurtxhummels · 5 days
Ooh, I'm always down for a Halloween bash, even if it's for the 55+ crowd! I'm not quite sure what my plans are for Halloween yet, but I'm definitely interested in attending for at least a little bit if I can't volunteer. If I can, though, what all does volunteering entail?
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So the weekend before Halloween, Kindred Spirits is having a Halloween Bash for the 55+ crowd. We could use some volunteers if anyone wants to come party like they're 1999 (years old) !!
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kurtxhummels · 5 days
I am absolutely certain that the new hair looks phenomenal! I can't wait to see it! Every time I think about doing something to mine, my brain just reminds me of the last time I tried to do my hair. It ended horribly and I hated it.
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I can tell that apparently behind in the times! Who is your boyfriend? I think that you as Luna would be perfect! Have you had any luck in finding a Thorn or Dusk to join you? I honestly have no idea what I'm going to do for Halloween this year. I really need to start brainstorming some kind of idea...
Well, I finally did it! I've been meaning to change my hair up for a while and today I decided to take some of my very rare free time and do just that by dying my hair red - a darker shade of it that, if I do say so myself, I think really suits me. It's got me thinking, though, and with Halloween coming up before any of us know it, I think I might be taking some inspiration from my boyfriend's dog and I'm thinking... Luna of The Hex Girls this year? What do we think? Is there a Thorn or Dusk interested in joining me?
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kurtxhummels · 5 days
I can't say that I've gotten that particular treatment before, but to be honest I don't think my father expects kids from me. He's incredibly accepting of the fact that I'm gay, but I don't think it's occurred to him that gay men can use a surrogate or anything like that; I am perfectly fine with him thinking that, though. It gives me a little bit more time before I have him breathing down my neck for grandkids. If he wants to bug my siblings, I don't completely hate that.
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Okay, potentially big question coming up. At least, for me, since they've always kinda scared me, but how do we feel about all those dating apps and stuff? I've never given it a try before, but I think being a year off from being halfway through my thirties and all the 'you know what I'd love one day? grandkids' comments from my mom happening more and more when I go home to visit are officially starting to get to me. To her credit, she pretty quickly follows 'em up with a 'no pressure!' every time, but I'm pretty sure she wants those grandkids soon.
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kurtxhummels · 5 days
I mean...I'm always here for souvenirs, but it depends on where they went lol. I vacationed in Florida at one point, and I bought this little bottle filled with sand from the beach; even now when I open it years later, I can still smell the beach. I love it. I guess I'm nerdy about that sort of stuff lol.
To be honest, I'm not quite sure if you missed anything but I don't believe so. I need to start paying more attention to town gossip, though. That being said, I did overhear an interesting rumor in the diner. Apparently someone spotted their neighbor climbing out of another neighbor's window in the wee early morning hours with barely any clothes on just after their husband came home from a business trip. So...small town gossip, you know?
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My place looks like a tourist threw up in it. My parents just came back from their cruise, and I swear they bought me one of every single souvenir available. Need a beachy keychain, t-shirt or coaster? I got you covered.
That said, I'm here to pester you all again. Did I miss anything much?
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kurtxhummels · 5 days
Kurt: Oh most definitely. If I don't like it, clearly I need to see a doctor because my taste buds have to have disappeared. There's no way I won't love it. Kurt: Boo, that should be one you look into making if you can 👀 BUT the mocha drizzle definitely would make up for it. ���😍
Delilah: If you don't liek it then I reckon we have to go get you checked out for being ill, because even I'll admit it's phenomenal. Delilah: There isnt, but what about a mocha (heavy on the coffee) drizzle?
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kurtxhummels · 5 days
KURT: Okay, that I can excuse because JK is definitely a huge ick. To be fair, she started giving me the ick before the FB movies were even out, so I can't blame you there. You are DEFINITELY not missing anything. I like to act like Cursed Child doesn't exist. But in terms of FB, we need to make some sort of Wizarding World night where we binge all three movies. KURT: At least....as long as you don't mind me ranting about them recasting Johnny Depp for at LEAST ten minutes. KURT: I need to reread the books myself, to be honest, but I'm fairly certain we only know what the arena was like and how he won. He was damn near dead when he won which definitely stuck with me. I know that his games were another quarter quell where double the candidates were required, and he was 16. And I remember something about a volcano so that would be interesting to see. I remember that he and one of the girls from his distract reached the edge of the arena; then the female tribute left and he discovered that there was a force field on the boundary - which he used to his advantage to win. Okay maybe I remember more about it than I thought I did. 😂😂 KURT: You should watch or read Outlander, though. For sure. It's a great show. The books are pretty good, too; though, admittedly, I'm not done with the books. There are 9 and I've been stuck on book 4 for about a year now lol. The Scottish just enhances everything lol. ESPECIALLY in the show. 🤤🤤 KURT: I mean...vive la révolution could work for sure so we can pretend you haven't dropped anything 😂 If GRRM says that the show's ending is the way he intended it, we are GOING to his house and forcing him to rewrite it CORRECTLY. It really aggravates me with how GOT ended. I can see how they got the way they did - with Dany losing her mind and essentially becoming her father - but if they were going to do something like that it would have been better to make that change slowly. She devoted SO MUCH of herself to freeing slaves and such like that, so when you see her just suddenly more or less go mad...it's just too abrupt. KURT: I will definitely keep that in mind lmao. You do smell nice most of the time. 😉 But knowing that I shouldn't need it for that ep makes me feel better. I'm going to have to give it a try, though. If I love the episode and the zombies aren't too bad, then maybe I'll see if I can convince Dom to watch it with me lol. KURT: YAY! It's nice to know that I'm legally covered. Even better if I have backup. Hopefully he'll climb out and I can push him in again before anyone else shows up.
NICK: It wasn't because I didn't enjoy the first one! It was a legitimately fun watch -- I mostly just got derailed on the rest of them, and by the time I got back around to it JK was starting to give me the ick. That's pretty much exactly what I heard about Cursed Child as well, so it's good to know I wasn't misinformed and I'm NOT, in fact, missing anything.
NICK: I'm gonna have to go back and refresh on what we know about Haymitch's games, it's been a while since I brushed up. And then maybe I'll be ready to catch up with the other prequel before the new one comes out. Oh shoot, I'd forgotten that Outlander was based on a book series too -- that's one that I haven't seen the show OR read the books, I just know it's... Scottish.
NICK: 😂🤣😂
NICK: Intention to revolt noted. I feel like if I knew more about Broadway I would make a reference here -- Les Mis, or something? Let's pretend I'm not disappointing you horribly by dropping the ball, 'kay? Vive la révolution!
NICK: Listen, if you NEED a shoulder to hide in, I've got two of 'em. Just sayin'. I don't think it'll be necessary for just that one ep though -- there's a very good reason Nick Offerman won an Emmy for it, you won't be disappointed.
NICK: I've consulted legal precedent, and yes, yes you can. I'll even back you up. "Why no, officer, he just decided to go for an impromptu swim all on his own, I can't imagine WHY, 🤷🏽‍♂️"
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kurtxhummels · 15 days
Kurt: Now I'm even more excited to try it! I've had a few different variations of cheesecake, but something tells me I'm really going to like it. Kurt: Is there a coffee flavored one? That one will instantly be my favorite by default. 👀😂
Delilah: You've never had it!? Oh it's brilliant, love. Delilah: Hmmm how does Sunday work?
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kurtxhummels · 15 days
KURT: I am trying HEAVILY not to judge you right now. At least on the Fantastic Beasts aspect. Those films are amazing, and that needs to change ASAP. I've read and own the screenplay for Cursed Child, and honestly it appalled me so much that I won't see the show. The way JK changed Harry's personality and everything towards Albus just...nope I'm pretty sure it offended me to my core. KURT: That being said, I trust Suzanne Collins 100% more than I trust JK. I'm still a little nervous about it, but I have more faith in her lol. KURT: In this particular situation, I think the book coming first makes the most sense, but I do think if the movie came first it wouldn't be horrible either.  Especially since even though it's in the same world, it's technically a singular story. I would prefer a book first, though. They have to be a little more careful with this book than S&S because they didn't really give us anything about Snow's childhood or how he got to his position, but they DID give us background on Haymitch and his games. Outlander is probably going to have the same problem that Game of Thrones had - their authors take forever to actually write their novels so by the time the tv series comes to an end, all of the books haven't even come out yet. KURT: At least when the books come out we can know how the authors actually wanted the story to end. And I stg if GRRM ends his series the way the show did, I will REVOLT. KURT: FULL. ON. REVOLUTION. NICOLÁS. KURT: See, I am nooooooot going to dive into the show because like...I don't do violently killed and severely traumatized lmao. At least not without someone's shoulder to burrow into because NO. THANK YOU. 😂 But that one singular episode sounds manageable, especially if it only has a brief zombie thing at the beginning. I can deal with that. KURT: I'm sure you will do amazing. Per usual. 😉 Can I shove him in the Hudson "for funsies"? 👀
NICK: See, I saw the first Fantastic Beasts, but not the others — and I read a synopsis of Cursed Child and sort of… backed away slowly? I feel like, knowing what we know now in 2024, I trust Suzanne Collins just a LITTLE bit more than JKR though. Just a LITTLE, 🤐
NICK: I don't remember seeing anything about the timing of book vs movie, now that you mention it, so that’s an interesting point. Surely the book would come first, after the whole Game of Thrones fiasco?
NICK: Well, if you keep in mind that it’s a post-apocalyptic story where nearly every character is either violently killed or severely traumatized… then it’s a good gutted, relatively speaking, 😂 Which I know doesn’t help much, but that one episode I highly recommend, and if I remember correctly it only has brief zombie stuff at the beginning.
NICK: Excellent, I will do my best to live up to the honor, 😉 And he doesn’t DESERVE to know… but he CAN know. Y’know, for funsies, 😇
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kurtxhummels · 15 days
Kurt: I mean...are you sure? I have a VERY active imagination? What if your show and tell doesn't live up to it? 😉 Kurt: Oh I'm sure you could have some bad thoughts about me if you tried. You haven't seen all signs of the dumpster fire that is Kurt Elizabeth Hummel. Kurt: I mean that *did* give me a hint, yes. But up until you asked, I wasn't fully convinced that confession wasn't something I dreamt up. But...I'm happy to accept. Kurt: I can definitely cook, but something about Italian food is just...incredibly appealing. And it's always so much better when someone else is cooking for me. Especially when the chef is JUST as appealing as the food. If not moreso. 😉
Dom: hmmmm, i mean, i *could* but i think i'd rather leave you wondering and wait until i can make it happen in real life and show you. 😏 Dom: always positive, babe. i don't think i could have a single bad thought about you if i tried. Dom: and yes, if me being mushy and gushing about how into you i am didn't make it clear enough, i *am* asking you out on an official date. Dom: then you're in luck. i may not know how to make anything else confidently, BUT i definitely got the italian food down. 😎
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kurtxhummels · 21 days
KURT: Ooh, I hadn't actually heard that so that would be amazing. Now I have something literary to look forward to lol. I don't know why they couldn't have given us that story first since most of us have been screaming for his story. But this is just like Cursed Child & Fantastic Beasts. We scream for a Marauder's Era story showing us the boys growing up for YEARS and everything, and they give us everything BUT that. I'm torn on whether or not I want them to do the movie or the book first. KURT: If they do the movie first, they can add extra details and stuff. Go into more details. They don't disappoint book fans or anything like that by poorly adapting it into a film. But if the do the book first, then I can create everything in my mind before seeing someone else's adaption of it. But that is certainly going to disappoint book readers because it almost always does. KURT: That...that sounds amazing. Zombies and I don't really mix, but that honestly sounds like something I would sit down and watch. Now that I know what the episode is about, I may sit down and watch at least that episode lol. Though...I'm hesitant knowing that it gutted you. Like...is that a good gutted or a bad gutted because like...I don't want to fall in love with someone then have my heart ripped out when they get ripped apart or something like that. KURT: You can always be considered part of that support system. For sure. 😊 See logically I know he doesn't deserve to know, but a part of me still wants to rub it in his face lol.
NICK: There’s going to be another prequel book though, I heard? And that one seems like it really WILL be Haymitch’s story, so really you just have to wait a couple more years. And the book’s not even published yet but they’ve announced a movie, so I guess we’ll see how THAT version of the book-to-movie pipeline plays out, 😂
NICK: Oh man — they apparently took two secondary characters from the video game and expanded their backstory, and it ended up being a surprise queer love story spanning 20 years that just GUTTED me. I’m not much of a zombie fan myself, but the whole zombie thing is almost set dressing in that show — there’s one episode where it’s really front and center, but the rest it’s mostly world-building for these really intense character stories.
NICK: As long as I can count myself as part of that support system, the text message encouragement will continue, 😉 He doesn’t know what he’s missing, and quite frankly he doesn’t deserve to know.
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kurtxhummels · 25 days
Kurt: Ooh, I'm always here for the juicy details when it comes to *memorable* dreams...do share 😏 Kurt: Well I'm glad to always be on someone's mind. As long as it's in a positive way at least, ha. Kurt: Dominic Berry, are you asking me out on an official date? Kurt:
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Kurt: If you are, then...yes. I'd love to. And I am *dying* to see you cook and taste your cooking. I'm a sucker for good Italian food lol.
Dom: i meannnn, it WAS a pretty sweet dream, that's all i'm gonna say. 😏 Dom: well, you don't have to worry about that. you're almost always on my mind, pretty safe to say. Dom: speaking of you being on my mind, i was wondering... would you maybe wanna have dinner at my place this coming saturday? Dom: even better, i'll give you two options. your choice of whatever you want for us to order in orrrrrr i can make you some spaghetti, one of the few things i feel i can confidently cook. lol
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kurtxhummels · 25 days
KURT: I haven't read the prequel book yet either, ironically. It's on my ever-growing "to read" list, though, so I'll get to it eventually ha. I saw the prequel film, though, and I'm definitely interested in the book. I would have much rather seen Haymitch's story - I really want to see everything he went through - but seeing into Snow's story was interesting at least. But I've heard nothing but bad things about the Percy Jackson films, so I will believe you on that, lmao.  KURT: What happened in episode 3 to make you bawl? I still don't know if I'm ready to jump into a zombie show. Honestly, I'm not a huge horror fan so I haven't watched The Last of Us or even The Walking Dead. But I've heard SUCH great things about both that I know eventually I'll have to watch them lol. That's my thought, too! Why condense everything down into a 2 hour movie when you can have 6-10 episodes to work with so that the meaning/message of the book really comes across. KURT: You are entirely right, there. I know he fucked me up psychologically, but I'm working to fix all the issues created. And it helps knowing that I have a great support system here to help whenever I stumble. KURT: Much appreciated 😂 I'll look forward to your text every week.
NICK: I'm getting shades of the Hunger Games adaptations here, ha. (Although I still haven't read the prequel book in that series, I should probably do that at some point). Either way, that sounds like it's still WAY better than the Percy Jackson movies, so it's something, at least.
NICK: Oh god, episode 3 made me BAWL, I'm not even kidding -- I'm not sure I'll manage to get through season 2 when it finally drops, though. See, that just seems like it makes sense -- condensing hundreds of pages into a two-hour movie is already a massive undertaking, and streaming makes 6-10 episode seasons much more viable as an option for adaptations.
NICK: I'm no psychologist, but I get the feeling that's perfectly normal, honestly. You're doing the work to reclaim your fully confident, badass self though, and that's what counts.
NICK: You got it, babe, 😉 I'll set a reminder on my phone if I have to -- every Monday morning, remind Kurt he's awesome.
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kurtxhummels · 26 days
Kurt laughed at the idea of Matt wandering onto the rollercoaster tracks if he didn't pay attention; oddly enough, he could see that happening. "That is why you should definitely pay attention," he grinned with a small shake of his head. "This town cannot afford to lose one of its best fire fighters, let alone the fire captain," he teased with a quick wink before shifting his weight from one foot to the other. He hadn't really flirted seriously with anyone since things had started to become more singular with Dom (which he was not going to think about), but he was naturally flirty; even so, if he thought for a millisecond that Matt would actually take his flirting seriously he probably would not have done it. There was safety in the fact that it was harmless - to Kurt at least.
The idea of getting another piece of pizza was definitely appealing, but what he wanted the most right now was something to drink. "I will definitely keep that in mind, but do you have a secret guy that knows where a guy can get a drink?" he asked with a chuckle before taking another bite of his slice. Thinking about what Matt had said, he tilted his head to the side a bit before humming briefly. "You know...there may be some merit to that idea," he remarked with a chuckle. "New York is pretty much nothing but hustle and bustle 24/7. So when you migrate from an environment like that to a slower environment like this, it's almost a culture shock. The more I think about it," he paused for a moment before shrugging. "I was really in shock when I first moved to New York from Bearcreek. Everything was so fast that I felt like I was crawling. It was an adjustment, so I guess I just have to get used to that slower pace again," he remarked with a slight shrug and a smile on his lips.
Kurt's smile grew as Matt asked him how his life had been since the show ended. "Honestly...as much as I miss it, I'm kind of relieved the show is over," he admitted with a laugh. "Don't get me wrong, I love performing. It's pretty much my life. And Anastasia is one of my favorite shows. If all the shit that went down in New York hadn't happened, I'd probably still be there. But...I have to say that it's kind of nice to have the opportunity to slow down and actually enjoy life. I was always moving in New York, and I was pretty isolated in my relationship with Trent so..." he shrugged a bit. "It's nice to be able to take a break between shows and not have to worry about being bankrupted," he laughed. Compared to New York, his rent back home was less than half of what he'd paid in New York so it was nice to know he could afford to take a break, especially with his savings. "How about you? How has life been?"
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"Hey, a lot is going on here. So I get it. If I don't watch where I'm going, I'll probably wind up on the rollercoaster tracks." Matt joked, taking a small step back to give Kurt enough breathing room to assess the damage. Not that Matt could see any. "You can blame the pizza. Gotta admit we've outdone ourselves with this booth. And if you need a 2nd slice, I know a guy that can make it happen." He grinned with pride. "Okay, so that comment got me thinking. New York people zip everywhere. I mean, they're fast. People here go snail speed. That's why I think getting into collisions here is easier than there. At least that's what I think." Matt ran a hand through his hair and sighed, feeling content with this. "How's life treating you, bud? Haven't been able to chat since the show ended."
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kurtxhummels · 28 days
Kurt scoffed a laugh as Dom commented that the other man knew him well enough to know that they'd need a blanket; he was absolutely going to ignore the feeling that spread through his chest when Dom called him 'babe'. The man had flirtingly called him that many times before, but now it felt different. Now he was realizing that feelings were developing, and it just felt different. Thankfully, though, he was sure the darkness that had fallen after the sun set hid the slight blush on his face well; at least, he hoped it did. "As tempting as it is right now to give everyone a show they'd never forget, and believe me I'd be more than happy to blow your mind in front of a crowd," he teased, throwing a wink in the taller man's direction, "It's 100% not happening." As worried as he was about being entirely obvious, it was easy to fall back into the same banter they normally had. Something about Dom's presence both made him anxious and relaxed at the same time. He couldn't understand it.
When Dom jogged back over with the blanket for them as well as a bottle of water, he grinned and accepted both bottles so that Dom could spread the blanket out on the ground for the two of them to watch the fireworks. Water definitely would help him sober out a little; he wasn't as buzzed as he had been when he was talking to Mercedes, but he was still grateful for the water. Offering Dom one of the bottles back once the blanket was spread out, he smiled up at the other man as he gestured for him to sit down. Handing Dom the stuffed animal he'd won himself earlier in the night, he lowered himself down onto the blanket and made himself comfortable. Stretching out, he turned his attention back up towards the man standing above him. "You coming down, Casanova?" he smirked, biting his lower lip as he raised a brow.
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As Dom tugged him along, he had already started glancing around, seeing if there was anybody around that could offer a blanket for the two to sit down on. Admittedly, he hadn't known he'd be meeting Kurt at the carnival today or else he would have brought a blanket along with him since he knew the other man well enough to know he wouldn't want to just sit on the grass. It was only when he'd found one of the firefighters passing out blankets that he turned and caught what Kurt was saying to him, his words echoing Dom's own thoughts. "Come on, babe, give me some credit," he couldn't help letting out a laugh. "Yes, I do know you well enough to know you wouldn't allow grass stains on your fit even if we were getting down right here," he teased, lifting a playful eyebrow at him. As nervous as Dom had been to see him so soon after having his own personal realization of his feelings, he was finding it just as easy to slip back into how comfortable he usually felt with him.
He jogged away only to come back a second later with not only a blanket, but two bottles of water in his arms. "For you, sir," he grinned, offering Kurt the bottles so he could take the blanket and properly spread it out on the grass for them. Accepting one of the bottles back, he bowed a bit and gestured for Kurt to sit down first. "After you, beautiful."
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kurtxhummels · 28 days
Kurt offered a genuine smile at Mercedes words before shrugging a little. "Only for the important people in my life," he remarked with a light squeeze of her hand before pulling it back and relaxing against the chair. "And thank you," he said with a small nod as she complimented him in return. "All ego aside, it is nice to know that I have people I can lean on when things get rough like they did in New York," he said with a slight nod. "Come to think of it…I've never said thank you for how amazing you were through everything. Especially when I came back home." She'd been one of the few people from Bearcreek actually invited to his wedding, and she'd been privy to everything that happened.
Mercedes had been the first person that Kurt reached out to the night he walked in on his fiancé fucking his best friend. His entire world had come crashing down around him, and she had been the one to help keep him together. She's the one who helped him pull himself together, and when he made the decision to move back to Bearcreek six or seven months later amid numerous rumors - all started by his ex-fiancé - it had been her who helped him get settled back in the city again. She'd really been his rock, and he had never thanked her for it until now; he knew the gratitude was there, but it was different when you actually said it.
"I do love a good challenge, but a break would be nice every now and then," he said with a chuckle before taking a small sip from his drink. As the conversation shifted towards how she'd been in the last few months, he nodded as she talked about how busy her club had been keeping her. He grinned when she talked about themed nights at the bar; he'd always planned on going to one of her themed nights, but work at the theatre or his father's garage always seemed to get in the way. That was going to change, though; he needed to start being more present for his friends and family instead of being so centralized on distracting himself with work from the fact that Trent was still spreading rumors about him.
In truth, that wasn't really what was distracting him. He didn't give a shit what rumors Trent was trying to spread; no one believed him anyway. No, the truth was he was distracted by how much space Dom took in his mind. There were other minor worries that were on his mind, but it seemed like all he could think about lately was that gorgeous DJ. Even now, he couldn't help but wondering what the other man was doing tonight. If he was already there. Was Dom thinking of him as much as Kurt found himself thinking about him? Things were shifting in their dynamic, and Kurt didn't know what to think. Or do. He'd never actually felt this way; even with Trent he'd never felt the gravitational pull he felt towards Dom. And that absolutely terrified him. This had to stop...
Admittedly, he had zoned out for a moment as Mercedes talked, but he tuned back in as soon as she mentioned not letting him off the hook. He chewed his lower lip before letting out a sigh and taking another sip from his drink. "You know that guy I hooked up with on Valentine's Day?" he asked, looking at her over the brim of his glass before taking another, longer drink. He'd told her about the gorgeous guy he'd hooked up with, but he'd never actually told her who it was. "Well...the hooking up didn't exactly end there," he started with a small shake of his head. "It was supposed to be something casual and nothing more. But things have gotten...I don't know," he sighed again before finishing his drink in a large gulp and setting the glass down. He could already feel the alcohol warming his body a little and helping him relax. The best he could at least. If anyone could understand his panic and absolute refusal to date, it would be Mercedes. "Complicated is the best word for it, I guess. Either way...it's gotta stop," he said, shaking his head again.
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Mercedes felt a warm glow at Kurt’s heartfelt words and the tender gesture of him kissing the back of her hand. "You know, you’ve got a knack for making someone feel special," she said with a genuine smile. "And don’t worry, I always know where to find you when I need a reminder of just how great I am. The same goes for you, Kurt. You’re pretty incredible yourself."
She listened intently as Kurt described his situation, her brow furrowing slightly. "Complicated is definitely a word that fits a lot of things," she agreed, her voice softening with understanding. "And I know you love a good challenge, even if it can be a bit much sometimes."
At his question about the bar, she leaned back with a thoughtful expression. "Oh, the bar has been keeping me busy, but in a good way. It’s been a lot of fun, and I’ve had some great nights, a few themed events that were a blast. The private rooms were absolutely a good addition though, those have been booked pretty solidly since the remodel." Mercedes leaned forward, her expression animated. "We definitely need to catch up though, you're right. Anastasia took up all our bestie time, I'm going through withdrawals over here."
Pausing to take another sip of her drink, she gave him a teasing grin. "But don’t think I’m letting you off the hook just yet. I want to hear all about whatever's going on in that pretty little head of yours. I'm just also more than happy to take your mind off it for a while."
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